Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Familiar killers eager to start World War 3

Americans remain hypnotized by fraudulent TV 'authorities'

Human society must be liberated from Jewish control 

or perish!

Disabuse yourself of the notion that America is not controlled by Jews. 

It has been — completely and ruthlessly — for the past century or more.

Prior to World War 1 the Jews enlisted the help of Theodore Roosevelt to split the Republican vote and get "the Peace President" Woodrow Wilson elected, who soon thereafter declared war on Germany, resulting in 17 million dead.

Prior to World War 2 the Jews faced the greatest threat to their worldwide financial stranglehold over sovereign nations 

after Adolf Hitler had evicted central bankers from Germany. 
Just As Our Bravest: James Madison (1811), Andrew Jackson (1836), Abe Lincoln (1863), JFK (1963) and Iceland (2008) For Their People.

UN-Fortunately for WW2, America and The Best of that Generations White Race.

The Cunning Turko-Mongolian-Jew-Devils already had in place their Puppet, Jewish Communist, Sympathizer 
in the White Mans White House. Who by deception overrode the widespread peace sentiment in both America and Europe and created the worst war in human history, 80 million dead.

In both these cases it was Jewish control of media that turned a peace loving populace into dutiful soldiers who sacrificed their lives in wars that never needed to be fought.

Today we have presidents and presidential candidates surrounded by Jewish handlers and choking on Jewish lies. 

But the deciding factor is media, which limit what can be discussed. Since the foul media apparatus in the so-called free world is wholly run by Jews, we have no prospective presidential candidate who opposes the suicidal course of the American war machine as it ravages country after country at the behest of its Jewish masters.

The signs are unmistakable.

Amid all sides hypocritically preaching for peace, Jewish media rage for war, twisting accounts and motives to favor strife as opposed to rational negotiation. 

Jews are not interested in logical discourse; they are only in favor of shedding blood, and always have been.

The Jewish sine qua non in Syria is getting rid of popular Syrian president Bashar al-Assad because he prevents the Jewish state from being completely surrounded by such sycophantic pseudo states as Egypt, Libya, Turkey, the Gulf States and especially Saudi Arabia, which is only now being revealed as a nation of secret Jews.

Plus, the fall of Syria would mean the start of the real war against Iran.

The ISIS combatants trying to overthrow the duly elected government of Syria are funded by the United States and its truculent allies, even as the President of the United States swears to a justifiably skeptical public that he is leading a coalition to stop these barbaric rebels he is covertly funding.

It is a colossal disgrace for the American people not to have Barry Obama arrested for treason for aiding the enemy and betraying his country in such an egregious way, but then, he has committed numerous acts that would have qualified him for such a charge, starting with running for office in the first place.

This double dealing is in itself a repeat of the U.S. creation of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group, falsely blamed for the 9/11 atrocity. 

The Al-Qaeda fantasy was named as the enemy in both the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as the Arab mercenary gang of thugs was funded by the U.S. at the same time America pretended to be fighting them.

The formula was a howling success that bamboozled a semi-conscious U.S. public, so Obama and his Jew handlers decided it would work again in Syria, and so with ISIS, it has, until the Russians got involved.

The Jew-controlled U.S. tried to start World War 3 last year; in 2014 it organized a revolution in Ukraine on the very border of Russia. Still today U.S. media refer to the event as a Russian invasion, ignoring the ugly fact that the Ukraine uprising was fueled by Israeli commandos and American money creating murder victims that were primarily Russian-speaking Ukrainians.

It is to the everlasting credit of Russian leader Vladimir Putin that he did not take the bait then, and respond with a massive invasion to regain the territory that had long been a part of the old Soviet Union. Such an effort would have possibly ignited World War 3. 

Instead Putin merely sent unofficial but vital aid to the beleaguered residents of eastern Ukraine that enabled them to retain their relative independence, something they continue to try to preserve.

Now Putin faces the same situation again in Syria, where his Russian military has turned the tide against these vicious, Western-supported mercenaries who seek to make Syria a vassal state under the control of Israel and the U.S.

