The Need to Dismantle the Machine
Isabel Patterson in her book, The God of
the Machine:
"…What good does it do to have a saint of every
conceivable virtue
operating a guillotine?
Personally, the man may be above
He may have the highest of morals and ethics. He may be imbued with a
passion for doing good. But the mechanism he is hired to operate
cuts off
He may dislike to cut off heads. He may weep with true sorrow whenever a
head falls into the basket.
But he was hired to pull the rope that lets the
knife drop. And when it comes down, off comes the head.
That is the way the
tool works."
If we allow criminals--- acting as bankers and lawyers----to
undermine a people's lawful government and thereby convert its purpose to evil
ends, it doesn't matter how the people vote or who
occupies a political office.
The result of running a guillotine is always the same.
The result of worshiping graven images and idols of gold
is always the same, too.
When the same criminally commandeered Machine
forces us to value pieces of paper and metal above love, health, or justice---
then insanity and death are the only outcomes, both for governments and
The theft of labor from people without their consent via the
sale of CUSIP Bonds is enslavement and peonage, both of which were outlawed
in 1926. So, why are we still mired down struggling over this?
The creation of incorporated "personas" to entrap
and enslave living people together with the practice of personage and barratry
that goes with it is the rankest kind of substitution fraud known to
Again, why are we mired down in this, when it has been
outlawed for two hundred years?
Press-ganging has also been outlawed since the Napoleonic
Era, so how is it that Americans and Canadians and so many others have been
kidnapped off the jurisdiction of the land and plundered by members of the Bar
Associations acting in gross criminality?
Again, Francis, why are we mired down in this, and inland
piracy, too, when all of this has been outlawed worldwide for hundreds
of years?
War was outlawed in 1928 by the Kellogg-Briand Pact, but we
are still fighting wars all over the world as "police actions"--which
is just another euphemism for the same old crime.
Innocent people are being killed in Oregon by commercial
mercenaries acting under color of law on our soil, impersonating employees of
our lawful government operating under an an old familiar brand name --
"FBI"-- so as to make people think that they have authority they
don't have and motives they don't have, either.
There is nothing so difficult to understand about any of
It is all crime, top to bottom, front to back, obvious,
observable, undeniable CRIME and it has been properly reported to the
authorities without appropriate resulting prosecution of the criminals, because
the criminals have been allowed to run the Justice system.
There is nothing so difficult about the solution, either.
Hear us when we say that we repudiate the odious debt that
the IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES piled up "in our names".
Hear us when we say that the FEDERAL RESERVE is nothing but
a glorified crime syndicate that worked gross fraud against the American people
in 1933 and is trying to work the same basic fraud again.
Hear us when we say that we do NOT accept the offer of the
Successor to Contract to The Constitution for the united States of America or
any pretended successor "constitution".
Hear us when we say that we are not obligated to pay for any
services received under conditions of monopoly inducement, and that we don't
recognize any contract with THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Hear us when we say that the "Global Debt
Facility" is just a Drop Box for guilty banks to try to off-load purloined
assets that belong to the Priority Creditors of governmental services
corporations these same banks bankrupted back in the 30's.
These banks--- the
World Bank and IBRD and Federal Reserve-- came in as Secondary Creditors and
bare-faced claimed that the Priority Creditors had "abandoned" their
property and were "unknown".
We know who the Priority Creditors are and so do you.
We are right here where we always were, and always easy
enough to find when the perpetrators of all these crimes wanted to send us a
misrepresented bill for their services or send their private debt collectors---
also operating under color of law---to harass us and bring false claims against
our private and public property assets.
Hear us when we tell you that the free sovereign and
independent people of the United States are presenting ourselves in this
matter, not working through any "representative" government, not
allowing for any legal presumptions whatsoever.
We have arranged for the Native American Nations to pick up
the federal side of the Original Equity Contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America. You
have received our Sovereign Letters Patent and our Joint Declaration of
There is only one way to end the evil of the machine that
150 years of criminal misadministration has built and fostered---
and that is
to convert it back to its original function---
the protection of the people and
of their organic states and of their
unincorporated States of America.
The Secret Constitution, or 14th Amendment US CITIZENSHIP that over rides Constitutional State Citizenship, altered our being government ourselves to being SUBJECT to the Jurisdiction thereof.
We went along with You,
if you understand the nature of what has happened should understand that there has been massive fraud committed.
As this video shows, the fraud runs deep and we have been PROPAGANDIZED by factions that had deep pockets and age old control.
Most people beLIEve that the united States is a country. Why? Because of lies and propaganda.
Now those telling the truth are often considered crazy.
Do not judge so harshly a people who have been converted to indoctrinated CommuFascism......a hybrid and effect of occult mind control strategies.
please don't forget what LaVoy stood for "peaceful" revolution. follow his example teach your fellow man how he has been tread on!!
we need the numbers to make themselves known throughout the country act locally go to your neighbors, friends, Church, family and strangers at the convenience store when you're getting gas!!!
organize and speak out about this and the many other injustices that have been perpetrated on the American people!!!
the greatest thing you could do for LaVoy is to speak out as he did. it's time to get up and do something about our country stop leaving it to others, politicians government or even militias!!
this is ALL of our countries we need to stand up and speak as one!!! draw a line in the sand and then defend it....
stand up for freedom bring your gun or not don't doesn't really matter the main thing is STAND UP!!!
MILITIAS, please help protect the American people as they stand up. a lot of people are tired of this government some of them don't even own a gun it is your duty to protect them.
I'd ask you guys too stand by and protect the American people's voice!!! understand it is your duty to stand by the American people that means they don't have to ask; you are COMPELLED to do it.
AMERICAN PEOPLE, wake up to the injustice is all around you!!.... sometimes is the cops harassing someone you don't know to the cold blooded murder of LaVoy.... next it will be you!! who will stand for you? please read the Constitution so you can more understand America.
if you read in there you may find out things you didn't know like maybe you are lawfully "militia".... the government has deemed militias as terrorist.... so if you are lawfully militia then the government has already deemed you a terrorist!!!
painters, framers, bookkeepers, secretaries, doctors, lawyers, law enforcement and everyone that calls America home.... YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU!!!
well we'll all just be labeled American on our reservations because of spineless twits like you. thanks
Andrew Hofer Wrong we are all slaves to the international JEWISH bankers. They are behind this all.
