Freedom ∞ Hemp, the Perfect Plant & Raising Your PH Level Cures Cancer in 11 Days!
The species in question is the single living organism that holds the greatest promise for renewable/sustainable food, fuel, clothing and shelter accessible to the widest possible range of people.
Hemp is the most versatile and adaptable crop plant on earth…
Why are communist politicians opposed to such a
marvelous and valuable resource?
Hemp is the most versatile and adaptable crop plant on earth…
Why are communist politicians opposed to such a
marvelous and valuable resource?
Species threatening genetically modified foods; the poisoning of our skies and water; the artificially constructed control mechanisms of religion, media, world food shortages; pharmacratic profit-driven healthcare systems – all are unconscionable attacks on a generally peaceful and harmless population, tightly monitored by the the iron-fisted control the uber-rich have over almost all business and government policies.
But the hemp issue gets my anger raging like nothing else.
This is because the purposeful derailment of the hemp industry, beginning in the 1930s, and continuing up to the present day, contains within its dark history the combined application of all of the above-named evils and more, to provide profit for the very, very few, and increased misery for
the rest of mankind.
But the hemp issue gets my anger raging like nothing else.
This is because the purposeful derailment of the hemp industry, beginning in the 1930s, and continuing up to the present day, contains within its dark history the combined application of all of the above-named evils and more, to provide profit for the very, very few, and increased misery for
the rest of mankind.
Hemp has been cultivated for millennia, providing many of the necessities of life – food and medicine, clothing and shelter. It was an integral element of the settlement of North America, being used for everything from bartering to payment for taxes, and from textile and paper production to the canvas of pioneers’ covered wagons.
More than 70% of the rope, twine, and cording manufactured was made of hemp.
More than 70% of the rope, twine, and cording manufactured was made of hemp.
Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were hemp farmers and very vocal proponents of the importance of hemp to their country’s prosperous development.
In 1938, Popular Mechanics ran the article “New Billion Dollar Crop”, the first time the word billion was ever applied to any
American agricultural crop.
Ironically, as the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 was just passed, effectively destroying the hemp industry, none of the predictions
in that article came to pass.
The ban on growing hemp commercially was relaxed briefly for WWII, due to the disruption of supplies of hemp and jute needed for rope, webbing and canvas production, with the growing licences promptly revoked
at war’s end.
In 1999, North Dakota was the first state to pass legislation permitting hemp cultivation, yet it is still not legal to grow hemp there today as the law requires the federal American government to approve it.
Currently, the United States imports over 1.9 million pounds of hemp fiber, 450,000 pounds of hemp seeds, and 331 pounds of hemp seed oil per year to meet its needs since American farmers are not permitted to grow it.
What Are We Waiting For? combining a locally produced news report from KX News in North Dakota with further information on the amazing commercial potential of hemp.
Some of the advantages, both for the farmer and the environment, of growing hemp, from every where always:
- Less pollution- Cotton uses so many pesticides, due to all of it’s natural enemies. Hemp rarely needs a pesticide, because not much will bother its growth. This means hemp can help with the runoff pollution, toxins in water or soil, and contamination of wilderness areas and other crops.
- Biodegradable- Hemp biodegrades faster than other crops. Hemp is known as a “low maintenance” crop. It doesn't require much fertilizer and acts as its own mulch, meaning it grows very tall very fast and provides its own shade to keep weeds away, eliminating the need for herbicides.
- Save Farmer’s Money- After harvest, the fields are left weed free, so no need to spray the fields down. Saving money on pesticides and other sprays help the farmers make more of a profit off of the crop.
- No Erosion- Hemp has a deep root system which means no erosion and not only does it not deplete the soil of nutrients like many other crops, but it has the ability to clean contaminants from soil.
- Less Deforestation- Hemp doesn't need as much land to grow, because it grows tall (not wide) and has a higher yield than most crops. Unlike wood, you don't have to chop it down, harming forests and the creatures that live in it.
Over 50,000 environmentally friendly products can be
made from hemp!
