Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation
forever. Live
free of the negro menace, white people. It is your RIGHT.
The War in Iraq should have been the War against American Blacks. The first benefit is that we wouldn't have lost 2,000 soldiers in Iraq. The second benefit is that an effective war
against blacks would have immediately prevented the 5,000 Whites who’re currently murdered by
blacks EVERY YEAR from being murdered. The third benefit is that it would
have been far cheaper to separate the races as God's Plan requires than it was
to attack 12 year old
Iraqi girls with
cluster bombs.
Fifty three percent of all homicides committed by 1.2% of population, officially.
Blacks are why four cities in the US hold
the record as
The Murder Capitol Of The World.
Blacks are KNOWN by the FBI to
murder 24 Whites every week, officially.
If blacks are not under-represented in the uncleared murders, they
officially murder 48 Whites every week.
Officially, the
murderers of 4,000 Whites every year are never caught, much less
Young black men are officially 380 TIMES more likely than adult White women [a category
including Hispanic women] to be murderers, and officially 172 times more likely
to be murdered.
Genocide of American Whites by blacks
and Hispanics:
Proven by US government statistics.
Ignored by the silent-as-a-lamb "news"
media which
roared like a lion about putative murderer Scott Peterson.
took 200 times as many
American lives in the 20th Century as 911, Osama bin
Ladin, Saddam Hussein, and the War in Iraq, combined.
If current trends continue, will officially take another 800 TIMES as many American lives
in this century alone.
who were the murderers of 4,395 Whites in ONE year alone,
per 100,000 population by race:
Whites = 0.5.
Hispanics = 27.
Blacks in DC = 90.
Black men 18-24 years old = 380.
There were 806,316 homicides in the US between 1965 and 2004, and 588,611 of them were committed by
blacks, of which 179,808
were blacks who
murdered Whites. 322,526 of these homicides were not cleared, and only 483,790 were cleared, and of those Whites murdered by blacks, 43,541 were cleared and 136,267 were not cleared. In just four decades, American blacks killed
almost as many Whites as were killed in WWII, four times as many Whites as were
killed in Vietnam, and 60
times as many
Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq
The Unspoken American Genocide
Unspoken American Genocide
(The dirty little secret your jew controlled
"news" media doesn't want you to know)
Take five minutes to complete the Poll on Exiling Blacks
The official rate at which Blacks killed
Blacks in 1994 was 876 times greater, and the rate at which they killed Whites
was 164 times greater,
than the rate at which Whites killed Blacks. Whites were officially twice
as likely to be killed by Blacks than by Hispanics. Blacks were officially twice
as likely as Hispanics and 71
times as likely as Whites to kill members of their own race. Officially,
one half of the nation's homicides were committed by the 1.2% of the population
who were Black males between the ages of 18-24. Officially, if
there were no Blacks or Hispanics in the US, our homicide rate would be 0.2 per
100,000 population, equivalent to North Dakota or Singapore, and one fiftieth
of it sofficial record shattering high of 10.2 in 1993
The above interracial data is based exclusively on the official cleared
homicides and excludes 40% of the official homicides every
year which are never cleared
Breaking down cleared and uncleared homicides in 1994,
15,717 of the 26,103 or 60% of the homicides were cleared and 10,386 or 40%
were not cleared. Half or 12,900 of those killed were blacks and 47% or
12,300 were Whites and Hispanics. The murderers of 5,293 blacks or 20.3% and
4,415 Whites or 16.9% were not cleared. Of all murderers, 1,393 or 5.3%
were blacks who were convicted of killing Whites, and it's known with 100%
certainty that close to 100% of the 4,415 Whites and 5,293 blacks whose
murderers were not known were blacks, leaving interracial murders of White by blacks
at 22.3% of all homicides. The murderers were blacks in 19,063 or 73% of
all murders
There were 806,316 homicides
in the US between 1965 and 2004, and 588,611 of them were committed by blacks, of which 179,808 were blacks who murdered Whites. 322,526 of these homicides were not
cleared, and only 483,790 were cleared,
and of those Whites
murdered by blacks, 43,541
were cleared and 136,267 were not cleared. In just four
decades, American blacks killed
almost as many Whites as were killed in WWII, four times as many Whites as were killed in Vietnam, and 60 times as many Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq
The increase in homicide rates caused by blacks alone cost
this putative Christian nation an extra 24,209 American lives in 1991 alone, and officially caused an
EXTRA 800,000 murders just in the 20th Century--a
loss of life three times greater than all American WWII battle
deaths, 200 times greater than the loss attributable to all forms of
"terrorism" by all 1.2 billion Muslims throughout the world, and 400
TIMES greater than battle deaths in Iraq
- 33 million blacks IN AMERICA caused 800,000 EXTRA murders = 24,242 American lives per million
- 1,200 million Muslims 10,000 miles away caused 4,000 American deaths = 3.33 American lives per million
- American blacks are 7,280 TIMES more deadly to American lives than all 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide,

Fifty three percent of all homicides committed by 1.2% of
population, officially.

Blacks are why four cities in the US hold the record as
The Murder
Capitol Of The World.

Blacks are KNOWN by the FBI to murder 24 Whites
every week, officially.

If blacks are not under-represented in the uncleared
murders, they officially murder 48 Whites every week.

Officially, the murderers of 4,000 Whites every
year are never caught, much less identified.

Young black men are officially 380 TIMES
more likely than adult White women [a category including Hispanic women] to
be murderers, and officially 172 times more likely to be

Genocide of American Whites by blacks and Hispanics:

Proven by US government statistics.

Ignored by the silent-as-a-lamb "news" media
which roared like a lion about putative murderer Scott Peterson.

Officially, took 200 times as many American
lives in the 20th Century as 911, Osama bin Ladin, Saddam Hussein, and the
War in Iraq, combined.

If current trends continue, will officially take
another 800 TIMES as many American lives in this century alone.

Concealed who were the murderers of 4,395 Whites in ONE
year alone, 1993.

Homicides per 100,000 population by race:

Whites = 0.5.

Hispanics = 27.

Blacks in DC = 90.

Black men 18-24 years old = 380.

Paul Craig Robbins: Harvard hates Whites.

LA's homicide zone.

While Rome burns, the justice system fiddles.

Why do blacks really love to
kill honkeys.
- Murders
committed by Hispanics are included in the category for Whites.
- This
table accounts for only 58% of the homicides in 1993 because it is only
the murders which were "cleared".
- More
than 4,000 Whites who are murdered annually aren't listed on this table
because their murderers are never caught.
- The
rate at which murders by blacks remain unsolved may be higher than the
national average because of the nature of black crime and the
unwillingness of black witnesses to reveal information to the police.
- Created
a requirement for 22,000 unconstitutional gun control laws.
- Undermined
the spirit and intent of the Second Amendment.
- Assured
that these gun control laws could not and would not work.
- Impaired
the ability of all law-abiding citizens to defend themselves, contributing
to a huge increase in crime.
- Paralleled
the tripling of the murder rate in the US.
- Enabled
young American black men to achieve the world's highest sustained
non-combat death rate.
- Contributed
greatly to the murder of almost 0.2% of young black men each year.
- Put
1.2 million black men behind bars, more than are behind bars in the entire
rest of the world.
- Repeal or ignore the Second
- Emigrate American blacks to Africa.
- Prohibit only American blacks from owning firearms.
Black Males
% of Pop
% of Homicides
Odds Ratio

St. Louis: 47.5% x X + 52.5% x 2.0 = 63.5, X = 131.5 =
homicide rate of blacks in St. Louis

New Orleans: 61.9% x X + 38.1% x 2.0 = 85.8, X = 137.4 =
homicide rate of blacks in New Orleans

D.C.: 65.8% x X + 34.2% x 2.0 = 70, X = 105.3 = homicide
rate of blacks in D.C.
The War in Iraq should have been the
War Against American Blacks. The first benefit is that we wouldn't have
lost 2,000 soldiers in Iraq. The second benefit is that an effective war
against blacks would have immediately prevented the 5,000 Whites
who're currently murdered by blacks EVERY
YEAR from being murdered. The third benefit is that it
would have been far cheaper to separate the races as God's Plan requires than
it was to attack 12 year old Iraqi girls with cluster bombs. The
fourth benefit is that this president might not now be facing impeachment for LYING about Iraq when he could have
been the eternal
American hero for telling this above TRUTH
about blacks.
The fifth and least
important benefit is that these murderous blacks would have been
given their own country where they can be free of discrimination by Whites,
have the ability to develop their own skills and culture without the adverse
effects of misplaced White "compassion" [which is very seriously
misguided], and focus on their own heritage without having to hear about ours.
Black crime in America is real, it's present, it's ongoing,
it's pervasive--and it would be far easier to correct than any wars on Muslim
Terrorists, poverty, drugs, or illiteracy.
So why is it not corrected? Why do we instead go to
war against 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, when we didn't lift a finger to
protect the 50 million WHITE Christians in Russia from American grown
jewish Bolshevists from
East Side New York? Why do we continue to imprison 6% of black men in
the US for trivial crimes, and possibly crimes they didn't even commit, while
NOT imprisoning the black murderers who may now exceed 270,000 JUST since 1965.
For the last two decades, the affirmative action hirees
in our justice system have FAILED to even find much less prosecute forty
percent of all these murderers, leaving more than a quarter of a million
murderers free to murder again--and again. Whites, who commit less than
5% of these murders and possibly only 1%, represent 30% of our prison
population, so it's not White murderers who aren't being investigated,
prosecuted, and imprisoned--it's black murderers. Of the 25,869
homicides in the US in 1993 reported by the National Center for Health
Statistics, only 16,297 were ever resolved, leaving 9,572 murderers or 37% of
them, Scot free, to murder again, and again. We have 3.7 unresolved
homicides per 100,000 population, more unresolved murders per capita
alone than most industrialized nations have total murders per capita.
What's the plan here? What better way to create
resentment by Blacks against Whites than to falsely imprison Blacks who didn't
commit serious crimes, not imprison the majority of Black murderers, include as
"whites" those crimes committed by Hispanics, and imprison Whites at
a rate which greatly over-represents their tendency to commit violent crimes,
using "hate crimes" legislation as a convenient excuse? Why
does the US continue to have the lowest rate of clearance of homicides in the
Western world, leaving so many Black murderers free to murder fellow blacks and
Whites at unprecedented levels, again, and again, and again?

The table from the Bureau of Justice Statistics at contains
four egregious and misleading errors which conceal and thus actively promote a
continuation this genocide:
The large variation in the homicide rate from state to state
is due almost exclusively to the higher proportion of blacks and Hispanics in
some states coupled with their higher propensity to commit murder, particularly
in black infested cities like Washington, DC, Detroit, New Orleans, and Gary,
Indiana. People in states like North Dakota, Vermont, Iowa, and South
Dakota are up to 1/100th as likely to be murdered as people in states like
Louisiana, California, New York and Maryland and 1/355th as likely as people in
Washington, DC. But the percentage of the population who are blacks and
Hispanics in North Dakota is 1/33rd that of California and 1/58th that of
Washington, DC. Every one of the states with a high percentage of blacks
and Hispanics has a high murder rate, including California whose low percentage
of blacks is made up for by its high percentage of Hispanics. The result
is that Hispanics alone are a mortal risk to Californians which exceeds the
risk of dying from tobacco smoke by three times.
If the entire country had had a homicide rate equivalent to
North Dakota's rate of 0.2 per 100,000 population in 1995, rather than 22,895
homicides that year, there would have been only 526 homicides, saving 22,369
American lives. Such a rate over the last half century would have saved
more than 893,000 American lives, proving that multiculturalism has been an
incredibly expensive proposition for Americans of all races.
Perhaps it's a boon to blacks and Hispanics, though, who may
have killed each other in even greater numbers if Whites hadn't been around to
organize a just society for them. Had the homicide rate that year been
equivalent to Maryland's, 8,672 more Americans would have died, and had it been
equivalent to Washington's, 164,776 more Americans would have died. It's
likely that Washington's rate would have been even higher had it not been for
the 28% of the population there who are Whites.
North Dakota is living proof that
White Americans living free of multiculturalism and race mixing could have an
even more stable society and productive economy than Norway or Japan.
This low murder rate in 1995 was not a fluke, because North Dakota's rate
has remained the same or even declined over the last two decades. This is
not a new situation for states like Maine, Iowa, Montana, New Hampshire, and
South Dakota, either, because they have consistently had the lowest murder
rates. And they also haven't been bombarded with multiculturalism,
miscegenation, and the influx of blacks and Hispanics like the high crime
states have. These rates are also equivalent to countries like
Singapore, the Slovak Republic, England, Wales, Cyprus and Japan, which also
stand as living proof that low crime rates aren't a distant and impossible
Whites who have not been bombarded with miscegenation manage
to keep their homicide rate lower than 0.5 per 100,000 population, whereas
blacks who live in White societies commit as many as 120 homicides per 100,000
blacks and Hispanics commit 27 homicides per 100,000 Hispanics. See calculations.
This is one of the most heinous examples of the
chronic media bias faced
by White Americans each day. This inexplicable and chronic propensity to
cover up almost every crime perpetrated on, legal system bias against, justice
system discrimination against, and to belittle every action by, the White
Christian man must stop, now. The mainstream media openly supports
"hate crime legislation" which would effectively benefit every
American citizen except the White Christian man. It focuses on one crime
committed by White American men against one black felon James Byrd for an
entire year, while ignoring almost 2,500 black Americans who murder Whites
every year. The rate at which black Americans murder Whites is 8.2 per 100,000
Blacks, a rate higher than the whole murder rate of all but a
few countries, and more than 8 times higher than countries like the Czech
Republic, Japan, Cyprus, England, Wales, the Slovak Republic, and
The likelihood that a White American will be murdered
by just a Black American is 65 times greater than the likelihood that a citizen
of Singapore will
be murdered at all.
Black men between the ages of 18-24 commit murder at a rate 175 greater than that of White and Hispanic women (and Hispanic
women commit more than 85% of those murders). Between 1991 and 1994 they murdered
at a rate of 380 per 100,000 population, but were murdered at a rate of
"only" 175 per
100,000. The other half of their murder victims were
mostly White men. If such a high murder rate were to be sustained over
the next 75 years (the average life expectancy
in the US), then more than a quarter of all blacks in the US would have
murdered someone (not including multiple murders by one person). Table
#24 of US
Statistical Abstract estimates that there will be 384,000 more Black
men age 18-24 in 2025 than in 1996,
and history tells us that they alone will murder an EXTRA 1,344
Americans that one year alone.
If only 10,000 of them were to move
to North Dakota, they would increase North Dakota's murder rate 35 fold.
Had the US homicide rate remained at its relatively low rate
(but high compared to other nations) before the first of our 22,000 gun
control laws was passed in 1965, there
would have been 550,000 fewer homicides since then. The problem is not
ownership of firearms by Whites--it is ownership of firearms by blacks who
cannot be entrusted with that right--not in Africa, and not in the US.
While Whites are a significant percentage of the victims of
the ownership of firearms by blacks, blacks are an even bigger
percentage. While Whites are a significant percentage of the
convictions which were based solely on the existence of these 22,000
unconstitutional gun control laws (and
not on an actual crime), blacks are an
even bigger percentage of these convictions. Black Americans must recognize
this, and understand that the ownership of firearms by blacks created multiple
There are only three solutions possible:
Our failure to take aggressive action
will cost
another one million American lives over the next three decades and up to 4 million in the 21st Century.
The following graphs from the Bureau of Justice Statistics contain major errors which over-estimate the propensity of Whites to be criminals by more than six times because
it includes Hispanics
who are over-represented in jails and prisons by two fold, in the category for
Hispanics, which includes the most criminal class of Indians from Mexico who have not a trace of Hispanic blood, commit murder at a
rate commensurate with their over-representation as inmates, so more than 80%
of the murders which the BJS attributes to Whites were actually committed by
them. This means the rate at which non-Hispanic Whites commit murder is
less than 0.5 per
100,000 population, closer to the rate of our White cousins in England, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Poland, Denmark, and Ireland, but lower than Belgium, Austria, or Switzerland, and lower than our own
national rate in 1903. It also means that black 18-24 year old men commit murder at a rate 175 times greater than White
and Hispanic women, providing a keen insight into an unalterable physiological difference between races and sexes.
Following OJP Url Now Disabled
See Following Archived Copy
Note that there were 1,882,881 million male blacks
between the ages of 18-24 in 1993, when they achieved the world's record in homicide, killing each other and lots of Whites at a RATE of 380 per 100,000 population. What this means is that
18-24 y.o. blacks, who constituted less than 0.8% of the population, managed to kill 6,650 Americans all by themselves, a quarter of all the homicides in
the entire country of 256 million OTHER Americans.
So it's KNOWN that 0.7% of the American population managed to kill a quarter of all the people who were killed that year, and the other 99.3% killed only three quarters.
But wait! 1,171,977 black male children between the ages of 14 and 17
ALSO committed homicide at the unprecedented rate of 240 per 100k, which
is another 2,813 homicides.
The less than 1.2% of the population who are 14-24
year old black males are KNOWN to have killed 9,373 Americans that year--FORTY PERCENT of all 23,700 homicides in 1994
never made the news!!
Of course we don't know for sure what percentage of the
10,390 homicides which were never "cleared" were also committed by
this age group of black males--but for what reason would we believe that they didn't ALSO
commit 61% of them?
If so, then even this already shocking FBI graph greatly
under-reperesents the ACTUAL tendency of black youths to commit homicide, and
rather than 380 per 100,000, it's actually 467!
Rather than 14-24 yo black males killing "only"
9,373, they killed a record 12,497--FIFTY THREE PERCENT OF ALL HOMICIDES!!!
This puts South Africa and Zimbabwe to shame.
They came nowhere close. There were only 7,306 murders in ALL of South Africa
and 912 murders in ALL of Zimbabwe that year, yet just our blacks between the
age of 14 and 24 were responsible for the deaths of almost TWICE as many
The following data for homicides cleared by the justice
system shows the breakdown by race. Murders for which the perpetrator is
not known are not and cannot be included on this table. It's likely that
the percentage of uncleared murders committed by blacks is greater than the
percentage of cleared murders committed by blacks. More than 80% and
possibly close to 100% of the homicides attributed to "Whites" were
actually committed by "Hispanics" who constituted 9% of our
population during these years and commit homicide at the rate of 25 per 100,000
Taking 1986 as an example, we see that there were 6,896
White on White murders, 949 Black on White murders, 378 White on Black murders,
and 6,235 Black on Black murders (for a total of 14,458 murders). "Other
on other" is a very small category, so most of those in the White category
included most Hispanics and Asians. With Blacks being 13% of the population
and this category of Whites being the other 87%, we see that Blacks committed 49.7% of the murders and Whites committed
the other 50.3%. Blacks are thus over-represented by 3.8 fold and Whites are
under-represented by 1.7 fold, which means that Blacks
are 6.8 times more likely to be murderers than Whites.
Disabled DOJ Link
See Archived Version
Note that the category "White" includes all
Hispanics, not just White Hispanics, who are 10-100 times more likely to commit
murder than Whites in places like North Dakota and the Republic of Ireland,
Asians in Singapore, and Arabs in Saudi Arabia.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Homicide trends in the United States
Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-98.
See the methodology section in Additional Information About
the Data for weighting and imputation procedures used.
Total murders in 1992 on this table were only 14,895,
whereas there were a total of 25,203 homicides that year according to the US
Census Bureau, leaving 10,218 or 40.5% of them uncleared.
Of 26,103 murders in 1993, only 15,717 or 60.2% were
cleared, leaving 10,388 or 39.8% uncleared. 27% or 7,046 of them are
known to have been committed by non-blacks, leaving a possible 73% or 19,057 of
them where Blacks were the murderers. Of these 19,057 murders, 8,677 of
the murderers are known to have been blacks, and 1,393 are Whites who are known
to have been murdered by Blacks. If the rate at which blacks committed
the cleared murders (60% of all murders) is equivalent to the rate at which
they committed the uncleared murders (40% of all murders), a minimum
expectation, then there were 14,462 Black murderers who murdered 2,322 Whites
and 12,140 non-Whites [mostly other Blacks].
Included in the "white" category are 22.1 million
"white Hispanics" who are known to commit homicide at the rate of 25
per 100k population. They thus committed 5,525 of the 6,466 cleared
White on White homicides and the 432 of the cleared White on Black homicides,
leaving 1,373 homicides committed by actual Whites [capitol
"W"]. This would be a homicide rate per 100k population for the
190.8 million Whites of 1.4, slightly higher their genetic brethren in Europe.
If the homicides committed by Whites and Hispanics are all
accounted for, which this table suggests they were, then who killed the other
4,395 Whites whose murderers were never brought to justice? If Blacks
committed all of the 19,057 homicides which are known not to have been
committed by non-Blacks, a real probability, then the average homicide rate for
Blacks across the nation would have been 60.2. BUT, the 1996 US
Statistical Abstract, Table No. 313,
reports that this would have been a homicide rate *significantly* lower than
St. Louis, Missouri (63.5), New Orleans (85.8), and Washington, DC (70).
These cities are not 100% black. In order for them to
have had such high homicide rates, blacks in those cities would have had to
have committed homicide at a rate significantly higher than the average for
each city. Blacks were only 47.5% of the population [Table
No. 39] in St. Louis, 61.9% in New Orleans, and 65.8% in Washington,
For what reason would we believe that the national average
for blacks would be any lower for blacks in D.C, at 105.3? Or even the
137.4 in New Orleans? It's very hard for a city to hide dead bodies, so
even with all the effort to conceal this mass genocide against Whites by
blacks, police chiefs in these cities must eventually cough up the data.
They do their best to make it appear that it's just a cultural problem across
all races in their cities--but the low homicide rates in equivalent sized
cities with few or no blacks belie their claims.
Would it be possible that the FEDERAL government on the
other hand, who tells us that only 2,000 soldiers died in Iraq so far, COULD
and WOULD manipulate such data? Of course it would. IF 33 million
blacks in this country actually commit homicide at the rate of 125 (the average
for the above cities), THEN they ALREADY murder 41,250 Americans every year, most of
them WHITES, just as Kamau Kambon demanded
In 1994, there were a total of 23,300 homicides, of which
15,110 or 65% were cleared and 8,190 or 35% were never cleared. If the
ratio by race at which homicides are not cleared is similar to the ratio at
which they are cleared, then each of the following above estimates
for black homicide rates must be increased 54%. It's even possible that all of the 10,218 uncleared murders were committed by blacks,
in which event the number of murders commited by blacks must be
increased 2.2 FOLD, from 8,192 to 18,140, making blacks responsible for almost three quarters of all murders in 1994.
Hidden Facts about Slavery in AmericaThe
New Observer
July 18, 2015
The first official slave owner in colonial America was a
black man, not white; the
Arab slave trade in Negroes was far greater and much longer lasting than the
transatlantic slave trade; the founder of the southern state of Georgia banned
both slavery and Africans from the state; large numbers of “free blacks” owned
black slaves; and less than 5 percent of pre-Civil War American families actually had
These are some of the facts about slavery in America which
are deliberately
hidden from establishment
histories of slavery in America, which are all designed to blame white
Americans for “racism” and “slavery” and induce a completely false sense of guilt among whites.
Fact 1: The first official slave
owner in America was an Angolan who adopted the European name of Anthony Johnson. He was sold to slave
traders in 1621 by
an enemy
tribe in his native Africa, and was registered as “Antonio, a Negro” in the
official records of the Colony of Virginia. He went to work for a white farmer
as an indentured servant.
Prior to 1654, all Africans in the thirteen
colonies were held in indentured servitude and were released after a contracted period with many of the indentured receiving land and
equipment after their contracts for work expired.
Johnson would later take ownership of a large plot of farmland after the expiration of his contract and, using the
skills he had learned during his indentured labor
service, Johnson became moderately successful.
By July 1651 Johnson had
five indentured servants of his own.
In 1664, he brought a case
before Virginia courts in which he contested a suit launched by one of his indentured
servants, a Negro who adopted the name of John Casor.
Johnson won the suit and retained Casor as his servant
for life, who thus became the first official and true slave in America.
Thus the accusation that whites
“started slavery” in America is utterly untrue: blacks in
Africa sold each other as slaves, and the first true lifelong slave
in America was owned by a black man, not a white.
Fact 2: The transatlantic slave trade was dwarfed
by the Arab or Muslim slave
trade, which lasted from 650 AD to 1900 AD. It is estimated that a minimum
of 18 million Africans were enslaved by Arab slave traders,
and that over one million Europeans
were enslaved by the Muslim world during the same period.
The Muslim slave trade saw Africans
exported to regions throughout the Middle East and even to India, while the
Europeans were captured in raids in Spain, Italy, France, Britain, and Ireland.
These raids were launched from North Africa, and
during the Islamic occupation of Iberia and
southern Italy, from the latter regions as well.
The invasion of southeastern Europe by
the Ottoman Turks saw even more Europeans enslaved into the Muslim
world—but their numbers are unknown.
The Muslim trade in slaves, both
black and white, was therefore longer lasting and far more extensive than the
transatlantic slave trade—but there are today no cries of “Arab guilt” or
demands for reparations against Muslim nations.
Fact 3: James Oglethorpe (1696–1785) was a British
general who founded the colony of Georgia in 1732. From
the very beginning, Oglethorpe ensured
that slavery was banned in the colony, and that Africans were barred from entering the
territory. The colony’s founding charter
also forbid Roman Catholicism from being established in
the region.
It was only in 1750,
after Oglethorpe had left the colony, that the ban on
slavery was lifted.
Fact 4: Many free Negroes
owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate
to their representation
in society at large.
In 1830, a fourth of the free Negro
slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight
owning 30 or more.
According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million
Negroes in the United States,
with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states.
Of the blacks residing
in the South,
261,988 were
not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. Black Duke University
professor John Hope Franklin recorded that in New Orleans over 3,000 free
Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.
In 1860 there were
at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves.
The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned
by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar
cane plantation.
Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter
whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000.
In Charleston, South
Carolina in 1860, 125 free Negroes owned
slaves; six of them owning 10 or more.
Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free
Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented
slave holdings.
In North Carolina
69 free
Negroes were slave owners.
(Source: Black Masters:
A Free Family of Color in the Old South, Michael P. Johnson and James
L. Roak New York: Norton, 1984.)
Fact 5: In 1860 only a
small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the US
census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country.
Some eight
million of them lived in the slaveholding states.
The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned
Even if all slaveholders had
been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites
in the country (or 4.8
percent of southern whites owning one or more
The figures show conclusively
that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters in pre-Civil War America.
The statistics outlined above show
that about 28 percent of free blacks owned
slaves—as opposed to less than 4.8 percent of southern whites,
and dramatically more than the 1.4 percent of all
white Americans who owned slaves.
White People Have No Culture
August 7, 2015
They deserve to be wiped out
because they have done absolutely nothing of value in the last 100,000 years.
Unlike Blacks,
who built a bunch of huts from mud and learned to dye their hair using cow urine. Not to mention that they created rap music and the
knock-out game.
A tribute to our beautiful Europa. Visit our page:
Say NO to White Genocide!
They deserve to be wiped out because they have done
absolutely nothing of value in the last 100,000 years.
Unlike Blacks, who built a bunch of huts from mud and
learned to dye their hair using cow urine. Not to mention that they created rap
music and the knock-out game.
Take a look at a world map. Around the centre or equator
belt you will see that most of the countries are hot and have produced nothing
except corruption and stupidity. In the northern hemisphere are the producer
countries, particularly those in Europe, plus Japan and some of China etc.
These countries many centuries ago developed a sense of order, justice, decency
etc. Then along came the US, out of European stock and became great. Britain
gave the commonwealth countries such as India, Singapore, Malaysia, Australasia
and others our values and culture.
The norther European cultures are deep rooted, wonderful and
real, they are here to see and enjoy. Shakespeare, Velazquez, Mozart, Van Gogh,
Barnes Wallace, and many more.
When these left wing, communist jewish cunts say we have
nothing, give nothing, gave nothing they lie. They always lie. Nothing changes
because these people are scum.
- Castles,
Opera, Symphony, Orchestra, Shakespeare, Sonnets, Skyscrapers, Automation,
Baseball, Rugby, Golf, Catch wrestling, Hockey, Downhill and Cross country
skiing, Olympics, Skeet and trap shooting, crossbow, Octoberfest, Celtic
Music, Electric guitar, Bluegrass, Classical Music, Gregorian Chant,
Devotional hymms, American Cowboys and cowboy line dancing, Vespers, Holy
Days, Our Mass, Founding Fathers, Sistine Chapel, Michaelangelo, Cathedrals,
Basilicas, Latin, Greek, Euro languages, Hostels, Bill Of Rights, Common
Law, Magna Carta, Democracy, Universities, Pizza, Spaghetti and meatballs,
Shepherd’s Pie, SauerKraut and Sausage, Fish and chips, bridges and locks,
Classic cars-Gto, Vette, Camaro, Pantera, German cars-BMW, Porsche,
mercedes, VW, Swing dancing, Denim jeans, 3 piece suits, Tweed
sportsocats, Irish Sweaters, Bikinis, Blondes, red heads, brunettes, blue
and green eyes, Sweet Tea and Southern Food, Harley Davidson and Indian,
Beer, Whiskey, Vodka, electricity, air conditioning and refrigeration, TV,
Computer, water treatment plants, Crusades, The Inquisition, The Bible,
and even expelling J EWs 109 times, are all great examples of White
Culture and innovation and are just a few.....
I don't know about that, BHill. Dick Gregory, in a recent
speech at the Census Bureau, claimed the black man invented ice hockey.
Yep,Lord Stanley just swiped that game from some brothers after watching them
bat around their grandmother's over baked hotcakes with some tree branches on a
pond somewhere in Canada.
You should hear what spews out of the mouth of this so-called respected black
I love that Mel Gibson at the end, "Braveheart" was one of my favorite movies, especially
after my love for the European people was really ignited. Every time I see Mel,
I get really happy thinking about him saying Jews are responsible for all
the worlds wars, or getting drunk at a Hollywood after party and
calling the Jews that were there oven dodgers.
Mel actually has another movie in the works now. Those kikes
shut him down after his views were made clear, but he's getting back in it now.
In I believe 2004, he was voted the most powerful celebrity in the world. He's
had a lot of classic things to say about negros and ignorant women too.
- I
always thought that Russian whore set him up. Mel Gibson is awesome. He's
a real man's man. His views on homos are great. He's one of the few major
actors who isn't pretending to be straight. He once said this to an
interviewer who questioned his sexuality:
“They take it up the ass, this [pointing to his butt] is
only for taking a shit. With this look, who’s going to think I’m gay? I don’t
lend myself to that type of confusion. Do I look like a homosexual? Do I talk
like them? Do I move like them?”
I love it when the minorities whine about
"cultural appropriation".
I always point out that they are speaking English, typing on a computer, using a phone, in a Western nation, using air conditioning and refrigeration invented by
a white man, electricity, running water,
sewage systems...ALL WHITE CULTURE
Then I go on to say that I don't listen to nigger music, I
don't eat, behave, dress, act like, or associate with them or any other
minorities. I eat European food (or, rarely Asian food I cook
myself), listen to white music, dress, act and behave white. I
nothing and want nothing from any of them and never will. All
one can do is be unashamedly white and openly promote white culture no
matter what.
Three ways to respond when
someone says: "Whites
have no culture"
1. Start laughing at the person and walk away shaking your head.
2. Tell them that in order
to understand culture, you must first have it.
3. Tell them that’s right.
White people have a civilization, not a culture!
The War in Iraq should have been
the War against American Blacks. The
first benefit is that we wouldn't have lost 2,000 soldiers in Iraq. The second benefit is that an effective war
against blacks would have immediately prevented the 5,000 Whites who’re
currently murdered by blacks EVERY YEAR from being
murdered. The third benefit
is that it would have been far cheaper to separate the races as God's Plan
requires than it was to attack 12 year old Iraqi girls with cluster bombs.
Fifty three percent of all homicides committed by 1.2% of population, officially.
Blacks are why four cities in the US hold
the record as
The Murder Capitol Of The World.
Blacks are KNOWN by the FBI to
murder 24 Whites every week, officially.
If blacks are not under-represented in the uncleared murders, they
officially murder 48 Whites every week.
Officially, the
murderers of 4,000 Whites every year are never caught,
much less identified.
Young black men are officially 380 TIMES more
likely than adult White women [a category including Hispanic women] to be
murderers, and officially 172 times more likely to be murdered.
Genocide of American Whites by blacks
and Hispanics:
Proven by US government statistics.
Ignored by the silent-as-a-lamb "news"
media which
roared like a lion about putative murderer Scott Peterson.
took 200 times as many
American lives in the 20th Century as 911, Osama bin
Ladin, Saddam Hussein, and the War in Iraq, combined.
If current trends continue, will officially take another 800 TIMES as many American lives
in this century alone.
who were the murderers of 4,395 Whites in ONE year alone, 1993.
per 100,000 population by race:
Whites =
Hispanics = 27.
Blacks in DC = 90.
Black men 18-24 years old = 380.
There were 806,316 homicides in the US
between 1965 and 2004, and 588,611 of them were committed by blacks, of which
179,808 were blacks who murdered Whites. 322,526 of these homicides were
not cleared, and only 483,790 were cleared, and of those Whites murdered by
blacks, 43,541 were cleared and 136,267 were not cleared. In just four decades, American blacks killed
almost as many Whites as were killed in WWII, four times as many Whites as were
killed in Vietnam, and 60 times as many Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq
The Unspoken American Genocide
The Unspoken American Genocide
(The dirty little secret your jew controlled
"news" media doesn't want you to know)
Take five minutes to complete the Poll on Exiling Blacks
The official rate at which Blacks killed
Blacks in 1994 was 876 times greater, and the rate at which they killed Whites
was 164 times greater,
than the rate at which Whites killed Blacks. Whites were officially twice
as likely to be killed by Blacks than by Hispanics. Blacks were officially twice
as likely as Hispanics and 71
times as likely as Whites to kill members of their own race. Officially,
one half of the nation's homicides were committed by the 1.2% of the population
who were Black males between the ages of 18-24. Officially, if
there were no Blacks or Hispanics in the US, our homicide rate would be 0.2 per
100,000 population, equivalent to North Dakota or Singapore, and one fiftieth
of it sofficial record shattering high of 10.2 in 1993
The above interracial data is based exclusively on the official cleared
homicides and excludes 40% of the official homicides every
year which are never cleared
Breaking down cleared and uncleared homicides in 1994,
15,717 of the 26,103 or 60% of the homicides were cleared and 10,386 or 40%
were not cleared. Half or 12,900 of those killed were blacks and 47% or
12,300 were Whites and Hispanics. The murderers of 5,293 blacks or 20.3% and
4,415 Whites or 16.9% were not cleared. Of all murderers, 1,393 or 5.3%
were blacks who were convicted of killing Whites, and it's known with 100%
certainty that close to 100% of the 4,415 Whites and 5,293 blacks whose
murderers were not known were blacks, leaving interracial murders of White by blacks
at 22.3% of all homicides. The murderers were blacks in 19,063 or 73% of
all murders
There were 806,316 homicides
in the US between 1965 and 2004, and 588,611 of them were committed by blacks, of which 179,808 were blacks who murdered Whites. 322,526 of these homicides were not
cleared, and only 483,790 were cleared,
and of those Whites
murdered by blacks, 43,541
were cleared and 136,267 were not cleared.
In just four
decades, American blacks killed
almost as many Whites as were killed in WWII, four times as many Whites as were killed in Vietnam, and 60 times as many Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq.
The increase in homicide rates caused by blacks alone cost
this putative Christian nation an extra 24,209 American lives in 1991 alone,
and officially caused an
EXTRA 800,000 murders just in the 20th Century--a
loss of life three times greater than all American WWII battle
deaths, 200 times greater than the loss attributable to all forms of
"terrorism" by all 1.2 billion Muslims throughout the world, and 400
TIMES greater than battle deaths in Iraq.
- 33 million blacks IN AMERICA caused 800,000 EXTRA murders = 24,242 American lives per million
- 1,200 million Muslims 10,000 miles away caused 4,000 American deaths = 3.33 American lives per million
- American blacks are 7,280 TIMES more deadly to American lives than all 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide,
The War in Iraq should have been the
War Against American Blacks. The first benefit is that we wouldn't have
lost 2,000 soldiers in Iraq.
The second benefit is that an effective war
against blacks would have immediately prevented the 5,000 Whites
who're currently murdered by blacks EVERY
YEAR from being murdered.
The third benefit is that it
would have been far cheaper to separate the races as God's Plan requires than
it was to attack 12 year old Iraqi girls with cluster bombs.
fourth benefit is that this president might not now be facing impeachment for LYING about Iraq when he could have
been the eternal
American hero for telling this above TRUTH
about blacks.
The fifth and least
important benefit is that these murderous blacks would have been
given their own country where they can be free of discrimination by Whites,
have the ability to develop their own skills and culture without the adverse
effects of misplaced White "compassion"
[which is very seriously
misguided], and focus on their own heritage without having to hear about ours.
Fifty three percent of all homicides committed by 1.2% of population, officially.
Blacks are why four cities in the US hold the record as The Murder Capitol Of The World.
Blacks are KNOWN by the FBI to murder 24 Whites every week, officially.
If blacks are not under-represented in the uncleared murders, they officially murder 48 Whites every week.
Officially, the murderers of 4,000 Whites every year are never caught, much less identified.
Young black men are officially 380 TIMES more likely than adult White women [a category including Hispanic women] to be murderers, and officially 172 times more likely to be murdered.
Genocide of American Whites by blacks and Hispanics:
Proven by US government statistics.
Ignored by the silent-as-a-lamb "news" media which roared like a lion about putative murderer Scott Peterson.
Officially, took 200 times as many American lives in the 20th Century as 911, Osama bin Ladin, Saddam Hussein, and the War in Iraq, combined.
If current trends continue, will officially take another 800 TIMES as many American lives in this century alone.
Concealed who were the murderers of 4,395 Whites in ONE year alone, 1993.
Homicides per 100,000 population by race:
Whites = 0.5.
Hispanics = 27.
Blacks in DC = 90.
Black men 18-24 years old = 380.
Paul Craig Robbins: Harvard hates Whites.
LA's homicide zone.
While Rome burns, the justice system fiddles.
Why do blacks really love to kill honkeys.
Black crime in America is real, it's present, it's ongoing,
it's pervasive--and it would be far easier to correct than any wars on Muslim
Terrorists, poverty, drugs, or illiteracy.
So why is it not corrected? Why do we instead go to
war against 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, when we didn't lift a finger to
protect the 50 million WHITE Christians in Russia from American grown
jewish Bolshevists from
East Side New York?
Why do we continue to imprison 6% of black men in
the US for trivial crimes, and possibly crimes they didn't even commit, while
NOT imprisoning the black murderers who may now exceed 270,000 JUST since 1965.
For the last two decades, the affirmative action hirees
in our justice system have FAILED to even find much less prosecute forty
percent of all these murderers, leaving more than a quarter of a million
murderers free to murder again--and again. Whites, who commit less than
5% of these murders and possibly only 1%, represent 30% of our prison
population, so it's not White murderers who aren't being investigated,
prosecuted, and imprisoned--it's black murderers. Of the 25,869
homicides in the US in 1993 reported by the National Center for Health
Statistics, only 16,297 were ever resolved, leaving 9,572 murderers or 37% of
them, Scot free, to murder again, and again. We have 3.7 unresolved
homicides per 100,000 population, more unresolved murders per capita
alone than most industrialized nations have total murders per capita.
What's the plan here? What better way to create
resentment by Blacks against Whites than to falsely imprison Blacks who didn't
commit serious crimes, not imprison the majority of Black murderers, include as
"whites" those crimes committed by Hispanics, and imprison Whites at
a rate which greatly over-represents their tendency to commit violent crimes,
using "hate crimes" legislation as a convenient excuse? Why
does the US continue to have the lowest rate of clearance of homicides in the
Western world, leaving so many Black murderers free to murder fellow blacks and
Whites at unprecedented levels, again, and again, and again?

