It is amazing how deep the deception that deceived the entire world runs.
Scripture comes alive for the reader once they are able to leap the
hurdle of deception into faith of Christ Jesus. Our people have fallen under a strong
delusion & time's getting short. Can you feel it?
In just Fifteen – Seventeen
years from now will be the 2,000 year anniversary of Our Holy Sovereign
Messiah's Death, Resurrection & Accent.
Mat 23:8 But don’t you be called ‘rabbi,’ for one is your teacher, the Christ,
and all of you are brothers.
Mat 23:9 Call no man on
the earth your father, for one is
your Father, he who is in heaven.
Mat 23:10 Neither be called masters, for one is your master, the Christ.
Jesus, Jacob/ Israel, Moses, Abraham = none were Jews + all
followed Paternal not Maternal Hereditary. The Biblical Calendar is 100% Solar
0%. New Moon (Kodesh) should be translated month not moon.
Eph 6:12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Jews follow the ancient Babylonian Calendar. Their dates,
feasts, temples, and altars mean nothing pertaining to Correctly Understanding
Prophecy except knowing to ignore or accept anything they do or say as factual.
They are enemies of our Father the Great I AM. Don’t Fear them but remain
faithful to our Father YHWH.
The Biblical Calendar always begins the day following the
spring equinox in March not September (Nisan). The Jews are The Tares of Esau/ Edom (Obadiah
18) as their own encyclopedia will confirm for you
this forever Condemned Yahudi Edomite linage.
Oba 1:18 The house of Jacob will be a fire, the house of Joseph a
flame, and the house of Esau for stubble. They will burn among them, and
devour them. There will not be any remaining to the house of Esau.” Indeed, Yahweh has spoken.
Jews are master manipulators & deceivers (All the Earth
were Deceived only 1/3rd will Come Out Of Her) we were commanded never to allow them &
their demonic entities into our lands to live among us but we disobeyed.
are Identity Thieves of The True Israelites of Judah not Judean Jews.
Know who is who and who Jew is (Whom Yahshua Messiah (Jesus
Christ) said they are of their father the devil & his deeds they will do (JN. 8.44) they follow the Babylonian Talmud not The Torah.
He also said they are liars, thieves and murderers.
The Jewish Encyclopedia
even states modern day Jews were Idumean Edomites who mixed and still mongrelized
with every known tribe upon the earth (never mind after kind).
Jews have 43 hereditary diseases they can be born with due to centuries
of mixing and incest have made them mentally ill plus they follow lucifer. The
first mental hospitals were made precisely for them and most common condition
of schizophrenia.
Whites and Blacks have one each unless mailto then they can receive
either one or both Sickle Cell Anemia and Autism. It is your enemy who taught
you integration and diversity is your strength. History reads right along with
Scripture of all the fallen.
All the original Apostles and Paul were Benjaminites living
in Galilee when Christ was Crucified, Stephen got stoned, John was beheaded by
Herod the Edomite and James was killed.
The Apostles went unto the lost sheep
of the House of Israel in Europe and in the misty Isles. It was unbearable for
any Israelite to stay where the parasitic Jew was, who wanted to kill Jacob/
Israel as they have been doing at every interval since Palestine nipping at our
heels all the way across Europe as far as CA.
The Jew has always been about 2%
of the population but causing 100% of the discord among people in every nation
they have entered for 2000 years.
Israelites moved West, North and South as it
was written. The Tribe of Benjamin eventually to Iceland (The Wolf) where they
remain today.
Beginning in 125 BC Edomite Idumeans were now merging in and
becoming Circumcised Judean (Jews Today) But Not Never Judahites.
As an example for us to learn from Christ allowed one devil Edomite
Jew to become an Apostle His Name was Judas the Ish of Cariot and he served as
He was an Idumean Edomite Jew just as the Scribes and Pharisees were
who knew not the Scriptures or they would have not been in Jerusalem when Titus
came in 70AD.
This people posing as Israelis today (not Israelites) do
everything opposite of scripture and fulfill none of the identifying marks of
Israel as this article will prove to the ones who seek truth no matter where it
We don’t try to make the truth conform to what we perceive as truth.