150 years ago, people laughed when it was proposed that paper be
made out of wood pulp.
All paper was made out of rags – hemp, linen and cotton. Wood pulp is actually very low in cellulose, which is the basic material for papermaking.
One acre of hemp equals 4 acres of wood paper production. The following video is 64 minutes of hemp praise, mixed in with a little hemp history.
It is fascinating to watch people’s enthusiasm for the fabulous and surprising products they are creating out of every part of the hemp plant, things like building materials, fabrics, fuels, personal care products and more.
Hemp fibre is a cheaper and greener replacement for fibreglass and carbon fibre, strong and lightweight.
Remember cellophane plastic – polyethylene plastic’s early cousin?
It’s biodegradable!!!
Why are we not using it?
It is very ire rising.
Then the medical uses of hemp must be considered.
Hemp was the premier medicinal source in America for most of the 1800s. It was the only treatment available for tetanus, and massive doses of hemp extracts or hashish were given over a 9 day period to save lives.
Smoking hemp dilates your arteries, lowers your body temperature, dilates your bronchioles better than anything else, lowers your stress levels.
Hemp is an excellent treatment for asthma, and is also an excellent muscle relaxant.
We are going to investigate medical marijuana as a way of improving our daughter’s quality of life (she has severe cerebral palsy) because muscle spasticity is the number one problem we have to deal with in her care, as it impacts every concern – feeding, clothing, elimination, mental focus, etc..
At this time, we are importing hemp products (oil, protein powder, seeds) for health purposes from a US supplier who does the processing, although the hemp itself is grown in Canada.
Hemp seeds are rich in protein, and a source of all eight essential amino acids, containing an oil very high in poly-unsaturates.
Hemp has the highest percentage of protein (25%), by weight, of any plant-based source, except for soybeans.
But unlike soy products, the majority of hemp protein is readily digestible, being composed of two proteins (edestin and albumin) normally found in human blood plasma.
It has a perfect 3:1 balance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids for optimum health.
Hemp is an excellent treatment for asthma, and is also an excellent muscle relaxant.
We are going to investigate medical marijuana as a way of improving our daughter’s quality of life (she has severe cerebral palsy) because muscle spasticity is the number one problem we have to deal with in her care, as it impacts every concern – feeding, clothing, elimination, mental focus, etc..
At this time, we are importing hemp products (oil, protein powder, seeds) for health purposes from a US supplier who does the processing, although the hemp itself is grown in Canada.
How crazy is that?
Hemp seeds are rich in protein, and a source of all eight essential amino acids, containing an oil very high in poly-unsaturates.
Hemp has the highest percentage of protein (25%), by weight, of any plant-based source, except for soybeans.
But unlike soy products, the majority of hemp protein is readily digestible, being composed of two proteins (edestin and albumin) normally found in human blood plasma.
It has a perfect 3:1 balance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids for optimum health.
A terrific collection of quotable quotes about hemp:
To close, here is Jack Herer, the grandfather of hemp activists, author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes, The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana, who spent 40+ years promoting greater awareness of this amazing plant, one of Mother Nature’s greatest gifts to us.
Please join the fight to regain our right to this miracle plant. is an excellent resource for following the latest pushes for reform, carrying on Jack’s legacy of activism.
PH Kills Cancer, Fast!
Posted on October 9, 2014
A relative recently diagnosed with cancer prompted me to do some research into alternative treatments. I ran into Vernon Johnston’s amazing discovery that cancer cells cannot survive for very long in a high PH environment.
The testimonials on his website are impressive and indicate all types of cancers can be cured.
He took baking soda and molasses twice a day to raise his PH level.
The baking soda raised his body’s ph levels dramatically and within 11 days he was cured of cancer.
People report in testimonials posted on his website also report that this natural remedy acts very quickly.
Please help to spread this exciting news….. here are some of the testimonials…. much more info can be found on Vernon’s website.
