Monday, January 13, 2020

Cosmic Truth The Bible VS Science: A Journey Through The Cosmos Documentary

CU-Boulder forms partnership with nasa recieves $18 million nasa research grant. Nasa recieves over 60 million per day of american tax dollars in 2020 but has recieved similar sums every year since being established in 1958. 

Americans have paid a rougue agency for over six decades to lie, manipulate and decieve not just us but all who have listened, watched and continue to be hoodwinked by evil manipulators, impostures and bad actors committing fraud, racketeering and piracy upon the land and will continue even esculate their wickedness until action by the people is taken to them directly. 

Brute force is the only thing they understand. So the ball is in our court. Chose a side. 

Taking action to discover the truth for themselves without any pre-conceptions, cognitive dissodence or willful ignorance in their unbiased due diligent independent research. 

To continue this journey in the flesh apathetic, slothful and ignorant today with all thats been hidden being researched, discovered, exposed and shared across the net daily... 

Availible for all to find if they seek humbly. Those who seek to rule over you as they are driven by their emnity of the son's of adamkind. They are wired to continue permanently to rob, kill and destroy all thats true, holy and natural. 

Nothing you could ever do could ever please or satisfy them so we are commanded offer them no treaty, give no quater or mercy nor accept non from these devils who seek to exterminate us entirely and are moving along quiet nicely as our fellow kinsmen remain completely in deniel, apathy or in a complete stupor cast upon them from above. 

Sleeping as Rumplestiltskin unable to awake and assume more responsibility within their household, communities and kinsmen scattered domestic and abroad as salt upon a steak. 

Don't allow the salt to lose it's savor by continue to not know who' who in the zoo including your own identity, heraldry and proud ancestory. 

Knowing where you have come from and where you are going without fear nor compromise with those devils in shoe leather whom are your mortal enemy as they seek every way to adulterate, misegenate, mongrelize, hyberdize to  destroy mankind, plant, animal and all of the natural world that follows kind after kind as commanded from the garden by The Most High always and forever or their ways would weaken, dumb-down and destroy us and the earth upon which all insect, plant, animal and man depend upon. 

Thats we were told to tend the (garden) earth. 

Remove evil and uphold & support all that is good in the land 

that we were granted stewardship over... 

Cosmic Truth The Bible VS Science: A Journey Through The Cosmos Documentary 

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