The table from the Bureau of Justice Statistics at contains
four egregious and misleading errors which conceal and thus actively promote a
continuation this genocide:
- Murders
committed by Hispanics are included in the category for Whites.
- This
table accounts for only 58% of the homicides in 1993 because it is only
the murders which were "cleared".
- More
than 4,000 Whites who are murdered annually aren't listed on this table
because their murderers are never caught.
- The
rate at which murders by blacks remain unsolved may be higher than the
national average because of the nature of black crime and the
unwillingness of black witnesses to reveal information to the police.
The large variation in the homicide rate from state to state
is due almost exclusively to the higher proportion of blacks and Hispanics in
some states coupled with their higher propensity to commit murder, particularly
in black infested cities like Washington, DC, Detroit, New Orleans, and Gary,
Indiana. People in states like North Dakota, Vermont, Iowa, and South
Dakota are up to 1/100th as likely to be murdered as people in states like
Louisiana, California, New York and Maryland and 1/355th as likely as people in
Washington, DC. But the percentage of the population who are blacks and
Hispanics in North Dakota is 1/33rd that of California and 1/58th that of
Washington, DC. Every one of the states with a high percentage of blacks
and Hispanics has a high murder rate, including California whose low percentage
of blacks is made up for by its high percentage of Hispanics. The result
is that Hispanics alone are a mortal risk to Californians which exceeds the
risk of dying from tobacco smoke by three times.
If the entire country had had a homicide rate equivalent to
North Dakota's rate of 0.2 per 100,000 population in 1995, rather than 22,895
homicides that year, there would have been only 526 homicides, saving 22,369
American lives. Such a rate over the last half century would have saved
more than 893,000 American lives, proving that multiculturalism has been an
incredibly expensive proposition for Americans of all races.
Perhaps it's a boon to blacks and Hispanics,though, who may
have killed each other in even greater numbers if Whites hadn't been around to
organize a just society for them. Had the homicide rate that year been
equivalent to Maryland's, 8,672 more Americans would have died, and had it been
equivalent to Washington's, 164,776 more Americans would have died. It's
likely that Washington's rate would have been even higher had it not been for
the 28% of the population there who are Whites.
North Dakota is living proof that White Americans living
free of multiculturalism and race mixing could have an even more stable society
and productive economy than Norway or Japan. This low murder rate in 1995
was not a fluke, because North Dakota's rate has remained the same or even
declined over the last two decades. This is not a new situation for
states like Maine, Iowa, Montana, New Hampshire, and South Dakota, either,
because they have consistently had the lowest murder rates. And they also
haven't been bombarded with multiculturalism, miscegenation, and the influx of
blacks and Hispanics like the high crime states have. These rates are
also equivalent to countries like
Singapore, the Slovak Republic, England, Wales, Cyprus and Japan, which also
stand as living proof that low crime rates aren't a distant and impossible
Whites who have not been bombarded with miscegenation manage
to keep their homicide rate lower than 0.5 per 100,000 population, whereas
blacks who live in White societies commit as many as 120 homicides per 100,000
blacks and Hispanics commit 27 homicides per 100,000 Hispanics. See calculations.
This is one of the most heinous examples of the
chronic media bias faced
by White Americans each day. This inexplicable and chronic propensity to
cover up almost every crime perpetrated on, legal system bias against, justice
system discrimination against, and to belittle every action by, the White
Christian man must stop, now. The mainstream media openly supports
"hate crime legislation" which would effectively benefit every
American citizen except the White Christian man. It focuses on one crime
committed by White American men against one black felon James Byrd for an
entire year, while ignoring almost 2,500 black Americans who murder Whites
every year. The rate at which black Americans murder Whites is 8.2 per
100,000 Blacks, a rate higher than the whole murder rate of all but a few
countries, and more than 8 times higher than countries like the Czech Republic,
Japan, Cyprus, England, Wales, the Slovak Republic, and Singapore.
The likelihood that a White American will be murdered
by just a Black American is 65 times greater than the likelihood that a citizen
of Singapore will
be murdered at all.
Black men between the ages of 18-24 commit murder at a rate
175 greater than that of White and Hispanic women (and Hispanic women commit
more than 85% of those murders). Between 1991 and 1994 they murdered at a
rate of 380 per 100,000 population, but were murdered at a rate of
"only" 175 per 100,000. The other half of their murder victims
were mostly White men. If such a high murder rate were to be sustained
over the next 75 years (the average life expectancy in the US), then more than
a quarter of all blacks in the US would have murdered someone (not including
multiple murders by one person). Table #24 of US Statistical
Abstract estimates that there will be 384,000 more Black men age 18-24
in 2025 than in 1996, and history tells us that they alone will murder an EXTRA
1,344 Americans that one year alone.
If only 10,000 of them were to move to North Dakota, they
would increase North Dakota's murder rate 35 fold.
Had the US homicide rate remained at its relatively low rate
(but high compared to other nations) before the first of our 22,000 gun control
laws was passed in 1965, there would have been 550,000 fewer homicides since
then. The problem is not ownership of firearms by Whites--it is ownership
of firearms by blacks who cannot be entrusted with that right--not in Africa,
and not in the US.
While Whites are a significant percentage of the victims of
the ownership of firearms by blacks, blacks are an even bigger
percentage. While Whites are a significant percentage of the
convictions which were based solely on the existence of these 22,000
unconstitutional gun control laws (and not on an actual crime), blacks are an
even bigger percentage of these convictions. Black Americans must recognize
this, and understand that the ownership of firearms by blacks created multiple
- Created
a requirement for 22,000 unconstitutional gun control laws.
- Undermined
the spirit and intent of the Second Amendment.
- Assured
that these gun control laws could not and would not work.
- Impaired
the ability of all law-abiding citizens to defend themselves, contributing
to a huge increase in crime.
- Paralleled
the tripling of the murder rate in the US.
- Enabled
young American black men to achieve the world's highest sustained
non-combat death rate.
- Contributed
greatly to the murder of almost 0.2% of young black men each year.
- Put
1.2 million black men behind bars, more than are behind bars in the entire
rest of the world.
There are only three solutions possible:
- Repeal
or ignore the Second Amendment.
- Emigrate
American blacks
to Africa.
- Prohibit
only American blacks from owning firearms.
Our failure to take aggressive action will cost another one
million American lives over the next three decades and up to 4 million in the
21st Century.
The following graphs from the Bureau of Justice Statistics
contain major errors which over-estimate the propensity of Whites to be criminals
by more than six times because it includes Hispanics who are over-represented
in jails and prisons by two fold, in the category for "whites".
Hispanics, which includes Ithe most criminal class of ndians from Mexico who
have not a trace of Hispanic blood, commit murder at a rate commensurate with
their over-representation as inmates, so more than 80% of the murders which the
BJS attributes to Whites were actually committed by them. This means the
rate at which non-Hispanic Whites commit murder is less than 0.5 per 100,000
population, closer to the rate of our White cousins in England, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Poland, Denmark, and Ireland, but lower than Belgium, Austria, or
Switzerland, and lower than our own national rate in 1903. It also means
that black 18-24 year old men commit murder at a rate 175 times greater than
White and Hispanic women, providing a keen insight into an unalterable
physiological difference between races and sexes.

Following OJP Url Now Disabled
See Following Archived Copy

Note that there were 1,882,881 million male blacks between
the ages of 18-24 in 1993, when they achieved the world's record in homicide,
killing each other and lots of Whites at a RATE of 380 per 100,000 population.
What this means is that 18-24 y.o. blacks, who constituted less than 0.8% of
the population, managed to kill 6,650 Americans all by themselves, a quarter of
all the homicides in the entire country of 256 million OTHER Americans.
Black Males
So it's KNOWN that 0.7% of the American population managed
to kill a quarter of all the people who were killed that year, and the other
99.3% killed only three quarters.
But wait! 1,171,977 black male children between the
ages of 14 and 17 ALSO committed homicide at the unprecedented rate of
240 per 100k, which is another 2,813 homicides.
The less than 1.2% of the population who are 14-24
year old black males are KNOWN to have killed 9,373 Americans that year--FORTY PERCENT of all 23,700 homicides in 1994 AND
made the news!!
Of course we don't know for sure what percentage of the
10,390 homicides which were never "cleared" were also committed by
this age group of black males--but for what reason would we believe that they
didn't ALSO commit 61% of them?
If so, then even this already shocking FBI graph greatly
under-reperesents the ACTUAL tendency of black youths to commit homicide, and
rather than 380 per 100,000, it's actually 467!
Rather than 14-24 yo black males killing "only"
9,373, they killed a record 12,497--FIFTY THREE PERCENT OF ALL HOMICIDES!!!
This puts South Africa and Zimbabwe to shame.
They came nowhere close. There were only 7,306 murders in ALL of South Africa
and 912 murders in ALL of Zimbabwe that year, yet just our blacks between the
age of 14 and 24 were responsible for the deaths of almost TWICE as many

The following data for homicides cleared by the justice
system shows the breakdown by race. Murders for which the perpetrator is
not known are not and cannot be included on this table. It's likely that
the percentage of uncleared murders committed by blacks is greater than the
percentage of cleared murders committed by blacks. More than 80% and
possibly close to 100% of the homicides attributed to "Whites" were
actually committed by "Hispanics" who constituted 9% of our
population during these years and commit homicide at the rate of 25 per 100,000
Taking 1986 as an example, we see that there were 6,896
White on White murders, 949 Black on White murders, 378 White on Black murders,
and 6,235 Black on Black murders (for a total of 14,458 murders). "Other
on other" is a very small category, so most of those in the White category
included most Hispanics and Asians. With Blacks being 13% of the population and
this category of Whites being the other 87%, we see that Blacks committed 49.7%
of the murders and Whites committed the other 50.3%. Blacks are thus
over-represented by 3.8 fold and Whites are under-represented by 1.7 fold,
which means that Blacks are 6.8 times more likely to be murderers than Whites.
% of Pop
% of Homicides
Odds Ratio
Note that the category "White" includes all
Hispanics, not just White Hispanics, who are 10-100 times more likely to commit
murder than Whites in places like North Dakota and the Republic of Ireland,
Asians in Singapore, and Arabs in Saudi Arabia.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Homicide trends in the United States
Racial composition of offender and victim for homicide
Percent of all homicides
on Black on Other on White on Black on
Other on White on Black on Other on
Year White White
White Black Black
Black Other Other
1976 43.5%
6.0% 0.3% 2.0%
47.5% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1977 44.6%
5.9% 0.4% 2.4%
45.8% 0.1% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
1978 46.3%
6.1% 0.3% 1.8%
44.8% 0.0% 0.3%
0.0% 0.3%
1979 46.0%
6.8% 0.4% 2.5%
43.7% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1980 46.8%
6.4% 0.3% 2.2%
43.6% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1981 46.8%
6.8% 0.2% 2.5%
43.0% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1982 48.1%
6.4% 0.3% 2.5%
41.7% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
1983 48.7%
6.3% 0.3% 2.3%
41.6% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
1984 50.3%
6.2% 0.3% 2.6%
39.8% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
1985 49.7%
6.7% 0.3% 2.7%
39.8% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.5%
1986 47.1%
6.5% 0.4% 2.6%
42.6% 0.1% 0.3%
0.0% 0.6%
1987 47.3%
6.3% 0.4% 2.9%
42.2% 0.1% 0.2%
0.1% 0.5%
1988 44.9%
6.6% 0.4% 2.7%
44.5% 0.1% 0.3%
0.0% 0.4%
1989 43.9%
7.0% 0.3% 3.1%
44.8% 0.0% 0.3%
0.0% 0.5%
1990 44.1%
6.9% 0.3% 3.2%
44.8% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.4%
1991 41.5%
7.7% 0.3% 3.4%
46.3% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.4%
1992 41.7%
8.5% 0.3% 2.7%
46.1% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1993 41.1%
8.9% 0.3% 2.7%
46.2% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1994 41.1%
8.6% 0.4% 3.1%
46.1% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.3%
1995 43.8%
8.0% 0.4% 3.3%
43.6% 0.1% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
1996 43.8%
8.4% 0.4% 3.3%
43.4% 0.1% 0.3%
0.1% 0.3%
1997 43.4%
8.4% 0.3% 2.9%
44.0% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.6%
1998 46.4%
7.5% 0.3% 3.2%
41.6% 0.1% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
Number of homicides
on Black on Other on White on Black on
Other on White on Black on Other on
Year White White
White Black Black
Black Other Other
1976 6279
862 44 290
6855 2 29
12 59
1977 6299
828 52 346
6469 7 36
10 71
1978 6776
899 40 269
6547 5 37
5 48
1979 7054
1037 54 390
6706 4 31
10 64
1980 7384
1011 42 343
6886 7 34
9 67
1981 7588
1106 37 402
6972 8 33
11 71
1982 7183
960 44 377
6227 3 44
12 79
1983 6719
869 41 314
5739 3 38
8 68
1984 6664
816 42 341
5264 3 36
9 63
1985 6744
913 43 361
5402 5 27
12 65
1986 6896
949 54 378
6235 7 41
6 88
1987 6574
873 49 408
5861 8 35
10 70
1988 6362
939 62 389
6312 8 40
7 58
1989 6450
1029 50 457
6583 2 42
5 75
1990 6984
1089 43 502
7091 2 42
9 69
1991 6611
1220 54 541
7361 5 51
15 56
1992 6241
1272 40 410
6903 4 35
17 63
1993 6466
1393 46 432
7268 7 32
16 57
1994 6208
1306 56 469
6960 4 42
13 52
1995 6043
1110 51 454
6020 8 37
17 72
1996 5602
1077 49 417
5551 13 32
17 41
5056 974 34
343 5119 5
28 17 70
1998 5188
839 36 362
4653 8 29
12 56
Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-98.
See the methodology section in Additional Information About
the Data for weighting and imputation procedures used.
Total murders in 1992 on this table were only 14,895,
whereas there were a total of 25,203 homicides that year according to the US
Census Bureau, leaving 10,218 or 40.5% of them uncleared.
Total Murders in 1993
% Total Murders
Cleared Murders
Uncleared Murders
Whites Murdered
Less White on White (cleared)
Less Black on White (cleared)
Less Other on White (cleared)
Murderers of Whites not cleared
Blacks Murdered
Less Black on Black (cleared)
Less White on Black (cleared)
Less Other on Black (cleared)
Murderers of Blacks not cleared
Murderers of Others not cleared
Murderers known to be non-black
All possible black murderers
per 100k blacks
Black murderers cleared
Black murderers uncleared
Remaining probable black murderers
Uncleared murdered Whites
Uncleared murdered blacks
Total Whites murdered by blacks
probable of non-cleared
uncleared murdered Whites
Of 26,103 murders in 1993, only 15,717 or 60.2% were
cleared, leaving 10,388 or 39.8% uncleared. 27% or 7,046 of them are
known to have been committed by non-blacks, leaving a possible 73% or 19,057 of
them where Blacks were the murderers.
Of these 19,057 murders, 8,677 of
the murderers are known to have been blacks, and 1,393 are Whites who are known
to have been murdered by Blacks. If the rate at which blacks committed
the cleared murders (60% of all murders) is equivalent to the rate at which
they committed the uncleared murders (40% of all murders), a minimum
expectation, then there were 14,462 Black murderers who murdered 2,322 Whites
and 12,140 non-Whites [mostly other Blacks].
Included in the "white" category are 22.1 million
"white Hispanics" who are known to commit homicide at the rate of 25
per 100k population.
They thus committed 5,525 of the 6,466 cleared
White on White homicides and the 432 of the cleared White on Black homicides,
leaving 1,373 homicides committed by actual Whites [capitol
This would be a homicide rate per 100k population for the
190.8 million Whites of 1.4, slightly higher their genetic brethren in Europe.
If the homicides committed by Whites and Hispanics are all
accounted for, which this table suggests they were, then who killed the other
4,395 Whites whose murderers were never brought to justice?
If Blacks
committed all of the 19,057 homicides which are known not to have been
committed by non-Blacks, a real probability, then the average homicide rate for
Blacks across the nation would have been 60.2.
BUT, the 1996 US
Statistical Abstract, Table No. 313,
reports that this would have been a homicide rate *significantly* lower than
St. Louis, Missouri (63.5), New Orleans (85.8), and Washington, DC (70).
These cities are not 100% black.
In order for them to
have had such high homicide rates, blacks in those cities would have had to
have committed homicide at a rate significantly higher than the average for
each city.
Blacks were only 47.5% of the population [Table
No. 39] in St. Louis, 61.9% in New Orleans, and 65.8% in Washington,

St. Louis: 47.5% x X + 52.5% x 2.0 = 63.5, X = 131.5 =
homicide rate of blacks in St. Louis

New Orleans: 61.9% x X + 38.1% x 2.0 = 85.8, X = 137.4 =
homicide rate of blacks in New Orleans

D.C.: 65.8% x X + 34.2% x 2.0 = 70, X = 105.3 = homicide
rate of blacks in D.C.
For what reason would we believe that the national average
for blacks would be any lower for blacks in D.C, at 105.3? Or even the
137.4 in New Orleans? It's very hard for a city to hide dead bodies, so
even with all the effort to conceal this mass genocide against Whites by
blacks, police chiefs in these cities must eventually cough up the data.
They do their best to make it appear that it's just a cultural problem across
all races in their cities--but the low homicide rates in equivalent sized
cities with few or no blacks belie their claims.
Would it be possible that the FEDERAL government on the
other hand, who tells us that only 2,000 soldiers died in Iraq so far, COULD
and WOULD manipulate such data? Of course it would.
IF 33 million
blacks in this country actually commit homicide at the rate of 125 (the average
for the above cities), THEN they ALREADY murder 41,250 Americans every year, most of
them WHITES, just as Kamau Kambon demanded
In 1994, there were a total of 23,300 homicides, of which
15,110 or 65% were cleared and 8,190 or 35% were never cleared.
If the
ratio by race at which homicides are not cleared is similar to the ratio at
which they are cleared, then each of the following above estimates for black
homicide rates must be increased 54%.
It's even possible that all of
the 10,218 uncleared murders were committed by blacks, in which event the
number of murders committed by blacks must be increased 2.2 FOLD, from 8,192 to
18,140, making blacks responsible for almost three quarters of all murders in
Don't Allow Any Shill Too Tell you all races are the same! Whites & Blacks are Polar Opposites
In 1950, UNESCO declared that race does not exist, that it is a myth. (Called a Conspiracy Theory Today).
This came after the subversion of the social sciences by the entrance of large numbers of Jews into the field. Franz Boas, and Claude Lévi-Strauss among many others, became very influential, Boas rejected race, but his stance and work was far from empirical, it was little more than critique, a self-serving theory.
“Lévi-Strauss’s writings were aimed at enshrining cultural differences and subverting universalism of the West, a position that validated the position of Judaism as a non-assimilating group.
Like Boas, Lévi-Strauss rejected biological and evolutionary theories.” Boas became the so-called father of American anthropology, his disciples went on to found anthropology departments in universities all over the country, and with them, the pseudo-science of race denial was taught to generations of students, all while physical anthropologists are teaching how to identify the race of a person from their remains.
It is almost laughable, if it were not so serious. “In sociology, the advent of Jewish intellectuals in the pre-World War 2 period resulted in “a level of politicization unknown to sociology’s founding fathers.” Marx replaced Darwin.
These Jews held all other theories to rigorous empirical standards, while holding their own theories to no standard of evidence at all. This method has become the status quo for all leftist arguments and movements that are the many tentacles of Cultural Marxism.
Here we will take a look at IQ, as just one aspect of the clear differences between races of men, with focus on the Black and White differences, and why it matters.
The differences in IQ between Blacks and Whites is attacked in the same way leftist intellectuals attack everything else they don’t like, they demand rigorous empirical standards while holding themselves to no standards at all. It is attacked from an ideological perspective, and not a scientific one, when the empirical standards are repeatedly met, they simply call it “racist” and end the conversation.
IQ is sound science, no matter how much it is denied, the correlation between IQ and outcomes in a number of areas is well established. If IQ was faulty, then performance would not be in line with scores, but performance and outcomes are in line with scores, regardless of socio economic standing or other environmental conditions.
The largest and most rigorous studies on IQ show a standard deviation of 1.21 between Blacks and Whites, with a Black mean of about 85, and a White mean of about 100. “It is important to understand as well that a difference of 1.2 standard deviations means considerable overlap in cognitive ability distribution for blacks and whites…”
This considerable overlap occurs on the low side of the White mean, and the high side of the Black mean.
Black IQ distribution above the White mean of 100 is very low compared to the distribution between 80 and 90. “At the lower end of the IQ range, there are approximately equal numbers of blacks and whites.
But throughout the upper half of the range, the disproportions between the number of whites and blacks at any given IQ level are huge.
To the extent that the difference represents an authentic difference in cognitive functioning, the social consequences are potentially huge as well.”
Let’s take a look at just a couple of areas where IQ has shown its importance. Much attention is given to Black-White unemployment rates in the US, we will add Latinos here because they are represented in the data available. After controlling for an IQ of 100, the unemployment difference for Blacks shrinks by more than half. The Latino, White difference disappears completely, and the White rate actually rises 1% point.
Controlling for IQ of 100 cuts the poverty differential by 77% for Blacks, and 74% for Latinos. Whites in poverty with a IQ of 100 come in at 6%, Blacks 11%, Latinos 9%. This compared to the 7% White, 26% Black, 18% Latino in the general US population.
Controlling for an IQ of 100, cuts the Black-White disparity in low birth weight babies by half. Controlling for IQ reduces the discrepancy between White and minority children living In poverty by more than 80%.
Controlling for IQ more than eliminates overall ethnic differences in developmental indexes. Controlling for IQ cuts Black-White difference in incarceration rates by three quarters. Controlling for IQ cuts the gap in Black-White welfare rates by half, and the Latino-White gap by 84%.
When controlling for IQ of 100, Blacks and Latinos are more likely than Whites to get a college degree and end up in a high paying job. (Affirmative Action at work)
We can see that clearly, IQ matters. IQ differences between Blacks and Whites matter. We also know that many Blacks are at the high end of the cognitive classes, cognitive classes being Very Dull, Dull, Normal, Bright, and Very Bright.
The discrepancy is in the numbers and averages. While the majority of Whites fall into the Normal class, with a much larger distribution in the Bright and Very Bright classes than their distribution in the Dull and very dull classes, Blacks are just the opposite.
The majority of blacks fall into the Dull class with a large number in the Very Dull class, Black representation in IQ distribution starts to fall sharply when it hits the Normal range (90-110) and even more sharply when it hits the White mean of 100.
It continues to drop drastically until the gap between the differences in the percentage of Whites and Blacks in the high end of the Normal, Bright and Very Bright classes is absolutely huge.
We can see the realities of IQ clearly in the differences in development and standards of Europe and European diaspora Nations and communities throughout the world, compared to Black African Nations and communities throughout the world.
As well as the difference between Asian and Black African nations and communities throughout the world. East Asians have a slightly higher mean than Whites, though not nearly as large as the standard deviations between Blacks and Whites.
The Blacks who are at the Normal and above classes of cognitive ability are simply to few to carry the majority of their population that fall into the Dull and Very Dull classes, and their Nations and communities show this repeatedly.
At the same time, Whites whose majorities fall into the Normal and above classes are able to cope with and carry the much smaller percentages of their population that fall into the Dull and Very Dull classes. Again, this is seen manifest in European, and European derived populations throughout the globe.
Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation
forever. Live
free of the negro menace, white people. It is your RIGHT.
The War in Iraq should have been the War against American Blacks. The first benefit is that we wouldn't have lost 2,000 soldiers in Iraq. The second benefit is that an effective war
against blacks would have immediately prevented the 5,000 Whites who’re currently murdered by
blacks EVERY YEAR from being murdered. The third benefit is that it would
have been far cheaper to separate the races as God's Plan requires than it was
to attack 12 year old
Iraqi girls with
cluster bombs.
Fifty three percent of all homicides committed by 1.2% of population, officially.
Blacks are why four cities in the US hold
the record as
The Murder Capitol Of The World.
Blacks are KNOWN by the FBI to
murder 24 Whites every week, officially.
If blacks are not under-represented in the uncleared murders, they
officially murder 48 Whites every week.
Officially, the
murderers of 4,000 Whites every year are never caught, much less
Young black men are officially 380 TIMES more likely than adult White women [a category
including Hispanic women] to be murderers, and officially 172 times more likely
to be murdered.
Genocide of American Whites by blacks
and Hispanics:
Proven by US government statistics.
Ignored by the silent-as-a-lamb "news"
media which
roared like a lion about putative murderer Scott Peterson.
took 200 times as many
American lives in the 20th Century as 911, Osama bin
Ladin, Saddam Hussein, and the War in Iraq, combined.
If current trends continue, will officially take another 800 TIMES as many American lives
in this century alone.
who were the murderers of 4,395 Whites in ONE year alone,
per 100,000 population by race:
Whites = 0.5.
Hispanics = 27.
Blacks in DC = 90.
Black men 18-24 years old = 380.
There were 806,316 homicides in the US between 1965 and 2004, and 588,611 of them were committed by
blacks, of which 179,808
were blacks who
murdered Whites. 322,526 of these homicides were not cleared, and only 483,790 were cleared, and of those Whites murdered by blacks, 43,541 were cleared and 136,267 were not cleared. In just four decades, American blacks killed
almost as many Whites as were killed in WWII, four times as many Whites as were
killed in Vietnam, and 60
times as many
Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq
The Unspoken American Genocide
Unspoken American Genocide
(The dirty little secret your jew controlled
"news" media doesn't want you to know)
Take five minutes to complete the Poll on Exiling Blacks
The official rate at which Blacks killed
Blacks in 1994 was 876 times greater, and the rate at which they killed Whites
was 164 times greater,
than the rate at which Whites killed Blacks. Whites were officially twice
as likely to be killed by Blacks than by Hispanics. Blacks were officially twice
as likely as Hispanics and 71
times as likely as Whites to kill members of their own race. Officially,
one half of the nation's homicides were committed by the 1.2% of the population
who were Black males between the ages of 18-24. Officially, if
there were no Blacks or Hispanics in the US, our homicide rate would be 0.2 per
100,000 population, equivalent to North Dakota or Singapore, and one fiftieth
of it sofficial record shattering high of 10.2 in 1993
The above interracial data is based exclusively on the official cleared
homicides and excludes 40% of the official homicides every
year which are never cleared
Breaking down cleared and uncleared homicides in 1994,
15,717 of the 26,103 or 60% of the homicides were cleared and 10,386 or 40%
were not cleared. Half or 12,900 of those killed were blacks and 47% or
12,300 were Whites and Hispanics. The murderers of 5,293 blacks or 20.3% and
4,415 Whites or 16.9% were not cleared. Of all murderers, 1,393 or 5.3%
were blacks who were convicted of killing Whites, and it's known with 100%
certainty that close to 100% of the 4,415 Whites and 5,293 blacks whose
murderers were not known were blacks, leaving interracial murders of White by blacks
at 22.3% of all homicides. The murderers were blacks in 19,063 or 73% of
all murders
There were 806,316 homicides
in the US between 1965 and 2004, and 588,611 of them were committed by blacks, of which 179,808 were blacks who murdered Whites. 322,526 of these homicides were not
cleared, and only 483,790 were cleared,
and of those Whites
murdered by blacks, 43,541
were cleared and 136,267 were not cleared. In just four
decades, American blacks killed
almost as many Whites as were killed in WWII, four times as many Whites as were killed in Vietnam, and 60 times as many Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq
The increase in homicide rates caused by blacks alone cost
this putative Christian nation an extra 24,209 American lives in 1991 alone, and officially caused an
EXTRA 800,000 murders just in the 20th Century--a
loss of life three times greater than all American WWII battle
deaths, 200 times greater than the loss attributable to all forms of
"terrorism" by all 1.2 billion Muslims throughout the world, and 400
TIMES greater than battle deaths in Iraq
- 33 million blacks IN AMERICA caused 800,000 EXTRA murders = 24,242 American lives per million
- 1,200 million Muslims 10,000 miles away caused 4,000 American deaths = 3.33 American lives per million
- American blacks are 7,280 TIMES more deadly to American lives than all 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide,
![]() |
Fifty three percent of all homicides committed by 1.2% of
population, officially.
![]() |
Blacks are why four cities in the US hold the record as
The Murder
Capitol Of The World.
![]() |
Blacks are KNOWN by the FBI to murder 24 Whites
every week, officially.
![]() |
If blacks are not under-represented in the uncleared
murders, they officially murder 48 Whites every week.
![]() |
Officially, the murderers of 4,000 Whites every
year are never caught, much less identified.
![]() |
Young black men are officially 380 TIMES
more likely than adult White women [a category including Hispanic women] to
be murderers, and officially 172 times more likely to be
![]() |
Genocide of American Whites by blacks and Hispanics:
![]() |
Homicides per 100,000 population by race:
![]() |
Paul Craig Robbins: Harvard hates Whites.
![]() |
LA's homicide zone.
![]() |
While Rome burns, the justice system fiddles.
![]() |
Why do blacks really love to
kill honkeys.
- Murders committed by Hispanics are included in the category for Whites.
- This table accounts for only 58% of the homicides in 1993 because it is only the murders which were "cleared".
- More than 4,000 Whites who are murdered annually aren't listed on this table because their murderers are never caught.
- The rate at which murders by blacks remain unsolved may be higher than the national average because of the nature of black crime and the unwillingness of black witnesses to reveal information to the police.
- Created a requirement for 22,000 unconstitutional gun control laws.
- Undermined the spirit and intent of the Second Amendment.
- Assured that these gun control laws could not and would not work.
- Impaired the ability of all law-abiding citizens to defend themselves, contributing to a huge increase in crime.
- Paralleled the tripling of the murder rate in the US.
- Enabled young American black men to achieve the world's highest sustained non-combat death rate.
- Contributed greatly to the murder of almost 0.2% of young black men each year.
- Put 1.2 million black men behind bars, more than are behind bars in the entire rest of the world.
- Repeal or ignore the Second
- Emigrate American blacks to Africa.
- Prohibit only American blacks from owning firearms.
Black Males
% of Pop
% of Homicides
Odds Ratio
![]() |
St. Louis: 47.5% x X + 52.5% x 2.0 = 63.5, X = 131.5 =
homicide rate of blacks in St. Louis
![]() |
New Orleans: 61.9% x X + 38.1% x 2.0 = 85.8, X = 137.4 =
homicide rate of blacks in New Orleans
![]() |
D.C.: 65.8% x X + 34.2% x 2.0 = 70, X = 105.3 = homicide
rate of blacks in D.C.
The War in Iraq should have been the
War Against American Blacks. The first benefit is that we wouldn't have
lost 2,000 soldiers in Iraq. The second benefit is that an effective war
against blacks would have immediately prevented the 5,000 Whites
who're currently murdered by blacks EVERY
YEAR from being murdered. The third benefit is that it
would have been far cheaper to separate the races as God's Plan requires than
it was to attack 12 year old Iraqi girls with cluster bombs. The
fourth benefit is that this president might not now be facing impeachment for LYING about Iraq when he could have
been the eternal
American hero for telling this above TRUTH
about blacks.
The fifth and least
important benefit is that these murderous blacks would have been
given their own country where they can be free of discrimination by Whites,
have the ability to develop their own skills and culture without the adverse
effects of misplaced White "compassion" [which is very seriously
misguided], and focus on their own heritage without having to hear about ours.
Black crime in America is real, it's present, it's ongoing,
it's pervasive--and it would be far easier to correct than any wars on Muslim
Terrorists, poverty, drugs, or illiteracy.
So why is it not corrected? Why do we instead go to
war against 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, when we didn't lift a finger to
protect the 50 million WHITE Christians in Russia from American grown
jewish Bolshevists from
East Side New York? Why do we continue to imprison 6% of black men in
the US for trivial crimes, and possibly crimes they didn't even commit, while
NOT imprisoning the black murderers who may now exceed 270,000 JUST since 1965.
For the last two decades, the affirmative action hirees
in our justice system have FAILED to even find much less prosecute forty
percent of all these murderers, leaving more than a quarter of a million
murderers free to murder again--and again. Whites, who commit less than
5% of these murders and possibly only 1%, represent 30% of our prison
population, so it's not White murderers who aren't being investigated,
prosecuted, and imprisoned--it's black murderers. Of the 25,869
homicides in the US in 1993 reported by the National Center for Health
Statistics, only 16,297 were ever resolved, leaving 9,572 murderers or 37% of
them, Scot free, to murder again, and again. We have 3.7 unresolved
homicides per 100,000 population, more unresolved murders per capita
alone than most industrialized nations have total murders per capita.
What's the plan here? What better way to create
resentment by Blacks against Whites than to falsely imprison Blacks who didn't
commit serious crimes, not imprison the majority of Black murderers, include as
"whites" those crimes committed by Hispanics, and imprison Whites at
a rate which greatly over-represents their tendency to commit violent crimes,
using "hate crimes" legislation as a convenient excuse? Why
does the US continue to have the lowest rate of clearance of homicides in the
Western world, leaving so many Black murderers free to murder fellow blacks and
Whites at unprecedented levels, again, and again, and again?