Mr. Johnston, I am a 62 year old woman who was told two months ago that I had pancreatic cancer with 6 months to live, and that surgery, Chemo, and radiation was all the chance I had to live maybe another 2 years.
Along with that prize, I would be in pain and sick till my death….I hate this doctor….anyway…..I tried your protocol when I came home from the hospital.
I was in unbelievable pain in my back and stomach, and really did want to die!!!
On the third morning of the protocol, I awoke not sleeping hardly at all for two weeks), jumped up and used the bathroom, when it hit me…. I HAD NO PAIN ANYWHERE!!!
Haven't had any since either!!!
When my doctor at Sanford Hospital in Fargo called to schedule my surgery, I told him not to bother…..
I was NOT having it, and he would NOT see me again!
I am having a scan done again soon, and I bet a dollar to a donut there is no cancer!!
Will let you know….
God Bless you Sir….without you and your protocol, I would be dead soon, instead of packing up my husband and 4 year old adopted daughter, and heading back to Virginia!
Thanks Vito for making this video. A year ago, my dad was diagnosed with transitional carcinoma in his left kidney. They ended up removing his left kidney. Recent Pet Scan results showed some stuff growing in his renal area. Oncologist thinks its cancer growing but she can’t confirm it without biopsy. I started giving him your solution (half spoon baking soda, one spoon molasses) nightly since 2 weeks ago. I have noticed huge improvements. He now can walk, eat, think better than before. Thanks!
Hello all.And a very, very big thank you to Vito.
My story:
My mum (as we spell it in Australia) has had Cancer for around 5 years. Diagnosed back in 2006. Gastrointestinal tract cancer or GIST. The belief is that the primary site was at the stomach. Metastases ultimately followed to other numerous organs in the body. Too many to list. The liver, being the “body’s filter” therefore all blood passing through it, was probably the first organ of metastasis. Her liver currently has around 7-8 masses with the largest, at last measure, measuring around 11 cm in length. Her reported prognosis at the time – “you have weeks, maybe months to live”
Ok, moving along. Back in 2006, I researched alternative medicines and stumbled across something which helped and evidently gave mum life for a further five years.I say it helped because of various reasons of which I will not go into great detail in this post. At the same time, mum was also prescribed medication, by her oncologist, which she took alongside her natural treatment. But recently mums cancer returned, and it was established her prescription drugs were no longer effective against her cancer. Apparently, cancer can build resistance against drugs over time. So mum once again was hit with the grim reality to start packing for the after life.
In a desperate attempt for further treatment, I was referred to Vito’s web site by a friend. I started mum on the Soda and molasses treatment and within 5 days, she reported improvement, and by the 11th day, she reports of feeling great. She is just absolutely amazed (we all are) at the unbelievably remarkable rapid recovery rate of this lethal cancer cocktail.
To the medical profession I say this- You do indeed perform some amazing life saving procedures on people. But you have your head buried in the sand with cancer. Your time of ignorance towards proven alternative treatments is fast approaching at its end. You cannot argue or otherwise DISPUTE PROOF. What I have seen is what I have truthfully reported.
Dear Vernon
Firstly may I say a very big thank you to you. Your story I stumbled upon about 2 and a half years ago when I was looking for alternative therapies for my mother's battle with cancer and how glad am I that I did.
She had Grade 3B Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma, was undergoing Chemo and had a tumour 4 inches across and 10 inches long which had already punctured her lungs not once but twice, both times drawing off 2 litres of fluid (about 4 pints).
The doctors told me that she probably wouldn’t live past the chemo (three months).
3 months later she was given the all clear. The oncologist told her that if he hadn't seen her records he would not have believed she had cancer at all.
So a very big thank you from a grateful son
Bill sent me a note a while back (it is several notes downline). He sent an update and he included his email in case anyone wanted to contact him.