The secretive Verona Treaty of year 1213, make pope and crown, an immortal, criminal, genocidal agency at large, until there is no more pope or crown, no leaders, no followers.
The 'evil slime who did this to us', would be the jews back in 1913 when they got our gold. It has been all downhill since. Now we have the head of the kosher nostra strutting before our traitorous congress getting standing ovation after standing ovation!
Like the sun, sometimes the Truth is hard to look at. We need more people to look at the Truth in order to end crimes against humanity and Earth. This woman gets it. Please share the video.
Francis supports carbon taxes and the global governance needed for enforcement destroying national sovereignty.
I don't think we can count on him!
Everyone who watched and cheered the attack on Iraq, in the 90s and 2003 is having chickens come home to roost. We aren't victims here; we went along with imperialism.
Try these keywords in the search box above
to find the major topics of this blog:
United States Corporation, Jury, Grand Jury, Income tax, debt, Climategate, Ebola, Silver, wealth Sovereign, Obama, Sheriff, Health, Ron Paul, Tea Party, Guns, Courts, Oath Keepers, Lincoln County, Federal Reserve, Eligibility, Treason, Constitution, Liberty, Prayer, Paul Stramer, Sovereignty, Catholic, Anna von Reitz, Cliven Bundy, Oathkeepers, Sandy Hook, Gun Control, martial law, jurisdiction, Alex jones, obama, obongo,
Comment on and spread these
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What a REAL SHERIFF does under pressure!
It is very comforting to know that not every sheriff has lost his way!!
May there be more to come!
An essential element of the Crime of Embezzlement, which may consist either of an appropriation of the money or other personal property to the personal use of the accused, that is, of his disposition of it for his own personal benefit and his own private business, or in putting it to some other use than a proper discharge of the trust imposed, or after obtaining lawful possession, in failing to account for or pay over on proper or lawful demand. [Blake v State, 12 Okla Crim 549, 160 P 30.]
A conversion by a Fiduciary made with intent to deprive the Beneficiary of the money permanently, or at least until restoration should be compelled. [United States v Summers (DC Va) 19 F2d 627.]
Am I the only one seeing this? Correct me if I am wrong here but it seems to me, as semantics do matter, and as the letter states he has taken his Oath to the Corporation not the de jure...anything with "of" is the Corporation side. State of Oregon equals de facto, it should say Oregon State.
"Constitution of the United States" is de facto the de jure is and always will be Constitution for the united States of America. Remember there are over 350 definitions of United States so in my opinion this Sherriff is either ignorant, or this is a TROLL trying to confuse people.
According to Judge Anna Von Reitz There are four very commonly encountered entities that routinely call themselves either “the United States” or the “United States of America” in some guise, three “Constitutions” of these entities that are commonly referred to, and three versions of “United States Congress” in play.
In all, there are over 350 different legally recognized meanings of the four words “united states of America”. So tell us again Sherriff what Oath did you really take?????
I believe this well intended sheriff is just ignorant of the facts concerning status. all of the oaths for public officers that I have seen claim allegiance to United States. this man states what his intentions are, which is what really counts. We need to cut him a break and notify him of his error.
Awesome, it is gratifying to see a true patriot taking a stand against Tyranny. We need more like Anna Von Reitz and Glen Palmer . It is these people that will make the change for all mankind.
God Bless them & keep them from harm.
I hope Sheriff Palmer cc that letter to every other Sheriff in America as an example of what it looks like to be an Oath Keeper and a real man. BLESS BE THE TRUTH TELLS & OATH KEEPERS. Is the Sheriff aware of Judge Anna Von Reitz? Maybe oath keeping Sheriff's and the Judge could work together on the bigger picture.
This is incredible! It's so refreshing to see a Sheriff actually standing up for the constitution, and not following the well trodden path of power hungry elites bent on taking control over everyone's lives illegally. Thank you Sheriff Palmer, there is hope!
Am I the only one seeing this?
Correct me if I am wrong here but it seems to me, as semantics do matter, and as the letter states he has taken his Oath to the Corporation not the de jure...
anything with "of" is the Corporation side. State of Oregon equals de facto, it should say Oregon State.
"Constitution of the United States" is de facto the de jure is and always will be Constitution for the united States of America.
Remember there are over 350 definitions of United States so in my opinion this Sherriff is either ignorant, or this is a TROLL trying to confuse people.
According to Judge Anna Von Reitz
There are four very commonly encountered entities that routinely call themselves either “the United States” or the “United States of America” in some guise, three “Constitutions” of these entities that are commonly referred to, and three versions of
“United States Congress” in play.
In all, there are over 350 different legally recognized meanings of the four words “united states of America”. So tell us again Sherriff what Oath did you really take?????
DOING NOTHING, in the case of, "In order for evil to prevail,
Good men need only do NOTHING".
The people of Grant county would be the perfect people
to establish the court system that is the jurisdiction of the law of the land, which would automatically boot out the present court system which is the law of the sea.
Read Milligan exparte
and understand that if a common law court is operating there is no necessity for a military commission law of the sea to try cases.
Also read: How to Restore the Land Jurisdiction Government
Owed to Your County.
From the letter in 2013 to Vice President Joe Biden, Sheriff Palmer of Grant county, it seems, would welcome that.
Sheriff Glen Palmer we are proud of your dedication. May the rest follow in your footsteps. This will again be a great country because of men like yourself. Thank you for your service.
Oh....yeah! Sheriff Palmer, I stand by you!
Correct me if I am wrong here but it seems to me, as semantics do matter, and as the letter states he has taken his Oath to the Corporation not the de jure...
anything with "of" is the Corporation side. State of Oregon equals
de facto, it should say Oregon State.
"Constitution of the United States"
is de facto
the de jure is and always will be Constitution for
the united States of America.
Remember there are over 350 definitions of United States so in my opinion this Sheriff is either ignorant, or this is a TROLL trying to confuse people.