The table from the Bureau of Justice Statistics at contains
four egregious and misleading errors which conceal and thus actively promote a
continuation this genocide:
The large variation in the homicide rate from state to state
is due almost exclusively to the higher proportion of blacks and Hispanics in
some states coupled with their higher propensity to commit murder, particularly
in black infested cities like Washington, DC, Detroit, New Orleans, and Gary,
Indiana. People in states like North Dakota, Vermont, Iowa, and South
Dakota are up to 1/100th as likely to be murdered as people in states like
Louisiana, California, New York and Maryland and 1/355th as likely as people in
Washington, DC. But the percentage of the population who are blacks and
Hispanics in North Dakota is 1/33rd that of California and 1/58th that of
Washington, DC. Every one of the states with a high percentage of blacks
and Hispanics has a high murder rate, including California whose low percentage
of blacks is made up for by its high percentage of Hispanics. The result
is that Hispanics alone are a mortal risk to Californians which exceeds the
risk of dying from tobacco smoke by three times.
If the entire country had had a homicide rate equivalent to
North Dakota's rate of 0.2 per 100,000 population in 1995, rather than 22,895
homicides that year, there would have been only 526 homicides, saving 22,369
American lives. Such a rate over the last half century would have saved
more than 893,000 American lives, proving that multiculturalism has been an
incredibly expensive proposition for Americans of all races.
Perhaps it's a boon to blacks and Hispanics, though, who may
have killed each other in even greater numbers if Whites hadn't been around to
organize a just society for them. Had the homicide rate that year been
equivalent to Maryland's, 8,672 more Americans would have died, and had it been
equivalent to Washington's, 164,776 more Americans would have died. It's
likely that Washington's rate would have been even higher had it not been for
the 28% of the population there who are Whites.
North Dakota is living proof that
White Americans living free of multiculturalism and race mixing could have an
even more stable society and productive economy than Norway or Japan.
This low murder rate in 1995 was not a fluke, because North Dakota's rate
has remained the same or even declined over the last two decades. This is
not a new situation for states like Maine, Iowa, Montana, New Hampshire, and
South Dakota, either, because they have consistently had the lowest murder
rates. And they also haven't been bombarded with multiculturalism,
miscegenation, and the influx of blacks and Hispanics like the high crime
states have. These rates are also equivalent to countries like
Singapore, the Slovak Republic, England, Wales, Cyprus and Japan, which also
stand as living proof that low crime rates aren't a distant and impossible
Whites who have not been bombarded with miscegenation manage
to keep their homicide rate lower than 0.5 per 100,000 population, whereas
blacks who live in White societies commit as many as 120 homicides per 100,000
blacks and Hispanics commit 27 homicides per 100,000 Hispanics. See calculations.
This is one of the most heinous examples of the
chronic media bias faced
by White Americans each day. This inexplicable and chronic propensity to
cover up almost every crime perpetrated on, legal system bias against, justice
system discrimination against, and to belittle every action by, the White
Christian man must stop, now. The mainstream media openly supports
"hate crime legislation" which would effectively benefit every
American citizen except the White Christian man. It focuses on one crime
committed by White American men against one black felon James Byrd for an
entire year, while ignoring almost 2,500 black Americans who murder Whites
every year. The rate at which black Americans murder Whites is 8.2 per 100,000
Blacks, a rate higher than the whole murder rate of all but a
few countries, and more than 8 times higher than countries like the Czech
Republic, Japan, Cyprus, England, Wales, the Slovak Republic, and
The likelihood that a White American will be murdered
by just a Black American is 65 times greater than the likelihood that a citizen
of Singapore will
be murdered at all.
Black men between the ages of 18-24 commit murder at a rate 175 greater than that of White and Hispanic women (and Hispanic
women commit more than 85% of those murders). Between 1991 and 1994 they murdered
at a rate of 380 per 100,000 population, but were murdered at a rate of
"only" 175 per
100,000. The other half of their murder victims were
mostly White men. If such a high murder rate were to be sustained over
the next 75 years (the average life expectancy
in the US), then more than a quarter of all blacks in the US would have
murdered someone (not including multiple murders by one person). Table
#24 of US
Statistical Abstract estimates that there will be 384,000 more Black
men age 18-24 in 2025 than in 1996,
and history tells us that they alone will murder an EXTRA 1,344
Americans that one year alone.
If only 10,000 of them were to move
to North Dakota, they would increase North Dakota's murder rate 35 fold.
Had the US homicide rate remained at its relatively low rate
(but high compared to other nations) before the first of our 22,000 gun
control laws was passed in 1965, there
would have been 550,000 fewer homicides since then. The problem is not
ownership of firearms by Whites--it is ownership of firearms by blacks who
cannot be entrusted with that right--not in Africa, and not in the US.
While Whites are a significant percentage of the victims of
the ownership of firearms by blacks, blacks are an even bigger
percentage. While Whites are a significant percentage of the
convictions which were based solely on the existence of these 22,000
unconstitutional gun control laws (and
not on an actual crime), blacks are an
even bigger percentage of these convictions. Black Americans must recognize
this, and understand that the ownership of firearms by blacks created multiple
There are only three solutions possible:
Our failure to take aggressive action
will cost
another one million American lives over the next three decades and up to 4 million in the 21st Century.
The following graphs from the Bureau of Justice Statistics contain major errors which over-estimate the propensity of Whites to be criminals by more than six times because
it includes Hispanics
who are over-represented in jails and prisons by two fold, in the category for
Hispanics, which includes the most criminal class of Indians from Mexico who have not a trace of Hispanic blood, commit murder at a
rate commensurate with their over-representation as inmates, so more than 80%
of the murders which the BJS attributes to Whites were actually committed by
them. This means the rate at which non-Hispanic Whites commit murder is
less than 0.5 per
100,000 population, closer to the rate of our White cousins in England, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Poland, Denmark, and Ireland, but lower than Belgium, Austria, or Switzerland, and lower than our own
national rate in 1903. It also means that black 18-24 year old men commit murder at a rate 175 times greater than White
and Hispanic women, providing a keen insight into an unalterable physiological difference between races and sexes.
Following OJP Url Now Disabled
See Following Archived Copy
Note that there were 1,882,881 million male blacks
between the ages of 18-24 in 1993, when they achieved the world's record in homicide, killing each other and lots of Whites at a RATE of 380 per 100,000 population. What this means is that
18-24 y.o. blacks, who constituted less than 0.8% of the population, managed to kill 6,650 Americans all by themselves, a quarter of all the homicides in
the entire country of 256 million OTHER Americans.
So it's KNOWN that 0.7% of the American population managed to kill a quarter of all the people who were killed that year, and the other 99.3% killed only three quarters.
But wait! 1,171,977 black male children between the ages of 14 and 17
ALSO committed homicide at the unprecedented rate of 240 per 100k, which
is another 2,813 homicides.
The less than 1.2% of the population who are 14-24
year old black males are KNOWN to have killed 9,373 Americans that year--FORTY PERCENT of all 23,700 homicides in 1994
never made the news!!
Of course we don't know for sure what percentage of the
10,390 homicides which were never "cleared" were also committed by
this age group of black males--but for what reason would we believe that they didn't ALSO
commit 61% of them?
If so, then even this already shocking FBI graph greatly
under-reperesents the ACTUAL tendency of black youths to commit homicide, and
rather than 380 per 100,000, it's actually 467!
Rather than 14-24 yo black males killing "only"
9,373, they killed a record 12,497--FIFTY THREE PERCENT OF ALL HOMICIDES!!!
This puts South Africa and Zimbabwe to shame.
They came nowhere close. There were only 7,306 murders in ALL of South Africa
and 912 murders in ALL of Zimbabwe that year, yet just our blacks between the
age of 14 and 24 were responsible for the deaths of almost TWICE as many
The following data for homicides cleared by the justice
system shows the breakdown by race. Murders for which the perpetrator is
not known are not and cannot be included on this table. It's likely that
the percentage of uncleared murders committed by blacks is greater than the
percentage of cleared murders committed by blacks. More than 80% and
possibly close to 100% of the homicides attributed to "Whites" were
actually committed by "Hispanics" who constituted 9% of our
population during these years and commit homicide at the rate of 25 per 100,000
Taking 1986 as an example, we see that there were 6,896
White on White murders, 949 Black on White murders, 378 White on Black murders,
and 6,235 Black on Black murders (for a total of 14,458 murders). "Other
on other" is a very small category, so most of those in the White category
included most Hispanics and Asians. With Blacks being 13% of the population
and this category of Whites being the other 87%, we see that Blacks committed 49.7% of the murders and Whites committed
the other 50.3%. Blacks are thus over-represented by 3.8 fold and Whites are
under-represented by 1.7 fold, which means that Blacks
are 6.8 times more likely to be murderers than Whites.
Disabled DOJ Link
See Archived Version
Note that the category "White" includes all
Hispanics, not just White Hispanics, who are 10-100 times more likely to commit
murder than Whites in places like North Dakota and the Republic of Ireland,
Asians in Singapore, and Arabs in Saudi Arabia.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Homicide trends in the United States
Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-98.
See the methodology section in Additional Information About
the Data for weighting and imputation procedures used.
Total murders in 1992 on this table were only 14,895,
whereas there were a total of 25,203 homicides that year according to the US
Census Bureau, leaving 10,218 or 40.5% of them uncleared.
Of 26,103 murders in 1993, only 15,717 or 60.2% were
cleared, leaving 10,388 or 39.8% uncleared. 27% or 7,046 of them are
known to have been committed by non-blacks, leaving a possible 73% or 19,057 of
them where Blacks were the murderers. Of these 19,057 murders, 8,677 of
the murderers are known to have been blacks, and 1,393 are Whites who are known
to have been murdered by Blacks. If the rate at which blacks committed
the cleared murders (60% of all murders) is equivalent to the rate at which
they committed the uncleared murders (40% of all murders), a minimum
expectation, then there were 14,462 Black murderers who murdered 2,322 Whites
and 12,140 non-Whites [mostly other Blacks].
Included in the "white" category are 22.1 million
"white Hispanics" who are known to commit homicide at the rate of 25
per 100k population. They thus committed 5,525 of the 6,466 cleared
White on White homicides and the 432 of the cleared White on Black homicides,
leaving 1,373 homicides committed by actual Whites [capitol
"W"]. This would be a homicide rate per 100k population for the
190.8 million Whites of 1.4, slightly higher their genetic brethren in Europe.
If the homicides committed by Whites and Hispanics are all
accounted for, which this table suggests they were, then who killed the other
4,395 Whites whose murderers were never brought to justice? If Blacks
committed all of the 19,057 homicides which are known not to have been
committed by non-Blacks, a real probability, then the average homicide rate for
Blacks across the nation would have been 60.2. BUT, the 1996 US
Statistical Abstract, Table No. 313,
reports that this would have been a homicide rate *significantly* lower than
St. Louis, Missouri (63.5), New Orleans (85.8), and Washington, DC (70).
These cities are not 100% black. In order for them to
have had such high homicide rates, blacks in those cities would have had to
have committed homicide at a rate significantly higher than the average for
each city. Blacks were only 47.5% of the population [Table
No. 39] in St. Louis, 61.9% in New Orleans, and 65.8% in Washington,
For what reason would we believe that the national average
for blacks would be any lower for blacks in D.C, at 105.3? Or even the
137.4 in New Orleans? It's very hard for a city to hide dead bodies, so
even with all the effort to conceal this mass genocide against Whites by
blacks, police chiefs in these cities must eventually cough up the data.
They do their best to make it appear that it's just a cultural problem across
all races in their cities--but the low homicide rates in equivalent sized
cities with few or no blacks belie their claims.
Would it be possible that the FEDERAL government on the
other hand, who tells us that only 2,000 soldiers died in Iraq so far, COULD
and WOULD manipulate such data? Of course it would. IF 33 million
blacks in this country actually commit homicide at the rate of 125 (the average
for the above cities), THEN they ALREADY murder 41,250 Americans every year, most of
them WHITES, just as Kamau Kambon demanded
In 1994, there were a total of 23,300 homicides, of which
15,110 or 65% were cleared and 8,190 or 35% were never cleared. If the
ratio by race at which homicides are not cleared is similar to the ratio at
which they are cleared, then each of the following above estimates
for black homicide rates must be increased 54%. It's even possible that all of the 10,218 uncleared murders were committed by blacks,
in which event the number of murders commited by blacks must be
increased 2.2 FOLD, from 8,192 to 18,140, making blacks responsible for almost three quarters of all murders in 1994.
Hidden Facts about Slavery in AmericaThe New Observer July 18, 2015
The first official slave owner in colonial America was a
black man, not white; the
Arab slave trade in Negroes was far greater and much longer lasting than the
transatlantic slave trade; the founder of the southern state of Georgia banned
both slavery and Africans from the state; large numbers of “free blacks” owned
black slaves; and less than 5 percent of pre-Civil War American families actually had
These are some of the facts about slavery in America which
are deliberately
hidden from establishment
histories of slavery in America, which are all designed to blame white
Americans for “racism” and “slavery” and induce a completely false sense of guilt among whites.
Fact 1: The first official slave
owner in America was an Angolan who adopted the European name of Anthony Johnson. He was sold to slave
traders in 1621 by
an enemy
tribe in his native Africa, and was registered as “Antonio, a Negro” in the
official records of the Colony of Virginia. He went to work for a white farmer
as an indentured servant.
Prior to 1654, all Africans in the thirteen colonies were held in indentured servitude and were released after a contracted period with many of the indentured receiving land and equipment after their contracts for work expired.
Johnson would later take ownership of a large plot of farmland after the expiration of his contract and, using the skills he had learned during his indentured labor service, Johnson became moderately successful.
By July 1651 Johnson had
five indentured servants of his own.
In 1664, he brought a case before Virginia courts in which he contested a suit launched by one of his indentured servants, a Negro who adopted the name of John Casor.
Johnson won the suit and retained Casor as his servant for life, who thus became the first official and true slave in America.
In 1664, he brought a case before Virginia courts in which he contested a suit launched by one of his indentured servants, a Negro who adopted the name of John Casor.
Johnson won the suit and retained Casor as his servant for life, who thus became the first official and true slave in America.
Thus the accusation that whites
“started slavery” in America is utterly untrue: blacks in
Africa sold each other as slaves, and the first true lifelong slave
in America was owned by a black man, not a white.
Fact 2: The transatlantic slave trade was dwarfed by the Arab or Muslim slave trade, which lasted from 650 AD to 1900 AD. It is estimated that a minimum of 18 million Africans were enslaved by Arab slave traders, and that over one million Europeans were enslaved by the Muslim world during the same period.
The Muslim slave trade saw Africans
exported to regions throughout the Middle East and even to India, while the
Europeans were captured in raids in Spain, Italy, France, Britain, and Ireland.
These raids were launched from North Africa, and during the Islamic occupation of Iberia and southern Italy, from the latter regions as well.
These raids were launched from North Africa, and during the Islamic occupation of Iberia and southern Italy, from the latter regions as well.
The invasion of southeastern Europe by the Ottoman Turks saw even more Europeans enslaved into the Muslim world—but their numbers are unknown.
The Muslim trade in slaves, both
black and white, was therefore longer lasting and far more extensive than the
transatlantic slave trade—but there are today no cries of “Arab guilt” or
demands for reparations against Muslim nations.
Fact 3: James Oglethorpe (1696–1785) was a British
general who founded the colony of Georgia in 1732. From
the very beginning, Oglethorpe ensured
that slavery was banned in the colony, and that Africans were barred from entering the
territory. The colony’s founding charter
also forbid Roman Catholicism from being established in
the region.
It was only in 1750,
after Oglethorpe had left the colony, that the ban on
slavery was lifted.
Fact 4: Many free Negroes
owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate
to their representation
in society at large.
In 1830, a fourth of the free Negro
slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight
owning 30 or more.
According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million
Negroes in the United States,
with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states.
Of the blacks residing
in the South,
261,988 were
not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. Black Duke University
professor John Hope Franklin recorded that in New Orleans over 3,000 free
Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.
In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves. The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation.
Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter
whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000.
In Charleston, South
Carolina in 1860, 125 free Negroes owned
slaves; six of them owning 10 or more.
Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings.
In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners.
Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings.
In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners.
(Source: Black Masters: A Free Family of Color in the Old South, Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roak New York: Norton, 1984.)
Fact 5: In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the US census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country.
Some eight
million of them lived in the slaveholding states.
The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned
Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).
Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).
The figures show conclusively
that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters in pre-Civil War America.
The statistics outlined above show that about 28 percent of free blacks owned slaves—as opposed to less than 4.8 percent of southern whites, and dramatically more than the 1.4 percent of all white Americans who owned slaves.
The statistics outlined above show that about 28 percent of free blacks owned slaves—as opposed to less than 4.8 percent of southern whites, and dramatically more than the 1.4 percent of all white Americans who owned slaves.
White People Have No Culture
August 7, 2015
August 7, 2015
They deserve to be wiped out
because they have done absolutely nothing of value in the last 100,000 years.
Unlike Blacks,
who built a bunch of huts from mud and learned to dye their hair using cow urine. Not to mention that they created rap music and the
knock-out game.
A tribute to our beautiful Europa. Visit our page:
Say NO to White Genocide!
Say NO to White Genocide!
They deserve to be wiped out because they have done
absolutely nothing of value in the last 100,000 years.
Unlike Blacks, who built a bunch of huts from mud and
learned to dye their hair using cow urine. Not to mention that they created rap
music and the knock-out game.
Take a look at a world map. Around the centre or equator
belt you will see that most of the countries are hot and have produced nothing
except corruption and stupidity. In the northern hemisphere are the producer
countries, particularly those in Europe, plus Japan and some of China etc.
These countries many centuries ago developed a sense of order, justice, decency etc. Then along came the US, out of European stock and became great. Britain gave the commonwealth countries such as India, Singapore, Malaysia, Australasia and others our values and culture.
These countries many centuries ago developed a sense of order, justice, decency etc. Then along came the US, out of European stock and became great. Britain gave the commonwealth countries such as India, Singapore, Malaysia, Australasia and others our values and culture.
The norther European cultures are deep rooted, wonderful and
real, they are here to see and enjoy. Shakespeare, Velazquez, Mozart, Van Gogh,
Barnes Wallace, and many more.
When these left wing, communist jewish cunts say we have
nothing, give nothing, gave nothing they lie. They always lie. Nothing changes
because these people are scum.
- Castles,
Opera, Symphony, Orchestra, Shakespeare, Sonnets, Skyscrapers, Automation,
Baseball, Rugby, Golf, Catch wrestling, Hockey, Downhill and Cross country
skiing, Olympics, Skeet and trap shooting, crossbow, Octoberfest, Celtic
Music, Electric guitar, Bluegrass, Classical Music, Gregorian Chant,
Devotional hymms, American Cowboys and cowboy line dancing, Vespers, Holy
Days, Our Mass, Founding Fathers, Sistine Chapel, Michaelangelo, Cathedrals,
Basilicas, Latin, Greek, Euro languages, Hostels, Bill Of Rights, Common
Law, Magna Carta, Democracy, Universities, Pizza, Spaghetti and meatballs,
Shepherd’s Pie, SauerKraut and Sausage, Fish and chips, bridges and locks,
Classic cars-Gto, Vette, Camaro, Pantera, German cars-BMW, Porsche,
mercedes, VW, Swing dancing, Denim jeans, 3 piece suits, Tweed
sportsocats, Irish Sweaters, Bikinis, Blondes, red heads, brunettes, blue
and green eyes, Sweet Tea and Southern Food, Harley Davidson and Indian,
Beer, Whiskey, Vodka, electricity, air conditioning and refrigeration, TV,
Computer, water treatment plants, Crusades, The Inquisition, The Bible,
and even expelling J EWs 109 times, are all great examples of White
Culture and innovation and are just a few.....
I don't know about that, BHill. Dick Gregory, in a recent
speech at the Census Bureau, claimed the black man invented ice hockey.
Yep,Lord Stanley just swiped that game from some brothers after watching them
bat around their grandmother's over baked hotcakes with some tree branches on a
pond somewhere in Canada.
You should hear what spews out of the mouth of this so-called respected black leader.
You should hear what spews out of the mouth of this so-called respected black leader.
I love that Mel Gibson at the end, "Braveheart" was one of my favorite movies, especially
after my love for the European people was really ignited. Every time I see Mel,
I get really happy thinking about him saying Jews are responsible for all
the worlds wars, or getting drunk at a Hollywood after party and
calling the Jews that were there oven dodgers.
Mel actually has another movie in the works now. Those kikes
shut him down after his views were made clear, but he's getting back in it now.
In I believe 2004, he was voted the most powerful celebrity in the world. He's
had a lot of classic things to say about negros and ignorant women too.
- I
always thought that Russian whore set him up. Mel Gibson is awesome. He's
a real man's man. His views on homos are great. He's one of the few major
actors who isn't pretending to be straight. He once said this to an
interviewer who questioned his sexuality:
“They take it up the ass, this [pointing to his butt] is
only for taking a shit. With this look, who’s going to think I’m gay? I don’t
lend myself to that type of confusion. Do I look like a homosexual? Do I talk
like them? Do I move like them?”
I love it when the minorities whine about
"cultural appropriation".
I always point out that they are speaking English, typing on a computer, using a phone, in a Western nation, using air conditioning and refrigeration invented by
a white man, electricity, running water,
sewage systems...ALL WHITE CULTURE
Then I go on to say that I don't listen to nigger music, I
don't eat, behave, dress, act like, or associate with them or any other
minorities. I eat European food (or, rarely Asian food I cook
myself), listen to white music, dress, act and behave white. I
nothing and want nothing from any of them and never will. All
one can do is be unashamedly white and openly promote white culture no
matter what.
Three ways to respond when
someone says: "Whites
have no culture"
1. Start laughing at the person and walk away shaking your head.
2. Tell them that in order to understand culture, you must first have it.
3. Tell them that’s right. White people have a civilization, not a culture!
2. Tell them that in order to understand culture, you must first have it.
3. Tell them that’s right. White people have a civilization, not a culture!
The War in Iraq should have been
the War against American Blacks. The
first benefit is that we wouldn't have lost 2,000 soldiers in Iraq. The second benefit is that an effective war
against blacks would have immediately prevented the 5,000 Whites who’re
currently murdered by blacks EVERY YEAR from being
murdered. The third benefit
is that it would have been far cheaper to separate the races as God's Plan
requires than it was to attack 12 year old Iraqi girls with cluster bombs.
Fifty three percent of all homicides committed by 1.2% of population, officially.
Blacks are why four cities in the US hold
the record as
The Murder Capitol Of The World.
Blacks are KNOWN by the FBI to
murder 24 Whites every week, officially.
If blacks are not under-represented in the uncleared murders, they
officially murder 48 Whites every week.
Officially, the
murderers of 4,000 Whites every year are never caught,
much less identified.
Young black men are officially 380 TIMES more
likely than adult White women [a category including Hispanic women] to be
murderers, and officially 172 times more likely to be murdered.
Genocide of American Whites by blacks
and Hispanics:
Proven by US government statistics.
Ignored by the silent-as-a-lamb "news"
media which
roared like a lion about putative murderer Scott Peterson.
took 200 times as many
American lives in the 20th Century as 911, Osama bin
Ladin, Saddam Hussein, and the War in Iraq, combined.
If current trends continue, will officially take another 800 TIMES as many American lives
in this century alone.
who were the murderers of 4,395 Whites in ONE year alone, 1993.
per 100,000 population by race:
Whites =
Hispanics = 27.
Blacks in DC = 90.
Black men 18-24 years old = 380.
There were 806,316 homicides in the US
between 1965 and 2004, and 588,611 of them were committed by blacks, of which
179,808 were blacks who murdered Whites. 322,526 of these homicides were
not cleared, and only 483,790 were cleared, and of those Whites murdered by
blacks, 43,541 were cleared and 136,267 were not cleared. In just four decades, American blacks killed
almost as many Whites as were killed in WWII, four times as many Whites as were
killed in Vietnam, and 60 times as many Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq
The Unspoken American Genocide
The Unspoken American Genocide
(The dirty little secret your jew controlled
"news" media doesn't want you to know)
Take five minutes to complete the Poll on Exiling Blacks
The official rate at which Blacks killed
Blacks in 1994 was 876 times greater, and the rate at which they killed Whites
was 164 times greater,
than the rate at which Whites killed Blacks. Whites were officially twice
as likely to be killed by Blacks than by Hispanics. Blacks were officially twice
as likely as Hispanics and 71
times as likely as Whites to kill members of their own race. Officially,
one half of the nation's homicides were committed by the 1.2% of the population
who were Black males between the ages of 18-24. Officially, if
there were no Blacks or Hispanics in the US, our homicide rate would be 0.2 per
100,000 population, equivalent to North Dakota or Singapore, and one fiftieth
of it sofficial record shattering high of 10.2 in 1993
The above interracial data is based exclusively on the official cleared
homicides and excludes 40% of the official homicides every
year which are never cleared
Breaking down cleared and uncleared homicides in 1994,
15,717 of the 26,103 or 60% of the homicides were cleared and 10,386 or 40%
were not cleared. Half or 12,900 of those killed were blacks and 47% or
12,300 were Whites and Hispanics. The murderers of 5,293 blacks or 20.3% and
4,415 Whites or 16.9% were not cleared. Of all murderers, 1,393 or 5.3%
were blacks who were convicted of killing Whites, and it's known with 100%
certainty that close to 100% of the 4,415 Whites and 5,293 blacks whose
murderers were not known were blacks, leaving interracial murders of White by blacks
at 22.3% of all homicides. The murderers were blacks in 19,063 or 73% of
all murders
There were 806,316 homicides
in the US between 1965 and 2004, and 588,611 of them were committed by blacks, of which 179,808 were blacks who murdered Whites. 322,526 of these homicides were not
cleared, and only 483,790 were cleared,
and of those Whites
murdered by blacks, 43,541
were cleared and 136,267 were not cleared.
In just four decades, American blacks killed almost as many Whites as were killed in WWII, four times as many Whites as were killed in Vietnam, and 60 times as many Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq.
In just four decades, American blacks killed almost as many Whites as were killed in WWII, four times as many Whites as were killed in Vietnam, and 60 times as many Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq.
The increase in homicide rates caused by blacks alone cost
this putative Christian nation an extra 24,209 American lives in 1991 alone,
and officially caused an EXTRA 800,000 murders just in the 20th Century--a loss of life three times greater than all American WWII battle
deaths, 200 times greater than the loss attributable to all forms of "terrorism" by all 1.2 billion Muslims throughout the world, and 400
TIMES greater than battle deaths in Iraq.
and officially caused an EXTRA 800,000 murders just in the 20th Century--a loss of life three times greater than all American WWII battle
deaths, 200 times greater than the loss attributable to all forms of "terrorism" by all 1.2 billion Muslims throughout the world, and 400
TIMES greater than battle deaths in Iraq.
- 33 million blacks IN AMERICA caused 800,000 EXTRA murders = 24,242 American lives per million
- 1,200 million Muslims 10,000 miles away caused 4,000 American deaths = 3.33 American lives per million
- American blacks are 7,280 TIMES more deadly to American lives than all 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide,
The War in Iraq should have been the
War Against American Blacks. The first benefit is that we wouldn't have
lost 2,000 soldiers in Iraq.
The second benefit is that an effective war against blacks would have immediately prevented the 5,000 Whites who're currently murdered by blacks EVERY YEAR from being murdered.
The third benefit is that it would have been far cheaper to separate the races as God's Plan requires than it was to attack 12 year old Iraqi girls with cluster bombs.
The fourth benefit is that this president might not now be facing impeachment for LYING about Iraq when he could have been the eternal
American hero for telling this above TRUTH about blacks.
The second benefit is that an effective war against blacks would have immediately prevented the 5,000 Whites who're currently murdered by blacks EVERY YEAR from being murdered.
The third benefit is that it would have been far cheaper to separate the races as God's Plan requires than it was to attack 12 year old Iraqi girls with cluster bombs.
The fourth benefit is that this president might not now be facing impeachment for LYING about Iraq when he could have been the eternal
American hero for telling this above TRUTH about blacks.
The fifth and least
important benefit is that these murderous blacks would have been
given their own country where they can be free of discrimination by Whites,
have the ability to develop their own skills and culture without the adverse
effects of misplaced White "compassion"
[which is very seriously
misguided], and focus on their own heritage without having to hear about ours.
Fifty three percent of all homicides committed by 1.2% of population, officially.
Blacks are why four cities in the US hold the record as The Murder Capitol Of The World.
Blacks are KNOWN by the FBI to murder 24 Whites every week, officially.
If blacks are not under-represented in the uncleared murders, they officially murder 48 Whites every week.
Officially, the murderers of 4,000 Whites every year are never caught, much less identified.
Young black men are officially 380 TIMES more likely than adult White women [a category including Hispanic women] to be murderers, and officially 172 times more likely to be murdered.
Genocide of American Whites by blacks and Hispanics:
Proven by US government statistics.
Ignored by the silent-as-a-lamb "news" media which roared like a lion about putative murderer Scott Peterson.
Officially, took 200 times as many American lives in the 20th Century as 911, Osama bin Ladin, Saddam Hussein, and the War in Iraq, combined.
If current trends continue, will officially take another 800 TIMES as many American lives in this century alone.
Concealed who were the murderers of 4,395 Whites in ONE year alone, 1993.
Homicides per 100,000 population by race:
Whites = 0.5.
Hispanics = 27.
Blacks in DC = 90.
Black men 18-24 years old = 380.
Paul Craig Robbins: Harvard hates Whites.
LA's homicide zone.
While Rome burns, the justice system fiddles.
Why do blacks really love to kill honkeys.
Black crime in America is real, it's present, it's ongoing,
it's pervasive--and it would be far easier to correct than any wars on Muslim
Terrorists, poverty, drugs, or illiteracy.
So why is it not corrected? Why do we instead go to
war against 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, when we didn't lift a finger to
protect the 50 million WHITE Christians in Russia from American grown
jewish Bolshevists from
East Side New York?
Why do we continue to imprison 6% of black men in the US for trivial crimes, and possibly crimes they didn't even commit, while NOT imprisoning the black murderers who may now exceed 270,000 JUST since 1965.
Why do we continue to imprison 6% of black men in the US for trivial crimes, and possibly crimes they didn't even commit, while NOT imprisoning the black murderers who may now exceed 270,000 JUST since 1965.
For the last two decades, the affirmative action hirees
in our justice system have FAILED to even find much less prosecute forty
percent of all these murderers, leaving more than a quarter of a million
murderers free to murder again--and again. Whites, who commit less than
5% of these murders and possibly only 1%, represent 30% of our prison
population, so it's not White murderers who aren't being investigated,
prosecuted, and imprisoned--it's black murderers. Of the 25,869
homicides in the US in 1993 reported by the National Center for Health
Statistics, only 16,297 were ever resolved, leaving 9,572 murderers or 37% of
them, Scot free, to murder again, and again. We have 3.7 unresolved
homicides per 100,000 population, more unresolved murders per capita
alone than most industrialized nations have total murders per capita.
What's the plan here? What better way to create
resentment by Blacks against Whites than to falsely imprison Blacks who didn't
commit serious crimes, not imprison the majority of Black murderers, include as
"whites" those crimes committed by Hispanics, and imprison Whites at
a rate which greatly over-represents their tendency to commit violent crimes,
using "hate crimes" legislation as a convenient excuse? Why
does the US continue to have the lowest rate of clearance of homicides in the
Western world, leaving so many Black murderers free to murder fellow blacks and
Whites at unprecedented levels, again, and again, and again?