This is why so many today can’t understand what scripture is telling them
because their baal priests have convinced them they are gentiles. Which is a Latin
word meaning not a Roman but the rabbi convinces the world it means no-jew
which is incorrect.
Mark Twain once wrote it is easier to fool someone than to
convince them they have been fooled. I believe he may be right. Our Stiff
Necked Kinsmen seem incapable to admit we have been hoodwinked by the jew. Most still
believe the MSM News, their Doctor or NASA wouldn’t lie to them.
We must know who is who so we may discern Our Heavenly
Father's Word Properly. Enjoy scrutinizing, context and translation of each & every word properly usually
with several concordances so not to be deceived by twists & mistranslated
words sometimes out of context as language as changed much throughout the years
+ upside down terminology is one of our adversaries primary weapons used for
confusion, deception and dumbing down of the people of every generation.
are devolving not evolving.
After 200 generations or so we now resemble a Xerox copy of a copy of a copy. Eventually and inevitably receiving mutations in our DNA Code similar to
corrupted computer code (slows down, becomes a weaker species = easier prey for
predator nations).
Look at all great empires that browned out as Egypt,
Babylon, Persia, Media, Rome ect…
Once upon a time Majority of The Middle East and North
Africa was White until the Nubians attacked Egypt abt. 800 BC and they haven’t accomplished
anything since. The Moors and Mongolian Asiatic jews Invited themselves in ect...
1st mistake = believing anything a Jew says much
less the pharisees – rabbi (not able to tell the whole truth) obama’s mother
was Jewish. Have you ever heard anything 100 % truthful come out of his mouth? No.
the Jew is unable. Ashkenazi’s were khazars & Sephardic came from Babylon
and settled in Idumea south of Judah.
When they merged in 125 BC against YHWH’s
Law to remain separate and make no treaties with any other people. We are punished if we do not heed to His Word. Non-Adamic Races are not during this age but will be responsible to know in the age to come shortly.
Whites who have not mongrelized are Semetic (named after Shem) Israelites
(named after Jacob who was renamed Israel who had 12 sons who became tribes
& eventually Majority White Christian Nations that were to be a light,
teacher and be a blessing and helper of the other nations who would obey YHWH’s
Law & no other as we were supposed to be the example being the only people
who entered into a covenant @ Sinai who received the Law First).
The Jew is not
semitic and never had anything to with Scripture except trying to subvert the
word with each new addition.
Once Judah became a multicultural society the name was
changed to Judea as the Tribe of Judah traveled N.W. to settle in Germany &
in The Misty Isles with the other 10 Northern Tribes known as Israel or Ephraim
had settling Europe little by little since before the exodus out of Egypt such
as Dan who primarily resided upon ships and Denmark eventually.
By the time 70
AD rolled around 99% of all 13 Tribes had left the cursed land of Canaan,
Palestine and Israeli.
Commanded to keep forever above any other unbiblical (no
authority is granted to man to legislate law) manmade ordinance or so called
It is amazing how deep the deception that deceived the entire world runs.
Mat 24:3 As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? What is the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?”
Mat 24:4 Jesus answered them, “Be careful that no one leads you astray. (modern baal priests, wolves in sheep's clothing today
misleading 2/3rds of the flock).
We must study to show ourselves approved. Searching the Scriptures as The Bereans to See if it is so. (Each one with fear and trembling Taking
Responsibility for Their Own Salvation).
(don't spiritualize it to fit a preconceived agenda or idea, leaning on your own understanding but come as a child).
Come out of Babylon Quickly (Time is Short). (Repent & Have a Sense of Urgency to Answer His Voice)?
Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you may be no priest to me. Because you have forgotten your God’s law, I will also forget your children.
40 Identifying Covenant Marks of the Israelite Race.
1. Israel to be
great and mighty nation. Gen.
12:2; 18:18; Deut. 4:7, 8.
2. Israel to have
multitudinous seed. Gen. 13:16; 15:5; 22:17; 24:60; 26:4, 24; 28:3, 14;
32:12; 49:22; Isa. 10:22; Hos. 1:10; Zech. 10:7,8.
3. Israel to
spread abroad to the West, East, North and South. Gen. 28:14; Isa.
42:5, 6.