Here it is:
(A note from his daughter):
Months ago we got news my dad had stage 4 cancer and doctors told dad that he had months to live…
Doc said now dad is almost cancer free he has a little activity in his knee but almost completely gone! I would like to thank everybody for their prayers you all have been amazing…
Thank you mostly to the wonderful man that put up his protocol on line and gave us the strength to be strong and stay together you sir have saved my dads life for many more years to come and i will continue to tell your story and now my dads! #STILL KICKIN CANCERS ASS! Bill Kruel and Stacey Meyer Kruel I love you ♥
Dear Vito J – Good News
Busters PH (note from Vj – Buster is a pet dog) is up to 6.6 -7 regularly and we will get it over 8 soon – The Mom Dog, Rita has one on her hind quarter and it just started bleeding and getting big and ugly – so I made some straight Baking Soda and Molasses- and it is shrinking about half it’s size in three treatments – now they both have the big collars on so they are equal and she cannot lick this stuff off of her – I have now added some Cannabis oil I made from sticks and leaves and some oregano oil Comfrey and a homeopathic wax that was recommended to me at the Vitamin store –we have also found links to Minerals and Ph increase and Cancer removal – There is a guy who says he coughed up 38 lung tumors and has been cancer free with mineral supplements, I think it is the same treatment – raising the PH … which would account for the alkalinity of green leafy vegetables with high mineral content – Buster loves the stir fried veggies with chicken to flavor and an avocado – so I think he will live out his normal life expectancy from this point and I do not see it reoccurring for him with the diet changes we are all going to make – we are treating this as a warning shot for us all and I know he took a bullet for me this time… but I will not let him continue to be my guardian as I am his… we are changing our diet and our supplement habits and will report in occasionally- following your site – God Bless you and may people with the ears to hear, hear your message as it travels around the world -
PS – The Molasses, aside from the Trojan horse effect, also has healing benefits on its own – as well as having enough potassium to counter the sodium in the BS – Ironically it is western medicine that is full of BS and being full of BS is the cure , not their poisonous toxic insanity. I am Glad you're still here – Buster and Rita would also love your Cat- but I am afraid that they would only love him for dinnerLOL Good times
You have given us a gift that cannot be compared- aside from the dogs living the freedom to not worry about Cancer and the western medical ghouls entering my life – – they are an insane and deadly posse of near do well barbers putting leeches on people – which would still work better than their Chemo-ther-crap-py – May the truth be known in our lifetimes – Tear down that wall AMA !
Hi Vernon,
I just wanted to thank you. My uncle was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year and only given a year to leave. He was on his death bed six days ago, at age 59. He was in a coma and screamed out in pain if touched. The cancer had spread to his stomach. Hospice nurses were there. I gave him a dose of the mix and within 45 minutes he was talking. Not making much sense due to all of the morphine, but talking just the same. Six days later he is sitting up now. He can get out of bed on his own. He can feed himself again. His color has come back. He looks better than he has since November. It is a miracle. He had the Whipple procedure in August 2011.
He had also been through the chemo and radiation… leaving him horribly sick and thin. That seemed to shorten his life and left him in constant pain.
Now he only complains of to what my guess would be scar tissue. Other than that he is basically hardly in any pain. His hunger has come back.
He’s already gaining weight again and as far as I can tell he is steadily getting better every day. We actually talked politics today.
It is amazing. His eyes are bluer than I've ever seen them.
Thank you again – you are a blessing.
Acid and Alkaline Food. The difference between happiness and health ... or sickness, depression and medical bills.
DIET DISEASE RELATED DEATHS ARE #1 KILLER IN USA TODAY!An acid body is a magnet for sickness, disease, cancer and aging. Eating more alkaline foods helps shift your body's pH and oxygenates your system. Alkaline foods keep your body healthy and functioning correctly, preventing and combating cancer. |
Mild Alkaline | Mild Acid | ||
Wheatgrass Stevia | Root Veggies Some Fruits Almonds Almond and Soy Milk Nut Oils Seeds Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly Ionized Water - Herbal Teas | Most Fruits Most Nuts Agave, Honey Sprouted Grains - Yeast Beans Cold Oils Cow Milk, Whey Organ Meats |
Red Meat - Poultry - Fish
Eggs, Cheese, Yogurt Breads - Grains, CerealsSUGAR Peanuts, Pistachios Soda, Alcohol, Coffee ALL Canned Foods Frozen Veggies Heated Oils Cooked Food Microwaved Food Pickled Food Dried Fruit Condiments Artificial Sweeteners |
Food and Beverage Chart: ALKALINE and ACID
*Excellent for preventing and combating Cancer - *SUPER FOODS: Excellent for nutrition and health.