The table from the Bureau of Justice Statistics at contains
four egregious and misleading errors which conceal and thus actively promote a
continuation this genocide:
- Murders
committed by Hispanics are included in the category for Whites.
- This
table accounts for only 58% of the homicides in 1993 because it is only
the murders which were "cleared".
- More
than 4,000 Whites who are murdered annually aren't listed on this table
because their murderers are never caught.
- The
rate at which murders by blacks remain unsolved may be higher than the
national average because of the nature of black crime and the
unwillingness of black witnesses to reveal information to the police.
The large variation in the homicide rate from state to state
is due almost exclusively to the higher proportion of blacks and Hispanics in
some states coupled with their higher propensity to commit murder, particularly
in black infested cities like Washington, DC, Detroit, New Orleans, and Gary,
Indiana. People in states like North Dakota, Vermont, Iowa, and South
Dakota are up to 1/100th as likely to be murdered as people in states like
Louisiana, California, New York and Maryland and 1/355th as likely as people in
Washington, DC. But the percentage of the population who are blacks and
Hispanics in North Dakota is 1/33rd that of California and 1/58th that of
Washington, DC. Every one of the states with a high percentage of blacks
and Hispanics has a high murder rate, including California whose low percentage
of blacks is made up for by its high percentage of Hispanics. The result
is that Hispanics alone are a mortal risk to Californians which exceeds the
risk of dying from tobacco smoke by three times.
If the entire country had had a homicide rate equivalent to
North Dakota's rate of 0.2 per 100,000 population in 1995, rather than 22,895
homicides that year, there would have been only 526 homicides, saving 22,369
American lives. Such a rate over the last half century would have saved
more than 893,000 American lives, proving that multiculturalism has been an
incredibly expensive proposition for Americans of all races.
Perhaps it's a boon to blacks and Hispanics,though, who may
have killed each other in even greater numbers if Whites hadn't been around to
organize a just society for them. Had the homicide rate that year been
equivalent to Maryland's, 8,672 more Americans would have died, and had it been
equivalent to Washington's, 164,776 more Americans would have died. It's
likely that Washington's rate would have been even higher had it not been for
the 28% of the population there who are Whites.
North Dakota is living proof that White Americans living
free of multiculturalism and race mixing could have an even more stable society
and productive economy than Norway or Japan. This low murder rate in 1995
was not a fluke, because North Dakota's rate has remained the same or even
declined over the last two decades. This is not a new situation for
states like Maine, Iowa, Montana, New Hampshire, and South Dakota, either,
because they have consistently had the lowest murder rates. And they also
haven't been bombarded with multiculturalism, miscegenation, and the influx of
blacks and Hispanics like the high crime states have. These rates are
also equivalent to countries like
Singapore, the Slovak Republic, England, Wales, Cyprus and Japan, which also
stand as living proof that low crime rates aren't a distant and impossible
Whites who have not been bombarded with miscegenation manage
to keep their homicide rate lower than 0.5 per 100,000 population, whereas
blacks who live in White societies commit as many as 120 homicides per 100,000
blacks and Hispanics commit 27 homicides per 100,000 Hispanics. See calculations.
This is one of the most heinous examples of the
chronic media bias faced
by White Americans each day. This inexplicable and chronic propensity to
cover up almost every crime perpetrated on, legal system bias against, justice
system discrimination against, and to belittle every action by, the White
Christian man must stop, now. The mainstream media openly supports
"hate crime legislation" which would effectively benefit every
American citizen except the White Christian man. It focuses on one crime
committed by White American men against one black felon James Byrd for an
entire year, while ignoring almost 2,500 black Americans who murder Whites
every year. The rate at which black Americans murder Whites is 8.2 per
100,000 Blacks, a rate higher than the whole murder rate of all but a few
countries, and more than 8 times higher than countries like the Czech Republic,
Japan, Cyprus, England, Wales, the Slovak Republic, and Singapore.
The likelihood that a White American will be murdered
by just a Black American is 65 times greater than the likelihood that a citizen
of Singapore will
be murdered at all.
Black men between the ages of 18-24 commit murder at a rate
175 greater than that of White and Hispanic women (and Hispanic women commit
more than 85% of those murders). Between 1991 and 1994 they murdered at a
rate of 380 per 100,000 population, but were murdered at a rate of
"only" 175 per 100,000. The other half of their murder victims
were mostly White men. If such a high murder rate were to be sustained
over the next 75 years (the average life expectancy in the US), then more than
a quarter of all blacks in the US would have murdered someone (not including
multiple murders by one person). Table #24 of US Statistical
Abstract estimates that there will be 384,000 more Black men age 18-24
in 2025 than in 1996, and history tells us that they alone will murder an EXTRA
1,344 Americans that one year alone.
If only 10,000 of them were to move to North Dakota, they
would increase North Dakota's murder rate 35 fold.
Had the US homicide rate remained at its relatively low rate
(but high compared to other nations) before the first of our 22,000 gun control
laws was passed in 1965, there would have been 550,000 fewer homicides since
then. The problem is not ownership of firearms by Whites--it is ownership
of firearms by blacks who cannot be entrusted with that right--not in Africa,
and not in the US.
While Whites are a significant percentage of the victims of
the ownership of firearms by blacks, blacks are an even bigger
percentage. While Whites are a significant percentage of the
convictions which were based solely on the existence of these 22,000
unconstitutional gun control laws (and not on an actual crime), blacks are an
even bigger percentage of these convictions. Black Americans must recognize
this, and understand that the ownership of firearms by blacks created multiple
- Created
a requirement for 22,000 unconstitutional gun control laws.
- Undermined
the spirit and intent of the Second Amendment.
- Assured
that these gun control laws could not and would not work.
- Impaired
the ability of all law-abiding citizens to defend themselves, contributing
to a huge increase in crime.
- Paralleled
the tripling of the murder rate in the US.
- Enabled
young American black men to achieve the world's highest sustained
non-combat death rate.
- Contributed
greatly to the murder of almost 0.2% of young black men each year.
- Put
1.2 million black men behind bars, more than are behind bars in the entire
rest of the world.
There are only three solutions possible:
- Repeal
or ignore the Second Amendment.
- Emigrate
American blacks
to Africa.
- Prohibit
only American blacks from owning firearms.
Our failure to take aggressive action will cost another one
million American lives over the next three decades and up to 4 million in the
21st Century.
The following graphs from the Bureau of Justice Statistics
contain major errors which over-estimate the propensity of Whites to be criminals
by more than six times because it includes Hispanics who are over-represented
in jails and prisons by two fold, in the category for "whites".
Hispanics, which includes Ithe most criminal class of ndians from Mexico who
have not a trace of Hispanic blood, commit murder at a rate commensurate with
their over-representation as inmates, so more than 80% of the murders which the
BJS attributes to Whites were actually committed by them. This means the
rate at which non-Hispanic Whites commit murder is less than 0.5 per 100,000
population, closer to the rate of our White cousins in England, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Poland, Denmark, and Ireland, but lower than Belgium, Austria, or
Switzerland, and lower than our own national rate in 1903. It also means
that black 18-24 year old men commit murder at a rate 175 times greater than
White and Hispanic women, providing a keen insight into an unalterable
physiological difference between races and sexes.

Following OJP Url Now Disabled
See Following Archived Copy

Note that there were 1,882,881 million male blacks between
the ages of 18-24 in 1993, when they achieved the world's record in homicide,
killing each other and lots of Whites at a RATE of 380 per 100,000 population.
What this means is that 18-24 y.o. blacks, who constituted less than 0.8% of
the population, managed to kill 6,650 Americans all by themselves, a quarter of
all the homicides in the entire country of 256 million OTHER Americans.
Black Males
So it's KNOWN that 0.7% of the American population managed
to kill a quarter of all the people who were killed that year, and the other
99.3% killed only three quarters.
But wait! 1,171,977 black male children between the
ages of 14 and 17 ALSO committed homicide at the unprecedented rate of
240 per 100k, which is another 2,813 homicides.
The less than 1.2% of the population who are 14-24
year old black males are KNOWN to have killed 9,373 Americans that year--FORTY PERCENT of all 23,700 homicides in 1994 AND
made the news!!
Of course we don't know for sure what percentage of the
10,390 homicides which were never "cleared" were also committed by
this age group of black males--but for what reason would we believe that they
didn't ALSO commit 61% of them?
If so, then even this already shocking FBI graph greatly
under-reperesents the ACTUAL tendency of black youths to commit homicide, and
rather than 380 per 100,000, it's actually 467!
Rather than 14-24 yo black males killing "only"
9,373, they killed a record 12,497--FIFTY THREE PERCENT OF ALL HOMICIDES!!!
This puts South Africa and Zimbabwe to shame.
They came nowhere close. There were only 7,306 murders in ALL of South Africa
and 912 murders in ALL of Zimbabwe that year, yet just our blacks between the
age of 14 and 24 were responsible for the deaths of almost TWICE as many