4. Israel to have
a new home. 2nd Sam. 7:10; 1st Chron. 17:9.
5. Israel's home
to be north-west of Palestine. Isa. 49:12; Jer. 3:18.
6. Israel to live
in islands and coasts of the earth. Isa. 41:1; 49:1-3; 51:5; Jer.
7. Israel to
become a company of nations. Gen. 17:4-6, 15,16; 35:11; 48:19; Eph.
8. Israel to have
a Davidic King (a perpetual monarchy within Israel). 2nd Sam. 7:13,19;
1st Chron. 22:10; 2nd Chron. 13:5; Psa. 89:20, 37; Eze. 37:24; Jer. 33:17, 21,
9. Israel to
colonize and spread abroad. Gen. 28:14; 49:22; Deut. 32:8; 33:17; Psa.
2:8; Isa. 26:15; 27:6; 54:2; Zech. 10:8,9.
10. Israel to
colonize the desolate place of the earth. Isa. 35:1; 43:19, 20; 49:8;
54:3; 58:11, 12.
11. Israel to lose
a colony, then expand, demanding more room. Isa. 49:19, 20.
12. Israel to have
all the land needed. Deut. 32:8.
13. Israel to be
the first among the nations. Gen. 27:29; 28:13; Jer. 31:7.
14. Israel to
continue as a nation forever. 2nd Sam. 7:16, 24, 29; 1st Chron.
17:22-27; Jer. 31:35-37.
15. Israel's home
to be invincible to outside forces. 2nd Sam. 7:10; Isa. 41:11-14.
16. Israel to be
undefeatable - defended by God. Num. 24:8, 9; Isa. 15-17; Micah 5:8, 9.
17. Israel to be
God's instrument in destroying evil. Jer. 51:20; 51:19-24; Dan. 2:34,
18. Israel to have
a land of great mineral wealth. Gen. 49:25, 26; Deut. 8:9; 33:15-19.
19. Israel to have
a land of great agricultural wealth. Gen. 27:28; Deut. 8:7, 9; 28:11;
33:13, 14, 28.
20. Israel to be
rich by trading. Isa. 60:5-11; 61:6.
21. Israel to be
envied and feared by all nations. Deut. 2:25; 4:8; 28:10; Isa. 43:4;
60:10, 12; Micah 7:16, 17; Jer. 33:9.
22. Israel to lend
to other nations, borrowing of none. Deut. 15:6; 28.12.
23. Israel to have
a new name. Isa. 62:2; 65:15; Hos. 2:17.
24. Israel to have
a new language. Isa. 28:11
25. Israel to possess
the gates of his enemies. Gen. 22:17.
26. Israel to find
the aborigines diminishing before them. Deut. 33:17; Isa. 60:12.
27. Israel to have
control of the seas. Deut. 33:19; Num. 24:7; Psa. 89:25; Isa. 60:5 (F. Fenton translates this last,
"when rolls up to you all the wealth of the sea". That could not be
unless Israel controlled).
28. Israel to have
a new religion (New Covenant.) Heb. 8:10-13; 9:17; Matt. 10:5-7; Luke
1:77; 2:32; 22:20; John 11:49-52; Gal. 3:13.
29. Israel to lose
all trace of her lineage. Isa. 42:16-19; Hos. 1:9, 10; 2:6; Rom. 11:25.
30. Israel to keep
Sabbath forever (one day in seven set aside). Ex. 31:13, 16, 17; Isa.
58:13, 14.
31. Israel to be
called the sons of God (i.e., accept Christianity). Hos. 1:10-11.
32. Israel to be a
people saved by the Lord. Deut. 33:27-29; Isa. 41:8-14;
43:1-8;44:1-3;49:25, 26; 52:1-12; 55:3-10, 13; Jer. 46:27, 28; Eze. 34:10-16;
Hos. 2:23; 13:9-14; 14:4, 6.
33. Israel to be
the custodians of the Oracles (Scriptures) of God. Psa. 147:19, 21;
Isa. 59-21.
34. Israel to
carry the Gospel to all the world. Gen. 28:14; Isa. 43:10-12
(witnesses), 21; Micah 5:7.
35. Israel to be
kind to the poor and set slaves free. Deut. 15:7, 11; Psa. 72:4; Isa.