*High carb/sugar content - GMO: eat organic only.
VEGETABLES: Can combine veggies with all foods. Asparagus. Barley Grass. Beets* - GMO.Beans: Mung, Chia, Broad, Green, Lima, Navy and Soy - Tofu. Hummus (garbanzo beans). NOTE: Soy and Soy Milk: May cause allergies. Soy is one of the most heavily sprayed crops - most soy is GMO. Broccoli** Brussel Sprouts* Cabbage. Carrot** Cauliflower* Celery. Corn* - GMO. Cucumber. Dandelions - Edible Flowers. Eggplant/Aubergine. Garlic** Greens* - Beet, Chard, Collard. Mustard, Wild Horseradish* Kale. Kohlrabi. Lentils. Lettuce. Mushrooms. Onions, Chives. Parsnips* Peas. Peppers. Potatoes* - Sweet Potato/Yam* Pumpkin. Radish. Rhubarb. Rutabaga. Spinach* Sprouts*: Alfalfa, Brocco Squash - GMO. Turnip. Watercress. Wheatgrass - SUPER ALKALINE* Zucchini - GMO. ORIENTAL: Maitake, Reishi and Shitake Mushrooms. Sea Veggies: Kelp*, Kombu, Nori, Wakame Seaweed. FRUITS: Do not mix with protein or carbs. Cherries, sour. Coconut: milk, water or flesh. Figs. Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime. Pomegranate. Avocado* Tomato* - increasingly GMO.
Almond butter or almond milk. Seeds: Flax*, Millet, Pumpkin, Sesame, Sprouted, Sunflower. Fresh Tahini (sesame seeds). HEMP HEARTS* - Excellent source of protein, plus essential fats and vitamins!
Cayenne Pepper** - Chili Pepper. Tumeric** (curcumin). Cinnamon - Ginger* Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt.
Green Juices and Wheat Grass Juice** Teas Herbal: Dandelion, Essiac*, Green*, Ginseng.
Bee Pollen* - Royal Jelly*
Spirulina* (blue/green algae).Chlorella* (algae).
Potassium: pH 14 Sodium: pH 14 Calcium: pH 12 Magnesium: pH 9 TIPS: 1) Find your local Farmers Market usually set up on weekends - choose organic if possible. 2) Food is best eaten raw, juiced, steamed or baked. FOCUS ON NATURAL WHOLE FOODS for pH BALANCE and HEALTH. THIS ACID/ALKALINE CHART IS COPYRIGHT CMI |
VEGGIES - BEANS: Healthy protein choice.
Beans - Black, Kidney, Lima, Pinto, Red.
Peas - Chick and Green* Miso soup/paste. FRUITS: Healthy acids - Never mix fruits with other foods.
All fruits below are high in sugar and should be minimal if fighting cancer, with exception of berries. Fruit is banned for Pancreatic cancer patients.