The following data for homicides cleared by the justice
system shows the breakdown by race. Murders for which the perpetrator is
not known are not and cannot be included on this table. It's likely that
the percentage of uncleared murders committed by blacks is greater than the
percentage of cleared murders committed by blacks. More than 80% and
possibly close to 100% of the homicides attributed to "Whites" were
actually committed by "Hispanics" who constituted 9% of our
population during these years and commit homicide at the rate of 25 per 100,000
Taking 1986 as an example, we see that there were 6,896
White on White murders, 949 Black on White murders, 378 White on Black murders,
and 6,235 Black on Black murders (for a total of 14,458 murders). "Other
on other" is a very small category, so most of those in the White category
included most Hispanics and Asians. With Blacks being 13% of the population and
this category of Whites being the other 87%, we see that Blacks committed 49.7%
of the murders and Whites committed the other 50.3%. Blacks are thus
over-represented by 3.8 fold and Whites are under-represented by 1.7 fold,
which means that Blacks are 6.8 times more likely to be murderers than Whites.
% of Pop
% of Homicides
Odds Ratio
Note that the category "White" includes all
Hispanics, not just White Hispanics, who are 10-100 times more likely to commit
murder than Whites in places like North Dakota and the Republic of Ireland,
Asians in Singapore, and Arabs in Saudi Arabia.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Homicide trends in the United States
Racial composition of offender and victim for homicide
Percent of all homicides
on Black on Other on White on Black on
Other on White on Black on Other on
Year White White
White Black Black
Black Other Other
1976 43.5%
6.0% 0.3% 2.0%
47.5% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1977 44.6%
5.9% 0.4% 2.4%
45.8% 0.1% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
1978 46.3%
6.1% 0.3% 1.8%
44.8% 0.0% 0.3%
0.0% 0.3%
1979 46.0%
6.8% 0.4% 2.5%
43.7% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1980 46.8%
6.4% 0.3% 2.2%
43.6% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1981 46.8%
6.8% 0.2% 2.5%
43.0% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1982 48.1%
6.4% 0.3% 2.5%
41.7% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
1983 48.7%
6.3% 0.3% 2.3%
41.6% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
1984 50.3%
6.2% 0.3% 2.6%
39.8% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
1985 49.7%
6.7% 0.3% 2.7%
39.8% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.5%
1986 47.1%
6.5% 0.4% 2.6%
42.6% 0.1% 0.3%
0.0% 0.6%
1987 47.3%
6.3% 0.4% 2.9%
42.2% 0.1% 0.2%
0.1% 0.5%
1988 44.9%
6.6% 0.4% 2.7%
44.5% 0.1% 0.3%
0.0% 0.4%
1989 43.9%
7.0% 0.3% 3.1%
44.8% 0.0% 0.3%
0.0% 0.5%
1990 44.1%
6.9% 0.3% 3.2%
44.8% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.4%
1991 41.5%
7.7% 0.3% 3.4%
46.3% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.4%
1992 41.7%
8.5% 0.3% 2.7%
46.1% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1993 41.1%
8.9% 0.3% 2.7%
46.2% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.4%
1994 41.1%
8.6% 0.4% 3.1%
46.1% 0.0% 0.3%
0.1% 0.3%
1995 43.8%
8.0% 0.4% 3.3%
43.6% 0.1% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
1996 43.8%
8.4% 0.4% 3.3%
43.4% 0.1% 0.3%
0.1% 0.3%
1997 43.4%
8.4% 0.3% 2.9%
44.0% 0.0% 0.2%
0.1% 0.6%
1998 46.4%
7.5% 0.3% 3.2%
41.6% 0.1% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5%
Number of homicides
on Black on Other on White on Black on
Other on White on Black on Other on
Year White White
White Black Black
Black Other Other
1976 6279
862 44 290
6855 2 29
12 59
1977 6299
828 52 346
6469 7 36
10 71
1978 6776
899 40 269
6547 5 37
5 48
1979 7054
1037 54 390
6706 4 31
10 64
1980 7384
1011 42 343
6886 7 34
9 67
1981 7588
1106 37 402
6972 8 33
11 71
1982 7183
960 44 377
6227 3 44
12 79
1983 6719
869 41 314
5739 3 38
8 68
1984 6664
816 42 341
5264 3 36
9 63
1985 6744
913 43 361
5402 5 27
12 65
1986 6896
949 54 378
6235 7 41
6 88
1987 6574
873 49 408
5861 8 35
10 70
1988 6362
939 62 389
6312 8 40
7 58
1989 6450
1029 50 457
6583 2 42
5 75
1990 6984
1089 43 502
7091 2 42
9 69
1991 6611
1220 54 541
7361 5 51
15 56
1992 6241
1272 40 410
6903 4 35
17 63
1993 6466
1393 46 432
7268 7 32
16 57
1994 6208
1306 56 469
6960 4 42
13 52
1995 6043
1110 51 454
6020 8 37
17 72
1996 5602
1077 49 417
5551 13 32
17 41
5056 974 34
343 5119 5
28 17 70
1998 5188
839 36 362
4653 8 29
12 56
Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-98.
See the methodology section in Additional Information About
the Data for weighting and imputation procedures used.
Total murders in 1992 on this table were only 14,895,
whereas there were a total of 25,203 homicides that year according to the US
Census Bureau, leaving 10,218 or 40.5% of them uncleared.
Total Murders in 1993
% Total Murders
Cleared Murders
Uncleared Murders
Whites Murdered
Less White on White (cleared)
Less Black on White (cleared)
Less Other on White (cleared)
Murderers of Whites not cleared
Blacks Murdered
Less Black on Black (cleared)
Less White on Black (cleared)
Less Other on Black (cleared)
Murderers of Blacks not cleared
Murderers of Others not cleared
Murderers known to be non-black
All possible black murderers
per 100k blacks
Black murderers cleared
Black murderers uncleared
Remaining probable black murderers
Uncleared murdered Whites
Uncleared murdered blacks
Total Whites murdered by blacks
probable of non-cleared
uncleared murdered Whites
Of 26,103 murders in 1993, only 15,717 or 60.2% were
cleared, leaving 10,388 or 39.8% uncleared. 27% or 7,046 of them are
known to have been committed by non-blacks, leaving a possible 73% or 19,057 of
them where Blacks were the murderers.
Of these 19,057 murders, 8,677 of
the murderers are known to have been blacks, and 1,393 are Whites who are known
to have been murdered by Blacks. If the rate at which blacks committed
the cleared murders (60% of all murders) is equivalent to the rate at which
they committed the uncleared murders (40% of all murders), a minimum
expectation, then there were 14,462 Black murderers who murdered 2,322 Whites
and 12,140 non-Whites [mostly other Blacks].
Included in the "white" category are 22.1 million
"white Hispanics" who are known to commit homicide at the rate of 25
per 100k population.
They thus committed 5,525 of the 6,466 cleared
White on White homicides and the 432 of the cleared White on Black homicides,
leaving 1,373 homicides committed by actual Whites [capitol
This would be a homicide rate per 100k population for the
190.8 million Whites of 1.4, slightly higher their genetic brethren in Europe.
If the homicides committed by Whites and Hispanics are all
accounted for, which this table suggests they were, then who killed the other
4,395 Whites whose murderers were never brought to justice?
If Blacks
committed all of the 19,057 homicides which are known not to have been
committed by non-Blacks, a real probability, then the average homicide rate for
Blacks across the nation would have been 60.2.
BUT, the 1996 US
Statistical Abstract, Table No. 313,
reports that this would have been a homicide rate *significantly* lower than
St. Louis, Missouri (63.5), New Orleans (85.8), and Washington, DC (70).
These cities are not 100% black.
In order for them to
have had such high homicide rates, blacks in those cities would have had to
have committed homicide at a rate significantly higher than the average for
each city.
Blacks were only 47.5% of the population [Table
No. 39] in St. Louis, 61.9% in New Orleans, and 65.8% in Washington,
![]() |
St. Louis: 47.5% x X + 52.5% x 2.0 = 63.5, X = 131.5 =
homicide rate of blacks in St. Louis
![]() |
New Orleans: 61.9% x X + 38.1% x 2.0 = 85.8, X = 137.4 =
homicide rate of blacks in New Orleans
![]() |
D.C.: 65.8% x X + 34.2% x 2.0 = 70, X = 105.3 = homicide
rate of blacks in D.C.
For what reason would we believe that the national average
for blacks would be any lower for blacks in D.C, at 105.3? Or even the
137.4 in New Orleans? It's very hard for a city to hide dead bodies, so
even with all the effort to conceal this mass genocide against Whites by
blacks, police chiefs in these cities must eventually cough up the data.
They do their best to make it appear that it's just a cultural problem across
all races in their cities--but the low homicide rates in equivalent sized
cities with few or no blacks belie their claims.
Would it be possible that the FEDERAL government on the
other hand, who tells us that only 2,000 soldiers died in Iraq so far, COULD
and WOULD manipulate such data? Of course it would.
IF 33 million
blacks in this country actually commit homicide at the rate of 125 (the average
for the above cities), THEN they ALREADY murder 41,250 Americans every year, most of
them WHITES, just as Kamau Kambon demanded
In 1994, there were a total of 23,300 homicides, of which
15,110 or 65% were cleared and 8,190 or 35% were never cleared.
If the
ratio by race at which homicides are not cleared is similar to the ratio at
which they are cleared, then each of the following above estimates for black
homicide rates must be increased 54%.
It's even possible that all of
the 10,218 uncleared murders were committed by blacks, in which event the
number of murders committed by blacks must be increased 2.2 FOLD, from 8,192 to
18,140, making blacks responsible for almost three quarters of all murders in
Don't Allow Any Shill Too Tell you all races are the same! Whites & Blacks are Polar Opposites
In 1950, UNESCO declared that race does not exist, that it is a myth. (Called a Conspiracy Theory Today).
This came after the subversion of the social sciences by the entrance of large numbers of Jews into the field. Franz Boas, and Claude Lévi-Strauss among many others, became very influential, Boas rejected race, but his stance and work was far from empirical, it was little more than critique, a self-serving theory.
“Lévi-Strauss’s writings were aimed at enshrining cultural differences and subverting universalism of the West, a position that validated the position of Judaism as a non-assimilating group.
“Lévi-Strauss’s writings were aimed at enshrining cultural differences and subverting universalism of the West, a position that validated the position of Judaism as a non-assimilating group.
Like Boas, Lévi-Strauss rejected biological and evolutionary theories.” Boas became the so-called father of American anthropology, his disciples went on to found anthropology departments in universities all over the country, and with them, the pseudo-science of race denial was taught to generations of students, all while physical anthropologists are teaching how to identify the race of a person from their remains.
It is almost laughable, if it were not so serious. “In sociology, the advent of Jewish intellectuals in the pre-World War 2 period resulted in “a level of politicization unknown to sociology’s founding fathers.” Marx replaced Darwin.
It is almost laughable, if it were not so serious. “In sociology, the advent of Jewish intellectuals in the pre-World War 2 period resulted in “a level of politicization unknown to sociology’s founding fathers.” Marx replaced Darwin.
These Jews held all other theories to rigorous empirical standards, while holding their own theories to no standard of evidence at all. This method has become the status quo for all leftist arguments and movements that are the many tentacles of Cultural Marxism.
Here we will take a look at IQ, as just one aspect of the clear differences between races of men, with focus on the Black and White differences, and why it matters.
The differences in IQ between Blacks and Whites is attacked in the same way leftist intellectuals attack everything else they don’t like, they demand rigorous empirical standards while holding themselves to no standards at all. It is attacked from an ideological perspective, and not a scientific one, when the empirical standards are repeatedly met, they simply call it “racist” and end the conversation.
IQ is sound science, no matter how much it is denied, the correlation between IQ and outcomes in a number of areas is well established. If IQ was faulty, then performance would not be in line with scores, but performance and outcomes are in line with scores, regardless of socio economic standing or other environmental conditions.
The largest and most rigorous studies on IQ show a standard deviation of 1.21 between Blacks and Whites, with a Black mean of about 85, and a White mean of about 100. “It is important to understand as well that a difference of 1.2 standard deviations means considerable overlap in cognitive ability distribution for blacks and whites…”
This considerable overlap occurs on the low side of the White mean, and the high side of the Black mean.
Black IQ distribution above the White mean of 100 is very low compared to the distribution between 80 and 90. “At the lower end of the IQ range, there are approximately equal numbers of blacks and whites.
But throughout the upper half of the range, the disproportions between the number of whites and blacks at any given IQ level are huge.
To the extent that the difference represents an authentic difference in cognitive functioning, the social consequences are potentially huge as well.”
This considerable overlap occurs on the low side of the White mean, and the high side of the Black mean.
Black IQ distribution above the White mean of 100 is very low compared to the distribution between 80 and 90. “At the lower end of the IQ range, there are approximately equal numbers of blacks and whites.
But throughout the upper half of the range, the disproportions between the number of whites and blacks at any given IQ level are huge.
To the extent that the difference represents an authentic difference in cognitive functioning, the social consequences are potentially huge as well.”
Let’s take a look at just a couple of areas where IQ has shown its importance. Much attention is given to Black-White unemployment rates in the US, we will add Latinos here because they are represented in the data available. After controlling for an IQ of 100, the unemployment difference for Blacks shrinks by more than half. The Latino, White difference disappears completely, and the White rate actually rises 1% point.
Controlling for IQ of 100 cuts the poverty differential by 77% for Blacks, and 74% for Latinos. Whites in poverty with a IQ of 100 come in at 6%, Blacks 11%, Latinos 9%. This compared to the 7% White, 26% Black, 18% Latino in the general US population.
Controlling for an IQ of 100, cuts the Black-White disparity in low birth weight babies by half. Controlling for IQ reduces the discrepancy between White and minority children living In poverty by more than 80%.
Controlling for IQ more than eliminates overall ethnic differences in developmental indexes. Controlling for IQ cuts Black-White difference in incarceration rates by three quarters. Controlling for IQ cuts the gap in Black-White welfare rates by half, and the Latino-White gap by 84%.
When controlling for IQ of 100, Blacks and Latinos are more likely than Whites to get a college degree and end up in a high paying job. (Affirmative Action at work)
Controlling for an IQ of 100, cuts the Black-White disparity in low birth weight babies by half. Controlling for IQ reduces the discrepancy between White and minority children living In poverty by more than 80%.
Controlling for IQ more than eliminates overall ethnic differences in developmental indexes. Controlling for IQ cuts Black-White difference in incarceration rates by three quarters. Controlling for IQ cuts the gap in Black-White welfare rates by half, and the Latino-White gap by 84%.
When controlling for IQ of 100, Blacks and Latinos are more likely than Whites to get a college degree and end up in a high paying job. (Affirmative Action at work)
We can see that clearly, IQ matters. IQ differences between Blacks and Whites matter. We also know that many Blacks are at the high end of the cognitive classes, cognitive classes being Very Dull, Dull, Normal, Bright, and Very Bright.
The discrepancy is in the numbers and averages. While the majority of Whites fall into the Normal class, with a much larger distribution in the Bright and Very Bright classes than their distribution in the Dull and very dull classes, Blacks are just the opposite.
The majority of blacks fall into the Dull class with a large number in the Very Dull class, Black representation in IQ distribution starts to fall sharply when it hits the Normal range (90-110) and even more sharply when it hits the White mean of 100.
It continues to drop drastically until the gap between the differences in the percentage of Whites and Blacks in the high end of the Normal, Bright and Very Bright classes is absolutely huge.
It continues to drop drastically until the gap between the differences in the percentage of Whites and Blacks in the high end of the Normal, Bright and Very Bright classes is absolutely huge.
We can see the realities of IQ clearly in the differences in development and standards of Europe and European diaspora Nations and communities throughout the world, compared to Black African Nations and communities throughout the world.
As well as the difference between Asian and Black African nations and communities throughout the world. East Asians have a slightly higher mean than Whites, though not nearly as large as the standard deviations between Blacks and Whites.
As well as the difference between Asian and Black African nations and communities throughout the world. East Asians have a slightly higher mean than Whites, though not nearly as large as the standard deviations between Blacks and Whites.
The Blacks who are at the Normal and above classes of cognitive ability are simply to few to carry the majority of their population that fall into the Dull and Very Dull classes, and their Nations and communities show this repeatedly.
At the same time, Whites whose majorities fall into the Normal and above classes are able to cope with and carry the much smaller percentages of their population that fall into the Dull and Very Dull classes. Again, this is seen manifest in European, and European derived populations throughout the globe.
At the same time, Whites whose majorities fall into the Normal and above classes are able to cope with and carry the much smaller percentages of their population that fall into the Dull and Very Dull classes. Again, this is seen manifest in European, and European derived populations throughout the globe.
Only in America...would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens
The consequences of ignoring racial realities are dire.
Resentment will continue to grow from both those who cannot understand their inability to succeed in Western Nations, and the Western people who created those Nations resentment at having to constantly pull the weight of others not of their blood who not only do not appreciate it, but resent them for it, with incessant cries of racism and oppression.
in America
...could people claim that the government
still discriminates against black Americans.
When they have a black President,
a black Attorney General
and roughly 20%
of the federal workforce is black
only 14% of
the population is black
40+% of all
federal entitlements goes to black
the rate that go to whites,
5X the rate that go to Hispanics!
We are quickly reaching the tipping point where the burden of carrying the weight of the Black underclass will become too great a task, and one that is simply not worth the Lefts promised rewards that never have, and never will come, because they are ideologically, and not organically driven.
Race denial is a powder keg, the fuse is resentment that will lead to the inevitable explosion of conflict and suffering for all.
& Blacks
(and one lie)
By Roger Roots
Senator Bilbo's Warning
"If our buildings, our highways, and our railroads
should be wrecked, we could rebuild them. If our cities should be destroyed,
out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones. Even if our armed
might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power.
But if
the blood of our White race should become corrupted and mingled with the blood
of Africa, then the present greatness of the United States of America would be
destroyed and
all hope for civilization would be as impossible for a Negroid
America as would be redemption and restoration of the Whiteman's blood which
had been mixed with that of the Negro."
(Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, of Mississippi in 1947)
In the pages of this booklet are found 100 facts, the vast majority of which can be easily verified in any
set of encyclopedias, almanacs, psychology text, and other reference materials
commonly found in any public library.
Cleverly hidden within these hundred facts, for added incentive to read onward, is one lie.
Not a lie of statistical or
grammatical error, but a ludicrous falsehood at once so absurd as to strike the
reader as an insult to human intelligence, and yet so deadly evil that if
allowed to go unanswered its final cost would be incalculable.
I sincerely
pledge that my motivations are not of insult or hatred, but of the deepest love
for mankind and the truest concern for its future generations.
My purpose is
not to deceive but to enlighten, and I hope this work will help you reflect and
reexamine your views on race.
FACT #1: The White race has crossed seas, harnessed rivers,
carved mountains, tamed deserts, and colonized the most barren ice fields.
has been responsible for the invention of the printing press, cement, the
harnessing of electricity, flight, rocketry, astronomy, the telescope, space
travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, the lightbulb,
photography, motion pictures, the phonograph, the electric battery, the
automobile, the steam engine, railroad transportation, the microscope,
computers, and millions of other technological miracles.
It has discovered
countless medical advances, incredible applications, scientific progress, etc.
Its members have included such greats as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer,
Tacitus, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo,
Washington, Jefferson, Hitler, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus,
Cabot, Edison, Graham Bell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton,
Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson, and thousands upon
thousands of other notable achievers. (37) (39)
FACT #2: Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the
Black African Negro has invented nothing.
Not a written language, weaved cloth,
a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a table, a chair, a
house, a dresser, a bed, a spoon, a fork, a system of measurement, or even the
wheel. (Note: This is in reference to the pure‑blooded Negro.)
He is not known
to have ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his
own use (although many powerful and docile beasts abounded around him.)
His only
known means of transporting goods was on the top of his hard burry head.
shelter he never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the construction of
which a beaver or muskrat is capable. (21) (39)
FACT #3: The I.Q.'s of American Negroes are from 15 to 20
points, on average, below those of American Whites. (26) (16) (18) (22)
FACT #4: These Black\White differences have been
demonstrated repeatedly by every test ever conducted by every branch of the
U.S. Military, every state, county, and local school board, the U.S. Dept. of
Education, etc. The same ratio of difference has held true over a 40 year
period. (18) (26) (24)
FACT #5: With an average I.Q. of 85, only 16% of Blacks
score over 100, while half the White population does. The Negro overlap of
White median I.Q.'s ranges from 10 to 25 percent‑‑ equality would require 50
percent. (31) (27) (16)
FACT #6: Blacks are 6 times as likely to have I.Q.'s of 50
to 70 which put them in the slow learner (retarded) category, while Whites are
ten times more likely to score 130 or over. (15) (16) (18) (23)
FACT # 7: The U.S. government's PACE examination, given to
100,000 university graduates who are prospective professional or administrative
civil‑service employees each year, is passed with a score of 70 or above by 58%
of the whites who take it but by only 12% of the Negroes.
Among top scorers the
difference between Negro and White performance is even more striking: 16% of
the white applicants make scores of 90 or above, while only one‑fifth of one
percent of a Negro applicants score as high as 90‑‑a White/Black success ration
of 80/1. (27)
FACT #8: Differences between Negro and White children
increase with chronological age, the gap in performance being largest at the high
school and college levels. (31) (26)
FACT #9: White/Negro I.Q. differences are constantly excused
as results of environmental variations. but at least five studies that have
attempted to equate socio‑economic backgrounds of the two races indicate no significant
change in relative results.
As environment improves, the Negro does better but
so does the White. The gap is not decreased. (26)
In fact, extensive research
by DR. G.J. McGurk, associate Professor of Psychology at Villanova University,
reveals that the gap in intelligence between Blacks and Whites INCREASES where
socio‑economic levels of both races are raised to the middle classes. (18)
FACT #10: In 1915, Dr. G.W. Ferfuson took 1000 school
children in Virginia, divided them into 5 racial categories, and tested them
for mental aptitude. On average. full‑blooded Negroes scored 69.2% as high as
Whites. Three‑quarter Negroes scored 73.0% as high as Whites. One‑half Negroes
scored 81.2% as high as Whites. One‑quarter Negroes scored 91.8% as high as
Whites. All of these Blacks lived as and considered themselves
"Negroes." Their environments and "advantages" or
disadvantages were exactly the same. (14) Also see (26) pg 452.
FACT #11: Results of the Army Beta test given by the U.S.
Army to over 386,000 illiterate soldiers in WWI showed Negro draftees to be
"inferior to the Whites on all types of tests used in the Army."
Additionally, tests were conducted upon pure Negroes, Mulattoes, and Quadroons.
It was found that "the lighter groups made better scores." (14)
FACT #12: Studies conducted with identical twins raised
apart in radically different environments provide conclusive evidence that over‑all
influence of heredity exceeds that of environment in a ratio of about 3 to 1.
FACT #13: Even when Blacks and Whites have the same
backgrounds, in terms of family income and childhood advantages, Blacks still
have average I.Q. scores 12 to 15 points lower than comparable Whites. This
includes cases where Black children have been adopted by White parents. Their I.Q.s
may be improved by environment, but they are still closer to their biological
parents than their adoptive parents. (3) (15) (26)
FACT #14: Equalitarian ideologists often discount I.Q. test
results with the excuse that they are culturally biased. Nonetheless, NO ONE,
not the NAACP nor the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been able to
develop an intelligence test which shows Blacks and Whites scoring equally.
(15) (42) (3)
FACT # 15: American Indians, who often live in conditions
far worse than American Blacks during their entire lives, still consistently
outscore them on I.Q. tests. (3) (27)
FACT #16: The offspring of interracial marriages tend to
have lower I.Q.s than the white parent. (11) (26)
FACT #17: Among human races numerous studies have been made
of the comparative weight of White and Negro brains with results that fell
within the range of about an 8‑12 percent lower weight for the Negro brain.
Such studies have been conducted by Bean, Pearl, Vint, Tilney, Gordon, Todd,
and others. (23) (27)
FACT #18: In addition to the difference in brain weight, the
Negro brain grows less after puberty than the white. Though the Negro brain and
nervous system mature faster than the white brain, its development is arrested
at an earlier age which limits further intellectual advancement. (22) (27)
FACT #19: The thickness of the supragranular layer (the
outside layer) of the Negro brain is about 15 percent thinner, and its
convolutions are fewer and simpler, on average, than that of the White brain.
FACT #20: The frontal lobes of the Negro brain, responsible
for abstract conceptual reasoning, are smaller relative to body weight, less
fissured, and less complex than those of the White brain. (9) (27) (23) (22)
FACT #21: The name Homo sapien was first used by the 18th
Century Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus. The word "sapien" means
"wise." The name was originally used to speak of the White man and
synonymous with "europaeus."
As a result, many later taxonomists and
geneticists believed that Negroes and other races should be classified as
different species.
In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the
varieties of mankind are so distinct that similar differences found in any
other animal would warrant their classification in different species, if not
different genera. (39)
FACT #22: For his mammoth work, The Origin of Races,
Professor Carleton Coon, President of the American Association of Physical
Anthropologists and the premier geneticist of the world, assembled massive
evidence from geography, anatomy, genetics, physiology, comparative dentition,
linguistics, archeology, and fossil records from 300 bone‑bearing sites to
verify his theory of pre‑sapien racianation."
In other words, Homo erectus was divided by race even
before evolution into Homo sapien stage. (12)
FACT #23: According to Dr. Coon, while the Caucasoid
subspecies (the White race) was evolving in Europe, the Negro race was standing
still on the evolutionary plane and is today no less than 200,000 years behind
the European in skull and brain development. (9)
FACT #24: The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller
brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous;
i.e., the lower face projects forward, rather in the manner of an animal's
In consequence, the Negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its
width, than the White jaw.
A feature of the Negro lower jaw is its retention of
a vestige of the "simian shelf," a bony region immediately behind the
The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it
is absent in Whites. (9) (12) (39)
FACT #25: The skin of the Negro is thicker and possibly
superior to the Whites in the way it impedes the penetration of germs and in
its protection from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. (39) (14)
FACT #26: The dark color of the Negro is due to melanin
pigment which is spread through every layer of the skin and is found even in
the muscles and brain. (9) (27)
FACT #27: An African dentist can tell a Negro's tooth from a
white man's at a glance. (14)
FACT #28: Negroes have arms which are longer, relative to
body height, than those of Whites. This feature, together with their much
thicker cranial bones, gives Black athletes an advantage over Whites in boxing.
The skeletal and muscular peculiarities of Negroes' lower limbs have given them
considerable success as sprinters, but have left them relatively undistinguished
as distance runners. (39) (27)
The hair is black, crispy, and "woolly" in
texture, it is flat and elliptical with no central canal or duct like the hair
of Europeans.
The nose is thick, broad and flat, often turned up nostrils
exposing the red inner lining of the mucous membrane similar to an ape.
The arms and legs of the Negro are relatively longer than
the European. The humerus is a trifle shorter and the forearm longer thereby
approximating the simian form.
The eyes are prominent, iris black and the orbits large. The
eye often has a yellowish sclerotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.
The Negro has a shorter trunk the cross‑section of the chest
is more circular than whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an
The mouth is wide with very thick, large and protruding
Negro skin has a thick superficial horny layer which resists
scratching and impedes the penetration of germs.
The Negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of
The cranial sutures are more simple than in the white type
and close together earlier.
The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high
and detached thus approaching the simian form.
The Negro is more powerfully developed from the pelvis down
and the white more powerfully developed in the chest.
The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which,
along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees
as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
The hands and fingers are proportionally narrower and
longer. The wrist and ankles are shorter and more robust.
The frontal and paricial bones of the cranium are less
excavated and less capacious. The skull is thicker especially on the sides.
The brain of the Negro on the average is 9 to 20% smaller
than whites.
The teeth are larger and are wider apart than in the white
The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the
Negro than in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.
The femur of the Negro is less oblique, the tibia (shin bone)
more curved and bent forward, the calf of the leg high and but little
The heel is broad and projecting, the foot long and broad
but slightly arched causing flat soles, the great toe is shorter than in the
The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as
in apes.
FACT #30: Blood group studies made during WWII suggest the
American Negro gene pool is about 28% white. ‑‑This despite all manner of
institutional discrimination, social segregation, etc. Keep in mind that the
results of test from true Black Africans would show even bigger differences
from Whites. (32) (14)
FACT #31: The rate at which Blacks commit murder is thirteen
times that of Whites; Rape and assault, ten times. These figures, as given by
the F.B.I. reports, vary somewhat from year to year but fairly represent the
trend for the past decade. (27) (6) (13)
FACT #32: According to the justice Dept, 1 in every 4 Black
males between the ages of 20 and 29 is currently in prison or on probation or
parole. (32) (6) (3)
FACT #33: Though only 12% of the U.S. population, Blacks
commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60% of all murders in the
U.S. (32) (27) (6)
FACT #34: Approximately 50% of all Black males will be arrested
and charged with a serious felony during their lifetime. (27)
FACT #35: A Black person is 56 TIMES more likely to attack a
White person than Vice Versa. (3) (32)
FACT #36: Black rapists choose White victims over half
(54.9%) of the time, 30X as often as Whites choose Blacks. (2) (32) (28)
FACT #37: The annual report from the Department of justice
shows that when Whites commit violence they do it to Blacks 2.4% of the time.
Blacks, on the other hand, choose White victims MORE THAN HALF the time. (3)
FACT #38: In New York City, any White is over 300 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be assaulted
by a gang of Blacks than is a Black by a gang of Whites. (32)
FACT #39: Many people argue that high Black incarceration
rates show that police center enforcement at Black crimes and ignore white‑collar
crimes. However, Blacks commit a disproportionate number of white‑collar offenses as well. In 1990,
Blacks were nearly 3 times as likely
to be arrested for forgery, counterfeiting, and embezzlement as Whites. (32)
FACT #40: Many people believe that crime is a product of
poverty and lack of "advantages." However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual
salaries and is second only to Alaska in personal income per capita, leads the
nation in just about every category of crime including murder, robbery,
aggravated assault, and vehicle theft. D.C. also has the country's strictest gun control, highest police
costs per capita, highest ration of police and correctional officers per
citizen, and highest rate of incarceration.
Its permanent population is over 80%
Black. West Virginia, which has the nation's lowest crime rate, suffers
from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the U.S. It also has
the fewest police per capita. West
Virginia is over 96% White. (33)
FACT #41: 46% of inner city Black men between the ages of 16 and 62 are unemployed. (27)
FACT #42: More than 66% of the children of Negroes are born
out of wedlock. Per capita, their illegitimacy rate is ten times that of
Whites. (32) (27)
FACT #43: Blacks are four and a half times more likely than
Whites to be on welfare. (32)
FACT #44: More than 35% of all Black men in U.S. Cities are drug or alcohol abusers. (27)
FACT #45: The January l986 issue of the journal of Ethnic
and Racial Studies, "Skin Color Preference, Sexual Dimorphism and Sexual
Selection: a case of Gene‑Culture Coevolution?" by Peter Frost and Pierre
Van der Herghe, stated that in any given race, the women tend to have lighter
complexions than the men. Using standard ethnographic files from 51 societies
on five continents which have recorded their preference for human skin color,
the study found that 30 preferred lighter women and 14 preferred lighter women
and lighter men. The cultures of India, China, Brazil and Bali, as well as the
Arabs and Negroes regard the lightest women as the most beautiful. ‑‑perpetuating
the aesthetic appeal of the ivory‑skinned, rosy‑cheeked, blue‑eyed, blond "nordic
ideal" of feminine beauty‑ ‑even though they themselves do not possess the
genetic capacity to reproduce such an organism. Over time, the study said, the
upper classes of all races have become lighter‑skinned than their fellow
countrymen because they have repeatedly skimmed off fairer women from the lower
classes. (Also see #11)
FACT #46: Scientific research on what constitutes human beauty, in which 300 judges of
various backgrounds were shown portrait photographs and asked to rate the
beauty of the individual's face, has revealed that Nordic Whites are universally recognized as the most attractive
humans, even by Blacks.
The judges were instructed to evaluate the faces solely
on his or her "personal standards of beauty and not to consider popular norms."
The results of the study "Age, Sex, Race, and the Perception of Facial
Beauty." Developmental Psychology, 5, Nov., 1971, pp 433‑439, are reprinted below.
Age 7 white
males white adolescent males
Age 7 black males
white adolescent males
Age 7 white females
white adolescent females
Age 12 white males
white adolescent females
Age 12 black males
white adolescent females
Age 12 white females white
adolescent females
Age 12 black females white
adolescent females
Age 17 white males
white adolescent females
Age 17 black males
white adolescent females
Age 17 white females white
adolescent females
Age 17 black females white
adolescent females
Adult white
males white adolescent females
Adult black
males white adolescent females
Adult white females
white adolescent males
Adult black females
white adolescent females
FACT #47: In experiments in which Black children have been
left to themselves with White and Black dolls, it has been found that most of
them would rather play with White dolls.
This is true all over the world. Even in such places as Tobago. (32) (22) (23)
FACT #48: The Declaration of Independence, which contains
the oft‑repeated phrase ". . . all men are created equal . . ." was
written by Thomas Jefferson, who owned about 200 slaves at the time and never
set any of them free, including the mulattoes and quadroons. Jefferson's words
certainly had no reference to Negroes, who at that time had no place in American
society except as property. (27) (38) (31)
FACT #49: The Constitution was written by and for 'We the
people" and dedicated to "ourselves and our posterity," All of
the 55 delegates that met in Philadelphia to draft the Constitution and all of
the members of the 13 state conventions that ratified it were of the White
race. (38)
OF 1828 defines Posterity as:
POSTERITY. 1. Descendants; children, children's children, etc.
indefinitely; the race that proceeds from a progenitor. 2. In a general sense,
succeeding generations; opposed to ancestors. . .
FACT #50: The 14th Amendment is invalid for the following
It was never ratified by three‑fourth of all the States in
the Union according to Article 5 of the U.S. Constitution. Out of 37 States, 16
had rejected it.
Many of the States who were counted as ratifying it, were
compelled to do so under duress of military occupation. Any legal act entered
into under force duress, and coercion is automatically null and void.
The fact that 23 Senators had been unlawfully excluded from
the U.S. Senate, shows that the Joint Resolution proposing the Amendment was
not submitted to or adopted by a constitutional Congress.
The intent of the 14th Amendment is repugnant to the
original U.S. Constitution and the Organic Law of the land. It did not, and
could not, repeal anything that was part of the Organic Law. Therefore the
principles of precedent and stare decisis render it void. (23)
FACT #51: In Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of
Sept. 1862 he said: "I have urged the colonization of the Negroes, (back
to Africa), and I shall continue. My Emancipation Proclamation was linked with
this plan (of colonization). There is no room for two distinct races of White
men in America, much less for two distinct races of Whites and Blacks. . . . I
can think of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the negro into our
social and political life as our equal...Within twenty years we can peacefully
colonize the Negro...under conditions in which he can rise to the full measure
of manhood. This he can never do here. We can never attain the ideal union our
fathers dreamed, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose
assimilation is neither possible nor desirable." (27)
FACT #52: Lincoln actually proposed an amendment to the
constitution that would have authorized congress to recolonize all freed Blacks
back to Africa. On Aug. 15, l962, Congress did appropriate over half a million
dollars for that purpose. Thousands of Negroes had been shipped back when
Lincoln was shot. (27)
FACT #53: The District
of Columbia, which is approximately 70%
Black, leads the U.S. in many areas:
The nation’s highest
crime rates
Strictest gun control
Highest incarceration
Highest birthrate
Highest death rate
Highest rate of federal
assistance per capita
Highest number of welfare
recipients per capita
Highest rate of illegitimacy
Highest high school
dropout rate even though its teachers
are the highest paid in the U.S.
Highest rate of gonorrhea
and syphilis
Highest incidence of
AIDS (33) (32)
FACT #54: Populated by White stock, the nation of Portugal
rose in four centuries to be the wealthiest most powerful country in the world.
A great commercial and maritime power, it had large colonies in Asia, Africa,
and America. Its seamen were the first to explore western Africa and they
brought back hundreds of Negro slaves. By 1550, at the height of Portugal's
power, one‑tenth of its population were Blacks. Today, Portugal's population is
described as one of the most homogeneous in Europe, having slowly absorbed the
Negro gene pool. As of l975 it had lost all of its outside territories. Its
workers are the lowest paid in Europe and they have the highest rate of
illiteracy and a high infant mortality rate. In terms of art, literature,
music, science and philosophy the "new" Portugal has produced
virtually nothing in 100 years and by most standards is the most backward
nation in Europe. *Keep in mind that the Black population of the U.S. is
approximately 13%. (27)
FACT #55: The
Republic of Haiti, the only completely Black republic in the Western Hemisphere
also happens to be the poorest country
in the Western Hemisphere. It also has the lowest life expectancy, highest
illiteracy, lowest per capita consumption of newsprint, lowest per capita GNP, and the lowest
level of political stability. (27)
FACT #56: Haiti once had a promising future. Before 1789 as a French colony under White
rule, San Domingo (Haiti) was as rich or richer in productivity as all the 13 American Colonies combined.
It was considered the "crown
jewel" of the French colonial system, and was in fact the most prosperous colony anywhere in the
world. Populated by 40,000 Whites, 27,000 freed Mulattoes, and 450,000
Black slaves and with a bountiful
climate and productive soil, it supplied all of France and half of Europe
with sugar, coffee, and cotton. But
in 1791, the French government
issued a decree ordering Haiti to give the vote to the Mulattoes, and soon
after another ordering freedom for all
the slaves. This resulted in a bloody
civil war in which the entire White
population (about 40,000 Frenchmen) was murdered, down to the last man,
woman, and child. Rape, decapitation,
and mutilation were committed almost universally upon their bodies. (22)
FACT #57: After the Blacks massacred the last of the White population in 1804,
Haiti remained a part of Santa Domingo, until 1844 when it became a separate "republic." Between 1844
and 1915 only one Haitian president completed his term in office. Fourteen were
ousted by armed uprisings, one was blown up, one was poisoned and another was
hacked to pieces by a mob. Between 1908 and 1915 the revolutions and
assassinations increased so rapidly that a United States military occupation
was needed to restore order. This lasted from 1915 to 1934. Thereafter followed twelve years of rule by a Mulatto
elite which ended in the resumption of control by the Black military in 1946. Since then wholesale corruption and
political murder have been the rule. (23)
FACT #58: India's Negroid peoples have been subjected to
numerous White invasions for over 5000 years, prompting the rise and fall of
one civilization after another as the White invaders became absorbed into the
non‑White masses. Then, about 1800 B.C.
Aryans again invaded from the northwest, this time establishing a rigid
caste ("varna." meaning color) system of White supremacy which
eventually evolved into an integral part of the Hindu religion. Interracial mixing
was banned and punishable by death. (5) (37)
FACT #59: Led by an Aryan ruling class, Classical India
blossomed into a great culture, giving expression to philosophy, poetry,
science, mathematics, and literature. The land prospered as never before ‑‑or
FACT #60: The caste system lasted about 2,000 years
(probably longer than any civilization under similar racial circumstances.)
However, eventually the castes broke down due to miscegenation and by modern
times virtually no pure Whites were remaining. (39) (37) (10)
FACT #61: Today, India
has 834 million people who speak 150 different languages and dialects. When
the annual rainfall is insufficient, they die of starvation at a rate of
2,000,000 to 6,000,000 per year. India has the highest birthrate in Asia, one
of the lowest per capita incomes in the world, and an illiteracy rate close to
70%. (35) (33)
FACT #62: Ancient Egypt was founded and built by
Mediterranean Caucasians as far back as 4500 B.C. Egypt's period of greatness
was from 3400 B.C. to 1800 B.C. and
was characterized by its amazing architecture, pyramids, temples, and mastery
of mathematics and engineering, the remnants of which are still evident today.
The White Egyptians pioneered medicine, chemistry, astronomy, and law; In many
cases, their achievements remain unequalled. (37) (39) (21)
FACT #63: But, about 3400
B.C. Egypt civilization began to spread up the Nile River, bringing it in
close contact with the black Nubians to the south. Soon they were using Blacks
for slave labor and Egypt became history's first melting pot. (39) (10) (14)
FACT # 64: In time the infusion of Negro blood worked itself
up from the bottom of Egyptian society. The slaves were eventually freed,
received political equality, and took posts of authority in government. (10)
FACT #65: By the time of King Tut (1370‑1352 B.C.) even the ruling classes had been mongrelized and Egypt began a tailspin downward. Today, the once‑mighty
Egypt is very much a Third World country, having lost its art, its medicine,
its architectural ability, and its position in world affairs. (10) (37)
The absurd notion that Ancient Egypt was a product of Negro
ingenuity is now being widely disseminated in the schools. Though scholars know
this is a blatant lie, they justify the deception by assuming it will boost the
"self‑esteem" of Black children.
(Note: These facts will most likely change drastically now
that South Africa has fallen under black rule.)
FACT #66: White people have lived in South Africa much
longer than Negroes. There have been White settlements in South Africa for over
300 years, about the same length of time Europeans have lived in North America.
Even 150 years after the first colonies around Capetown, at the beginning of
the 19th Century, there still were no Blacks within 500 miles. The Blacks
wandered in from central Africa later on, possibly fleeing the slave trade or
due to famine. In fact, most of South Africa's Blacks were born in other
countries. (29) (8) (14)
FACT #67: South Africa is by far the wealthiest and most
advanced country in Africa, producing nearly 75% of the continent's Gross
National Product. It is almost completely self‑ sufficient so boycotts have
little affect upon its economy. In fact most of Africa is dependent upon South
Africa. South Africa is governed by a Western parliamentary republic and
strictly segregated racially. South Africa grants complete self‑government to
the Blacks in their own areas of the country. (29) (8) (14)
FACT #68: Though South Africa is perpetually criticized by
the world press for its racial separatism, its Blacks live better than the
Blacks of any other African country and are multiplying rapidly and healthily. 87% of Black welfare costs are being paid
by the White man. This includes food, clothing, training, housing,
education and health care. ‑‑even old age pensions. (14)
FACT #69: Thousands of South African Blacks graduate from
college every year, more than three times as many as in the rest of Africa
combined. Every Black child is within walking distance of a primary school.
Africa's largest hospital, which serves Blacks almost exclusively and performs
over 1800 operations per month, is in South Africa. (14)
FACT #70: The Blacks of South Africa own more cars than do
all the citizens of the Soviet Union. (29)
FACT #71: South Africa has more Black doctors, lawyers,
professional people, and millionaires than all of the rest of the world
combined. (8)
FACT #72: In fact, conditions are "so bad" for Blacks in South Africa that the country
has a tremendous problem with illegal Black immigration, having over one million illegal foreign workers.
(14) (29)
FACT #73‑75: Iceland,
the only all‑White nation in the world, has the world's highest literacy rate.
100%. It is an island of cooled volcanic magma, located just south of the
Arctic Circle. It has no coal, no fuel, no timber, no mineral wealth or natural
resources, and no navigable rivers. 75%
of the interior is uninhabitable and only about 1% of the land is arable.
It is the youngest nation in Europe and one of the most isolated countries in the world. Nonetheless, Iceland is #2 in the world in life
expectancy and has one of the
world's highest standards of living, in terms of per capita income. It has tremendous medical facilities and a thriving publishing business. Virtually
every family has a telephone. Upon graduation from high school, each Icelandic student has learned five languages.
FACT #75‑77: On Jan. 31, 1977, Martin Luther King's FBI records were sealed by court order
until the year 2027 because, as his
wife said, "its release would
destroy his reputation" These records are rumored to contain instances
of bizarre sexual perversion and
homosexuality, and proof that King was under the direct orders of Soviet spies and financed by the Communist Party.
FACT #78: The Wall Street Journal (Nov.9, 1990) disclosed
that Stanford University editors of The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr. have
long known that King was guilty of
plagiarism in his l955 Boston University doctoral thesis, having lifted
significant portions from the works of other writers and graduate students.
FACT #79: Martin
Luther King frequently enjoyed prostitutes and paid for them with his
church's money. Still, congress has voted to make King's birthday a national
holiday, in most places replacing Columbus Day or Washington's Birthday as an
official observance.
FACT #80: Almost every state in the union has a King
Holiday, and almost every city has a King Boulevard or King Civic Center. Yet
the electoral evidence suggests that Americans will almost always vote down
honors for King when given a chance. (41)
FACT #81: The entire continent of Africa, perhaps Earth's
richest land, accounts for only 3%
of world trade. (27)
FACT #82‑84: Almost all Blacks who have been leaders in
fields other than athletics or music
have had some White ancestry:
Fredick Douglas, W.E.B. Dubois, Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver,
Alex Hailey, Thurgood Marshall, Bryant Gumbell, Colin Powell, Carl Rowan, Ed
Bradley, Doug Wilder, etc. According to Dr. E.B. Reuter, ". . . Of
successful and best known men that the Negro race has produced, at least
thirteen‑ fourteenths are men of mixed
blood. (27) (21)
FACT #85: Blacks are 50
times more likely to have syphilis than Whites. (32)
FACT #86: Twice as many Blacks as Whites receive dishonorable discharge from the U.S.
military. (32)
FACT #87: A White
woman is 15 times more likely to contract AIDS by engaging in sex with a Negro
than with a White heterosexual. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control)
FACT #88: 90% of U.S. children with AIDS are Black or
Hispanic. (36)
FACT # 89‑92: In l950, American schools were among the best
in the world. However, vocal elements within our society demanded that the
public schools take on a social engineering role as well as an educational one.
Violent disruptions of American education were ordered by the Supreme Court for
the purpose of breaking down racial barriers.
For 30 years, American schools
have diverted enormous resources into forced integration, quotas, and busing operations.
(Few people realize how expensive bussing is).
Annual cost may run
into tens of billions of dollars. In l990 California alone was spending $500
million per year on integration. Many school districts spend a quarter or more
of their budgets on transportation.