42:7; 49:9; 58:6.
36. Israel to be
the heir of the world. Rom. 4:13.
37. Israel to be
God's Glory. Isa. 46:13; 49:3; 60:1, 2.
38. Israel to
possess God's Holy Spirit as well as His Word. Isa. 44:3; 59:21; Hagg.
39. Israel to be
God's Heritage, formed by God, forever. Deut. 4:20; 7:6; 14:2; 2nd Sam.
7:23; 1st Kings 8:51, 53; Isa. 43:21; 54:5-10; Hos. 2:19, 23; Joel 2:27; Micah
7:14 -18.
40. Israel is the
nation appointed to bring glory to God. Isa. 41:8-16; 43:10, 21; 44:23;
Prophecies of the
AKA: The Yehudi
(accursed ones), Seedlines of Cain & Esau.
In Revelation 3:9,
Jesus Christ is addressing His
faithful followers. These followers cannot possibly be Jews, because
the Jews have always denied Him.
Jesus is saying that He will eventually make these liars come and worship at
the feet of the Christian Israelites who are true to Him.
In both cases of
this translation from the King James Version, the Greek word which is translated as 'Jews' is, in Strong's Concordance, the
word (2453) Ioudaios, meaning
"belonging to the tribe of
Judah," and the word (2455)
Ioudas, meaning the posterity
of Judah.
Interestingly, there
is a related word, word number 2451,
Ioudaikos, which is
translated as "resembling
a Judean, Jewish.”
"resemble" someone is not the same as being someone. One who
resembles can easily impersonate the real thing.
Since we must
always distinguish between the real thing and something which resembles the real thing, we
must have different words for these
objects. Unfortunately, the
word ‘Jews’ has been used for
both groups.
So, the accurate
translation of Rev. 2:9 is this:
"I know the
blasphemy of them which say
they are Judahites, and are not, but are the synagogue of satan."
The Jews, who are in reality, Ioudaikos, not Ioudaios (impostors, not real), have been pretending to be Israelites
since the Jewish Dispersion of 70
the various mixes of the Negro Race in America:
Next time the
media does its usual sob
stories about Black people
who suffered from White violence, think about the fact that in just one year, more white woman are brutalized by
Black males than all the Black males and Black females brutalized by White
males in the last 150 years!
And remember, that most
of the brutalization against Black males, such as lynching, was in
response to heinous crimes of murder or rape they had committed against
innocent White men, women and children.
Where is the equity in the jew controlled mainstream media reporting of
these things? Twice those
numbers, at a minimum, 1 million white women have been raped over the last 40
years. See
Key Lie’s of Public (Indoctrination) Education.
Education in The United States was Ranked #1 in the World in 1960. Today The USA is #38 right behind Botswana.
When will our Folks Finally, Stop, Think and Realize Multiculturalism Always Ends in National Ruin for The Adamic Race.
Boston Tea Party
(Colonial Script) Rothschild 1791,
1812, Taxes in Gold.
Schoolchildren are
taught that Pythagoras discovered
the value of Pi, but that is incorrect. Pythagoras admitted that he learned it from the Egyptians,
and the Egyptians (3.141592643).
He learned this
mathematical science from an even earlier civilization.
Don’t confuse redemption
with salvation,
Ekklesia means
“congregation,” NOT church.
In the Hebrew, the
word for salvation is YESHUWA (#3444), meaning “deliverance...aid, victory,
prosperity, health, help, salvation, save, saving (health), welfare.”
Gentiles = people
of the same race, tribe or nation.
The Latin word
‘gentilis’ is the source word
for “Gentile.” Gentilis
means “of the same tribe, race or nation.”
The word ‘Gentile’ has been distorted even more horribly either Hebrew (goy) or the Greek (ethnos).
The word lost in all three cases comes from the Greek word appolumi,
The Greek word for
“salvation” is soteria, meaning, “safety, soundness.”
Ioudaios = a
citizen or resident of Judea. Judea had
two distinct ethnic groups living within its boundaries: Judahites and
We are talking
about the Edomites of Judea, who call themselves “Jews” today?
Word (2453)
Ioudaios, meaning "belonging to the tribe of Judah," and the word
(2455) Ioudas, meaning the posterity of Judah.