According to Judge Anna Von Reitz There are four very commonly encountered entities that routinely call themselves either “the United States” or the “United States of America” in some guise, three “Constitutions” of these entities that are commonly referred to, and three versions of “United States Congress” in play.
In all, there are over 350 different legally recognized meanings of the four words “united states of America”.
So tell us again Sherriff what Oath did you really take?????
We would retrain EVERY single Sheriff in our land back to
the law of the land (Common Law) and
they would train their deputies.
Who understand county by county...
We, the People could affect the change that
The United States so desperately NEEDS!
United Nations Thugs on Mind Control Drugs that are hired for their border line mental disorder IQ so they can follow simple orders
without question and without conscience.
This is the 'criteria' for being hired as a law enforcement officer.
The law enforcement officers that are 'not' like the above majority are pushed out and given a difficult time to resign early or quit.
They make a criminal out of everyone that does the right thing just like you did. This same script is everywhere, not just in your county.
We live in a sorry state of affairs in North America before The Interlopers Removed US While Sleeping.
Revelation in the KJV Bible tells us it can only get worse before the real King of Kings comes down here and puts everything right.
Get good with God through Lord Jesus the Christ and be protected
from the Evil Sickness.
You have the power to tread on serpents and scorpions.
You also have the power over 'all' the power of the enemy.
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
... insert the 2nd amendment here.
All the sudden, things are starting to look real good in your favor
are they not, Mr. Brown - yes they most certainly are, Mr. Brown.
Walk with God and let God lead the way.
... nothing to worry about whatsoever.
... Gods 'angels' will protected 24/7 365
a member of the Pleiadians
arrested a grandfather for protecting his granddaughter?
How can they do this when they are bankrupt?
Thank you, Sheriff! God Bless!
God stands with you
I wanted everyone who reads this blog to get this tidbit of info and
pass it along to everyone they know.
And yes, we have a tremendous amount of respect for Sheriff Palmer.
Abolish The Jesuit Priesthood from the United States
Abolish the pope from the United States.
Deport 'all' Catholics to South America.
Abolish The Federal Reserve Bank from the United States,
print your 'own' nations money without interest = saves the nation
$500 Billion Per Year.
Have Home Schools = A Savings of $300 Billion Per Year!
Spend it into circulation at the same pace of annual GDP thru Government Payrolls.
If we would like to see our race prosper once again?
Our People Must Decide To Finally Man-Up and remove all other races, sub races and peoples not white from our land away from us. Period!
They wish to kill us.
We were Commanded By Father To Remain Separate!
Be a Separate People as our Heavenly Father Commanded us to be.
Rev 18:4 I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, that you have no participation in her sins, and that you don’t receive of her plagues,
Rev 18:5 for her sins have reached to the sky, and God has
remembered her iniquities.
So, We Deport Anyone here Who Isn't a White Christian!
To their People/ Nation is from the root words Natal, Nativity meaning A Nation is a Common Kindred People being of the same race, heritage,
language and religion. All Race Problems End Over Night.
That Means 36,000 White Women Per Year are Reported as Being Raped by Black Beasts Who Complain, Cry & Bitch Constantly. Blacks Contribute Nothing Positive to Our Society. They are a drain to the quality of life for them and us by forced assimilation.
Time to Man - Up Whitey and Remove All Minorities From This Land or in a few years it may be you being removed!
Different Races Are Not Meant To Live In The Same Land.
Black Gets Africa, Yellow = Asia & Whitey =North America, Australia, NZ, South Africa, Scandinavia, Iceland & Europe.
The mamzers = everywhere else.
Black Slaves were probably more trouble than they were worth.
The Plantation Owners Should Have Recruited Some Mexicans in to work 3 months in the spring planting season & then have them return for 3 months
for the fall harvest.
But blacks were part of a bigger plan as we know anti-christ jews from below (see JN. 8.48) brought them TO our SHORES to Destroy Our Race Here as they have accomplished in many lands over the last 4,500 years.
The devil believes if he can eliminate whitey YAHWEH will not return and destroy satan and his jew family from this ersatz by bundling and burning them all as Obadiah 18 tells us and they know it.
So they are in a panic to remove our fire arms so we are
easier eliminated as They Destroyed White Christian Russia in 1917 and made it into the anti-christ jews paradise once all the Christians killed, Churches burned down and preachers crucified it was a devils paradise but Hell on Earth for Anyone or Anything Else left with these diabolical creatures.
Simply UnBelievable!
Watch Hell-Storm Now
You Will Be Shocked...
Replaced with talmudic jew synagogues, pedophilia, slavery and
a diabolical, perverse. demonic, anti-christ,
murdering, Bolshevik, 1st Jew Communist Nation on Earth. The USSR.
They have eliminated 2/3rd s of our race in just the last 150 years.
Crime, miscegenation, toxins (RX, air, land, sea, food and water)
Plus Perpetual Warfare.
Earth was about 35% White in 1865.
Earth is now less than 8% of un-Adulterated White Adamites.
As it was done in Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Ottoman Empire, ect...
Brown is not a color of an original race.
It's is a new creation, hybrid or mamzer?
A new creation not part of the Divine Command.
Kind After Kind.
This is Why He Commanded Our Race To Remain Separate from other kinds.
They followed us interloping in every civilization our race built from China 7500 years ago to California 200 years ago.
We are at the end of the line.
Time to Stand Our ground Now!
Our Race needs to prepare for our final stand.
It is sooner than most realize.
Everyone one must choose or be counted in with the adversary's 92% mixed mogrealized lot. You are either with our 8% who will win this as prophesied or you are with the anti-christ jew devils against us trying to kill us.
The Heavenly Father Created Only 3 Separate Races for this earth age. Black, Brown & White. Jews have mixed with every race, sub-race and animal availible. The offspring of satan through Cain began as Turko-Mongolian's.
Race Mixing Destroy's Both Races very quickly. The jews know this but work to keep the rest of us ignorant of these series dangers of miscegenation. YAHWEH GOD Said Kind After Kind 35x in Genesis Alone.