In Milwaukee alone and in a single school
year, 30,000 staff hours were diverted into calculating the race of students to
attend the various schools.) The results?
Today's student’s rank at the very
bottom worldwide in science and math, some 40% of American adults are
functionally illiterate, and standardized test scores have declined steadily
for both Whites and Blacks.
Today the average White still scores 200 points
higher on the combined SAT than the average Black. Americans spend more on
education than any other country in the world and have the worst results.
Massive White flight to escape racial zoning has reduced the tax base of every
major American city. In l983, after nearly two generations of racial
experimentation to promote equality, the research arm of the Dept. of Education
could not produce a single study that showed Black children were learning
appreciably better after desegregation. (25) (20) (32)
FACT #93: In Black
Africa the average ruler lasts 7 months. (22) (27) (7)
FACT #94: By 1995, a third of U.S. students will be non‑Whites
and Whites will be a minority in the school districts of 5 states. (32)
FACT #95: Dr. William Shockley, Nobel Prize winner for his
work in the invention of the transistor and renowned geneticist as Stanford
University, said, "The major cause for American Negroes' hereditary is
origin and thus not remedial to a major degree by improvement in
FACT #96: In 1930,
about 33% of the world was White. Today, the U.N. estimates that only about
9.5% of the world's population is Caucasian. This percentage is falling
rapidly. (34) (27)
FACT #97: Every race has an equal capacity to learn and
contribute to civilization and any differences are caused by prejudice and
The fact that white skins are associated with civilization is merely a
quirk of fortune and coincidence. Any attempt to distinguish the races is
motivated by paranoia and hatred.
We must prevent any investigation into the
subject and work to melt society together into a raceless, nationless,
harmonious utopia.
FACT #98: In 1988 there were 9,406 cases of Black‑on‑White
rape and fewer than 10 cases of White on Black rape in the U.S. (32)
In 2014 there were over 34,000 reported Black on White Rapes and less than 100 white on black rapes reported.
FACT #99: For the book INTELLIGENCE
AND NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT, by Raymond Cattell, three distinguished American
scholars compare massive evidence of national I.Q. score averages worldwide and warn against the decline of any nation whose population
reflects declining intelligence.
Taking into consideration the differential
birthrates of American ethnic stocks, they concluded that American ability is
declining rapidly. (21)
FACT #100: The American taxpayers have spent over $2.5 TRILLION trying to upgrade Blacks
since the l960's. (6) (Very Conservative Figure).
FACT #101: QUOTES "The
Negroes' rude ignorance has never invented any effectual weapons of defense
or destruction:
they appear incapable
of forming any extensive plans of government or conquest:
and the obvious inferiority of their mental faculties
has been discovered and abused by the nations of the temperate zone."
Gibbon, the great historian and author of THE
"Wherever you find the Negro everything is going down around him,
and wherever you find the White man you see everything around him
improving." ‑‑Robert E. Lee, to Col. Thomas H. Carter, May, l965.
We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions.
By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can
mold them to the program of the Communist Party.
In America we will aim for
subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will
endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.
We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every
walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment.
With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and
begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.
A revealing quote of Israel Zangwill:
“No, the real American has not yet arrived. He is only in the
crucible, i tell you, and he will be the fusion of all races, perhaps the
coming superman.”
Israel Zangwill, being a Fabian socialist had close links with George Bernard
Shaw, and one
Israel Cohen, author of ‘A Racial Programme for the 20th Century’,
a book that is said to be a hoax by the usual suspects, but the proof of which
can be seen in your nations today. The only remaining quote from this book is
the following:
Three pronged program. Basically the program is to instill hatred among the
African-Americans for the Whites - the "Kill Whitey" obsession; at
the same time promote "love" and "brotherhood" for
African-Americans among the Whites; instill a paralyzing guilt complex in the
Whites to the point they would stupidly do anything to placate the
Jew Media (and JEW controlled academia) is complicit and culpable.
On one hand
it goads the hatred of Whites by Blacks, knowing it will cause low IQ Black
criminals to feel their criminal propensities are righteous, causing prolific
Black on White violence.
And on the other hand JEW media IGNORES IT as a topic,
so that Whites get a false sense of security, while at the same time being brow
beaten incessantly with White "guilt" by Jews who run Hollywood and
academia for crimes that JEWS and the JEWISH RACE are guilty. Jeanette
Whether rabinovich or Cohen knew it or not, together they had made the most
important statements ever produced regarding the future of our race.
They not
only describe the latest modification of the Jews' long-simmering scheme for
White genocide, but they described the plan's reasoning, its methodology and
its ultimate goal in plain language for all to see.
First, he says something that the Jewish leadership knows and only a few White
men ever realize: that the ethnic Europeans are the most dangerous enemies of
the Jews, and that Jews are our own nemesis.
Because the White Man is the
only one who can realistically stand fast against the wiles of the Jew; we are
his superior in physical and spiritual vigor as well as in technical and
artistic ability, and are as close to his equal in cunning as any race comes, a
unique combination possessed by no other people.
What the Jew as a group has in
his favor is the ultimate survival instinct, that of the subtlety and
overwhelming ambition of the parasitic organism. Like the cuckoo bird, he lays
his egg by stealth in another's nest for the unwitting owner and builder to
care for.
Then the egg hatches, and as the chick grows it crushes the children
of its host, stealing their food and forcing them from the very nest their
parents built, the nest that is rightfully theirs. Once his rivals are dead and
his hosts are thin and worn from feeding his ever-ravenous mouth, the cuckoo
flies off to repeat the process. It is simply in his nature.
That is why the
Jew, a natural paranoid, can only feel safe with tractable hosts, who either
lack the intelligence to recognize his threatening presence, or the strength or
the united collective will to oppose it effectively. Only in such a world his
can his inborn ambition reign freely, and only there can he be king, secure on
his throne.
We have all heard of the term ‘Melting Pot’, it means the
mixing of different races and cultures into one group forming the ‘New World
and the New Man’. The term was popularized in 1908 by a play called ‘The
Melting Pot’ written by the British born Jewish Zionist Israel Zangwill, his
parents were Jewish immigrants from Russia.
The play has come to represent the importation of mass
non-European immigration into America which up until 1965 was over 90% white,
and the assimilation and mixing with them into a ‘melting pot’.
The idea of
melting different cultures and ethnicities into sameness to create a ‘new man’
had been spoken of in the 18th and 19th century, but with the production of the
1908 play, it became popularized and known as the ‘melting pot’ that is spoken
of today.
It is said that the 1908 play was idealizing the mixing of
people from different European nations into the ‘new American’. And to an
extent this is what happened prior to 1965 and the Open Immigration Act,
vigorously campaigned for by Jewish groups.
Since 1965, the term ‘melting pot’
has meant the mixing of all races from all over the world into one group of
uniformity bereft of any racial identity, the ‘post racial society’.
This is
not only happening in America, but every nation that had a once white majority
population. The pursuit of ‘racial diversity’ in white nations, is the pursuit
of an end to real global racial diversity for the benefit of one group of
people who see themselves as reigning supreme over us all.
One of the characters in the 1908 play says:
“America is God’s Crucible, where all the races of Europe
are melting and reforming! Germans, Frenchmen, Irishmen and Englishmen, Jews
and Russians, into the Crucible with you all! God is making the American.”
Is this what Israel Zangwill really wanted to put across in
his play, or was it the precursor for what happened in 1965 and the opening of
America’s borders to the whole world? Is it just a coincidence that Zangwill, a
Jewish Zionist, and Jews who campaigned for the Open Immigration Act have
advocated the mixing of races and cultures?
Lets take a closer look at Israel Zangwill.
Zangwill was a Fabian socialist and advocate of world
government, he was also very supportive of the Bolshevik Revolution. Benjamin
Netanyahu writes of Zangwill, in his book A Place Among the Nations: Israel and
the World (Bantam Books, New York, 1993):
{p. 11} The receptivity that the great courts of the day
accorded him in no way blinded Herzl to the primacy of winning Jewish adherents
to Zionism.
After Nordau, his greatest conquest among Jewish {p. 12}
intellectuals was the celebrated English writer Israel Zangwill, who used his
talents and influence to spread the creed of Zionism in Britain, which at the
time was the foremost world power.
Read More on Israel Zangwill and his close links to Jewish
banking families such as the Rothschilds and the Schiffs.
A revealing quote of Israel Zangwill:
“No, the real American has not yet arrived. He is only in
the crucible, i tell you, he will be the fusion of all races, perhaps the
coming superman.”
Israel Zangwill, being a Fabian socialist had close links
with George Bernard Shaw, and one Israel Cohen, author of ‘A Racial Programme
for the 20th Century’, a book that is said to be a hoax by the usual suspects,
but the proof of which can be seen in your nations today. The only remaining
quote from this book is the following:
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is
racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that
for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the
program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory.
While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to
instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.
will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the
professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige,
the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which
will deliver America to our cause.”
Entered into the Congressional Record on June 7, 1957 (Vol.
103, p. 8559, top of page.)
This book is now out of print, and the existence of the
author Israel Cohen is denied even though he was one of the founders of Fabian
Socialism in Britain, had written many books, and the foreword in a book by
Israel Zangwill called ‘The Schnorrers’.
It stands to reason that the
existence of such a book, ‘a racial programme for the 20th century’, would blow
wide open the real agenda of mass non-white immigration hence the need to deny
its existence.
It took 2 years for the existence of the book and the author
to be denied after all books had been seized and printing had been stopped.
book was said to be a humanitarian follow up to the Zangwill ‘The Melting
Pot’ play. This was revealed by a
man named Myron Fagon a staunch anti-communist.
Whether you believe this book or quote to be a hoax or not
doesn’t matter, if you are awake to the ‘diversity’ agenda and the real reasons
behind mass immigration, then it passes the duck test ie if it quacks like a
duck, then it’s a duck.
The proof is in the visual and only the awakened can
see it. You can see the link between Zangwill and his melting pot idea, and
Cohen and his ‘racial programme for the 20th century’.
They both have one
defining and recurring theme, the Jewish desire to use race as a weapon against
their primary foe, the White European.
German youth!
Since National Socialism took the leadership in Germany, one
often hears people talking in all sorts of places about race. It was not always
that way. Even two years ago, our opponents avoided the word or mocked it. The
Marxist laughed if he even heard it, and those in the middle class just shook
their heads. They all thought racial ideas to be unproven and worthless, or
even dangerous. It therefore does not surprise us that in past years people
waged war against the word “race.”
Today everything is different, and some during the last
eighteen months even seem to think that race is talked about too much.
Maybe even some of you have shaken your heads in annoyance
and said: “We’ve heard enough about race. We don’t want to be forced to become
doctors or biologists or some other sort of learned creature.”
Where that has happened, it is because people talked
primarily about the scientific facts of inheritance or racial science or things
like that. When talking about race these things are certainly important, but
they focus on specialized facts while forgetting the real significance of
racial thinking. The important points are not in the worlds of science and
scholarship, but rather in the area of worldview and politics, the area that
deeply moves us young people who are part of a spiritual revolution. It is also
why yesterday’s world is resisting the concept of race.
The old world was not distressed by a new science, but
rather by the fact that a new worldview grew out of this science that destroyed
the foundations of proletarian and bourgeois thinking, one that had to lead to
a genuine revolution of soul and spirit.
Before we speak of the significance of worldview, we must
quickly review a few facts about scientific racial research and racial science.
First, we must consider what is meant by the word “race.” As everyone has
noticed in the last eighteen months, people often mean different things when
using the word and therefore talk past each other.
The word “race” still has two primary meanings today. In one
sense, it means all the inherited physical and intellectual characteristics and
abilities that a person has, in contrast to the abilities that he gains during
his life. In this sense, “race” means something like inheritance or genetics.
However, the word in its deepest and most important sense applies to whole
groups of people who are separated from other groups of people by their common
genetic inheritance.
Let us make clear what we mean by inheritance. That is
important because the facts that science teaches us about inheritance are of great
significance to our politics and our worldview. In the past people knew little
about it, and as a result imagined that their value, or lack of value, was
determined by the outside influences on their life. If someone was strong and
tall, people thought that he must have been well nourished, or worked outdoors
in agriculture, or played sports. If one was smarter than others, or had better
character, it was the result of particularly good upbringing, whether in
school, at home, or because of his friends.
That naturally led to placing too much importance on outside
influences. Marxism believed that it could make people healthier and better and
harder-working by giving them better economic conditions. The bourgeois
believed that individuals and peoples could be raised ever higher through
education and schooling.
In truth, that is not so. In recent decades, we have learned
from science what any thinking and insightful person had always known:
The inherited characteristics than an individual or a whole
people have are more important than environmental influences.
He who lacks the inherited traits that result in strength or
height will never become strong or tall however good his diet or however much
he is active in sports. Education and spiritual training can only benefit
someone who has inherited clear understanding and a clear mind.
The physical and spiritual nature of each individual, you as
well as me, is determined by his inheritance, that which we have received from
our parents, grandparents, and ancestors.
Our own efforts, or the education
others give us, can only develop what we have inherited, or make it less
effective. Such efforts can never change one person into another one, making him
either better or worse than he was when born.
Science provides many examples of this, and you know that a
lot is written and spoken about it today. The details are important only to
experts. We are much more concerned about the implications it has for our
outlook on life, individuals, and peoples.
The first thing of importance to us
is the close relationship between children, parents, and ancestors.
What we are, both body and soul, we have inherited from the
generations before us.
And when, after 60 or 80 years we are no longer alive, our
inheritance will live on in our children and our children’s children. When we
realize this, we suddenly see clearly that great river of blood that flows to
us through the centuries and millennia, and that is in truth the German people.
Each individual generation is a wave that rises and falls,
replaced by the next one. As individuals, we are as a droplet in this stream,
but we no longer see ourselves as the center of the world, which is what the
liberal era believed and taught.
Such an understanding makes us modest, because we see how
small we are in comparison to the eternal people. It also shows us that
everything we do and accomplish is not because of our own abilities, but rather
the result of the inheritance that we have received.
The man of the liberal era was proud of himself, his value,
and what he had achieved. He acted as if he had done it all himself. We are
more modest today, seeing what we do as new results of our people’s ancient
That inheritance worked in countless former generations, and if we
do not destroy it, will continue in the future through coming generations.
We ourselves, you and I, are today merely the carriers and
guardians of German blood inheritance, both proud of this task but also humble
before it.
Obviously, such an outlook could find no place in the old
world of liberal and Marxist thinking. It results in a whole range of
conclusions that throw out old views.
If we cannot fundamentally change people
into something their inheritance does not allow, the exaggerated Marxist
welfare system loses its justification, as does bourgeois overemphasis on
education and training.
We no longer see economic or spiritual improvement of
individuals or peoples as the goal, but rather only the National Socialist
principle of the selection of the most capable.
This does not mean we see things one-sidedly.
True, we
cannot change people and make them better than their inherited characteristics
allow though intellectual improvement, education, economics, or social policy.
But it would be wrong to entirely ignore these factors. Anyone who believes
that, as a consequence of racial thinking, it is useless to try to improve the
economic conditions of the poor through training and education is making a
serious mistake. It is not enough for inherited characteristics to remain
hidden within a person.
Instead, they must come to expression.
It therefore
makes a big difference if in individual cases a physical or mental ability is
encouraged, promoted, and developed, or whether it is hampered, suppressed, and
held back. The best inherited traits are useless if we let a person starve or
perish, for he will never be able to accomplish anything significant. The best
mind with the strongest intellectual gifts can go unused for an entire human
life if poor education hinders or misdirects them.
I say this only because the enemies of National Socialism
have often said recently that: “Your doctrine of the overwhelming importance of
inheritance necessarily leads to ignoring social issues and concerns, as well
the need to properly educate and train people.
Both charges are simply untrue.
We simply reject Marxist and bourgeois exaggerations, since we have realized
that the fundamental nature of a person is determined by what he has inherited.
It is an obvious National Socialist principle that good traits in each
individual, be they physical or intellectual, must be encouraged by every
means, and that the undesired ones must be suppressed.
We were forced to reach these conclusions once we understood
the word “race,” which essentially means inherited characteristics.
Yet as I
already said, this use of the word includes only part of its meaning. Beyond
that, the word “race” in its true sense means something like the Nordic race or
the Mongolian race or some other racial group of people.
You know that people
in this world are not equal. They differ outwardly; one is black, another red,
the third yellow or white, and within these large groups science has determined
that there are many other particular races.
However, the differences between races are not limited to
the physical and external. They extend to the character, to intellectual and
spiritual traits.
That is clear to us if we compare a person from here in our
German homeland with a Negro, or if we compare an Eskimo with a Mongol; their
intellectual and spiritual differences are immediately obvious.
People knew all this before. However, in the past they not
realize that these physical and intellectual racial differences are inherited and
can never be changed by outside influences. In fact, in the past people taught
and believed that the differences between peoples and races in this world were
really only accidental, caused by the climate or history or level of culture.
The Negro was black because the hot sun in Africa crinkled his hair and
darkened his skin. Had he been born somewhere along the North Sea coast with
its grayness and lack of sun, he perhaps would have had light skin and blond
hair, just like our fishermen in Friesland.
You can understand that these former views had very
important political and worldview consequences. If the differences between the
world’s peoples and races are only the result of external conditions, one can
overcome them.
Advancing civilization would gradually eliminate social,
cultural, and geographic differences. Formerly, people imagined that the
differences between Europeans and Negroes could be eliminated by establishing
schools, by civilizing Africa, by educating Negroes at European universities,
thereby eventually ending the differences that still seem to exist today.
People attempted to do this from every angle.
They came to the logical
conclusion that humanity could be brought to the same intellectual level, which
would open the way for a single world state, united in governmental, political,
and economic matters. The efforts of the Internationale were no more than the
result of this fundamental idea.
I believe that that makes clear to us all why all the forces
of former times fought a bitter battle against the concept of race. Racial
science teaches us that all the essential differences between peoples and races
in this world are inherited. They cannot be changed by educational or training
systems. Humanity cannot change them.
The races are different because their blood is different, as
the proverb says, not because civilization is further advanced in one place
than it is in another. We have to accept that, just as we have to accept any
natural law on this earth.
That means that any attempt to establish
international culture, government, or religion is fundamentally wrong and
hopeless to attempt, since it ignores the great racial laws that the Creator
himself set as finding laws for humanity.
This knowledge provides the ultimate
and deepest justification for our ethnic striving toward our own nature and
uniqueness in politics, economics, culture, and perhaps also religion.
Since peoples differ racially, each must follow its own
nature, keeping it pure from physical or intellectual corruption.
That is the great and essential conclusion that the National
Socialist draws from an understanding of the racial teaching of science. Our
common task will be to build a new age on this knowledge, and we believe and
know that our future will then be happier because it will be based on
foundations that are true.
By Raquel M. Chanano
Many people will be surprised to discover that what has
served and is serving as the basis for public school sex education (and is even
being used in many Catholic schools) has its roots in scientific fraud. Most of
this could be credited to one individual: Alfred C. Kinsey, with the help of
his colleagues Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, and Paul Gebhard.
Their research and studies have undoubtedly shaped current
attitudes and perceptions concerning human sexuality. These perceptions have
ultimately worked themselves into the current sex education programs.
Over forty years ago, Alfred C. Kinsey was a professor of
zoology at Indiana University (I.U.). Later he served as coordinator of new
marriage courses that were established at I.U. During his involvement in these
courses, he began to question students about their sex lives and offer advice
in matters of sex and relationships. He simultaneously began compiling detailed
documentation of several of these “sex histories” for his own personal
Alfred Kinsey considered animal sexual behavior as the model
for human sexual behavior, the only difference being that animals act without
inhibition and by instinct alone. However, various cultural conditions are
imposed on human beings, according to Kinsey, that unjustly inhibit and even
criminally prohibit “natural human sexual behavior.”
“Being involved
in all types of sexual activity would represent freedom from the cultural
conditioning which society imposes and which leads to artificial distinctions
such as right and wrong, licit and illicit, normal and abnormal, acceptable and
unacceptable in our social organization,” Kinsey’s
Male Report (1948) states.[1]
The most famous and widely used Kinseyan concept is the
notion of the sexual outlets. This notion subscribes to the principle that
there are six possible forms of sexual release, which are the following from
the male
perspective: masturbation, nocturnal emissions, heterosexual petting,
heterosexual intercourse, homosexual relations, and intercourse with animals of
other species.[2]
Since all of these constitute sexual release, they are all
acceptable and normal, according to Kinsey. In reference to sexual release,
there is the concept that bisexuality is the most balanced of all sexual
orientations, because it includes both heterosexual and homosexual activity.
Kinsey’s own words, “biologically there is no form of outlet which I will admit
as abnormal.”[3] The problem, according to him, is that
society was conditioned through traditional modes of thought to believe that
heterosexual activity within marriage, especially, is both correct and the
healthiest means of sexual expression. Kinsey strictly believed that all forms
are healthy and that if any one form is abnormal and lesser, it
is heterosexual intercourse.[4]
One of the most worrisome of his concepts is that which
pedophiliac activity. Kinsey believed that children were predisposed to sexual
activity from the moment of birth and that adult-child sex was included under
the notion of a sexual outlet. Our social conditioning made it taboo, although
it is actually a “normal” sexual behavior that should be
practiced as well as pursued, Kinsey believed. He maintained that when done
under circumstances where the adult genuinely cares for the child, as would a
loving parent or relative, sex between an adult and a child could prove to be a
healthy experience for the child.
The results are unfavorable, Kinsey said,
only when the child is conditioned by police authorities and parents to believe
that such conduct is immoral and incorrect.[5]
How does a scientist go about collecting evidence for such
theories? One would like to believe that both ethical and scientifically sound
research methods would be employed. Kinsey claimed that he wanted to conduct
research that would be representative of American society. However,
Kinsey’s work and research was manipulated so that its results would be indicative
of what he himself believed, without any real and tangible scientific support.
According to Paul Robinson, one of Kinsey’s biographers, Kinsey’s work was
designed to “undermine the traditional sexual order.”[6] Kinsey had his own
amoral agenda and hoped to use his
research as the scientific base to “change society’s traditional moral values.”
Kinsey’s research included two main parts: he used data from
the “sex histories” of about 18,000 persons, and he directed experimental sex
research on several hundred children aged two months to almost 15 years of age.
The information from the “sex histories” was not only manipulated, but most of
his interviewees were not representative of society, because they were
deliberately chosen (others volunteered) for their sexual deviancy.
Kinsey wanted to document and expose what society was doing sexually, he only
concentrated on one section of society -the deviant.
A great number of the 5,300 male interviewees were sex offenders, pedophiles and
exhibitionists, while about 25 percent of them were prison inmates. Many of
those who volunteered were also biased in favor of the “sexually
Kinsey himself and his team also observed and took notes on
several filmed “experiments” that dealt with various kinds of deviant behavior,
especially sex acts between homosexual males.[8]
The experimental research on several hundred children
consisted of the molestation of these children by a group of nine persons. Some
were “technically trained” and in reality acted like pedophiles. It is reported
that some were indeed already pedophiles because not all had to be trained.
In Kinsey’s (1948) it is reported that the children reacted
to the oral and manual stimulation by these nine adults in various ways. The
reactions ranged from bodily “twitching”, “violent cries”, “violent
convulsions”, and “extreme trembling”, to “excruciating pain”.[9]
This was all done in order to supposedly demonstrate that
children are sexual beings and can enjoy sexual pleasure as well as any adult.
Kinsey sought to use these results to indicate that children are indeed able to
engage in and benefit from sexual activity.
There was no documentation as
to who were those children or where they came from. How’s that for scientific
soundness? However, the relevant issue here is that Kinseyan concepts and
perceptions on human sexuality, though deceitful and unscientific, have
surfaced in sex education courses.
It is clear that sex education has been oriented towards the
direction Kinsey had envisioned for society. Due to the second part of his
research, his unfounded assertions have made their way into sex education for
children. Most of the professional sex educators are being taught the Kinseyan model of human sexuality.
A number of materials on sex education have
captured Kinseyan modes of thought to their curricula. Even the biggest and
most influential organizations include and promulgate Kinseyan concepts within their educational efforts.
Evidence of the correlation between Kinsey’s theories and
prominent educational agencies is abundant.
One of the largest of these is the
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Its publication, ), for the
Western Hemisphere Region, states that sex education methods should facilitate
the understanding that there is no one model of sexual behavior, but on the
contrary, that there are diverse types of sexual behavior which are all
acceptable and respectable.[10]
The root of their sex education objectives are clearly embedded in Kinsey’s views. What is
more obvious is the fact that various remarks from both Kinsey and Pomeroy (his
colleague) are stated in order to justify teaching the validity of diverse
types of sexuality, the most prominent of which is
The Teaching of Human Sexuality in Schools (la Ensenanza de
la Sexualidad Humana en las Escuelas) by IPPF, also states that young people
should not be exposed to negative prevailing attitudes towards
homosexuality so that they can develop “freely” and “normally.”[12]
Other organizations that follow Kinsey’s lead are the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), its
regional center of higher education for Latin America and the Caribbean
Planned Parenthood of America, and the Sex Information and Education Council of
the United States (SIECUS). UNESCO’s publication, ) for first grade education,
includes several cartoon-type figures claiming
that children have the right to know their bodies.
They proclaim the
uselessness of guilt, prejudice, and social taboos. From seventh through ninth
grade, students are taught that sexual relations can be constructive and
pleasant experiences for both persons involved if both are open to having them freely conscientiously, and if they are informed and
The Regional Center of Higher Education for Latin America
and the Caribbean (CRESALC), under the UNESCO-FNUAP umbrella, also dedicates
much of its
effort to similar educational instructions. In Diez Hechos Ciertos y De
Peso Acerca del Sexo (a Spanish translation of Ten Heavy Facts About Sex), a
publication partly funded by CRESALC, students are informed that the enrichment
of a relation is sex between two people, no matter who the two people are.[14]
In other words, students are taught to believe that any type of sexual activity
is both correct and naturally enriching. Ultimately,
children learn that heterosexuality is but one of the many options
available to them. In this manner they start to establish the premise that
heterosexuality can be easily abandoned. It is the creation of a
“heterophobic” society, which Kinsey obviously aimed for through his research.
This term, as of yet, has not worked its way into American mainstream society
as the term “homophobic” has. (Homophobia is used to describe the unfounded
fear and discomfort which some people or a particular culture supposedly have
toward homosexuals.) Once all of Kinsey’s ideas are in place, society will come
to fear and be wary of
heterosexuals, while the sexual deviations will be seen as the norm.
Two of the main promoters in the U.S., where Kinsey’s ideas
are concerned, are the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and SIECUS (Sex
Information and Education Council of the United States).
Planned Parenthood, by
far the more prominent, founded by Margaret Sanger, is a model of Kinseyan
thought. Kinsey was simply following in the footsteps of Sanger, who once
claimed that “the marriage bed is the most degrading influence of the sexual
order . . . a decadent institution, a reactionary development of the sex
instinct.”[15] SIECUS, under the leadership of Dr. Mary S. Calderone, formerly
medical director for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, has also
been making continuous strides in relation to sex education for children, based
on the Kinseyan philosophy. For example, the promotion of the “acceptance of
the wide range of possible
expressions of sexuality,” was affirmed in a January 1980 SIECUS Report.[16]
But where Kinseyan philosophy is most noticeable is in
SIECUS’s attempts at teaching childhood sexuality. By 1983 Mary Calderone was
writing that the
child’s sexual capacities could “be developed in the same way as the
child’s inborn human capacity to talk or to walk . . “[17]
It is amazing how
society is now working towards indoctrinating children in matters of sexuality
at an early age: Planned Parenthood’s Sex Education and Mental Health Report
(1979), states that “no religious views, no moral standards, are to deflect the
child from the overriding purposes of self-discovery, self-assertion, and
selfgratification.”[18] Children, especially teenagers, are learning in sex
education courses patterned after Kinsey, that all sex
is good in an of itself and that it is fun.
They are being taught to
believe they have the right and that it is for their well-being that they enter
into any type of sexual activity at an early age, even with adults. Many sex
educators have joined the bandwagon, without any slight hint of hesitation.
is no wonder that young people are engaging in promiscuous
sexual activity, now more than ever, with the resulting rise of venereal
diseases, illegitimate pregnancies, abortion, AIDS, etc. It is obviously a
cause-and-effect scenario, and our society is clearly reaping the fruits from
this type of mentality.
What is extremely difficult to believe is that our society
seems to be on the verge of accepting pedophilia as an orientation within the
sex spectrum. This particular issue is where the ties to Kinsey’s research can
be fully attested. In an article, Joan A. Nelson, Ed.D., writes in favor of a
model of adult-child sexuality in which sex acts with children are to be viewed
as acceptable and even essential to the healthy development of the
child. What Dr. Nelson views as the harmful agent is “society’s
condemnation,” rather than the effects of such grotesque and immoral acts on
young children.[19] Also, Wardell Pomeroy (Kinsey’s colleague) of Planned
Parenthood, once stated that “incest between adults and younger children can
also prove to be a satisfying experience. Incestuous relationships can-
and do-work out well.”[20] This is exactly what Kinsey believed! A variety of
materials from Alyson Publications, which consist mostly of pro-homosexual
literature, includes a new series of books that attempt to justify pedophilia
and render its perpetrators respectable. “They promote children as objects of
sexual pleasure, give advice on how to have sex with children without getting
caught, provide locations around the world were child
prostitutes can be had, and list clubs pedophiles can join…”[21] Now that
academic sexology accepts children as sexual beings and many strides are being
taken to legitimize child-adult sex, we can see the acceptance of
pedophilia as an orientation on the horizon. It is only a matter of time
before we will find other scientists, sex educators, and publishing
companies, sympathizing with the pro-pedophilia effort. We owe this largely to
the work and effort of Alfred C. Kinsey!
The traditional, Christian moral values that once prevailed
are undoubtedly under attack. The endeavor appears to be one on which some of
the most
influential sectors of society have embarked. Kinsey himself was motivated to
change society’s perception of human sexuality by his disgust towards the
Christian tradition. “Kinsey knew a great deal about the Christian tradition,
and he was indignant about what it had done to our culture,” says Pomeroy.[22]
IPPF’s manual Human Sexuality and Personal Relations states
that a more positive view of human sexuality, free of preconceived moral and
religious taboos, should be integrated.[23] And “SIECUS’ idea of current needs
in sex
education has led to the basic conflict . . . about the nature of human
sexuality in a civilized society and whether traditional Christian beliefs
about sexuality are repressive and unhealthy.”[24]
Alfred C. Kinsey had opened an avenue of abuse and deceit
within the study of human sexuality and sex education; we are witnesses to the
continuous expansion of this avenue.
Raquel M. Chaviano is a summer intern at HLI and is a junior
at Florida International University, majoring in Religious Studies.
HLI has available the book on which this article was based,
Kinsey, Sex and Fraud, by Reisman and Eichel. Call 1-800-749-4009.
1 Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel, , (Lochinvar Inc.,
1990), pp. 6-8.
2 Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin,
(W.B. Saunders Company, 1948), 193. Cited hereafter as
3 Wardell B. Pomeroy, (Harper and Row, 1972), 77.
4 Reisman and Eichel, p. 45
5 Ibid., p. 3 and 130.
6 Ibid., p. 7, quoted from Paul Robinson, (New York: Harper
& Row, 1976).
7 Reisman and Eichel, p. 8.
8 Ibid, p. 49.
9 Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, , pp. 160-161.
10 International Planned Parenthood Federation, (New York,
1983), 54.
11 Ibid, pp. 252-253, 257.
12 Ibid pp. 252-253, 257.
13 Republica Dominicana, Secretaria de Estado de Educacion,
Bellas Artes y
Cultos, . Cresalc-Unesco, Apartado Postal 62090, Caracas
1060 A, Venezuela.
14 Asociacion Guatemalteca de Educacion Sexual (AGES) y
CRESALC. Ten Heavy Facts About Sex, The Institute for Family Research and
Education, 1979.
15 Robert Marshall and Charles Donovan, , p. 7, quoted from
by Margaret Sanger (State University of New York at
Stonybrook, 1976).
16 Reisman and Eichel, p. 123.
17 Ibid, p. 128, taken from SIECUS Report, May-July 1983, p.
18 Brian Clowes, , v. II c. 67-6, quoted from Planned
Parenthood Sex Education and Mental Health Report, 1979.
19 Reisman and Eichel, p. 207, taken from Joan A. Nelson,
“Intergenerational Sexual Contact: A Continuum Model of Participants and
Experience,” 15 (1989) 3-12.
20 Brian Clowes, , v.II C. 678, quoted from Wardell B.
Pomeroy, “A New Look at Incest,” , November 1976, pp. 84-89.
21 “Who publishes those pro-gay kids’ books?” , February
1993: 2.
22 Pomeroy, , p. 30.
23 IPPF, , p. 34.
24 Reisman and Eichel, p. 123.
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The Frankfurt School might not have been the biggest of
buildings and most people might never have heard of it or know what its
inhabitants intentions were, but what came out of that building has had a major
impact on our way of life and how our socities and culture have drastically
The decline would appear to many as having begun in the
1960s, but it started much earlier than that. We have to go back to WW1 to find
the source of the problem that infests our society today. Many people have
written of the origins of Cultural Marxism, and most of them have excellently
explained the roots of the current disease that the West is suffering from. So
for anybody already aware of the birthplace of Cultural Marxism you will have
read about this before. Having more people write about it is important and
repetition works, help to spread the awareness by sharing this blog post and
any others that detail what it is that has resulted in an unrecognisable
Western world.
As WW1 was upon us in 1914, leading Communists believed that
in the event of an outbreak of war, the workers would rise up and realise thier
‘true’ class consciousness, and turn away from thier respective countries
favouring Communist revolution. This as we all know did not happen with any
long term success outside of Russia. The men of the respective Nations
embroiled in the war signed up in thier millions to fight for thier beloved
Nations. They paid the ultimate price in thier millions for the love of and
loyalty to the Nation.
This was obviously a smack in the face to the Communists,
thier predictions had been proven to be wrong. The cold hard reality that they
had to face, was that thier rhetoric and ideological revolution was not going
to happen as they would have wished.
It is important to note that Communist revolution did occur
in Russia in 1917, and the result of that violent revolution had resulted in
the slaughter of 30+ million people including the Russian Tsar and his
family.Communists did try and create revolution after WW1 in Germany but it was
swiftly repelled by returning German soldiers from the front lines in the
aftermath of WW1. Communism also briefly had a grip on Hungary during 1918-19
as the Bolshevik Bela Kun regime took power.
With the widespread failure of Communist revolution
throughout the rest of Europe, some Communists sought to understand why. Two
Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs settled upon one definitive
reason. Western culture and Christianity were the reasons why the workers had
come to reject Communism. Their ‘true’ Marxist class interests had been
‘blinded’ by the foundations of Western society. Indeed in 1919, Lukacs asked,
“Who will save us from Western civilisation?”
That same year, when he became Deputy Commissar for Culture
in that short-lived Bolshevik Bela Kun government in Hungary, one of Lukacs’s
first acts was to introduce sex education into Hungary’s public schools. He
knew that if he could destroy the West’s traditional sexual morals, he would
have taken a giant step toward destroying Western culture itself. (More on that
These reasons behind the failure of Communism throughout
Europe, led in 1923 to a group of German Marxists establishing a think tank in
Frankfurt, known as the Institute for Social Research which later became known
as simply, the Frankfurt School. It was led by Felix Weil, a political
scientist with a passion for Marxism. Weil had studied at the university,
writing a dissertation socialising the economy. His father (a wealthy merchant)
set up a substantial endowment for the institute. One of the major purposes of
the institute was to study (and eventually explain) the dynamics of social
This school of transformational Marxist thought was the birthplace of
Cultural Marxism.
The aim was to transform Marxism from economic terms into
cultural terms. To do this required a rejection and re evaluation of certain
elements of Marxist theory. The working class had rejected Communism they said
because of Western culture, which was embedded into the societies of the
working class. The only way to change that was to destroy the culture from
They needed a ‘new’ revolutionary to advance the revolution.
Who then, if not the working class? Herbert Marcuse another prominent member of
the Frankfurt school answered this question In the 1950s, a coalition of
blacks, students, feminist women and homosexuals would form the basis of the
new cultural revolution. Through their empowerment in society and through a
systematic brainwashing process, they would be the tools through which the
traditional culture of the West could be subverted and destroyed bringing about
the Communist revolution they so desired.
During the 1930s a political ideology grew out of the
orchestrated ruins of post WW1 Germany that was vehemently opposed to Marxism.
The rise of National Socialism meant that the Marxists of the Frankfurt school
plotting the downfall of the West, were basically run out of town. This did not
mean an end to the Frankfurt school, they simply moved to America, the move was
to spell disaster for the USA as the move shifted the attention from Western
culture in Europe to America. They returned to Frankfurt in the 1950s.
The new revolution needed more than mere words, it needed a
strategy. Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Communist wrote in the ‘Prison Notebooks’
that it would be a “long march through the institutions”. In other words, gain
control of the institutions that had influence over the people, and use them to
turn the people against themselves and their culture. Media, education,
government, and the church being some of the most important out of many. Among
Marxists, Gramsci is noted for his theory that cultural hegemony is the means
to class dominance. In his view, a new “Communist man” had to be created
through a changed culture before any political revolution was possible. This
led to a focus on the efforts of intellectuals in the fields of education and
Georg Lukacs believed that for a new Marxist culture to
emerge, the existing culture must be destroyed.
He said, “I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as
the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch…. Such a
worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of
the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.”
The idea of a long march through Western institutions was to
be a gradual erosion of morality, and to implant criticism of the culture at
the core of the education system via a strategy known as ‘Critical Theory’. The
target of the criticism was the culture. Critical Theory was essentially
destructive criticism, of the main elements of Western culture, including
Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy,
morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism,
heredity, ethnocentrism, convention and conservatism.
To criticise all of these as part of a brainwashing process
has been very successful. The Marxist cultural alternative, that arose out of
critical theory whilst false and severely damaging, has become the ‘norm’ in
most if not all universities and schools. They repeat the brainwashing process
free of any opposition, turning generation after generation into Cultural
Marxist zombies who parrot the mantra everywhere they go.
“Critical Theory, as its name implies, criticises. What
deconstruction does to literature, Critical Theory does to societies.”
(Intellectual Morons, p 15-16)
Critical Theory has played a crucial role in the ideological
assault on the West.
Three of the most vital aspects of Western culture to be
undermined, criticised and destroyed were Christianity, the family and
Nationalism is targeted by the enforced implementation of
multiculturalism, and via state created race laws to stifle and shut down
Nationalist opposition. Multiculturalism is also used to dilute the indigenous
ethnic make up of Europe, and to remove every sense of identity to ones Nation.
Both Christianity and the family have suffered a relentless
attack. Before the founding of the Institute for social research and before
Gramscis prison notebooks, Georg Lukacs had already set in motion a strategy to
demoralise the morality of Hungary during the Bela Kun regime. Reasoning that
if Christian sexual ethics could be undermined among children, then both the
hated patriarchal family and the Church would be dealt a crippling blow. Lukacs
launched a radical sex education program in the schools. Sex lectures were
organised and literature handed out which graphically instructed youth in free
love (promiscuity) and sexual intercourse while simultaneously encouraging them
to deride and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church
authority. All of this was accompanied by a reign of cultural terror
perpetrated against parents, priests, and dissenters.
Hungary’s youth, having been fed a steady diet of
values-neutral (atheism) and radical sex education while simultaneously
encouraged to rebel against all authority, easily turned into delinquents
ranging from bullies and petty thieves to sex predators, murderers, and
sociopaths. Gramsci’s prescription and Lukacs’ plans were the precursor to what
Cultural Marxism later brought into American schools. (Linda Kimball)
This was to be a precursor to what the rest of the Western
world would suffer as a result of the Frankfurt School.
This added strategy of sexual promiscuity was incorporated
into the Frankfurt school via Sigmund Freuds psychoanalysis. His crazy work
“the psychosexual stages of development” was attractive to the school as it
further aided the aim of debasing the foundations of Western society,
especially the family and the morality it instilled.
According to Georg Lukacs “The demons were back, the evil
was being generated in your own mind, and you needed a new priesthood to save
The crackpot ideas of Freud added to that of the
transformational Marxists led to the term Freudo-Marxism. Freud’s theories
inspired future Jewish psychologist Wilhelm Reich, who created and spread the
term “Sexual Revolution” in 1930 and it was to became a feature of Frankfurt
school subversion of Western society.
The sexual revolution was inspired by
Freud and to this day has a devastating impact on traditional morality and the
traditional family.
Freud’s psychological theories were formed by his own dreams
and childhood memories. He claimed he remembered hating his father and was
convinced he had sexual feelings towards his mother.
Freud later wrote “I found in myself a constant love for my
mother, and jealousy of my father. I now consider this to be a universal event
in childhood”.
In 2004, Jewish author Nathan Abrams wrote in “The Jewish
Quarterly” that “Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution in the
1960’s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse, and Paul Goodman replaced Marx,
Trotsky, and Lenin as required revolutionary reading”.
Abrams also refers to an interview with Al Goldstein, the
Jewish publisher of Screw Magazine who claimed “the only reason Jews are in
pornography is that we think Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks, we don’t believe
in authoritarianism.
Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian
Everything that has come out of the Frankfurt school has
been specifically aimed at destroying our heritage and our people. Our children
are being led by the pied piper of evil, led to their eternal immersion in a
world of mental subversion and destruction. Our culture, and our unifying
common understanding of what is right and wrong is in the hands of satanic
direction. Society is sick, poisoned with a slow killing disease that eats away
at the immune system of a people and their heritage. The truth is out there,
kept from you purposefully. Isn’t it time you stopped the denial and the
apathy, isn’t it time you recognised truth as it stares you in the face.
As reported on the Jewish,7340,L-4656908,00.html and the Daily
Stormer European Parliament
Vice President Antonio Tajani has stated in a speech that Jews are a
substantial part of the history of the European Continent and that there is no
Europe without Jews.
It must be asked why are Jews even in Europe?
Jews have a 6000+ year history of chasing the white race
around the world and replacing our population with underman, then subsequently
following us to the next place. They always get the people who haven’t
experienced them yet to fight their war against their host that is waking up.
There is a reason why Empires never last, and that reason is Jews.
Jews devote all their time and energy into pursuing us and
subjugating us wherever we are. From their international finance swindle in
redistributing our tax dollars to inferiors to their constant war mongering
against whoever is the stronger nation to their role as leader of the Marxist