Interestingly, there is a related word, word number 2451, Ioudaikos, which is translated as "resembling a Judean, Jewish." To "resemble" someone is not the same as being someone.
Interestingly, there is a related word, word number 2451, Ioudaikos, which is translated as "resembling a Judean, Jewish." To "resemble" someone is not the same as being someone.
Judah & Tamar
= Pharez & Zarah/ Jesse, David, Nathan, Solomon, Mary, Joseph, Jesus,
Calcol, Darda, Eochaidh, Dardanelles to Scotland Iberia to Ireland to Troy to
England by James 1 1603 AD to England by Brutus 1032 BC.
Shuah & Judah
= Shelah (Er to "Ireland") or ("Er's Land") and its
language called (ER's or ERSE.) There has been conflict between ER and Israel since circa 1500 BC.
The fallen cedar
tree represents Solomon’s line of kings down to Zedekiah.
The stump that
remained in the ground represents the House of David with its roots in Jesse.
Isa 11:1 and 11:10 speak of a shoot (masculine gender) coming from the stem of Jesse, a shoot
(masculine gender) shall grow from
(Jesse’s) roots and Isa 53:2 tells of
a tender plant, a sapling (masculine gender), coming from dry ground.
All these refer to Jesus.
All these refer to Jesus.
Should not be
confused with the feminine
“tender twig” from the top-most
branch of the fallen trunk in
Ezekiel’s parable.
The “dry ground”
refers to David’s royal line which was politically inactive in that area at the time of the First Advent.
Jesus is not a
blood descendant of Solomon or Zedekiah or Joseph!
The “tender twig”
had to be transplanted while
the “tender twig” and Jeremiah were still alive (that
could hardly have occurred 600 years later, at the First Advent).
He has the perfect
legal right to that throne. In order to follow the thread of this claim it is
necessary to study the genealogical chart of Judah (Figure 1).
Although the
legal, regal right to David’s throne comes down through Joseph to Jesus, Joseph
himself could not wear the crown because he was a descendant of Jeconiah
(Jer 22:24-30).
But he had every
right and legal obligation to pass the crown on to any other descendant of
David who had a sound legal right to it. (Note: the very existence of Mary and Joseph is another
example of God’s promise to
establish David’s House, 2Sa 7).
When Jesus returns
at the Second Advent to take up the Throne of David, His right to that throne
is clearly established. Mary’s genealogy in Luke 3 goes back to Nathan, the
elder son of David by Bathsheba (1Ch 3:1-9)
Therefore Jesus’
claim to the throne of David outranks that of Solomon and all his descendants.
It also outranks that of all the Zarah line, because David is the descendant of
Pharez, the elder son of Judah.
Dynasties rise and
fall and the throne continues forever, but Jesus’ right to that throne is
maintained intact until the time comes for Him to take it – by legal, regal
right through Joseph and Solomon, and by legal, natural birthright through Mary
and Nathan (Luke 3).
And all those who
believed would know that the one sacrifice paid by Jesus had made all the Old
Covenant type offerings and sacrifices for the remission of sin redundant.
Henceforth they
would “offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus the
Anointed One” (1Pe 2:5). Not in ‘A Temple’ nor in ‘The Temple’ but in Assemblies, each one of which is
a temple of The Holy Spirit (1Co 6:19).
Paul is not referring to one’s personal body but to every collective ‘body’ or Assembly because the Greek pronouns (ye) and (your) are plural (see also Rom 12:4, 5).
Paul is not referring to one’s personal body but to every collective ‘body’ or Assembly because the Greek pronouns (ye) and (your) are plural (see also Rom 12:4, 5).
Under God’s Laws
to Israel, a woman can inherit the throne and rule in her own right.)
A monarch of
Zarah’s line ruling over it? Not Pharez the eldest son of Judah (David descended from).
There is no word
‘gentile’ in the Bible It is the Anglicised
form of the Latin word
‘gentilis’ (nations) which is
used in the Latin Vulgate. But we are supposed to be reading English in our Bibles, so it should
read ‘nations’ in our English versions - not its Latin transliteration. In almost every occurrence in Scripture
the word refers to Israel.