Mamzers will not be able to enter into His Earthly Kingdom Gates. Once a little bit of Black Paint is Mixed into White Paint Bucket. That Bucket Can Never Return to Being It's Original Celestial White Again.
Abolish the Jew Lobbyist and Talmud reading Jews from the United States like Vice President Joe Biden, they are 'not' real Jews but Jews of the Synagogue of satan that are 'against' God as all the above.
Rev 2:9 “I know your works, oppression, and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of satan.
Abolish 'sellout' Christians being the worst of all of them.
Abolish Hollywood and close it down.
Abolish the ownership of the television.
Abolish Rock n' Roll
Abolishes Witchcraft
Abolish the 'pukes' in the pulpit - all of them
Insist that every Christian Church has a Deliverance Ministry
and teaches spiritual warfare and imprecatory prayer.
Abolish the Corporation of the United States.
and take back Washington D.C. and the the ten mile radius
Abolish Admiralty Law in the U.S. Court system
and only allow Constitutional Common Law in the court.
Abolish 'all' lawyers from being Judges and let anyone be a judge
just like it stated in the original 13th amendment.
Abolish the IRS and 'all' collection or taxes as the payment of tax
in the U.S. is voluntary and no one knows about it except for a very few.
Abolish 501 (c)3 Church or whatever that tax free number is
so the Government can no longer have control over the church by putting in
all those 'pukes' in the pulpits.
The Church has always been tax free and always will be tax fee.
Abolish 'all'' gun control legislation and charge anyone with Treason
that even mentions anything about gun control.
READ YOUR 1620 KING JAMES BIBLE - authorized version.
LISTEN TO GOD, 'not' Einstein or anyone else.
America - a nation of dumbed down, sissy boy, watered down, toy boy sellout Christians that have turned their backs on God.
... now you know the 'real' problem, isolated it and 'fix' it.
The Government elected 'by' the people, 'for' the people to govern in the best interest of the people.
I the Government does not do this and governs for their own self serving agenda, implement the 2nd amendment and shoot them.
... what do you think the 2nd amendment is there for.
... why do you think it was included in the Constitution, just for this reason.
The payment of tax is voluntary.
If you like the job the Government is doing, then you can pay tax, if you want to and if you do not like what the Government is doing then, you do 'not' pay tax and if they still don' get it, then, 'shoot' them as per the 2nd amendment.
The U.S. Constitution gives all the power to the people and not to the Government whatsoever.
The Government is a 'public servant' to the people of the people for the people.
The 'system' works for the 'people.'
The 'people' do 'not' in any way work for the system.
Lord Jesus the Christ give you the power to 'tread' on serpents and scorpions and over all the the power of the enemy and nothing shall in anyway hurt you.
The U.S. people have all the power.
What is the reason that the U.S. people are allowing themselves to be enslaved through witchcraft, bewitched beguiled and deceived by the enemy?
'my people 'perish' because of lack of knowledge'
... this is the only reason.
Why do you think 'secret' society's like the Freemason are 'secret,' because, if the people knew what they were really all about, they would 'shoot' all of them as per the 2nd amendment.
You have sold out for a case of beer, a few extra measly dollars of filthy lucre and a 60" T.V.
Bye Bye Miss America Pie
Everyone knows what to do.
They will not do it.
Am I afraid of any retribution from anyone, not at all.
As I have stated; before; the people that I expose, know full well that God has given America to the 'reprobate' mind and has turned his face from them.
No one will listen to the truth.
They have been told so many lies, the truth seems far fetched and totally out there in left field and no one will believe it.
All that I put forth is 'entertainment' for the enemy.
They won't bother me at all.
They know no one will believe me anyway.
Bye Bye Miss American Pie
Majorpain7777February 13, 2016 at 3:21 PM
here you go a music video to go with your statement
Majorpain7777February 13, 2016 at 3:19 PM
wmralFebruary 13, 2016 at 4:58 PM
The only reason evil can prevail is because good people do not do anything about it.
… Sheriff Buford Pusser
Who Is the US Killing With Drones?
As the news broke on March 7, 2016, that US drone strikes had killed 150 people in Somalia, the White House announced it will reveal, for the first time, the number of people killed by drones and manned airstrikes “outside areas of active hostilities” since 2009. The tallies will include civilian deaths. This is a critical first step toward much-needed transparency. But it will not go far enough.
The Obama administration has been lying for years about how many deaths result from its drone strikes and manned bombings. In 2011, John Brennan, the former counterterrorism adviser, now CIA director, falsely claimed that no civilians had been killed in drone strikes in nearly a year.
The real multicultural enrichment that Western countries just had to have...
Sudanese nigger gangs with members as young as 12 armed with machetes terrifying thousands of families at Moomba festival.
How much more are you going to take White man? Turning a blind eye isn't going to make it go away. It is only going to get worse, much worse...
How to Make Butter at Home, Just Like Your Great-Grandparents Did
Back in the day, your great-grandparents grew their own fruits and vegetables, raised their own livestock, and made their own foods. One of the things that most everyone made in the kitchen was butter. The reason is simple: Most people had a few cows that they were milking and so, making your own butter was just a natural byproduct of that type of farm life. So, how do you make your own butter just like your great-grandparents did?
Every Natural Medicine Chest Should Have These 3 Herbs
The information has a twofold purpose: 1) to provide information on three basic herbs that will run the gamut of what you need for first-aid measures in your bug-out bag, and 2) to list herbs that are readily obtainable. Regarding item #2, one of the problems with herb supplies is that the best/optimal herb for the job is either not readily available or it isn’t practical to use it (because it has budgetary constraints or presents with a high degree of difficulty to prepare).
Published on Jan 12, 2013
The police state isn't coming, IT'S HERE.
The year is 2010. Enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship, FEMA camps and a shredded Constitution. Witness police and military savagely attacking innocent citizens as our own government unleashes false flag operations to justify its oppression.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depths to which our Republic has fallen. The military industrial complex is transforming our once free nation into a giant prison camp. A cashless society control grid, constructed in the name of fighting terrorism, was actually built to enslave the American people. Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, staged terror and cameras on every street corner.
App, and if you prefer we also have SoundCloud.