subhuman hordes against whoever is doing better. There is nothing more to the
Jews, there is nothing more to their ‘religion’, than levelling and finally
destroying the goyim.
In contrast many of us are still very naive about Jews, and
know nothing about Jews. This is where Jews fulfill their role as the ‘grim
reaper’. Today Europe, Britain, its Commonwealth, the United States and the
whole world pay the price for allowing the Jew to start a war in Europe in
Making a new nation and a future for the coming generations
relies on rejecting the Jews.
We do not want to live anywhere near the Jews. But you see
it is the Jews themselves that seek to live with us! They cannot complain when
their negative actions towards us bring forth the violent reaction of ‘anti-Semitism’. Anti-Semitism will either guarantee our future after
we use our own instincts to react against the Jew and finally dislodge him or
the Jew will destroy us, our instincts and our race completely. The Jew is the
enemy of Europe and the grave-digger of the European People. Their entire existence is based on forcing races
together and exterminating them. The Original Race of Europe, Cro-Magnon was our ancestor and
the Jew has been the continued enemy of this species and have consistently
strived to replace this high evolution with stagnated sub-humans from around
the world.
In this latest case of people making speeches about the
Jewish place in Europe, coming shortly after Jew
Schuster said that Germany has to accept all the refuge’s because of its past (existing
to preserve its national race), we see the Jewish hate of Europe. It not only
wants to kill the Europeans, it wants to take its identity, leaving no trace
behind. We can see how on one hand, Jews will demand unlimited African Negro
immigration into Europe, while also claiming to be European themselves. If a
goyim is to state exactly what a European is, he is labeled racist by the Jew,
and the holocaust is then brought up again.
It must be remembered that Tajani, in his position in the EU
as a MEP, that the creation of the EU, just like the signing of any UN
protocols went over the heads of all Europeans. It was the politicians, many of
them Jews that ‘voted’ for it, all for a premise that their political parties
had already subscribed to. The EU exists to preserve Jews. When Europe united
the last time, the Jews found this unacceptable.
No European ever wanted the new European Union especially
not the people from Germanic lands as we now have to put up with ‘free movement
of people’s’ of lazy sun dwellers who might as well be Arabs from inferior Gog
countries and subhuman eastern trash incapable of culture from Slavic (slave) countries. Free movement of people’s ensures the
drowning of European Genetics. The EU ensures destruction of European Nations,
European Cultures, and European Identities. The EU is a Jewish creation. Its very flag
was designed by a Jew Paul M. G. Lévy, the World War II German Hater! Lévy like
all the other Jews living at the time claimed to be a Holocaust survivor even
though there was no holocaust or policy to kill Jews.
Jews have a policy to kill us.
The Jew is a parasitic defiler and a leveler.
He fulfills a
role of ‘evolution
reverser’ on this planet. Unlike
all other races, the Jews never lived alone. They have always lived ‘on somebody else’s
back’ as a parasite. In order to
get away with this, they must weaken their host.
Whether they are posing as a ‘European’,
an ‘Englishman’,
a ‘Frenchman’ or a ‘German’, they
always remain a Jew. Members of the host nation who identify the Jew must be
persecuted and murdered. Today the Jews regulate Europe through the European
Jewish Congress and the European Jewish Parliament.
Europeans are being bred out of Europe. While many people
supposedly fight ‘racism’ and ‘genocide’,
the fact is most of the world is all for the genocide of the European Peoples,
and much of the European Peoples, especially Slavs and Americans are all for
the genocide of the Nordic Race. Only the Nordic Race is going to stand up for
its own existence, and in doing so we stand up against the Jew.
Tajani before the rabbi’s
Speaking last week at a meeting of the Conference of
European Rabbis in Toulouse, Tajani said that “Europe has Jewish roots, and
the Jews are a substantial part of the history of the continent.” He added
that Judaism and Christianity were both part of his heritage as a European. “We
need Jews in Europe,” he said. “Europe is also your heritage.
In this latest Jewish public relations exercise Tajani
stated that Judaism and Christianity are both part of his heritage
as a European.
If the twin prongs of Jewish monotheism are ‘Europe’s roots’
and ‘Europe’s history’ why is it that Jews look Middle Eastern? It is obvious
that the races that exist today, both Nordic and Jew have existed long before
the last few thousand years. Many Jews have picked up nothing in their time in
Jews are Middle Eastern and Asiatic, and contain criminal and
degenerate elements of all the ancient races. They are the world’s original
mixed race. The Nordic Race existed long before ‘Judaism’ or ‘Christianity’ were
He continued
“No Jew should feel compelled to leave Europe. It is
our duty to allow Jews to stay here, using all of the tools at our disposal. The
Jews of Europe are part of the family of nations that led to our
continent’s prosperity. There is no Europe without Jews.”
According to the parasite it is our job to accommodate him.
The Jews demand that we serve them, and they will always demand this until the
Jews are exterminated and with this, their conception of life. If the Jews are
so European, why do we have to convince them to ‘stay’?
On the question of Europe’s alleged ‘prosperity’, European
Nations today have massive welfare states being paid for by Jew loans. If
Europe is so ‘prosperous’ why is every nation in massive debt to Jews, United
Kingdom £1.56 trillion, Greece over 350 billion Euro etc? And why are
European Peoples, unlike the majority of the world, Chinese, Indian etc
suffering mass unemployment?
How could Jews be part of this prosperousness
when Jews do not produce anything? Germany is the greatest producer, and
Germany is forced to be in the EU. Tajani speaking to a Jewish School in
“I told them that the institution they study in has a
central part in protecting our values,” he said. “Our goal is to develop a
society in which everyone can live freely and securely. Schools
should fight against all extremism, and I will do everything in my
power so that schools educate people to live according to democratic
He emphasized that Europe is not only an economic partnership,
but has a responsibility to develop a society based on brotherhood and unity.
“Education is imperative,” said Tajani. “If we want to change Europe, we have
to change education – and this is critical. The young people I met at
the Jewish schools said the solution is dialogue between people and religions,
and it’s important that this begin in school.”
“It’s a dream,” he
said, “but without a dream – there is no chance of defeating
anti-Semitism. If we are all share a common dream, we can build a new
future for you. We all share this tradition. We want you in Europe.”
Why is it the Jewish goal to develop a society ‘where
everyone can live freely and securely‘? Because this forces the Peoples to
all live under the Jews. This makes the Jews necessary. The Jew as a parasite
is desperate to make himself necessary, to make the host dependent on the
parasite. Forcing people to live together surely exterminates all Peoples.
anyone says or writes about ‘accepting refugees’, ‘multiculturalism’, ‘tolerance’,
‘diversity’ or ‘racism’ you can be sure that they are acting out their Jewish
instincts. They do not share our genetics, they are not our people. They talk
not for us. Multiculturalism is an application of Jewish Talmudic Law in which
there is to be no divisions amongst the goyim. No races, no sexes, just one
slavish mass.
When I hear the word democracy I know instantly – Jew.
Anyone who accepts any other races living with us is not one
of us. We do not want to live with other races, and why should we. Those that
advocate multiple races sharing living spheres advocate theft, and inevitable
genocide. Racial Mixing produces degenerate hybrids.
Highly evolved traits are recessive. Races have evolved to
be desirable to their own standards. Mongrels have been through no selection,
and are undesirable.
When Races live together either the primitive race
exterminates through rebellion and breeds out the superior race through its
dominant less developed genes or the superior race exterminates or kicks out
that worthless inferior race.
There is no excuse for races living together.
The race with the instinct for races to live together is the
Jewish race.
Races cannot gain from each other, they have nothing to
learn from each other. Each race has its own destiny that it can achieve only
on its own. Each race has its own native culture and its own expression on the
landscape in which it lives. The future of each race assures very different
future outcomes, as live diverges into evermore complex forms.
The Nordic
Nations of Europe, was one example of further speciation in Nature. Jews have
ended this higher progress.
It is the Jews, who want a future where ‘everyone’ can live together, as this assures the extermination
of ‘everyone’. By fighting against all extremism they
mean fighting against anyone with any beliefs, anyone with any idealism to live
in a better world and anyone with any vision for something better. Everyone
must be ‘moderate’ and ‘democratic’, no ideals allowed. In other
words nobody is allowed to disagree, or have any opinions and every body’s
values must be fluid and changeable like the newspapers. People must be bred so
they need somebody else to tell them what to think. This dumbification of
Europe must be enforced by persecuting all Europeans, and Europe must be ‘changed’
to prevent a recurrence of anti-Semitism by filling it with non-Europeans.
As anti-Semitism is a reaction to the Jew among intelligent Peoples, to defeat anti-Semitism you must murder the highly intelligent Nordic
Race. Idealism leads to anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism results in
necessary extermination of Jews.
– Aidhan
Jews Not Welcome
We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions.
By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can
mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for
subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will
endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.
We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every
walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment.
With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and
begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.
The consequences of ignoring racial realities are dire.
Resentment will continue to grow from both those who cannot understand their inability to succeed in Western Nations, and the Western people who created those Nations resentment at having to constantly pull the weight of others not of their blood who not only do not appreciate it, but resent them for it, with incessant cries of racism and oppression.
Only in America ...could people claim that the government
still discriminates against black Americans.
When they have a black President,
a black Attorney General
and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black
while only 14% of the population is black
40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans
3X the rate that go to whites,
5X the rate that go to Hispanics!
We are quickly reaching the tipping point where the burden of carrying the weight of the Black underclass will become too great a task, and one that is simply not worth the Lefts promised rewards that never have, and never will come, because they are ideologically, and not organically driven.
Race denial is a powder keg, the fuse is resentment that will lead to the inevitable explosion of conflict and suffering for all.
& Blacks
But if
the blood of our White race should become corrupted and mingled with the blood
of Africa, then the present greatness of the United States of America would be
destroyed and
all hope for civilization would be as impossible for a Negroid
America as would be redemption and restoration of the Whiteman's blood which
had been mixed with that of the Negro."
(Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, of Mississippi in 1947)
Violent disruptions of American education were ordered by the Supreme Court for the purpose of breaking down racial barriers.
For 30 years, American schools have diverted enormous resources into forced integration, quotas, and busing operations.
(Few people realize how expensive bussing is).
Annual cost may run into tens of billions of dollars. In l990 California alone was spending $500 million per year on integration. Many school districts spend a quarter or more of their budgets on transportation.
In Milwaukee alone and in a single school year, 30,000 staff hours were diverted into calculating the race of students to attend the various schools.) The results?
Today's student’s rank at the very bottom worldwide in science and math, some 40% of American adults are functionally illiterate, and standardized test scores have declined steadily for both Whites and Blacks.
Today the average White still scores 200 points higher on the combined SAT than the average Black. Americans spend more on education than any other country in the world and have the worst results.
Massive White flight to escape racial zoning has reduced the tax base of every major American city. In l983, after nearly two generations of racial experimentation to promote equality, the research arm of the Dept. of Education could not produce a single study that showed Black children were learning appreciably better after desegregation. (25) (20) (32)
The fact that white skins are associated with civilization is merely a quirk of fortune and coincidence. Any attempt to distinguish the races is motivated by paranoia and hatred.
We must prevent any investigation into the subject and work to melt society together into a raceless, nationless, harmonious utopia.
In 2014 there were over 34,000 reported Black on White Rapes and less than 100 white on black rapes reported.
FACT #99: For the book INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT, by Raymond Cattell, three distinguished American scholars compare massive evidence of national I.Q. score averages worldwide and warn against the decline of any nation whose population reflects declining intelligence.
Taking into consideration the differential birthrates of American ethnic stocks, they concluded that American ability is declining rapidly. (21)
FACT #100: The American taxpayers have spent over $2.5 TRILLION trying to upgrade Blacks since the l960's. (6) (Very Conservative Figure).
they appear incapable of forming any extensive plans of government or conquest:
and the obvious inferiority of their mental faculties has been discovered and abused by the nations of the temperate zone."
‑‑Edward Gibbon, the great historian and author of THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, (V.III, pg. 277)
"Wherever you find the Negro everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the White man you see everything around him improving." ‑‑Robert E. Lee, to Col. Thomas H. Carter, May, l965.
We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions.
By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can
mold them to the program of the Communist Party.
In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.
We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment.
With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.
In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.
We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment.
With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.
A revealing quote of Israel Zangwill:
“No, the real American has not yet arrived. He is only in the crucible, i tell you, and he will be the fusion of all races, perhaps the coming superman.”
Israel Zangwill, being a Fabian socialist had close links with George Bernard Shaw, and one Israel Cohen, author of ‘A Racial Programme for the 20th Century’, a book that is said to be a hoax by the usual suspects, but the proof of which can be seen in your nations today. The only remaining quote from this book is the following:
Three pronged program. Basically the program is to instill hatred among the
African-Americans for the Whites - the "Kill Whitey" obsession; at
the same time promote "love" and "brotherhood" for
African-Americans among the Whites; instill a paralyzing guilt complex in the
Whites to the point they would stupidly do anything to placate the
Jew Media (and JEW controlled academia) is complicit and culpable.
On one hand it goads the hatred of Whites by Blacks, knowing it will cause low IQ Black criminals to feel their criminal propensities are righteous, causing prolific Black on White violence.
And on the other hand JEW media IGNORES IT as a topic, so that Whites get a false sense of security, while at the same time being brow beaten incessantly with White "guilt" by Jews who run Hollywood and academia for crimes that JEWS and the JEWISH RACE are guilty. Jeanette Domzalski
Whether rabinovich or Cohen knew it or not, together they had made the most important statements ever produced regarding the future of our race.
They not only describe the latest modification of the Jews' long-simmering scheme for White genocide, but they described the plan's reasoning, its methodology and its ultimate goal in plain language for all to see.
First, he says something that the Jewish leadership knows and only a few White men ever realize: that the ethnic Europeans are the most dangerous enemies of the Jews, and that Jews are our own nemesis.
Because the White Man is the only one who can realistically stand fast against the wiles of the Jew; we are his superior in physical and spiritual vigor as well as in technical and artistic ability, and are as close to his equal in cunning as any race comes, a unique combination possessed by no other people.
What the Jew as a group has in
his favor is the ultimate survival instinct, that of the subtlety and
overwhelming ambition of the parasitic organism. Like the cuckoo bird, he lays
his egg by stealth in another's nest for the unwitting owner and builder to
care for.
Then the egg hatches, and as the chick grows it crushes the children of its host, stealing their food and forcing them from the very nest their parents built, the nest that is rightfully theirs. Once his rivals are dead and his hosts are thin and worn from feeding his ever-ravenous mouth, the cuckoo flies off to repeat the process. It is simply in his nature.
That is why the Jew, a natural paranoid, can only feel safe with tractable hosts, who either lack the intelligence to recognize his threatening presence, or the strength or the united collective will to oppose it effectively. Only in such a world his can his inborn ambition reign freely, and only there can he be king, secure on his throne.
Then the egg hatches, and as the chick grows it crushes the children of its host, stealing their food and forcing them from the very nest their parents built, the nest that is rightfully theirs. Once his rivals are dead and his hosts are thin and worn from feeding his ever-ravenous mouth, the cuckoo flies off to repeat the process. It is simply in his nature.
That is why the Jew, a natural paranoid, can only feel safe with tractable hosts, who either lack the intelligence to recognize his threatening presence, or the strength or the united collective will to oppose it effectively. Only in such a world his can his inborn ambition reign freely, and only there can he be king, secure on his throne.
We have all heard of the term ‘Melting Pot’, it means the mixing of different races and cultures into one group forming the ‘New World and the New Man’. The term was popularized in 1908 by a play called ‘The Melting Pot’ written by the British born Jewish Zionist Israel Zangwill, his parents were Jewish immigrants from Russia.
The play has come to represent the importation of mass
non-European immigration into America which up until 1965 was over 90% white,
and the assimilation and mixing with them into a ‘melting pot’.
The idea of melting different cultures and ethnicities into sameness to create a ‘new man’ had been spoken of in the 18th and 19th century, but with the production of the 1908 play, it became popularized and known as the ‘melting pot’ that is spoken of today.
The idea of melting different cultures and ethnicities into sameness to create a ‘new man’ had been spoken of in the 18th and 19th century, but with the production of the 1908 play, it became popularized and known as the ‘melting pot’ that is spoken of today.
It is said that the 1908 play was idealizing the mixing of
people from different European nations into the ‘new American’. And to an
extent this is what happened prior to 1965 and the Open Immigration Act,
vigorously campaigned for by Jewish groups.
Since 1965, the term ‘melting pot’ has meant the mixing of all races from all over the world into one group of uniformity bereft of any racial identity, the ‘post racial society’.
This is not only happening in America, but every nation that had a once white majority population. The pursuit of ‘racial diversity’ in white nations, is the pursuit of an end to real global racial diversity for the benefit of one group of people who see themselves as reigning supreme over us all.
Since 1965, the term ‘melting pot’ has meant the mixing of all races from all over the world into one group of uniformity bereft of any racial identity, the ‘post racial society’.
This is not only happening in America, but every nation that had a once white majority population. The pursuit of ‘racial diversity’ in white nations, is the pursuit of an end to real global racial diversity for the benefit of one group of people who see themselves as reigning supreme over us all.
One of the characters in the 1908 play says:
“America is God’s Crucible, where all the races of Europe
are melting and reforming! Germans, Frenchmen, Irishmen and Englishmen, Jews
and Russians, into the Crucible with you all! God is making the American.”
Is this what Israel Zangwill really wanted to put across in
his play, or was it the precursor for what happened in 1965 and the opening of
America’s borders to the whole world? Is it just a coincidence that Zangwill, a
Jewish Zionist, and Jews who campaigned for the Open Immigration Act have
advocated the mixing of races and cultures?
Lets take a closer look at Israel Zangwill.
Zangwill was a Fabian socialist and advocate of world
government, he was also very supportive of the Bolshevik Revolution. Benjamin
Netanyahu writes of Zangwill, in his book A Place Among the Nations: Israel and
the World (Bantam Books, New York, 1993):
{p. 11} The receptivity that the great courts of the day
accorded him in no way blinded Herzl to the primacy of winning Jewish adherents
to Zionism.
After Nordau, his greatest conquest among Jewish {p. 12} intellectuals was the celebrated English writer Israel Zangwill, who used his talents and influence to spread the creed of Zionism in Britain, which at the time was the foremost world power.
After Nordau, his greatest conquest among Jewish {p. 12} intellectuals was the celebrated English writer Israel Zangwill, who used his talents and influence to spread the creed of Zionism in Britain, which at the time was the foremost world power.
Read More on Israel Zangwill and his close links to Jewish
banking families such as the Rothschilds and the Schiffs.
A revealing quote of Israel Zangwill:
“No, the real American has not yet arrived. He is only in
the crucible, i tell you, he will be the fusion of all races, perhaps the
coming superman.”
Israel Zangwill, being a Fabian socialist had close links
with George Bernard Shaw, and one Israel Cohen, author of ‘A Racial Programme
for the 20th Century’, a book that is said to be a hoax by the usual suspects,
but the proof of which can be seen in your nations today. The only remaining
quote from this book is the following:
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is
racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that
for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the
program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory.
While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to
instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.
will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the
professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige,
the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which
will deliver America to our cause.”
Entered into the Congressional Record on June 7, 1957 (Vol.
103, p. 8559, top of page.)
This book is now out of print, and the existence of the
author Israel Cohen is denied even though he was one of the founders of Fabian
Socialism in Britain, had written many books, and the foreword in a book by
Israel Zangwill called ‘The Schnorrers’.
It stands to reason that the existence of such a book, ‘a racial programme for the 20th century’, would blow wide open the real agenda of mass non-white immigration hence the need to deny its existence.
It stands to reason that the existence of such a book, ‘a racial programme for the 20th century’, would blow wide open the real agenda of mass non-white immigration hence the need to deny its existence.
It took 2 years for the existence of the book and the author
to be denied after all books had been seized and printing had been stopped.
The book was said to be a humanitarian follow up to the Zangwill ‘The Melting Pot’ play. This was revealed by a man named Myron Fagon a staunch anti-communist.
The book was said to be a humanitarian follow up to the Zangwill ‘The Melting Pot’ play. This was revealed by a man named Myron Fagon a staunch anti-communist.
Whether you believe this book or quote to be a hoax or not
doesn’t matter, if you are awake to the ‘diversity’ agenda and the real reasons
behind mass immigration, then it passes the duck test ie if it quacks like a
duck, then it’s a duck.
The proof is in the visual and only the awakened can see it. You can see the link between Zangwill and his melting pot idea, and Cohen and his ‘racial programme for the 20th century’.
They both have one defining and recurring theme, the Jewish desire to use race as a weapon against their primary foe, the White European.
The proof is in the visual and only the awakened can see it. You can see the link between Zangwill and his melting pot idea, and Cohen and his ‘racial programme for the 20th century’.
They both have one defining and recurring theme, the Jewish desire to use race as a weapon against their primary foe, the White European.
German youth!
Since National Socialism took the leadership in Germany, one
often hears people talking in all sorts of places about race. It was not always
that way. Even two years ago, our opponents avoided the word or mocked it. The
Marxist laughed if he even heard it, and those in the middle class just shook
their heads. They all thought racial ideas to be unproven and worthless, or
even dangerous. It therefore does not surprise us that in past years people
waged war against the word “race.”
Today everything is different, and some during the last
eighteen months even seem to think that race is talked about too much.
Maybe even some of you have shaken your heads in annoyance
and said: “We’ve heard enough about race. We don’t want to be forced to become
doctors or biologists or some other sort of learned creature.”
Where that has happened, it is because people talked
primarily about the scientific facts of inheritance or racial science or things
like that. When talking about race these things are certainly important, but
they focus on specialized facts while forgetting the real significance of
racial thinking. The important points are not in the worlds of science and
scholarship, but rather in the area of worldview and politics, the area that
deeply moves us young people who are part of a spiritual revolution. It is also
why yesterday’s world is resisting the concept of race.
The old world was not distressed by a new science, but
rather by the fact that a new worldview grew out of this science that destroyed
the foundations of proletarian and bourgeois thinking, one that had to lead to
a genuine revolution of soul and spirit.
Before we speak of the significance of worldview, we must
quickly review a few facts about scientific racial research and racial science.
First, we must consider what is meant by the word “race.” As everyone has
noticed in the last eighteen months, people often mean different things when
using the word and therefore talk past each other.
The word “race” still has two primary meanings today. In one
sense, it means all the inherited physical and intellectual characteristics and
abilities that a person has, in contrast to the abilities that he gains during
his life. In this sense, “race” means something like inheritance or genetics.
However, the word in its deepest and most important sense applies to whole
groups of people who are separated from other groups of people by their common
genetic inheritance.
Let us make clear what we mean by inheritance. That is
important because the facts that science teaches us about inheritance are of great
significance to our politics and our worldview. In the past people knew little
about it, and as a result imagined that their value, or lack of value, was
determined by the outside influences on their life. If someone was strong and
tall, people thought that he must have been well nourished, or worked outdoors
in agriculture, or played sports. If one was smarter than others, or had better
character, it was the result of particularly good upbringing, whether in
school, at home, or because of his friends.
That naturally led to placing too much importance on outside
influences. Marxism believed that it could make people healthier and better and
harder-working by giving them better economic conditions. The bourgeois
believed that individuals and peoples could be raised ever higher through
education and schooling.
In truth, that is not so. In recent decades, we have learned
from science what any thinking and insightful person had always known:
The inherited characteristics than an individual or a whole
people have are more important than environmental influences.
He who lacks the inherited traits that result in strength or
height will never become strong or tall however good his diet or however much
he is active in sports. Education and spiritual training can only benefit
someone who has inherited clear understanding and a clear mind.
The physical and spiritual nature of each individual, you as
well as me, is determined by his inheritance, that which we have received from
our parents, grandparents, and ancestors.
Our own efforts, or the education others give us, can only develop what we have inherited, or make it less effective. Such efforts can never change one person into another one, making him either better or worse than he was when born.
Our own efforts, or the education others give us, can only develop what we have inherited, or make it less effective. Such efforts can never change one person into another one, making him either better or worse than he was when born.
Science provides many examples of this, and you know that a
lot is written and spoken about it today. The details are important only to
experts. We are much more concerned about the implications it has for our
outlook on life, individuals, and peoples.
The first thing of importance to us is the close relationship between children, parents, and ancestors.
The first thing of importance to us is the close relationship between children, parents, and ancestors.
What we are, both body and soul, we have inherited from the
generations before us.
And when, after 60 or 80 years we are no longer alive, our
inheritance will live on in our children and our children’s children. When we
realize this, we suddenly see clearly that great river of blood that flows to
us through the centuries and millennia, and that is in truth the German people.
Each individual generation is a wave that rises and falls,
replaced by the next one. As individuals, we are as a droplet in this stream,
but we no longer see ourselves as the center of the world, which is what the
liberal era believed and taught.
Such an understanding makes us modest, because we see how
small we are in comparison to the eternal people. It also shows us that
everything we do and accomplish is not because of our own abilities, but rather
the result of the inheritance that we have received.
The man of the liberal era was proud of himself, his value,
and what he had achieved. He acted as if he had done it all himself. We are
more modest today, seeing what we do as new results of our people’s ancient
That inheritance worked in countless former generations, and if we do not destroy it, will continue in the future through coming generations.
That inheritance worked in countless former generations, and if we do not destroy it, will continue in the future through coming generations.
We ourselves, you and I, are today merely the carriers and
guardians of German blood inheritance, both proud of this task but also humble
before it.
Obviously, such an outlook could find no place in the old
world of liberal and Marxist thinking. It results in a whole range of
conclusions that throw out old views.
If we cannot fundamentally change people into something their inheritance does not allow, the exaggerated Marxist welfare system loses its justification, as does bourgeois overemphasis on education and training.
If we cannot fundamentally change people into something their inheritance does not allow, the exaggerated Marxist welfare system loses its justification, as does bourgeois overemphasis on education and training.
We no longer see economic or spiritual improvement of
individuals or peoples as the goal, but rather only the National Socialist
principle of the selection of the most capable.
This does not mean we see things one-sidedly.
True, we cannot change people and make them better than their inherited characteristics allow though intellectual improvement, education, economics, or social policy.
But it would be wrong to entirely ignore these factors. Anyone who believes that, as a consequence of racial thinking, it is useless to try to improve the economic conditions of the poor through training and education is making a serious mistake. It is not enough for inherited characteristics to remain hidden within a person.
Instead, they must come to expression.
It therefore makes a big difference if in individual cases a physical or mental ability is encouraged, promoted, and developed, or whether it is hampered, suppressed, and held back. The best inherited traits are useless if we let a person starve or perish, for he will never be able to accomplish anything significant. The best mind with the strongest intellectual gifts can go unused for an entire human life if poor education hinders or misdirects them.
True, we cannot change people and make them better than their inherited characteristics allow though intellectual improvement, education, economics, or social policy.
But it would be wrong to entirely ignore these factors. Anyone who believes that, as a consequence of racial thinking, it is useless to try to improve the economic conditions of the poor through training and education is making a serious mistake. It is not enough for inherited characteristics to remain hidden within a person.
Instead, they must come to expression.
It therefore makes a big difference if in individual cases a physical or mental ability is encouraged, promoted, and developed, or whether it is hampered, suppressed, and held back. The best inherited traits are useless if we let a person starve or perish, for he will never be able to accomplish anything significant. The best mind with the strongest intellectual gifts can go unused for an entire human life if poor education hinders or misdirects them.
I say this only because the enemies of National Socialism
have often said recently that: “Your doctrine of the overwhelming importance of
inheritance necessarily leads to ignoring social issues and concerns, as well
the need to properly educate and train people.
Both charges are simply untrue. We simply reject Marxist and bourgeois exaggerations, since we have realized that the fundamental nature of a person is determined by what he has inherited.
It is an obvious National Socialist principle that good traits in each individual, be they physical or intellectual, must be encouraged by every means, and that the undesired ones must be suppressed.
Both charges are simply untrue. We simply reject Marxist and bourgeois exaggerations, since we have realized that the fundamental nature of a person is determined by what he has inherited.
It is an obvious National Socialist principle that good traits in each individual, be they physical or intellectual, must be encouraged by every means, and that the undesired ones must be suppressed.
We were forced to reach these conclusions once we understood
the word “race,” which essentially means inherited characteristics.
Yet as I already said, this use of the word includes only part of its meaning. Beyond that, the word “race” in its true sense means something like the Nordic race or the Mongolian race or some other racial group of people.
You know that people in this world are not equal. They differ outwardly; one is black, another red, the third yellow or white, and within these large groups science has determined that there are many other particular races.
Yet as I already said, this use of the word includes only part of its meaning. Beyond that, the word “race” in its true sense means something like the Nordic race or the Mongolian race or some other racial group of people.
You know that people in this world are not equal. They differ outwardly; one is black, another red, the third yellow or white, and within these large groups science has determined that there are many other particular races.
However, the differences between races are not limited to
the physical and external. They extend to the character, to intellectual and
spiritual traits.
That is clear to us if we compare a person from here in our
German homeland with a Negro, or if we compare an Eskimo with a Mongol; their
intellectual and spiritual differences are immediately obvious.
People knew all this before. However, in the past they not
realize that these physical and intellectual racial differences are inherited and
can never be changed by outside influences. In fact, in the past people taught
and believed that the differences between peoples and races in this world were
really only accidental, caused by the climate or history or level of culture.
The Negro was black because the hot sun in Africa crinkled his hair and darkened his skin. Had he been born somewhere along the North Sea coast with its grayness and lack of sun, he perhaps would have had light skin and blond hair, just like our fishermen in Friesland.
The Negro was black because the hot sun in Africa crinkled his hair and darkened his skin. Had he been born somewhere along the North Sea coast with its grayness and lack of sun, he perhaps would have had light skin and blond hair, just like our fishermen in Friesland.
You can understand that these former views had very
important political and worldview consequences. If the differences between the
world’s peoples and races are only the result of external conditions, one can
overcome them.
Advancing civilization would gradually eliminate social, cultural, and geographic differences. Formerly, people imagined that the differences between Europeans and Negroes could be eliminated by establishing schools, by civilizing Africa, by educating Negroes at European universities, thereby eventually ending the differences that still seem to exist today.
People attempted to do this from every angle.
They came to the logical conclusion that humanity could be brought to the same intellectual level, which would open the way for a single world state, united in governmental, political, and economic matters. The efforts of the Internationale were no more than the result of this fundamental idea.
Advancing civilization would gradually eliminate social, cultural, and geographic differences. Formerly, people imagined that the differences between Europeans and Negroes could be eliminated by establishing schools, by civilizing Africa, by educating Negroes at European universities, thereby eventually ending the differences that still seem to exist today.
People attempted to do this from every angle.
They came to the logical conclusion that humanity could be brought to the same intellectual level, which would open the way for a single world state, united in governmental, political, and economic matters. The efforts of the Internationale were no more than the result of this fundamental idea.
I believe that that makes clear to us all why all the forces
of former times fought a bitter battle against the concept of race. Racial
science teaches us that all the essential differences between peoples and races
in this world are inherited. They cannot be changed by educational or training
systems. Humanity cannot change them.
The races are different because their blood is different, as
the proverb says, not because civilization is further advanced in one place
than it is in another. We have to accept that, just as we have to accept any
natural law on this earth.
That means that any attempt to establish international culture, government, or religion is fundamentally wrong and hopeless to attempt, since it ignores the great racial laws that the Creator himself set as finding laws for humanity.
This knowledge provides the ultimate and deepest justification for our ethnic striving toward our own nature and uniqueness in politics, economics, culture, and perhaps also religion.
That means that any attempt to establish international culture, government, or religion is fundamentally wrong and hopeless to attempt, since it ignores the great racial laws that the Creator himself set as finding laws for humanity.
This knowledge provides the ultimate and deepest justification for our ethnic striving toward our own nature and uniqueness in politics, economics, culture, and perhaps also religion.
Since peoples differ racially, each must follow its own
nature, keeping it pure from physical or intellectual corruption.
That is the great and essential conclusion that the National
Socialist draws from an understanding of the racial teaching of science. Our
common task will be to build a new age on this knowledge, and we believe and
know that our future will then be happier because it will be based on
foundations that are true.
By Raquel M. Chanano
Many people will be surprised to discover that what has
served and is serving as the basis for public school sex education (and is even
being used in many Catholic schools) has its roots in scientific fraud. Most of
this could be credited to one individual: Alfred C. Kinsey, with the help of
his colleagues Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, and Paul Gebhard.
Their research and studies have undoubtedly shaped current
attitudes and perceptions concerning human sexuality. These perceptions have
ultimately worked themselves into the current sex education programs.
Over forty years ago, Alfred C. Kinsey was a professor of
zoology at Indiana University (I.U.). Later he served as coordinator of new
marriage courses that were established at I.U. During his involvement in these
courses, he began to question students about their sex lives and offer advice
in matters of sex and relationships. He simultaneously began compiling detailed
documentation of several of these “sex histories” for his own personal
Alfred Kinsey considered animal sexual behavior as the model
for human sexual behavior, the only difference being that animals act without
inhibition and by instinct alone. However, various cultural conditions are
imposed on human beings, according to Kinsey, that unjustly inhibit and even
criminally prohibit “natural human sexual behavior.”
“Being involved
in all types of sexual activity would represent freedom from the cultural conditioning which society imposes and which leads to artificial distinctions such as right and wrong, licit and illicit, normal and abnormal, acceptable and unacceptable in our social organization,” Kinsey’s
Male Report (1948) states.[1]
“Being involved
in all types of sexual activity would represent freedom from the cultural conditioning which society imposes and which leads to artificial distinctions such as right and wrong, licit and illicit, normal and abnormal, acceptable and unacceptable in our social organization,” Kinsey’s
Male Report (1948) states.[1]
The most famous and widely used Kinseyan concept is the
notion of the sexual outlets. This notion subscribes to the principle that
there are six possible forms of sexual release, which are the following from
the male
perspective: masturbation, nocturnal emissions, heterosexual petting, heterosexual intercourse, homosexual relations, and intercourse with animals of other species.[2]
perspective: masturbation, nocturnal emissions, heterosexual petting, heterosexual intercourse, homosexual relations, and intercourse with animals of other species.[2]
Since all of these constitute sexual release, they are all equally
acceptable and normal, according to Kinsey. In reference to sexual release, there is the concept that bisexuality is the most balanced of all sexual orientations, because it includes both heterosexual and homosexual activity.
In Kinsey’s own words, “biologically there is no form of outlet which I will admit as abnormal.”[3] The problem, according to him, is that
society was conditioned through traditional modes of thought to believe that heterosexual activity within marriage, especially, is both correct and the healthiest means of sexual expression. Kinsey strictly believed that all forms are healthy and that if any one form is abnormal and lesser, it
is heterosexual intercourse.[4]
One of the most worrisome of his concepts is that which
pedophiliac activity. Kinsey believed that children were predisposed to sexual activity from the moment of birth and that adult-child sex was included under the notion of a sexual outlet. Our social conditioning made it taboo, although it is actually a “normal” sexual behavior that should be
practiced as well as pursued, Kinsey believed. He maintained that when done under circumstances where the adult genuinely cares for the child, as would a loving parent or relative, sex between an adult and a child could prove to be a healthy experience for the child.
The results are unfavorable, Kinsey said, only when the child is conditioned by police authorities and parents to believe that such conduct is immoral and incorrect.[5]
pedophiliac activity. Kinsey believed that children were predisposed to sexual activity from the moment of birth and that adult-child sex was included under the notion of a sexual outlet. Our social conditioning made it taboo, although it is actually a “normal” sexual behavior that should be
practiced as well as pursued, Kinsey believed. He maintained that when done under circumstances where the adult genuinely cares for the child, as would a loving parent or relative, sex between an adult and a child could prove to be a healthy experience for the child.
The results are unfavorable, Kinsey said, only when the child is conditioned by police authorities and parents to believe that such conduct is immoral and incorrect.[5]
How does a scientist go about collecting evidence for such
theories? One would like to believe that both ethical and scientifically sound
research methods would be employed. Kinsey claimed that he wanted to conduct
research that would be representative of American society. However,
Kinsey’s work and research was manipulated so that its results would be indicative of what he himself believed, without any real and tangible scientific support. According to Paul Robinson, one of Kinsey’s biographers, Kinsey’s work was designed to “undermine the traditional sexual order.”[6] Kinsey had his own amoral agenda and hoped to use his
research as the scientific base to “change society’s traditional moral values.”
Kinsey’s work and research was manipulated so that its results would be indicative of what he himself believed, without any real and tangible scientific support. According to Paul Robinson, one of Kinsey’s biographers, Kinsey’s work was designed to “undermine the traditional sexual order.”[6] Kinsey had his own amoral agenda and hoped to use his
research as the scientific base to “change society’s traditional moral values.”
Kinsey’s research included two main parts: he used data from
the “sex histories” of about 18,000 persons, and he directed experimental sex
research on several hundred children aged two months to almost 15 years of age.
The information from the “sex histories” was not only manipulated, but most of his interviewees were not representative of society, because they were deliberately chosen (others volunteered) for their sexual deviancy.
Though Kinsey wanted to document and expose what society was doing sexually, he only concentrated on one section of society -the deviant.
A great number of the 5,300 male interviewees were sex offenders, pedophiles and exhibitionists, while about 25 percent of them were prison inmates. Many of those who volunteered were also biased in favor of the “sexually
The information from the “sex histories” was not only manipulated, but most of his interviewees were not representative of society, because they were deliberately chosen (others volunteered) for their sexual deviancy.
Though Kinsey wanted to document and expose what society was doing sexually, he only concentrated on one section of society -the deviant.
A great number of the 5,300 male interviewees were sex offenders, pedophiles and exhibitionists, while about 25 percent of them were prison inmates. Many of those who volunteered were also biased in favor of the “sexually
Kinsey himself and his team also observed and took notes on
several filmed “experiments” that dealt with various kinds of deviant behavior,
especially sex acts between homosexual males.[8]
The experimental research on several hundred children
consisted of the molestation of these children by a group of nine persons. Some
were “technically trained” and in reality acted like pedophiles. It is reported
that some were indeed already pedophiles because not all had to be trained.
In Kinsey’s (1948) it is reported that the children reacted
to the oral and manual stimulation by these nine adults in various ways. The
reactions ranged from bodily “twitching”, “violent cries”, “violent
convulsions”, and “extreme trembling”, to “excruciating pain”.[9]
convulsions”, and “extreme trembling”, to “excruciating pain”.[9]
This was all done in order to supposedly demonstrate that children are sexual beings and can enjoy sexual pleasure as well as any adult. Kinsey sought to use these results to indicate that children are indeed able to engage in and benefit from sexual activity.
There was no documentation as
to who were those children or where they came from. How’s that for scientific soundness? However, the relevant issue here is that Kinseyan concepts and perceptions on human sexuality, though deceitful and unscientific, have surfaced in sex education courses.
It is clear that sex education has been oriented towards the
direction Kinsey had envisioned for society. Due to the second part of his
research, his unfounded assertions have made their way into sex education for
children. Most of the professional sex educators are being taught the Kinseyan model of human sexuality.
A number of materials on sex education have captured Kinseyan modes of thought to their curricula. Even the biggest and most influential organizations include and promulgate Kinseyan concepts within their educational efforts.
A number of materials on sex education have captured Kinseyan modes of thought to their curricula. Even the biggest and most influential organizations include and promulgate Kinseyan concepts within their educational efforts.
Evidence of the correlation between Kinsey’s theories and
prominent educational agencies is abundant.
One of the largest of these is the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Its publication, ), for the Western Hemisphere Region, states that sex education methods should facilitate the understanding that there is no one model of sexual behavior, but on the contrary, that there are diverse types of sexual behavior which are all acceptable and respectable.[10]
The root of their sex education objectives are clearly embedded in Kinsey’s views. What is more obvious is the fact that various remarks from both Kinsey and Pomeroy (his colleague) are stated in order to justify teaching the validity of diverse types of sexuality, the most prominent of which is
The Teaching of Human Sexuality in Schools (la Ensenanza de la Sexualidad Humana en las Escuelas) by IPPF, also states that young people should not be exposed to negative prevailing attitudes towards
homosexuality so that they can develop “freely” and “normally.”[12]
One of the largest of these is the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Its publication, ), for the Western Hemisphere Region, states that sex education methods should facilitate the understanding that there is no one model of sexual behavior, but on the contrary, that there are diverse types of sexual behavior which are all acceptable and respectable.[10]
The root of their sex education objectives are clearly embedded in Kinsey’s views. What is more obvious is the fact that various remarks from both Kinsey and Pomeroy (his colleague) are stated in order to justify teaching the validity of diverse types of sexuality, the most prominent of which is
The Teaching of Human Sexuality in Schools (la Ensenanza de la Sexualidad Humana en las Escuelas) by IPPF, also states that young people should not be exposed to negative prevailing attitudes towards
homosexuality so that they can develop “freely” and “normally.”[12]
Other organizations that follow Kinsey’s lead are the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), its