So, does God make promises and not keep them? Certainly not!
The Sun, Moon, Stars, Day and Night
still continue in their courses at this moment.
Therefore, true Israel must be
in existence in the World today with both a monarchial and a national history
going back for more than 2000 years.
Not only must she still be a monarchy but by now she must also be, or comprise, a Nation and a full hand of sister nations. For
this is what Jacob said that Ephraim would become in the Last Days not a ‘multitude’ of nations as stated
in the AV (Gen 48:19).
There are few
monarchies still left in the world today. Strange, isn’t it, that one of them is Great Britain? How very odd that
she should be the only one at
any time in the history of
the last 2500 years to have
developed into a Nation and a Company
of sovereign sister Nations (Gen
Also all Christian
Nations? their Common Law
comes straight out of the Old Covenant.
The Emblems of
Ephraim in the Old Covenant were the
Bull and the Unicorn.
just ‘happened’ to be used as
one of the two supporters of the
British Royal Arms? And that the
Lion of Judah (representing the
Davidic Throne) is the other?
more than 30 of
Israel’s emblems appear in the heraldry of Britain?
no weapon formed
against Britain or its Dominion Nations ever prospered?
(Isa 54:17
states that this would only apply to
Israel!) Paul quotes Gen 48:19 in Rom 11:25 and the Greek text states:
For I wish you not to be ignorant,
brethren, of this secret…that a hardening (of heart) in part has happened to
(official) Israel until the fullness (full complement) of the Nations (of
dispersed Israel) is achieved and thus all Israel will be saved. Paul
makes no mention of anyone else
but Israel being saved!
wonder God said (Isa 42:19) who is
blind but My Servant? –
Servant Israel of Isa 43:10, 44:1, 45:4, etc.
Incidentally, Chapters 9,10, and 11 of Romans
are exclusively directed to
Ten-tribed Israel, for Paul quotes incidents of their own history recorded by Isaiah, Hosea, and
Elijah, which would have no
significance to any other people.
When a person or nation is driven out of God’s presence (out of His sight), no further
mention is made in the Bible of what happens to that man or in that
nation. We are told nothing
of what happened to Northern Israel in Assyria or afterwards, nor to Judah in
Prophecies were made of future developments, but the record of their
unfolding history ceased from the moment of dismissal and we can only
pick it up from the fulfilment of
prophecies and from secular
For example Josephus,
the famous Jewish general,
wrote in his book “The Antiquities of
the Jews” (Book 11, Chapter
5, para 2) published about 90 AD, that:
There are but two Tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the
10 Tribes are beyond the Euphrates until now, and are an immense multitude not
to be estimated by numbers.
(Thus already
fulfilling the prophecy of Jer 33:22-26) 2Esd 13:40-45 states that the 10
Tribes left Assyria and travelled
for 1.5 years and settled in
a country Esdras calls Arzareth,
(which means “beyond the Zareth” [river] which flows into the Danube near its
mouth in the Black Sea.)
The Jewish Encyclopedia for 1925 states that modern Jewry
contains descendants of Benjamin,
Judah and Levi but
not any of the other 10 Tribes. (Murderers, Liars and Thieves). Modern Jewelry is Edom/ Esau, so says the jewish encyclopedia.
95% being Asiatics from Khazaria. None of these so called jews are Semitic. (Progeny of Shem) This Honor Belongs To White Caucasians who have kept their bloodline unAdulterated.
These sources show that Ten-Tribed
Israel was not in Palestine
when Jesus was there and was
not even within the borders
of the Roman Empire. Esdras knew where they were.
The 12
Apostles whom Jesus sent to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel (Matt 10)
knew where they were. Josephus knew where they were.
So did the Scribes and the
Pharisees – see John 7:35 which reads in the Greek text: …is He
going to The Dispersion amongst the Greeks to teach the Greeks?
The Northern
Israelites were called ‘Greeks’ by the Judeans (the people of Judea) simply
because they had been living in a
province of Greece near the mouth of the Danube river for the past 500-600 years. It was these
same Israelite ‘Greeks’ that Paul was comparing with Judeans (Gal 3:28).