REPUBLICCLICK HERE ~~ The Secret Constitution, or 14th
Amendment US
CITIZENSHIP that over rides Constitutional State Citizenship, altered our being government
ourselves to being SUBJECT to the Jurisdiction
thereof.twitter ~ Research ~
Thesishttp://ResurrectTheRepublic.comRepublic Broadcasting
Network (RBN)http://RepublicBroadcasting.orgFacebook (Main) (Main)
Journalist Page) ~
ResurrectTheRepublic | Dirty Uncle Sam ~
ResurrectTheRepublic | Dirty Uncle Sam US IS A CORPORATION ~ SHIPWRECK ON THE SEA OF SOULS! States Corporation, Jury, Grand Jury, Income tax, debt, Climategate,
Ebola, Silver, wealth Sovereign, Obama, Sheriff, Health, Ron Paul, Tea
Party, Guns, Courts, Oath Keepers, Lincoln County, Federal Reserve, Eligibility,
Treason, Constitution, Liberty, Prayer, Paul Stramer, Sovereignty,
Catholic, Anna von Reitz, Cliven Bundy, Oathkeepers, Sandy Hook, Gun Control,
martial law, jurisdiction, Alex
jones, obama, obongo, Place your comment. The moderator will review it after it is published. We reserve
the right to delete any comment for any reason.Posted by Paul Stramer at 6:27 PM
Am I the only one seeing this? Correct me if I am wrong here but it seems to
me, as semantics do matter, and as the letter states he has taken his Oath to
the Corporation not the dejure...anything with "of" is the
Corporation side. State of Oregon equals de facto, it should say Oregon State.

"Constitution of the United States" is de facto the de jure is and always will be Constitution for the united States of America. Remember there are over 350 definitions of United States so in my opinion this Sherriff is either ignorant, or this is a TROLL trying to confuse people.According to Judge Anna Von Reitz There are four very commonly encountered entities that routinely call themselves either “the United States” or the “United States of America” in some guise, three “Constitutions” of these entities that are commonly referred to, and three versions of “United States Congress” in play. In all, there are over 350 different legally recognized meanings of the four words “united states of America”. So tell us again Sherriff what Oath did you really take?????WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!God Bless them & keep them from harm.Am I the only one seeing this? Correct me if I am wrong here but it seems to me, as semantics do matter, and as the letter states he has taken his Oath to the Corporation not the de jure...anything with "of" is the Corporation side. State of Oregon equals de facto, it should say Oregon State."Constitution of the United States" is de facto the de jure is and always will be Constitution for the united States of America. Remember there are over 350 definitions of United States so in my opinion this Sherriff is either ignorant, or this is a TROLL trying to confuse people.According to Judge Anna Von Reitz There are four very commonly encountered entities that routinely call themselves either “the United States” or the “United States of America” in some guise, three “Constitutions” of these entities that are commonly referred to, and three versions of “United States Congress” in play. In all, there are over 350 different legally recognized meanings of the four words “united states of America”. So tell us again Sherriff what Oath did you really take?????
From the letter in 2013 to Vice President Joe Biden, Sheriff Palmer of Grant county, it seems, would welcome that.
"Constitution of the United States" is de facto the de jure is and always will be Constitution for the united States of America. Remember there are over 350 definitions of United States so in my opinion this Sherriff is either ignorant, or this is a TROLL trying to confuse people.According to Judge Anna Von Reitz There are four very commonly encountered entities that routinely call themselves either “the United States” or the “United States of America” in some guise, three “Constitutions” of these entities that are commonly referred to, and three versions of “United States Congress” in play. In all, there are over 350 different legally recognized meanings of the four words “united states of America”. So tell us again Sherriff what Oath did you really take?????
HOOYAH & God Bless Sheriff Palmer's mentality.This is the 'criteria' for being hired as a law enforcement officer.The law enforcement officers that are 'not' like the above majority are pushed out and given a difficult time to resign early or quit.They make a criminal out of everyone that does the right thing just like you did. This same script is everywhere, not just in your county.We live in a sorry state of affairs in North America.Revelation in the KJV Bible tells us it can only get worse before the real King of Kings comes down here and puts everything right.Get good with God through Lord Jesus the Christ and be protected from the Evil Sickness.You have the power to tread on serpents and scorpions.You also have the power over 'all' the power of the enemy.
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.... insert the 2nd amendment here.All the sudden, things are starting to look real good in your favorare they not, Mr. Brown - yes they most certainly are, Mr. Brown.Walk with God and let God lead the way.... nothing to worry about whatsoever. yes, we have a tremendous amount of respect for Sheriff Palmer.Abolish The Pope from the United States.Deport 'all' Catholics to South America.Abolish The Federal Reserve Bank from the United States, print your 'own' money.Abolish the Jew Lobbyist and Talmud reading Jews from the United States like Vice President Joe Biden, they are 'not' real Jews but Jews of the Synagogue of Satan that are 'against' God as all the above.Abolish 'sellout' Christians being the worst of all of them.Abolish Hollywood and close it down.Abolish the ownership of the television.Abolish Rock n' RollAbolishes WitchcraftAbolish the 'pukes' in the pulpit - all of themInsist that every Christian Church has a Deliverance Ministryand teaches spiritual warfare and imprecatory prayer.Abolish the Corporation of the United States.and take back Washington D.C. and the the ten mile radiusAbolish Admiralty Law in the U.S. Court systemand only allow Constitutional Common Law in the court.Abolish 'all' lawyers from being Judges and let anyone be a judgejust like it stated in the original 13th amendment.Abolish the IRS and 'all' collection or taxes as the payment of taxin the U.S. is voluntary and no one knows about it except for a very few.Abolish 501(c)3 Church or whatever that tax free number isso the Government can no longer have control over the church by putting inall those 'pukes' in the pulpits. The Church has always been tax free and always will be tax fee.Abolish 'all'' gun control legislation and charge anyone with Treasonthat even mentions anything about gun control.REPENT AND FORSAKE YOUR SINS AND WICKED WAYS.ACCEPT LORD JESUS THE CHRIST.READ YOUR 1620 KING JAMES BIBLE - authorized version.WALK WITH GODTALK WITH GODLISTEN TO GOD, 'not' Einstein or anyone else.LET GOD LEAD THE WAY.PRAY EVERYDAYIMPLEMENT SPIRITUAL WARFARE PRAYERSIMPLEMENT IMPRECATORY PRAYERS.PUT THE LORDS PRAYER BACK INTO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM TODAY.America - a nation of dumbed down, sissy boy, watered down, toy boy sellout Christians that have turned their backs on God.... now you know the 'real' problem, isolated it and 'fix' it.I the Government does not do this and governs for their own self serving agenda, implement the 2nd