regional center of higher education for Latin America and the Caribbean
Planned Parenthood of America, and the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). UNESCO’s publication, ) for first grade education, includes several cartoon-type figures claiming
that children have the right to know their bodies.
They proclaim the uselessness of guilt, prejudice, and social taboos. From seventh through ninth grade, students are taught that sexual relations can be constructive and pleasant experiences for both persons involved if both are open to having them freely conscientiously, and if they are informed and responsible.[13]
Planned Parenthood of America, and the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). UNESCO’s publication, ) for first grade education, includes several cartoon-type figures claiming
that children have the right to know their bodies.
They proclaim the uselessness of guilt, prejudice, and social taboos. From seventh through ninth grade, students are taught that sexual relations can be constructive and pleasant experiences for both persons involved if both are open to having them freely conscientiously, and if they are informed and responsible.[13]
The Regional Center of Higher Education for Latin America
and the Caribbean (CRESALC), under the UNESCO-FNUAP umbrella, also dedicates
much of its
effort to similar educational instructions. In Diez Hechos Ciertos y De Peso Acerca del Sexo (a Spanish translation of Ten Heavy Facts About Sex), a publication partly funded by CRESALC, students are informed that the enrichment of a relation is sex between two people, no matter who the two people are.[14]
In other words, students are taught to believe that any type of sexual activity is both correct and naturally enriching. Ultimately,
children learn that heterosexuality is but one of the many options
available to them. In this manner they start to establish the premise that heterosexuality can be easily abandoned. It is the creation of a
“heterophobic” society, which Kinsey obviously aimed for through his research.
This term, as of yet, has not worked its way into American mainstream society as the term “homophobic” has. (Homophobia is used to describe the unfounded fear and discomfort which some people or a particular culture supposedly have toward homosexuals.) Once all of Kinsey’s ideas are in place, society will come to fear and be wary of
heterosexuals, while the sexual deviations will be seen as the norm.
effort to similar educational instructions. In Diez Hechos Ciertos y De Peso Acerca del Sexo (a Spanish translation of Ten Heavy Facts About Sex), a publication partly funded by CRESALC, students are informed that the enrichment of a relation is sex between two people, no matter who the two people are.[14]
In other words, students are taught to believe that any type of sexual activity is both correct and naturally enriching. Ultimately,
children learn that heterosexuality is but one of the many options
available to them. In this manner they start to establish the premise that heterosexuality can be easily abandoned. It is the creation of a
“heterophobic” society, which Kinsey obviously aimed for through his research.
This term, as of yet, has not worked its way into American mainstream society as the term “homophobic” has. (Homophobia is used to describe the unfounded fear and discomfort which some people or a particular culture supposedly have toward homosexuals.) Once all of Kinsey’s ideas are in place, society will come to fear and be wary of
heterosexuals, while the sexual deviations will be seen as the norm.
Two of the main promoters in the U.S., where Kinsey’s ideas
are concerned, are the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and SIECUS (Sex
Information and Education Council of the United States).
Planned Parenthood, by far the more prominent, founded by Margaret Sanger, is a model of Kinseyan thought. Kinsey was simply following in the footsteps of Sanger, who once claimed that “the marriage bed is the most degrading influence of the sexual order . . . a decadent institution, a reactionary development of the sex instinct.”[15] SIECUS, under the leadership of Dr. Mary S. Calderone, formerly medical director for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, has also been making continuous strides in relation to sex education for children, based on the Kinseyan philosophy. For example, the promotion of the “acceptance of the wide range of possible
expressions of sexuality,” was affirmed in a January 1980 SIECUS Report.[16]
Planned Parenthood, by far the more prominent, founded by Margaret Sanger, is a model of Kinseyan thought. Kinsey was simply following in the footsteps of Sanger, who once claimed that “the marriage bed is the most degrading influence of the sexual order . . . a decadent institution, a reactionary development of the sex instinct.”[15] SIECUS, under the leadership of Dr. Mary S. Calderone, formerly medical director for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, has also been making continuous strides in relation to sex education for children, based on the Kinseyan philosophy. For example, the promotion of the “acceptance of the wide range of possible
expressions of sexuality,” was affirmed in a January 1980 SIECUS Report.[16]
But where Kinseyan philosophy is most noticeable is in
SIECUS’s attempts at teaching childhood sexuality. By 1983 Mary Calderone was
writing that the
child’s sexual capacities could “be developed in the same way as the
child’s inborn human capacity to talk or to walk . . “[17]
It is amazing how society is now working towards indoctrinating children in matters of sexuality at an early age: Planned Parenthood’s Sex Education and Mental Health Report (1979), states that “no religious views, no moral standards, are to deflect the child from the overriding purposes of self-discovery, self-assertion, and selfgratification.”[18] Children, especially teenagers, are learning in sex education courses patterned after Kinsey, that all sex
is good in an of itself and that it is fun.
They are being taught to
believe they have the right and that it is for their well-being that they enter into any type of sexual activity at an early age, even with adults. Many sex educators have joined the bandwagon, without any slight hint of hesitation.
It is no wonder that young people are engaging in promiscuous
sexual activity, now more than ever, with the resulting rise of venereal diseases, illegitimate pregnancies, abortion, AIDS, etc. It is obviously a cause-and-effect scenario, and our society is clearly reaping the fruits from this type of mentality.
child’s sexual capacities could “be developed in the same way as the
child’s inborn human capacity to talk or to walk . . “[17]
It is amazing how society is now working towards indoctrinating children in matters of sexuality at an early age: Planned Parenthood’s Sex Education and Mental Health Report (1979), states that “no religious views, no moral standards, are to deflect the child from the overriding purposes of self-discovery, self-assertion, and selfgratification.”[18] Children, especially teenagers, are learning in sex education courses patterned after Kinsey, that all sex
is good in an of itself and that it is fun.
They are being taught to
believe they have the right and that it is for their well-being that they enter into any type of sexual activity at an early age, even with adults. Many sex educators have joined the bandwagon, without any slight hint of hesitation.
It is no wonder that young people are engaging in promiscuous
sexual activity, now more than ever, with the resulting rise of venereal diseases, illegitimate pregnancies, abortion, AIDS, etc. It is obviously a cause-and-effect scenario, and our society is clearly reaping the fruits from this type of mentality.
What is extremely difficult to believe is that our society seems to be on the verge of accepting pedophilia as an orientation within the sex spectrum. This particular issue is where the ties to Kinsey’s research can be fully attested. In an article, Joan A. Nelson, Ed.D., writes in favor of a model of adult-child sexuality in which sex acts with children are to be viewed as acceptable and even essential to the healthy development of the
child. What Dr. Nelson views as the harmful agent is “society’s
condemnation,” rather than the effects of such grotesque and immoral acts on young children.[19] Also, Wardell Pomeroy (Kinsey’s colleague) of Planned
Parenthood, once stated that “incest between adults and younger children can also prove to be a satisfying experience. Incestuous relationships can-
and do-work out well.”[20] This is exactly what Kinsey believed! A variety of materials from Alyson Publications, which consist mostly of pro-homosexual literature, includes a new series of books that attempt to justify pedophilia and render its perpetrators respectable. “They promote children as objects of sexual pleasure, give advice on how to have sex with children without getting caught, provide locations around the world were child
prostitutes can be had, and list clubs pedophiles can join…”[21] Now that academic sexology accepts children as sexual beings and many strides are being taken to legitimize child-adult sex, we can see the acceptance of
pedophilia as an orientation on the horizon. It is only a matter of time
before we will find other scientists, sex educators, and publishing
companies, sympathizing with the pro-pedophilia effort. We owe this largely to the work and effort of Alfred C. Kinsey!
The traditional, Christian moral values that once prevailed
are undoubtedly under attack. The endeavor appears to be one on which some of
the most
influential sectors of society have embarked. Kinsey himself was motivated to change society’s perception of human sexuality by his disgust towards the Christian tradition. “Kinsey knew a great deal about the Christian tradition, and he was indignant about what it had done to our culture,” says Pomeroy.[22]
influential sectors of society have embarked. Kinsey himself was motivated to change society’s perception of human sexuality by his disgust towards the Christian tradition. “Kinsey knew a great deal about the Christian tradition, and he was indignant about what it had done to our culture,” says Pomeroy.[22]
IPPF’s manual Human Sexuality and Personal Relations states
that a more positive view of human sexuality, free of preconceived moral and
religious taboos, should be integrated.[23] And “SIECUS’ idea of current needs
in sex
education has led to the basic conflict . . . about the nature of human sexuality in a civilized society and whether traditional Christian beliefs about sexuality are repressive and unhealthy.”[24]
education has led to the basic conflict . . . about the nature of human sexuality in a civilized society and whether traditional Christian beliefs about sexuality are repressive and unhealthy.”[24]
Alfred C. Kinsey had opened an avenue of abuse and deceit
within the study of human sexuality and sex education; we are witnesses to the
continuous expansion of this avenue.
Raquel M. Chaviano is a summer intern at HLI and is a junior
at Florida International University, majoring in Religious Studies.
HLI has available the book on which this article was based,
Kinsey, Sex and Fraud, by Reisman and Eichel. Call 1-800-749-4009.
1 Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel, , (Lochinvar Inc.,
1990), pp. 6-8.
2 Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin,
(W.B. Saunders Company, 1948), 193. Cited hereafter as
3 Wardell B. Pomeroy, (Harper and Row, 1972), 77.
4 Reisman and Eichel, p. 45
5 Ibid., p. 3 and 130.
6 Ibid., p. 7, quoted from Paul Robinson, (New York: Harper
& Row, 1976).
7 Reisman and Eichel, p. 8.
8 Ibid, p. 49.
9 Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, , pp. 160-161.
10 International Planned Parenthood Federation, (New York,
1983), 54.
11 Ibid, pp. 252-253, 257.
12 Ibid pp. 252-253, 257.
13 Republica Dominicana, Secretaria de Estado de Educacion,
Bellas Artes y
Cultos, . Cresalc-Unesco, Apartado Postal 62090, Caracas
1060 A, Venezuela.
Cultos, . Cresalc-Unesco, Apartado Postal 62090, Caracas
1060 A, Venezuela.
14 Asociacion Guatemalteca de Educacion Sexual (AGES) y
CRESALC. Ten Heavy Facts About Sex, The Institute for Family Research and
Education, 1979.
15 Robert Marshall and Charles Donovan, , p. 7, quoted from
by Margaret Sanger (State University of New York at
Stonybrook, 1976).
Stonybrook, 1976).
16 Reisman and Eichel, p. 123.
17 Ibid, p. 128, taken from SIECUS Report, May-July 1983, p.
18 Brian Clowes, , v. II c. 67-6, quoted from Planned
Parenthood Sex Education and Mental Health Report, 1979.
19 Reisman and Eichel, p. 207, taken from Joan A. Nelson,
“Intergenerational Sexual Contact: A Continuum Model of Participants and Experience,” 15 (1989) 3-12.
“Intergenerational Sexual Contact: A Continuum Model of Participants and Experience,” 15 (1989) 3-12.
20 Brian Clowes, , v.II C. 678, quoted from Wardell B.
Pomeroy, “A New Look at Incest,” , November 1976, pp. 84-89.
Pomeroy, “A New Look at Incest,” , November 1976, pp. 84-89.
21 “Who publishes those pro-gay kids’ books?” , February
1993: 2.
22 Pomeroy, , p. 30.
23 IPPF, , p. 34.
24 Reisman and Eichel, p. 123.
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The Frankfurt School might not have been the biggest of
buildings and most people might never have heard of it or know what its
inhabitants intentions were, but what came out of that building has had a major
impact on our way of life and how our socities and culture have drastically
The decline would appear to many as having begun in the
1960s, but it started much earlier than that. We have to go back to WW1 to find
the source of the problem that infests our society today. Many people have
written of the origins of Cultural Marxism, and most of them have excellently
explained the roots of the current disease that the West is suffering from. So
for anybody already aware of the birthplace of Cultural Marxism you will have
read about this before. Having more people write about it is important and
repetition works, help to spread the awareness by sharing this blog post and
any others that detail what it is that has resulted in an unrecognisable
Western world.
As WW1 was upon us in 1914, leading Communists believed that
in the event of an outbreak of war, the workers would rise up and realise thier
‘true’ class consciousness, and turn away from thier respective countries
favouring Communist revolution. This as we all know did not happen with any
long term success outside of Russia. The men of the respective Nations
embroiled in the war signed up in thier millions to fight for thier beloved
Nations. They paid the ultimate price in thier millions for the love of and
loyalty to the Nation.
This was obviously a smack in the face to the Communists,
thier predictions had been proven to be wrong. The cold hard reality that they
had to face, was that thier rhetoric and ideological revolution was not going
to happen as they would have wished.
It is important to note that Communist revolution did occur
in Russia in 1917, and the result of that violent revolution had resulted in
the slaughter of 30+ million people including the Russian Tsar and his
family.Communists did try and create revolution after WW1 in Germany but it was
swiftly repelled by returning German soldiers from the front lines in the
aftermath of WW1. Communism also briefly had a grip on Hungary during 1918-19
as the Bolshevik Bela Kun regime took power.
With the widespread failure of Communist revolution
throughout the rest of Europe, some Communists sought to understand why. Two
Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs settled upon one definitive
reason. Western culture and Christianity were the reasons why the workers had
come to reject Communism. Their ‘true’ Marxist class interests had been
‘blinded’ by the foundations of Western society. Indeed in 1919, Lukacs asked,
“Who will save us from Western civilisation?”
That same year, when he became Deputy Commissar for Culture
in that short-lived Bolshevik Bela Kun government in Hungary, one of Lukacs’s
first acts was to introduce sex education into Hungary’s public schools. He
knew that if he could destroy the West’s traditional sexual morals, he would
have taken a giant step toward destroying Western culture itself. (More on that
These reasons behind the failure of Communism throughout
Europe, led in 1923 to a group of German Marxists establishing a think tank in
Frankfurt, known as the Institute for Social Research which later became known
as simply, the Frankfurt School. It was led by Felix Weil, a political
scientist with a passion for Marxism. Weil had studied at the university,
writing a dissertation socialising the economy. His father (a wealthy merchant)
set up a substantial endowment for the institute. One of the major purposes of
the institute was to study (and eventually explain) the dynamics of social
This school of transformational Marxist thought was the birthplace of Cultural Marxism.
This school of transformational Marxist thought was the birthplace of Cultural Marxism.
The aim was to transform Marxism from economic terms into
cultural terms. To do this required a rejection and re evaluation of certain
elements of Marxist theory. The working class had rejected Communism they said
because of Western culture, which was embedded into the societies of the
working class. The only way to change that was to destroy the culture from
They needed a ‘new’ revolutionary to advance the revolution.
Who then, if not the working class? Herbert Marcuse another prominent member of
the Frankfurt school answered this question In the 1950s, a coalition of
blacks, students, feminist women and homosexuals would form the basis of the
new cultural revolution. Through their empowerment in society and through a
systematic brainwashing process, they would be the tools through which the
traditional culture of the West could be subverted and destroyed bringing about
the Communist revolution they so desired.
During the 1930s a political ideology grew out of the
orchestrated ruins of post WW1 Germany that was vehemently opposed to Marxism.
The rise of National Socialism meant that the Marxists of the Frankfurt school
plotting the downfall of the West, were basically run out of town. This did not
mean an end to the Frankfurt school, they simply moved to America, the move was
to spell disaster for the USA as the move shifted the attention from Western
culture in Europe to America. They returned to Frankfurt in the 1950s.
The new revolution needed more than mere words, it needed a
strategy. Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Communist wrote in the ‘Prison Notebooks’
that it would be a “long march through the institutions”. In other words, gain
control of the institutions that had influence over the people, and use them to
turn the people against themselves and their culture. Media, education,
government, and the church being some of the most important out of many. Among
Marxists, Gramsci is noted for his theory that cultural hegemony is the means
to class dominance. In his view, a new “Communist man” had to be created
through a changed culture before any political revolution was possible. This
led to a focus on the efforts of intellectuals in the fields of education and
Georg Lukacs believed that for a new Marxist culture to
emerge, the existing culture must be destroyed.
He said, “I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as
the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch…. Such a
worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of
the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.”
The idea of a long march through Western institutions was to
be a gradual erosion of morality, and to implant criticism of the culture at
the core of the education system via a strategy known as ‘Critical Theory’. The
target of the criticism was the culture. Critical Theory was essentially
destructive criticism, of the main elements of Western culture, including
Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy,
morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism,
heredity, ethnocentrism, convention and conservatism.
To criticise all of these as part of a brainwashing process
has been very successful. The Marxist cultural alternative, that arose out of
critical theory whilst false and severely damaging, has become the ‘norm’ in
most if not all universities and schools. They repeat the brainwashing process
free of any opposition, turning generation after generation into Cultural
Marxist zombies who parrot the mantra everywhere they go.
“Critical Theory, as its name implies, criticises. What
deconstruction does to literature, Critical Theory does to societies.”
(Intellectual Morons, p 15-16)
Critical Theory has played a crucial role in the ideological
assault on the West.
Three of the most vital aspects of Western culture to be
undermined, criticised and destroyed were Christianity, the family and
Nationalism is targeted by the enforced implementation of
multiculturalism, and via state created race laws to stifle and shut down
Nationalist opposition. Multiculturalism is also used to dilute the indigenous
ethnic make up of Europe, and to remove every sense of identity to ones Nation.
Both Christianity and the family have suffered a relentless
attack. Before the founding of the Institute for social research and before
Gramscis prison notebooks, Georg Lukacs had already set in motion a strategy to
demoralise the morality of Hungary during the Bela Kun regime. Reasoning that
if Christian sexual ethics could be undermined among children, then both the
hated patriarchal family and the Church would be dealt a crippling blow. Lukacs
launched a radical sex education program in the schools. Sex lectures were
organised and literature handed out which graphically instructed youth in free
love (promiscuity) and sexual intercourse while simultaneously encouraging them
to deride and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church
authority. All of this was accompanied by a reign of cultural terror
perpetrated against parents, priests, and dissenters.
Hungary’s youth, having been fed a steady diet of
values-neutral (atheism) and radical sex education while simultaneously
encouraged to rebel against all authority, easily turned into delinquents
ranging from bullies and petty thieves to sex predators, murderers, and
sociopaths. Gramsci’s prescription and Lukacs’ plans were the precursor to what
Cultural Marxism later brought into American schools. (Linda Kimball)
This was to be a precursor to what the rest of the Western
world would suffer as a result of the Frankfurt School.
This added strategy of sexual promiscuity was incorporated
into the Frankfurt school via Sigmund Freuds psychoanalysis. His crazy work
“the psychosexual stages of development” was attractive to the school as it
further aided the aim of debasing the foundations of Western society,
especially the family and the morality it instilled.
According to Georg Lukacs “The demons were back, the evil
was being generated in your own mind, and you needed a new priesthood to save
The crackpot ideas of Freud added to that of the
transformational Marxists led to the term Freudo-Marxism. Freud’s theories
inspired future Jewish psychologist Wilhelm Reich, who created and spread the
term “Sexual Revolution” in 1930 and it was to became a feature of Frankfurt
school subversion of Western society.
The sexual revolution was inspired by Freud and to this day has a devastating impact on traditional morality and the traditional family.
The sexual revolution was inspired by Freud and to this day has a devastating impact on traditional morality and the traditional family.
Freud’s psychological theories were formed by his own dreams
and childhood memories. He claimed he remembered hating his father and was
convinced he had sexual feelings towards his mother.
Freud later wrote “I found in myself a constant love for my
mother, and jealousy of my father. I now consider this to be a universal event
in childhood”.
In 2004, Jewish author Nathan Abrams wrote in “The Jewish
Quarterly” that “Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution in the
1960’s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse, and Paul Goodman replaced Marx,
Trotsky, and Lenin as required revolutionary reading”.
Abrams also refers to an interview with Al Goldstein, the
Jewish publisher of Screw Magazine who claimed “the only reason Jews are in
pornography is that we think Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks, we don’t believe
in authoritarianism.
Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture”.
Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture”.
Everything that has come out of the Frankfurt school has
been specifically aimed at destroying our heritage and our people. Our children
are being led by the pied piper of evil, led to their eternal immersion in a
world of mental subversion and destruction. Our culture, and our unifying
common understanding of what is right and wrong is in the hands of satanic
direction. Society is sick, poisoned with a slow killing disease that eats away
at the immune system of a people and their heritage. The truth is out there,
kept from you purposefully. Isn’t it time you stopped the denial and the
apathy, isn’t it time you recognised truth as it stares you in the face.
As reported on the Jewish,7340,L-4656908,00.html and the Daily
Stormer European Parliament
Vice President Antonio Tajani has stated in a speech that Jews are a
substantial part of the history of the European Continent and that there is no
Europe without Jews.
It must be asked why are Jews even in Europe?
Jews have a 6000+ year history of chasing the white race around the world and replacing our population with underman, then subsequently following us to the next place. They always get the people who haven’t experienced them yet to fight their war against their host that is waking up. There is a reason why Empires never last, and that reason is Jews.
Jews devote all their time and energy into pursuing us and
subjugating us wherever we are. From their international finance swindle in
redistributing our tax dollars to inferiors to their constant war mongering
against whoever is the stronger nation to their role as leader of the Marxist
subhuman hordes against whoever is doing better. There is nothing more to the
Jews, there is nothing more to their ‘religion’, than levelling and finally
destroying the goyim.
In contrast many of us are still very naive about Jews, and
know nothing about Jews. This is where Jews fulfill their role as the ‘grim
reaper’. Today Europe, Britain, its Commonwealth, the United States and the
whole world pay the price for allowing the Jew to start a war in Europe in
Making a new nation and a future for the coming generations
relies on rejecting the Jews.
We do not want to live anywhere near the Jews. But you see
it is the Jews themselves that seek to live with us! They cannot complain when
their negative actions towards us bring forth the violent reaction of ‘anti-Semitism’. Anti-Semitism will either guarantee our future after
we use our own instincts to react against the Jew and finally dislodge him or
the Jew will destroy us, our instincts and our race completely. The Jew is the
enemy of Europe and the grave-digger of the European People. Their entire existence is based on forcing races
together and exterminating them. The Original Race of Europe, Cro-Magnon was our ancestor and
the Jew has been the continued enemy of this species and have consistently
strived to replace this high evolution with stagnated sub-humans from around
the world.
In this latest case of people making speeches about the
Jewish place in Europe, coming shortly after Jew
Schuster said that Germany has to accept all the refuge’s because of its past (existing
to preserve its national race), we see the Jewish hate of Europe. It not only
wants to kill the Europeans, it wants to take its identity, leaving no trace
behind. We can see how on one hand, Jews will demand unlimited African Negro
immigration into Europe, while also claiming to be European themselves. If a
goyim is to state exactly what a European is, he is labeled racist by the Jew,
and the holocaust is then brought up again.
It must be remembered that Tajani, in his position in the EU
as a MEP, that the creation of the EU, just like the signing of any UN
protocols went over the heads of all Europeans. It was the politicians, many of
them Jews that ‘voted’ for it, all for a premise that their political parties
had already subscribed to. The EU exists to preserve Jews. When Europe united
the last time, the Jews found this unacceptable.
No European ever wanted the new European Union especially
not the people from Germanic lands as we now have to put up with ‘free movement
of people’s’ of lazy sun dwellers who might as well be Arabs from inferior Gog
countries and subhuman eastern trash incapable of culture from Slavic (slave) countries. Free movement of people’s ensures the
drowning of European Genetics. The EU ensures destruction of European Nations,
European Cultures, and European Identities. The EU is a Jewish creation. Its very flag
was designed by a Jew Paul M. G. Lévy, the World War II German Hater! Lévy like
all the other Jews living at the time claimed to be a Holocaust survivor even
though there was no holocaust or policy to kill Jews.
Jews have a policy to kill us.
The Jew is a parasitic defiler and a leveler.
He fulfills a role of ‘evolution reverser’ on this planet. Unlike all other races, the Jews never lived alone. They have always lived ‘on somebody else’s back’ as a parasite. In order to get away with this, they must weaken their host.
Whether they are posing as a ‘European’, an ‘Englishman’, a ‘Frenchman’ or a ‘German’, they always remain a Jew. Members of the host nation who identify the Jew must be persecuted and murdered. Today the Jews regulate Europe through the European Jewish Congress and the European Jewish Parliament.
He fulfills a role of ‘evolution reverser’ on this planet. Unlike all other races, the Jews never lived alone. They have always lived ‘on somebody else’s back’ as a parasite. In order to get away with this, they must weaken their host.
Whether they are posing as a ‘European’, an ‘Englishman’, a ‘Frenchman’ or a ‘German’, they always remain a Jew. Members of the host nation who identify the Jew must be persecuted and murdered. Today the Jews regulate Europe through the European Jewish Congress and the European Jewish Parliament.
Europeans are being bred out of Europe. While many people
supposedly fight ‘racism’ and ‘genocide’,
the fact is most of the world is all for the genocide of the European Peoples,
and much of the European Peoples, especially Slavs and Americans are all for
the genocide of the Nordic Race. Only the Nordic Race is going to stand up for
its own existence, and in doing so we stand up against the Jew.
Tajani before the rabbi’s
Speaking last week at a meeting of the Conference of
European Rabbis in Toulouse, Tajani said that “Europe has Jewish roots, and
the Jews are a substantial part of the history of the continent.” He added
that Judaism and Christianity were both part of his heritage as a European. “We
need Jews in Europe,” he said. “Europe is also your heritage.
In this latest Jewish public relations exercise Tajani
stated that Judaism and Christianity are both part of his heritage
as a European.
If the twin prongs of Jewish monotheism are ‘Europe’s roots’
and ‘Europe’s history’ why is it that Jews look Middle Eastern? It is obvious
that the races that exist today, both Nordic and Jew have existed long before
the last few thousand years. Many Jews have picked up nothing in their time in
Jews are Middle Eastern and Asiatic, and contain criminal and degenerate elements of all the ancient races. They are the world’s original mixed race. The Nordic Race existed long before ‘Judaism’ or ‘Christianity’ were created.
Jews are Middle Eastern and Asiatic, and contain criminal and degenerate elements of all the ancient races. They are the world’s original mixed race. The Nordic Race existed long before ‘Judaism’ or ‘Christianity’ were created.
He continued
“No Jew should feel compelled to leave Europe. It is
our duty to allow Jews to stay here, using all of the tools at our disposal. The
Jews of Europe are part of the family of nations that led to our
continent’s prosperity. There is no Europe without Jews.”
According to the parasite it is our job to accommodate him.
The Jews demand that we serve them, and they will always demand this until the
Jews are exterminated and with this, their conception of life. If the Jews are
so European, why do we have to convince them to ‘stay’?
On the question of Europe’s alleged ‘prosperity’, European
Nations today have massive welfare states being paid for by Jew loans. If
Europe is so ‘prosperous’ why is every nation in massive debt to Jews, United
Kingdom £1.56 trillion, Greece over 350 billion Euro etc? And why are
European Peoples, unlike the majority of the world, Chinese, Indian etc
suffering mass unemployment?
How could Jews be part of this prosperousness when Jews do not produce anything? Germany is the greatest producer, and Germany is forced to be in the EU. Tajani speaking to a Jewish School in France:
How could Jews be part of this prosperousness when Jews do not produce anything? Germany is the greatest producer, and Germany is forced to be in the EU. Tajani speaking to a Jewish School in France:
“I told them that the institution they study in has a
central part in protecting our values,” he said. “Our goal is to develop a
society in which everyone can live freely and securely. Schools
should fight against all extremism, and I will do everything in my
power so that schools educate people to live according to democratic
He emphasized that Europe is not only an economic partnership,
but has a responsibility to develop a society based on brotherhood and unity.
“Education is imperative,” said Tajani. “If we want to change Europe, we have
to change education – and this is critical. The young people I met at
the Jewish schools said the solution is dialogue between people and religions,
and it’s important that this begin in school.”
“It’s a dream,” he
said, “but without a dream – there is no chance of defeating
anti-Semitism. If we are all share a common dream, we can build a new
future for you. We all share this tradition. We want you in Europe.”
Why is it the Jewish goal to develop a society ‘where
everyone can live freely and securely‘? Because this forces the Peoples to
all live under the Jews. This makes the Jews necessary. The Jew as a parasite
is desperate to make himself necessary, to make the host dependent on the
parasite. Forcing people to live together surely exterminates all Peoples.
When anyone says or writes about ‘accepting refugees’, ‘multiculturalism’, ‘tolerance’, ‘diversity’ or ‘racism’ you can be sure that they are acting out their Jewish instincts. They do not share our genetics, they are not our people. They talk not for us. Multiculturalism is an application of Jewish Talmudic Law in which there is to be no divisions amongst the goyim. No races, no sexes, just one slavish mass.
When anyone says or writes about ‘accepting refugees’, ‘multiculturalism’, ‘tolerance’, ‘diversity’ or ‘racism’ you can be sure that they are acting out their Jewish instincts. They do not share our genetics, they are not our people. They talk not for us. Multiculturalism is an application of Jewish Talmudic Law in which there is to be no divisions amongst the goyim. No races, no sexes, just one slavish mass.
When I hear the word democracy I know instantly – Jew.
Anyone who accepts any other races living with us is not one
of us. We do not want to live with other races, and why should we. Those that
advocate multiple races sharing living spheres advocate theft, and inevitable
genocide. Racial Mixing produces degenerate hybrids.
Highly evolved traits are recessive. Races have evolved to
be desirable to their own standards. Mongrels have been through no selection,
and are undesirable.
When Races live together either the primitive race
exterminates through rebellion and breeds out the superior race through its
dominant less developed genes or the superior race exterminates or kicks out
that worthless inferior race.
There is no excuse for races living together.
The race with the instinct for races to live together is the
Jewish race.
Races cannot gain from each other, they have nothing to
learn from each other. Each race has its own destiny that it can achieve only
on its own. Each race has its own native culture and its own expression on the
landscape in which it lives. The future of each race assures very different
future outcomes, as live diverges into evermore complex forms.
The Nordic Nations of Europe, was one example of further speciation in Nature. Jews have ended this higher progress.
The Nordic Nations of Europe, was one example of further speciation in Nature. Jews have ended this higher progress.
It is the Jews, who want a future where ‘everyone’ can live together, as this assures the extermination
of ‘everyone’. By fighting against all extremism they
mean fighting against anyone with any beliefs, anyone with any idealism to live
in a better world and anyone with any vision for something better. Everyone
must be ‘moderate’ and ‘democratic’, no ideals allowed. In other
words nobody is allowed to disagree, or have any opinions and every body’s
values must be fluid and changeable like the newspapers. People must be bred so
they need somebody else to tell them what to think. This dumbification of
Europe must be enforced by persecuting all Europeans, and Europe must be ‘changed’
to prevent a recurrence of anti-Semitism by filling it with non-Europeans.
As anti-Semitism is a reaction to the Jew among intelligent Peoples, to defeat anti-Semitism you must murder the highly intelligent Nordic
Race. Idealism leads to anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism results in
necessary extermination of Jews.
– Aidhan
Jews Not Welcome
We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions.
By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can
mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for
subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will
endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.
We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every
walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment.
With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and
begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.
Black on white murder study!
We set out to create the most comprehensive look at interracial murders, involving blacks and whites, ever conducted. The results are shocking. Our sample of black on white murders has grown to 393 cases.
To date we have only been able to find four cases of white on black murder for 2014.
We even reached out to the SPLC, black power groups, and other left-wing organizations for assistance in compiling cases of white on black murders. None of these groups sent us any murders.
The SPLC, which hypes white on black violence, does not list a single white on black murder for the entire year of 2014.
Our sampling of 2014 black on white murders keeps growing. Special thanks to and Kathy.
Present Tally: 393Hold Up/Hate Crime/Thrill Kill: 188*
Pizza Shop: 5
Cab Driver: 6Police Officers Killed: 9Home Invasion: 64
Killed By A Friend: 23
Killed while providing charity: 2
Femicide: 59**
Femicide Related: 17***
Killed by boyfriend’s brother: 2
Killed by son/daughter: 2
Killed by female in-law: 1Killed by foster child: 1
Killed by foster parents: 1
Criminal Vehicular Homicide: 13****
*Some victims may have been killed by someone they knew, but the media never reported the full details.
**There were numerous suspicious deaths of white females who died of drug overdoses while they were with black males.
We only listed cases that were classified as murder by the authorities.
We did not list cases in which a black male played an obvious role in the death, but the death was classified as accidental.
There was one case of a white female being killed by a black female “ex-wife.”
There are also numerous cases of a white female being shot by a black male while in the company of a black boyfriend. we did not count these as “femicide.” However, it seems that white females involved with black males are at a dramatically increased risk of being murdered by a black male in general.
***Femicide related refers to victims killed by the black boyfriend of relative or close friends.
Many of these victims are young children of white females dating black males. Some are women who were attacked by the black boyfriend of a white female friend.
****We only listed cases of vehicular homicide in which the perp was committing serious crimes when they killed a victim.
In several cases, the perp was fleeing from police. In two other cases, their is strong indication the perp did it on purpose.
One white on black murder is a major national news story. Where is the outrage for the daily occurring black on white murders?
Columnist Rick Epstein incited hatred against the owner with outlandish claims.
Jim Boggess of Jimbo’s Deli posted a sign honoring White History Month. Radical left-wing columnist Rick Epstein penned a hate-filled rant for the local Hunterdon County Democrat. This is a paper owned by the same parent company as the extreme left-wing Newark Star-Ledger.
Epstein hypes a completely bogus claim that the sign contains a secret message promoting the Ku Klux Klan. He says that that the t in the word white looks like “a cross” and is the “style used by the Ku Klux Klan and other white-power groups.”
This is not only incendiary, it is totally nonsensical. When does a t not look like a cross?
Epstein is literally grasping at non-existent straws for a way to demonize and incite hatred against Boggess. Boggess has since changed the lower case t to a capitol t to appease Epstein. However, that didn’t stop Epstein and the Hunterdon County Democrats from spewing their vitriol anyway.
Epstein praises Bhakti Curtis, a “big, black and loud” black resident of Flemington for filing a “harassment” complaint against the Deli with police. The police said that no wrongdoing has occurred. Curtis is now complaining about the police for not ordering Jimbo to take the sign down.
This website would like to encourage all readers within a 100 mile radius to eat at Jimbo’s Deli.
The deli is in a small town east of Allentown, PA. It is located at 22 Main St. in Flemington, NJ.
Four Black People out of 27,000 Correctly Filled Out Their Section 8 Voucher Form in the City of St. Louis in July of 2014...
Virtually nothing can be found on the Internet about the December 7, 2007 "Day of Section 8 Infamy," when police were called in to quell a crowd of unruly black people as they overwhelmed Application Day for Section 8 vouchers.
It was Application Day. The demand to get a place on the waiting list for Section 8 vouchers was so great, people rushed the front door. Police stepped in to disperse the crowd.
“We had to close the thing down because there were too many people,” said Cheryl Lovell, executive director of the housing authority.
“Lots of people want the assistance,” she added. “A lot of people need it.”
Over 8,000 names eventually landed on the waiting list that week in 2007. Now, seven years later, the application pool has nearly dried up.
One wonders how many of those who engaged in the November 24, 2014 'Black Insurrection in Ferguson' had family members who were participants in this legendary Section 8 voucher Application Day nearly seven years earlier?
Or, perhaps, were related to those who painted graffiti on the burnt-out QuikTrip in Ferguson with "Snitches Get Stitches" after the initial black riots on August 10, 2014.
Recall the shockingly black nature of the Section 8 voucher program in St. Louis County, which inundated cities like Ferguson with the type of stereotypically black behavior Michael Brown was joyously engaging in on the the final day of his life (robbing a store, assaulting a store clerk, walking in the middle of Canfield Drive, attacking a cop...). [As low-income housing boomed, Ferguson pushed back, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10-19-2014]:
Factoring in all federal programs, there were roughly 13,000 households with subsidized housing in the county last year, including about 7,500 who used Section 8 vouchers, according to HUD estimates. By comparison, in the city of St. Louis, there were nearly 14,900 households living in subsidized units — about 4,700 used vouchers.
The data on Section 8 also show that the subsidies have tended to cluster in lower-income areas. Many inner-ring North County suburbs are disproportionately absorbing the tenants who have flocked to aging apartment complexes.
That includes Ferguson.
A census tract that consists of a portion of Oakmont Townhomes and Northwinds Apartments and stretches eastward into unincorporated St. Louis County had more Section 8 renters in 2013 than any tract in the entire state, according to HUD estimates.
In that area, nearly 20 percent of the 5,000 people who lived there were in Section 8 units. More than half of those households had median incomes of less than $10,000; 57 percent were headed by one parent; and 99 percent were African-American.
Read the last paragraph from the October 19, 2014 story again, if only the last few words of the final sentence...
It's a program only benefiting lower-class blacks, redistribution their dysfunction to locations long-deprived of the type of behavior that inevitably blights neighborhoods, drives away businesses, and lowers property value.
It's a federal government program designed to negate social capital, immediately downgrading the viability of a community.
But a statistic almost strategically found inserted in a news report of the impending Section 8 lottery in St. Louis County is almost too black to believe.
Like the story of the December 7, 2007 Section 8 voucher melee in St. Louis on Application Day (a story seemingly censored from the Internet), this fun statistic is one stretching the credulity of even the most committed bigot. [News 4 Investigates: Section 8 lottery to begin in March,, 2-25-15]:
The Section 8 lottery is coming soon to St. Louis County and as many as 30,000 people are expected to line up for a chance to win free rent.
The St Louis County Housing Authority is hoping people will not literally line up, because the last time enrollment was opened, the long line led to traffic problems.
This year the program will only accept online applications.
The government program has a budget of $33 million in St. Louis County, but it will not be enough to cover the rent of everyone who applies.
The last time that the St. Louis County Housing Authority accepted new applications was in 2010.
“If history tells me anything, I would think 25 to 30 thousand people will apply,” said Susan Rollins, executive director at the St. Louis County Housing Authority.
Rollins said all applicants will be entered into a computer system that will randomly select 6,000 names of those who will win the vouchers.
The Housing Authority in the City of St. Louis handles applications differently than the county.
Applicants in the city are ranked by preference, gaining points if an individual is homeless or displaced by natural disaster.
Last July, 27,000 people applied but only 4 filled out their preferences correctly, leading to a time-consuming process for Housing Authority employees.
Wait: the long line of black people seeking a spot in the St. Louis County Housing Authority Section 8 lottery led to "traffic problems?"
And that's not even the most incredible revelation found in the story!
Recall the story quoted at the start, noting the city of St. Louis was opening its voucher waiting list for the first time since 2007...
27,000 people applied for this waiting list, but only 4 people filled it correctly.
Four people out of 27,000, or .0001 percent, correctly filled out their "preferences" correctly...
The people used as biological weapons against social capital in the whole Section 8 voucher/ Section 8 lottery scheme have provided a comical representation of
blackness in St. Louis.
blackness in St. Louis.
From a near-riot on December 7, 2007 (the irony of the date notwithstanding), to huge lines of black people seeking access to the Section 8 lottery in St. Louis County that ultimately caused massive traffic problem - strangely censored from the Internet as well - to only four people out of 27,000 correctly filling out the reason for their need of a Section 8 voucher in July of 2014, the comical black reality of this devastating weapon against white communities seems ripped from a rough draft of a screenplay for a sequel to The Birth of a Nation.
But it's all true, made the more damning by the few clues left by journalists in St. Louis to the origins of the Michael Brown/Farce in Ferguson... entirely birthed by the redistribution of blacks seeking Section 8 voucher/ winning the Section 8 lottery and the chance to live near white people.
Save this one, incredibly strange reference from early July 2014, roughly a month before the dire consequences of the Section 8 voucher program (the redistribution of black dysfunction from a centralized location to multiples zip codes where this black misery will inevitably overwhelm) became evident...[St. Louis Section 8 voucher waiting list to open for first time since 2007, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 7-3-14]:
Dec. 7, 2007, won’t be forgotten anytime soon in the halls of the St. Louis Housing Authority, at 3520 Page Boulevard.
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2. American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 92, pg 822+
3. American Renaissance, Dec. '90, Box 2504, Menlo Park, CA 94026
4. American Sociological Review, Vol 45, pg. 859
5. Basham, A.L., The Wonder That Was India, Grove Press, New York, NY 1954
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9. Coon, Carleton S. The Origin of Races, 1962, Alfred A. Knopf
10. Fagan, Myron C. How the Greatest White Nations Were Mongrelized ‑ Then Negroized, Sons of Liberty Books.
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32. Taylor, Jared, Paved with Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America. 1992, Carrol & Graf. New York, NY
33. World Almanacs, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92
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35. Van Loon, Henrick, 1940, Van Loon's Geography, Garden City Publ.
36. The Voice, Feb. 27, 1990.
37. Waddell, L. A. The Makers of Civilization, 1929, Angriff Press, Hollywood, CA
38. Weisman, Charles A. America: Free, White and Christian, 1989, SFA, Box 766‑c, LaPorte, CO 80535
39. Weisman, Charles A. The Origins of Race and Civilization, 1990, SFA
40. Weyl, Nathaniel. The Geography of American Achievement, Scott‑Townsend, Washington, D.C. 1989.
41. Martin Luther King (Man behind the Myth) by Des Griffin.
Whites & Blacks
100 FACTS (and one lie)
By Roger Roots
Senator Bilbo's Warning
News 4 Investigates: Section 8 lottery to begin in March
The Section 8 lottery is coming soon to St. Louis County and as many as 30,000 people are expected to line up for a chance to win free rent. view full article
Hidden Facts about Slavery in America
Hidden Facts about Slavery in America
"The trade in slaves constituted the main source of livelihood for the Roman Jews, and decrees against this traffic were issued in 335, 336, 339, 384, 415, 417, 423, 438, and 743."
"In the dark ages the commerce of western Europe was largely in his [the Jew's] hands, in particular the slave trade, and in Carolingian cartularies [registers] Jews and merchants are used as almost interchangeable terms."
"One type of business carried on in the early Middle Ages by the Jews of Europe, namely the slave trade, requires a special word of explanation. The Jews were among the most important slave-dealers. As inhabitants of western Germany pushed their way deeper and deeper into Central Europe, driving the Slavic inhabitants farther eastward and taking away their land, they brought back captives whom they sold to Jewish traders. The Jews, in turn, transported these slaves to other lands to be sold to Christian and Mohammedan masters." 312)
"Even in the days of the secession crisis, and the subsequent prolongated war and eventual defeat, many Southern Jews believed slavery to be indispensable to their happiness and security."
"On the Caribbean island of Curacao, Dutch Jews may have accounted for the resale of at least 15,000 slaves landed by Dutch transatlantic traders, according to Seymour Drescher, a historian at the University of Pittsburgh. At one point, Jews controlled about 17 percent of the Caribbean trade in Dutch colonies, Drescher said.
"Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays often were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the College of William & Mary.
"In the United States, the Jewish role in the slave trade has been a matter of scholarly debate for nearly two decades, prompted in part by efforts to refute the Nation of Islam’s claim that Jews dominated the Atlantic slave trade. But in Holland, the issue of Jewish complicity is rarely discussed."
"Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
"This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the 'triangular trade' that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750's, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760's, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760's and early 1770's dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent." 14)
"All through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth, Jews in the North were to own black servants; in the South, the few plantations owned by Jews were tilled with slave labor. In 1820, over 75 percent of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves, employed as domestic servants; almost 40 percent of all Jewish households in the United States owned on slave or more. There were no protest against slavery as such by Jews in the South, where they were always outnumbered at least 100 to 1; discretion was held imperative if they were to survive. But very few Jews anywhere in the United States protested against chattel slavery on moral grounds."
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