Paul was not
saying that there was no difference between Judeans and Greeks, but that there was no difference between
Judean Israelites (who now believed in Jesus) and those cast-off Northern
Israelites (living in Greece) who believed in Jesus.
For the Greek text of
verse 30 states that only Israelites could be ‘Abraham’s seed’. Jesus said
(Matt 15:24) that He was not sent if not to these Lost Sheep of the
(ten-tribed) House of Israel.
They were not lost geographically, but they were lost to the Covenants
– they were cut off – “not My People”
– as stated in Hos 1:9, 10. Jesus’ task was to redeem them by His death and
bring them back into Covenant relationship with God – preparatory to fulfilling the prophecy of Jer 33:17,
As soon as Jesus
commenced His ministry, He
called His Twelve Disciples (which means
followers) and gave them the
power and status of Apostles (which means His representatives) and sent them off on this 1300 mile journey.
Careful research work will reveal that the 12 Apostles attended the Feast of Pentecost with Jesus (John 5:1) which is held on the 50th day after the 2nd day of the Passover.
Mark 6:32, 33 and John 6:1, 2 both refer to the trip to Galilee which occurred immediately after that Feast. They were not with Him at the Feast of Tabernacles in October (John 7:1-10), but they were evidently with Him again by or about the Feast of Dedication on 25 December (John 10:22-11:16).
Careful research work will reveal that the 12 Apostles attended the Feast of Pentecost with Jesus (John 5:1) which is held on the 50th day after the 2nd day of the Passover.
Mark 6:32, 33 and John 6:1, 2 both refer to the trip to Galilee which occurred immediately after that Feast. They were not with Him at the Feast of Tabernacles in October (John 7:1-10), but they were evidently with Him again by or about the Feast of Dedication on 25 December (John 10:22-11:16).
Thus the twelve Apostles disappear out of the Bible records for 6 months during the only
time of the year when the weather would be favorable for such a trip. Their
departure is recorded in Luke 9:6
and their return is mentioned in verse
10, when they told Jesus all
that they had done.
As stated previously nothing that happened to or in the House of Israel – during
the captivity or in the dispersion – can
be recorded in the Bible. Therefore Luke 9 and Mark 6 simply record the
departure of the Apostles and their return, but nothing of what they did there or what they said to Jesus when they came back.
None of the Apostles (as far as is
known) went to the Israelites in
Britain until after the crucifixion. In Matt 13, Jesus
spoke 8 parables, only one of which is explained in detail. The Disciples all
said that they understood quite well what the others meant. But no
religious translator, or commentator, has yet written a sensible explanation of
the parables because they do
not understand them. The parables
concern Israel and Jesus in the Appointed Place (spoken of by Nathan, the Prophet, 2Sa 7:10).
And they indicate (when correctly
translated) that Jesus went to England and lived there for many years until the
time of His Ministry (Adams (F)).
Jesus did not possess the (spirit) power to perform miracles until after He returned to the
Holy Land. It was not
until He was baptised by John, that
the Holy Spirit from Heaven descended upon Him (Luke 3:22).
was only then that He began to do ‘signs’
and wonders. But who were to recognise those signs and what they meant?
The signs were to identify Him as the
promised Messiah for they fulfilled what had been spoken by the
prophets. Only Israelites who
knew their own Scriptures were capable of recognising them, no other peoples!
If modern Jewry are the descendants of all the 12 Tribes of Israel then why does Simeon state in Luke 2:32 that Jesus ‘would be a light
(bearer) for revealing – unveiling – (Greek ‘apocalupsin’) the nations and
glory of Thy People Israel’?
Does Jewry need revealing? Were they ever a nation and a full hand of sister
nations in the Latter Days? Were they, or the World, ever blind to their identity?
If the answer is
No! To all three questions then Simeon
was NOT referring to the Jews.
Simeon was quoting
the prophecy of Isa 25:7-8 which
states that at Mt Zion ‘He (Jesus)
will destroy both the mask (wrapping) over all the Peoples (of Israel) and the
veil woven over all the (other) Nations, and (verse 8): …remove the taunt of
His People from all the Earth.
Isa 25 shows that
we, (Israelites), because of our almost total neglect of God’s Word, will not
be aware of our own identity until Jesus – at the Second Advent – reveals it.