Raspberries**, Strawberries*, Acai*, Goji*.Apples: Seeds contain B17* which prevents/combats cancer. Apricot* Banana, green, unripe (high glycemic - no water content). Cherries, sweet. Dates, Currants, Prunes, Raisins. Grapes: Red is best choice. Mango. Orange and Tangerine. Papaya* - GMO (usually from Hawaii). Peach and Nectarine. Pear.Pineapple* (high glycemic) Plum. Melons - always eat alone, separate from other fruits, and foods. Red watermelon has highest sugar content. NOTE: Avoid Canned, Frozen, Glazed or Dried Fruit - high sugar and acidity. GRAINS AND GRAIN PRODUCTS: Never mix grains with protein - Gluten free is better health choice. Most supermarket grains are sprayed heavily with chemicals. Wheat - Wheat Germ* - Couscous, Semolina. All white bread and products: Sourdough, paneer, crackers, chips, cookies, biscuits, pizza. FYI: Sprouted and whole grain breads are preferred choice for health. Rice bread is gluten free and delicious (available at Trader Joe's). All Pasta's and Noodles. Rice: white, brown, Bulgar - Basmati rice is preferred choice - Rice Cakes. NUTS: Healthy benefits but eat sparingly. Peanuts and Peanut Butter: peanuts are highly toxic, plus high mold content. ANIMAL PROTEIN:
Most supermarket farm animals have been severely tortured, abused daily, are diseased, deformed, fed un-natural GMO diets,and shot full of drugs, antibiotics and hormones, ready for human consumption. Farm animals live in pain and misery, and die without mercy. U.S. beef is banned from Europe. Human cancer numbers continue to climb.
USA beef is filled with antibiotics and hormones, banned from exportation to Europe. EAT GRASS FED BEEF ONLY, NOT GMO GRAIN FED.VEAL IS FORBIDDEN - baby calf's are forbidden to ever lie down from birth, sick and tortured. Better options are free range, grass fed - Venison, Bison, Lamb, Rabbit. 2) PORK is highly acidic: Pigs are severely abused to become Bacon and Sausage. 3) POULTRY is highly acidic: Chicken are severely tortured from birth, most are diseased, plus shot-up with hormones. Better options are Wild Turkey, Duck, Game Birds.Eggs: Choose no hormones, no antibiotics, no grain feed, cage free. Choose Omega 3 eggs - yolk should be dark yellow. 4) OCEAN:Canned fish is highly acidic. Smoked fish is carcinogenic.Farmed fish should never be consumed - poisoned with dye and chemicals. Fish from Japan or the Gulf of Mexico is POISONED with heavy radiation, oil and chemicals. FISH: Carp, Wild Alaskan Cod, Haddock, Pike, Wild Alaskan Salmon*, Sardines* (high calcium),Tuna. Shellfish: Clams, Lobster, Mussels, Oysters* (high zinc), Scallops, Shrimp. Marine Phytoplankton** DAIRY:
COW MILK IS FOR BABY CALVES NOT HUMANS. Cow milk contains CASEIN which triggers CANCER, diabetes in kids, plus asthma, allergies and obesity. Dairy cows are severely abused and live only a few years - U.S. dairy cows are pumped full of growth hormones, rBGH, banned in 27 countries.
Butter: Unsalted is best health choice - Kerry Gold Irish butter from Trader Joe's.Milk Products: Cheese: High casein content! Raw milk, cheddar, cottage cheese or goat cheese is preferred. Sour cream. Whey - POISON! Whey is byproduct of cheese added as filler to many foods and supplements.Yogurt: Preferred health choice is Greek yogurt for probiotics*, and Kefir* Ice Cream contains casein and sugar. FATS & OILS: Never mix fats - Heated oils become carcinogenic. Unhealthy Oils - usually GMO: Canola, Corn, Safflower, Sesame, Sunflower. Lard, Margarine: TOXIC! SWEETENERS: Artificial sweeteners are highly acidic: Aspartame, Saccharine - both are deadly. Processed Sugar is highly acidic, aging, causes cancer, diabetes and obesity.
Wine: Red wine is healthy - skip the white. Sodas and Energy Drinks: Fizzy water, SUGAR and chemicals! Diet sodas are even worse - aspartame a carcinogenic drug, is the sweetener. Mountain Dew is highly addictive, packed with caffeine and sugar. ALL SODAS ARE DEADLY TO HEALTH! Fruit juices are high in sugar content and acidity. Coffee, high acidity - Black Tea - Cocoa. Tap Water (and toothpaste) contains fluoride which is poison to the brain.