amendment and shoot them.... what do you think the 2nd amendment is there for.... why do you think it was included in the Constitution, just for this reason.The payment of tax is voluntary.If you like the job the Government is doing, then you can pay tax, if you want to and if you do not like what the Government is doing then, you do 'not' pay tax and if they still don' get it, then, 'shoot' them as per the 2nd amendment.The U.S. Constitution gives all the power to the people and not to the Government whatsoever.The Government is a 'public servant' to the people of the people for the people.The 'system' works for the 'people.'The 'people' do 'not' in any way work for the system.Lord Jesus the Christ give you the power to 'tread' on serpents and scorpions and over all the the power of the enemy and nothing shall in anyway hurt you.The U.S. people have all the power.What is the reason that the U.S. people are allowing themselves to be enslaved through witchcraft, bewitched beguiled and deceived by the enemy?... THERE IS 'NO' REASON.'my people 'perish' because of lack of knowledge'... this is the only reason.Why do you think 'secret' society's like the Freemason are 'secret,' because, if the people knew what they were really all about, they would 'shoot' all of them as per the 2nd amendment.You have sold out for a case of beer, a few extra measly dollars of filthy lucre and a 60" T.V.Bye Bye Miss America PieEveryone knows what to do.They will not do it.Am I afraid of any retribution from anyone, not at all.As I have stated; before; the people that I expose, know full well that God has given America to the 'reprobate' mind and has turned his face from them.No one will listen to the truth.They have been told so many lies, the truth seems far fetched and totally out there in left field and no one will believe it.All that I put forth is 'entertainment' for the enemy.They won't bother me at all.They know no one will believe me anyway.Bye Bye Miss American Pie “I HAD TO STAND UP FOR MYSELF, ALONEAND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DID TO ME. UNTIL ALL MEN STAND UP FOR WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN, THE SAME DAMN THING CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE OF YOU”… Sheriff Buford PusserPlace your comment. The moderator will review it after it is published. We reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason.As the news broke on March 7, 2016, that US drone strikes had killed 150 people in Somalia, the White House announced it will reveal, for the first time, the number of people killed by drones and manned airstrikes “outside areas of active hostilities” since 2009. The tallies will include civilian deaths. This is a critical first step toward much-needed transparency. But it will not go far enough.The Obama administration has been lying for years about how many deaths result from its drone strikes and manned bombings. In 2011, John Brennan, the former counterterrorism adviser, now CIA director, falsely claimed that no civilians had been killed in drone strikes in nearly a year.More nigger gangs with members as young as 12 armed with machetes terrifying thousands of families at Moomba festival.How much more are you going to take White man? Turning a blind eye isn't going to make it go away. It is only going to get worse, much worse...Back in the day, your great-grandparents grew their own fruits and vegetables, raised their own livestock, and made their own foods. One of the things that most everyone made in the kitchen was butter. The reason is simple: Most people had a few cows that they were milking and so, making your own butter was just a natural byproduct of that type of farm life. So, how do you make your own butter just like your great-grandparents did?More information has a twofold purpose: 1) to provide information on three basic herbs that will run the gamut of what you need for first-aid measures in your bug-out bag, and 2) to list herbs that are readily obtainable. Regarding item #2, one of the problems with herb supplies is that the best/optimal herb for the job is either not readily available or it isn’t practical to use it (because it has budgetary constraints or presents with a high degree of difficulty to prepare).More year is 2010. Enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship, FEMA camps and a shredded Constitution. Witness police and military savagely attacking innocent citizens as our own government unleashes false flag operations to justify its oppression.The Need to Dismantle the Machine (Novel). yes, we have a tremendous amount of respect for Sheriff Palmer.Abolish The Pope from the United States.Deport 'all' Catholics to South America.Abolish The Federal Reserve Bank from the United States, print your 'own' money.Abolish the Jew Lobbyist and Talmud reading Jews from the United States like Vice President Joe Biden, they are 'not' real Jews but Jews of the Synagogue of Satan that are 'against' God as all the above.Abolish 'sellout' Christians being the worst of all of them.Abolish Hollywood and close it down.Abolish the ownership of the television.Abolish Rock n' RollAbolishes WitchcraftAbolish the 'pukes' in the pulpit - all of themInsist that every Christian Church has a Deliverance Ministryand teaches spiritual warfare and imprecatory prayer.Abolish the Corporation of the United States.and take back Washington D.C. and the the ten mile radiusAbolish Admiralty Law in the U.S. Court systemand only allow Constitutional Common Law in the court.Abolish 'all' lawyers from being Judges and let anyone be a judgejust like it stated in the original 13th amendment.Abolish the IRS and 'all' collection or taxes as the payment of taxin the U.S. is voluntary and no one knows about it except for a very few.Abolish 501(c)3 Church or whatever that tax free number isso the Government can no longer have control over the church by putting inall those 'pukes' in the pulpits. The Church has always been tax free and always will be tax fee.Abolish 'all'' gun control legislation and charge anyone with Treasonthat even mentions anything about gun control.REPENT AND FORSAKE YOUR SINS AND WICKED WAYS.ACCEPT LORD JESUS THE CHRIST.READ YOUR 1620 KING JAMES BIBLE - authorized version.WALK WITH GODTALK WITH GODLISTEN TO GOD, 'not' Einstein or anyone else.LET GOD LEAD THE WAY.PRAY EVERYDAYIMPLEMENT SPIRITUAL WARFARE PRAYERSIMPLEMENT IMPRECATORY PRAYERS.PUT THE LORDS PRAYER BACK INTO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM TODAY.America - a nation of dumbed down, sissy boy, watered down, toy boy sellout Christians that have turned their backs on God.... now you know the 'real' problem, isolated it and 'fix' it.I the Government does not do this and governs for their own self serving agenda, implement the 2nd amendment and shoot them.... what do you think the 2nd amendment is there for.... why do you think it was included in the Constitution, just for this reason.The payment of tax is voluntary.If you like the job the Government is doing, then you can pay tax, if you want to and if you do not like what the Government is doing then, you do 'not' pay tax and if they still don' get it, then, 'shoot' them as per the 2nd amendment.The U.S. Constitution gives all the power to the people and not to the Government whatsoever.The Government is a 'public servant' to the people of the people for the people.The 'system' works for the 'people.'The 'people' do 'not' in any way work for the system.Lord