This is confirmed
by Simeon in Luke 2:32, by
Eze 34:23-31, and by Paul in Rom 8:18, 19 where he states in the Greek:
12 that the
(Israel) Order is eagerly
watching (or longing) for the revelation (Greek = ‘apocalupsis’) of the Sons of God.
Salvation is not
of the Judeans in the sense that many students of the Bible believe
from reading John 4:22.
woman to whom Jesus was speaking was one of the Samaritan Israelites; they would not accept any of the Old
Covenant other than the Pentateuch.
These 5 books make no mention of Jerusalem as a place of
worship, hence those Samaritans regarded Mt Gerizim as the true place of
worship. She identified Jesus as one who worshipped at Jerusalem. Jesus
answered and said, in the Greek text, for the Salvation (foretold by the
Prophets Isa 62:11, Zec 9:9) is out of the Judeans.
In those days, the Judean nation had an advantage
over the Samaritans, even
though it was not fully appreciated. The
Judeans were guardians of the Oracles of God – the spiritual knowledge
contained in the wider teaching of all the prophetical writings.
The woman on
the other hand, limited only to the Pentateuch, did not know what she was
really worshipping. Once the Messiah had come and fulfilled the prophets’
writing about His first Advent and the Judean nation was destroyed, ‘The
Salvation’ no longer remained with them nor could it come ‘out of’ them at any
later date. Christianity does
not owe its origin to Judean Jewry – Jesus rejected and condemned their
teaching trenchantly on several occasions. True Christianity springs straight
from the Law and the Prophets – not from the Judean teachings and traditions.
Israel’s Promised
Land It is sometimes claimed (quoting Jos 21:43) that the Israelites were given all the land and
possessions (promised to Abraham) when
they came into the Holy Land from Egypt. Once again there is no truth in the
Genesis 15:18
states that God promised to give
Abram’s seed all the land from ‘the River of Egypt’ (the ‘Wadi-el-Arish’ on some maps) to the River Euphrates. Eze 47 and 48
show that, in the Latter Days,
the 12 Tribes will inherit the land
from the Mediterranean coast near Hamath to the Euphrates River and down to the head of the Persian Gulf.
The land will be divided into
parallel strips with each
strip being approximately (28 miles) from North to South.
Joseph will have
two strips as his birthright (his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, having one strip
each). When the Israelites came up out of Egypt there were not enough of them to occupy all this land. Therefore God told Moses (Num 34:2) that ‘when they came
to the land of Canaan’ then all the land that would fall to them as an
inheritance (at that time) would be the area within the borders specified in verses 3-12.
Hence, in Joshua’s day, they had
accomplished the immediate objectives and occupied all the land specified by
Moses and that is what Joshua was referring to in Chap 21:43. Note: Isa 11:15 states that the Great Earthquake which ends WWIII will break the River Euphrates
into 7 new streams which will water some of this land that is so arid at
present. Zec 14:8 states that the
river which flows eastward from the Mount of Olives (after the Great
Earthquake) will flow to the ‘Former
Sea.’ – Not to the Dead Sea.
In the maps of those days this ‘Former Sea’ was called the ‘East Sea’ and the
‘Lower Sea’. It is now the
Persian Gulf. (In Scripture
the ‘Dead Sea’ is always
called the ‘Salt Sea’.)
No knowledge of Hebrew
and Greek. The simplest approach is to use a concordance to make a list of all the verses that support
the issue and another list of all the verses that appear to contradict the
issue. This step alone will show the
weight of the Bible’s evidence on the matter. Books such as Vine (G), Ellicott (H), and Englishman’s
(I) and Bullinger (J)
will usually help to refine
the lists a little more.
it should be self-evident why no human agency – by itself – is now able to off-set the sheer volume of false teachings,
misrepresentation and mistranslations
of Scripture in the ‘bibles’ put out by ‘christian’ organizations. It will take the return of Jesus Himself
to stop the rot and to reveal
the true identity of the Nations of God’s People and their glory, both to
themselves and to all the rest of the World – to the consternation and dismay of the World
and to many in Israel also
(because of their own ignorance).
In Jer 33:18,
the phrase “kindle meat offerings”
should be translated “making an
incense offering”.
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