Soy Sauce, Tamari (made from soy beans) - try Organic Nama Shoyu. Tabasco (made from hot peppers). Wasabi - Vinegar - Pickled foods become highly acidic. Black Pepper. DRUGS & CHEMICALS: Tobacco: contains several carcinogens including cadmium, a crop fertilizer. Food Additives: GMO's - MSG - Herbicides & Pesticides. All canned and processed food is packed with chemicals and highly acidic. TIPS: 1) Cooked food becomes acidic, and destroys enzyme, vitamin and mineral content. 2) BBQ food is higly carcinogenic. 3) The only animals that eat salt and sugar are humans. Best to remove both additives from diet. SUGAR, DAIRY PRODUCTS and MEAT are LINKED TO CANCER. |
Posted by motherbarbarian
Raise Your PH Level with Baking Soda.
Change your health choices and change your life.
1) Without sufficient oxygen, due to shallow breathing, poor physiology, lack of exercise, stress, substance abuse and environmental pollution - your body will sooner or later become painful, dysfunctional and eventually diseased. 2) Without sufficient water, your cells will clog and decay, wrinkled skin and facial lines develop, weight gain becomes apparent due to trapped toxins which thereby creates a multitude of minor to major disease. 3) Without sufficient physical stimulation (exercise), your cells will become clogged and dysfunctional, blood circulation will malfunction, muscle tissue will break down, fat will begin to accumulate and oxygen depletion occurs. All these factors will result in aging, disease and illness.
The following factors work hand in hand. Consistent lack of one or more will affect the others and lead to eventual serious consequences ... consequences that could have been prevented by simple daily choices. It's never too late to make better choices. Begin right now! 1) Oxygen. Lack of oxygen is the root of most, if not ALL disease. Cancerous cells cannot survive in the presence of sufficient oxygen. A cell becomes cancerous when it receives less than 60% of its oxygen requirement. Daily oxygenation of the body via physical movement (aerobic exercise) is critical for the body and mind to remain healthy, strong and focused. 2) Water. Your body is 75% water. DEHYDRATION causes trapped toxins, cells will not reproduce, circulation to the skin decreases - aging, weight gain, pain, migraines, allergies and disease take hold. Sipping water throughout the day, moisturizes, hydrates and detoxifies the body - half your body weight in ounces equals your optimal personal daily water intake. 3) Physical Movement. Lack of physical movement causes oxygen starvation, trapped toxicity and dysfunctional blood circulation, thereby causing a domino effect in the body which results in pain, disease and decay. Daily exercise prevents dysfunctional body systems, mental, emotional and physical stress, energy depletion, toxicity, oxygen starvation, weight gain, pain and aging. 4) Your Lymphatic System MUST be stimulated daily in order to remove all physical toxicity and waste, which is flushed out of the body by water via urine and sweat, activated by physical movement. 5) Your Immune System performance level, depends upon the amount of oxygenation, lymph drainage and sleep that it receives. 6) Your Circulation is entirely dependent upon your lymph system operating optimally, with maximum oxygenation. 7) 80% of chronic diseases are LINKED to the Spine. If your spine is mis-aligned and causing pain - usually due to initial bad posture, lack of oxygenation and lack of physical activity - multiple health problems will inevitably result which too often lead to surgery or long term disability. 8) Quality Sleep -Your body MUST have it in order to heal, balance and re-align. Quality, uninterrupted sleep occurs when stress and mental activity are at peace, created by a fully oxygenated mind and body. 9) Alkaline Foods and Liquids - Eating Acid foods and liquids will break down, age and destroy your body. Number one Acid enemy? SUGAR. Milk - prevents absorption of nutrients and is meant to fatten calves not humans. 10) Sunshine - Far Infrared Ray and Vitamin D are vital for physical and mental health. 15-20 mins of sunshine per day is all that is needed (no toxic sunscreen). |