Jesus the Christ give you the power to 'tread' on serpents and scorpions and over all the the power of the enemy and nothing shall in anyway hurt you.The U.S. people have all the power.What is the reason that the U.S. people are allowing themselves to be enslaved through witchcraft, bewitched beguiled and deceived by the enemy?... THERE IS 'NO' REASON.'my people 'perish' because of lack of knowledge'... this is the only reason.Why do you think 'secret' society's like the Freemason are 'secret,' because, if the people knew what they were really all about, they would 'shoot' all of them as per the 2nd amendment.You have sold out for a case of beer, a few extra measly dollars of filthy lucre and a 60" T.V.Bye Bye Miss America PieEveryone knows what to do.They will not do it.Am I afraid of any retribution from anyone, not at all.As I have stated; before; the people that I expose, know full well that God has given America to the 'reprobate' mind and has turned his face from them.No one will listen to the truth.They have been told so many lies, the truth seems far fetched and totally out there in left field and no one will believe it.All that I put forth is 'entertainment' for the enemy.They won't bother me at all.They know no one will believe me anyway.Bye Bye Miss American Pie “I HAD TO STAND UP FOR MYSELF, ALONEAND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DID TO ME. UNTIL ALL MEN STAND UP FOR WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN, THE SAME DAMN THING CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE OF YOU”… Sheriff Buford PusserPlace your comment. The moderator will review it after it is published. We reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason.As the news broke on March 7, 2016, that US drone strikes had killed 150 people in Somalia, the White House announced it will reveal, for the first time, the number of people killed by drones and manned airstrikes “outside areas of active hostilities” since 2009. The tallies will include civilian deaths. This is a critical first step toward much-needed transparency. But it will not go far enough.The Obama administration has been lying for years about how many deaths result from its drone strikes and manned bombings. In 2011, John Brennan, the former counterterrorism adviser, now CIA director, falsely claimed that no civilians had been killed in drone strikes in nearly a year.More nigger gangs with members as young as 12 armed with machetes terrifying thousands of families at Moomba festival.How much more are you going to take White man? Turning a blind eye isn't going to make it go away. It is only going to get worse, much worse...Back in the day, your great-grandparents grew their own fruits and vegetables, raised their own livestock, and made their own foods. One of the things that most everyone made in the kitchen was butter. The reason is simple: Most people had a few cows that they were milking and so, making your own butter was just a natural byproduct of that type of farm life. So, how do you make your own butter just like your great-grandparents did?More information has a twofold purpose: 1) to provide information on three basic herbs that will run the gamut of what you need for first-aid measures in your bug-out bag, and 2) to list herbs that are readily obtainable. Regarding item #2, one of the problems with herb supplies is that the best/optimal herb for the job is either not readily available or it isn’t practical to use it (because it has budgetary constraints or presents with a high degree of difficulty to prepare).More year is 2010. Enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship, FEMA camps and a shredded Constitution. Witness police and military savagely attacking innocent citizens as our own government unleashes false flag operations to justify its oppression.The Need to Dismantle the Machine (Novel).
§ 107
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is
made for "fair use" for purposes. It is believed that this
constitutes a 'fair use’ It meets the guidelines of any and all copyrighted
material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance
with Title 17 U.S.C. , this material is distributed without profit to those who
have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for
research and educational purposes, and or news reporting and opinion
editorials, critique or professional analysis.
Bundy Ranch, Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Bundy Regulators, Bundy Law Men,
Constitutional Sheriff, Committee of Safety, Founding Fathers, Patrick Henry,
Original 13th Amendment, 14th UnConstitutional Amendment, T.O.N.A. Amendment,
Titles of Nobility, Administrative Law, Admiralty Law, Common Law, Common Law Grand
Jury, De Jure, De facto,
We went along with? You, if you understand the nature of what
has happened should understand that there has been massive
fraud committed. As this video shows, the fraud runs deep and we have been
PROPAGANDIZED by factions that had deep pockets and age old control. Most people beLIEve that the united States is a country.
Why? Because
of lies and propaganda. Now those telling the truth are often considered
crazy. Do not judge so
harshly a people who have been converted to
indoctrinated CommuFascism......a hybrid and effect of occult mind control
please don't forget what LaVoy stood for "peaceful"
revolution. follow his
example teach your fellow man how he has been tread on!! we need the numbers to make
themselves known throughout the country act locally go to your neighbors,
friends, Church, family and strangers at the convenience store when you're
getting gas!!! organize
and speak out about this and the many other injustices that have been perpetrated on the American people!!! the greatest thing you could do for LaVoy is to speak out as
he did. it's time to get up and do something about our country stop leaving it
to others, politicians government or even militias!! this is ALL of our countries we need
to stand up and speak as one!!! draw a line in
the sand and then defend it.... stand up for freedom bring your gun or not don't doesn't
really matter the main thing is STAND UP!!! MILITIAS, please help protect the American
people as they stand
up. a lot of people are tired of this government some of them don't even own a gun it is your duty to protect them. I'd ask you guys too stand by and
protect the American people's voice!!! understand it is your duty to stand
by the American people that means they don't have to ask;
you are COMPRLLED to do it. AMERICAN PEOPLE, wake
up to the injustice is all around you!!.... sometimes is the cops harassing
someone you don't know to the cold blooded murder of LaVoy.... next it will be you!!
who will
stand for you? please read the Constitution so
you can more understand America. if you read in there you may find out things
you didn't know like maybe you are lawfully
"militia".... the government has deemed
militias as terrorist.... so if you are lawfully militia then the government has already deemed you a terrorist!!!
painters, framers, bookkeepers, secretaries, doctors, lawyers, law enforcement and everyone that calls America home.... YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU!!!
well we'll all just be labeled American on our reservations because of spineless twits like you. thanks
Andrew Hofer Wrong
we are all slaves to the international JEWISH
bankers. They are
behind this all.
black people was used as collateral for this country in 871.
FDR's New Deal. Made birth certificates Adhession Contracts in 1933. This is when whitey lost his soveriegnty as white people were tricked in volunteering themselves and property as surety - collateral for national debt in exchange for protection and Promised Future SSI Benefits. That are not mandatory for Government to Fulfill Promises.
The secretive Verona Treaty of year 1213, make pope and crown, an immortal,
criminal, genocidal agenct at large, until there is no more pope
or crown, no leaders, no
The 'evil slime who did this to us', would be the jews back
in 1913 when
they got our gold. It has been all downhill since. Now we have the head
of the kosher nostra strutting before our traitorous congress getting standing ovation
after standing ovation!
Like the sun, sometimes the Truth is hard to
look at. We
need more people to look at the Truth in order to end crimes against humanity and Earth. This woman gets it. Please share the video.
Francis supports carbon taxes and the global governance needed for enforcement destroying national sovereignty.
I don't think we can count on him!
Everyone who watched and cheered the attack on Iraq, in the 90s
and 2003 is having chickens come home to roost. We aren't victims here; we went
along with imperialism.
Try these keywords in the
search box above
to find the major
topics of this blog:
Comment on
and spread these articles everywhere.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Labels: Glenn Palmer, Sheriff Palmer
It is very comforting to know that not every sheriff has lost
his way!! May there be more to come!
FRAUDULENT CONVERSION: An essential element of the Crime of
Embezzlement, which may consist either of an appropriation of the money or
other personal property to the personal use of the accused, that is, of his
disposition of it for his own personal benefit and his own private business, or
in putting it to some other use than a proper discharge of the trust imposed,
or after obtaining lawful possession, in failing to account for or pay over on
proper or lawful demand. [Blake v State, 12 Okla Crim 549, 160 P 30.] A
conversion by a Fiduciary made with intent to deprive the Beneficiary of the
money permanently, or at least until restoration should be compelled. [United
States v Summers (DC Va) 19 F2d 627.]
This comment has been removed by the author.
I believe this well intended sheriff is just ignorant of the
facts concerning status. all of the oaths for public officers that I have seen
claim allegiance to United States. this man states what his intentions are,
which is what really counts. We need to cut him a break and notify him of his
Awesome, it is gratifying to see a true patriot taking a
stand against Tyranny. We need more like Anna Von Reitz and Glen Palmer . It is
these people that will make the change for all mankind.
I hope Sheriff Palmer cc that letter to every other Sheriff
in America as an example of what it looks like to be an Oath Keeper and a real
man. BLESS BE THE TRUTH TELLS & OATH KEEPERS. Is the Sheriff aware of Judge
Anna Von Reitz? Maybe oath keeping Sheriff's and the Judge could work together
on the bigger picture.
This is incredible! It's so refreshing to see a Sheriff
actually standing up for the constitution, and not following the well trodden
path of power hungry elites bent on taking control over everyone's lives
illegally. Thank you Sherrif Palmer, there is hope!
I wish I had the calm of a SHERIFF Palmer when I am ripping a
Brand New Ass for my Fascist Federal Nazi government. I want to Go Out without
being accused of DOING NOTHING, in the case of,"In order for evil to prevail,
Good men need only do NOTHING". Einstein said "the American people
need to impose their will on their government or they will lose ALL". WE
lost ALL..., just like his people under HITLER. Now we are likely to get
HITLARY Clinton,the Maniac. At age 66, I am as committed as the Bundie's and
The people of Grant county would be the perfect people to
establish the court system that is the jurisdiction of the law of the land,
which would automatically boot out the present court system which is the law of
the sea. Read Milligan exparte and
understand that if a common law court is operating there is no necessity for a
military commission law of the sea to try cases. Also read 137. How to Restore
the Land Jurisdiction Government Owed to Your County
Sheriff Glen Palmer we are proud of your dedication. May the
rest follow in your footsteps. This will again be a great country because of
men like yourself. Thank you for your service.
Oh....yeah! Sheriff Palmer, I stand by you!
Am I the only one seeing this? Correct me if I am wrong here
but it seems to me, as semantics do matter, and as the letter states he has
taken his Oath to the Corporation not the de jure...anything with
"of" is the Corporation side. State of Oregon equals de facto, it
should say Oregon State.
If only we had EVERY single Sheriff in our land who thought
the same, then county by county...We, the People could affect the change that
The United States so desperately NEEDS!
United Nations Thugs on Mind Control Drugs that are hired for
their border line mental disorder IQ so they can follow simple orders without
question and without conscience.
omg arrested a grandfather for protecting his granddaughter?
how terrible! How can they do this when they are bankrupt? when will these
people get a conscious
Thank you, Sheriff! God Bless!
God stands with you
I wanted everyone who reads this blog to get this tidbit of
info and pass it along to everyone they know.
Tolerance to allow evil into your land is what landed The US into the shape it is in today. Tolerance, Political Correctness and Diversity are all Communist, Anti-Christ, Kosher - Liberal - Queer Programs. End them immediately along with the jewish owned private corporation called the federal reserve.
Abolish The Jesuit Priesthood from the United States
The Government elected 'by' the people, 'for' the people to
govern in the best interest of the people.
here you go a music video to go with your statement
The only reason evil can prevail is because good people do
not do anything about it.
Who Is the US Killing With Drones?
The real multicultural
enrichment that Western countries just had to have...
How to Make Butter at
Home, Just Like Your Great-Grandparents Did
Every Natural Medicine Chest Should Have These 3 Herbs
Published on Jan 12, 2013
The police state isn't coming, IT'S HERE.
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