October 23rd 2003: "Primetime" and ABC World News aired reports on the following facts: Shocking? You Ain't Heard Nothin Yet - May 2013: 1) Doctors can't read test results properly and will disagree with each other. Many doctors disagree with each other on a patient's diagnosis. 2) 1.7 million people in America will contract an infection from the hospital they were in. Disease is transferred by around 60% of hospital staff failing to wash their hands in between patients. 4) 25% of staff shift changes result in patient care errors. FYI: Patients are all listed and tended to accordingly, NOT by most important first. If your last name begins with a Z, good luck in getting the immediate diagnosis or treatment you need, let alone an attentive conversation with your doctor. 5) Hospital bill overcharging of both uninsured and under-insured patients is not only common, but out of control. SHOCKING FACT: Hospitals have been caught charging people a 10,000 percent markup for ER-administered Tylenol, and over $1,200 for a blood test that actually costs about $39. FYI: You must haggle your hospital bill unless you welcome bankruptcy, but most patients have no idea they can even do this. Read the complete article: are the FOURTH leading cause of death in the USA, after heart disease, cancer and strokes.EPIDEMICS - FACTS: "More than two million American hospitalized patients suffered a serious adverse drug reaction within a 12 month period of study conducted by the University of Toronto, and of these, over 100,000 died as a result. The researchers found that over 75 per cent of these ADRs were dose-dependent, which suggests they were due to the inherent toxicity of the drugs rather than to allergic reactions.The data did not include fatal reactions caused by accidental overdoses or errors in administration of the drugs. If these had been included, it is estimated that another 100,000 deaths would be added to the total every year. Medical errors kill some 44,000 to 98,000 people in U.S. hospitals each year. More people die from medical mistakes each year than from highway accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS." - The Cancer Cure Foundation. |
-.. Annual Deaths: |
Your life and health is not by chance or coincidence. Alternative choices to drugs and surgery exist if you take time to research.
Nearly 1 in 3, or almost 59 million are fat. About 12 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes, the 5th leading cause of death among women and 6th among men. Diabetes is associated with heart disease, chronic kidney disease, blindness, and amputations.Deaths due to poor diet and physical inactivity in 2000 - 365,000 - Journal of the American Medical Association, March 10, 2004, Vol. 291, No. 10, pp. 1238, 1241. QUESTIONS:
WHY is there an epidemic of adverse drug reactions, medical errors,
obesity and diabetes?
WHY are 43 million Americans without medical insurance? WHY is America one of the very worst countries in the world for health care? ANSWER: Corporate financial greed, lack of health care prevention and education, medical malpractice, horrendous, acidic diets, gluttony, and lack of exercise. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE? 2014: Why do websites offering natural options for taking care of health - proven and used worldwide for decades - have to state a disclaimer telling readers to refer to a healthcare specialist who is going to tell them natural remedies must be ignored and give them toxic drugs instead, or tell them they have to pump chemo into their body, or tell them they can eat sugar when they have cancer knowing sugar feeds cancer, or tell them to remove their breasts to prevent a cancer that has not yet and may not ever manifest? Has the world gone completely mad?!!! Do we even need to discuss the outrageous TV ads that promote toxic pills for everything imaginable and spend most of the ad warning us that the drug they want you to take may give you blinding headaches, or paralize you, or make you blind, or cause a stroke, or create impotency, etc.
SOLUTIONS: Oxygen, water, physical activity and sleep - the keys to health and beauty - are FREE. The health choices you make today determine your tomorrows.If you are unwell today, what choices did you make 'yesterday' that created your life today? THINK ABOUT IT AND BE HONEST. |
PHARMACEU'TICAL, a. [Gr. to practice witchcraft or
use medicine; poison or medicine.] Pertaining to the knowledge or art of
pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medicines.
PHARMACEU'TICALLY, adv. In the manner of pharmacy.
PHAR'MACY, n. [Gr. a medicament, whether salutary or
The art or practice of preparing, preserving and compounding
substances, whether vegetable, mineral or animal, for the purposes of medicine;
the occupation of an apothecary.
PHARMACOL'OGY, n. [supra.] The science or knowledge
of drugs, or the art of preparing medicines.
1. A treatise on the art of preparing medicines.
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