But Russia's patience has been pushed to the brink, not only by the lies of U.S. leaders and their public relations ghouls who pose as independent media, but from Israel shooting down one of its airliners, and from Turkey shooting down one of its fighter bombers and lying about the circumstances surrounding this suspicious event.

The biggest lie seems to be Turkey's and whether the Russian bomber, chasing ISIS rebels, was actually in Turkish airspace. 

But an even bigger lie encompassing the whole affair was revealed in the question of who is buying the oil the ISIS rebels are selling, a question that appeared to be answered when Russia retaliated for the loss of its bomber by obliterating a caravan of oil tankers headed to Turkey from ISIS-held oil facilities in eastern Syria.

People are slowly learning that anything and everything the U.S. and its NATO allies say is a lie, but whether enough Americans are brave enough to recognize third fact is really the key factor in whether or not 
World War 3 is about to begin.

If Americans can recognize that their leaders, utterly controlled by Israelis, have been lying to them for years, they can still probably stop World War 3. 

But they show no sign of being anywhere near that brave, so it would be prudent to fear the worst due to the intractable inertia of the overweight American decks.

Putin's forbearance in not immediately attacking Turkey might have put off the start of another and probably last world war, but that catastrophic event is merely postponed, not canceled, as the U.S. and its paid assassins continue to assault all those countries not corralled by phony leaders with not-so-secret allegiance to the Israeli-American war machine.

The dominance of Jewish media in America which prevents legitimate debate over the course America is to take toward its future is reflected in the plastic and insincere attitudes of all the presidential candidates, who apparently approve of Barack Obama doing exactly what the Jews tell him to do and destroy one country after another.

There is no candidate who openly challenges the criminal behavior of the United States. Even the popular Donald Trump is in favor of a powerful American military, and all of the rest of them are in favor of war based on the false scenario that Russia is the aggressor, and the Syrian president is a murderous tyrant in the same way that the very popular Muammar Qaddafi was bad for his people.

Regardless of how simplistic thinkers might like what Trump has had to say, there is really no alternative candidate to the war party, the party of the banks, and the party of the Jews.

It is now up to the American people to solve the problem, but from what I've seen and heard, nobody has a viable plan to get this job done.

In addition to the mind locked media, Jews control the movies and the music which now have painted the white people who created this country in a bad light and the dark skinned peoples who dominate the crime scene and fill the prisons as humans to be emulated.

Even the Internet is controlled by Jewish companies Google, Pay Pal, Microsoft and Apple, and the book distribution network is dominated by Jewish Amazon, which recently banned Prof. Jim Fetzer's book that the Sandy Hook event was an entirely false flag operation in which nobody was killed, something anybody who has studied the matter in depth knows is absolutely true.

Google in particular presents a difficult situation for everybody on the planet. Like Wikipedia, Google is assiduously weeding out any facts that paint Jews in a bad light, and as a consequence, the knowledge base of the world is inexorably shrinking and turning into propaganda wholly supportive of the Jewish totalitarian scheme.

In the aftermath of the destruction of two Russian aircraft, both attempts to sabotage the noble Russian effort to halt the Jewish-American destruction of Syria, two hellaciously damning facts have been revealed regarding the perfidy of NATO member Turkey and their secret allegiance to the Israeli maniacs.

One, Israel is the principal buyer of ISIS oil from refineries it has captured. The second biggest customer may be revealed in the long line of tankers waiting to get into the docks of Houston.

And two, the word is out that the son of the Turkish president is the mastermind behind the oil scam, principally selling ISIS oil to Israel. If this is so, it's no wonder Turkey shot down the Russian bomber, because Turkey and NATO are fighting to protect ISIS, because they are profiting mightily from the oil ISIS is stealing from Iraq.

If this is so, Putin has every right to blow NATO-ally Turkey to kingdom come, and of course, should that happen, the West would be compelled to come to Turkey's aid and defend its criminal activity. 

Of course, that would mean World War 3 and the possible end of human civilization.

But by their wantonly criminal maneuvers, WW3 seems to be exactly what Turkey, the United States, and the Jews eagerly want.

The only logical solution to the world's continuing oppression because of the Jews ubiquitous control of the money supply is to obliterate Israel, invade the city of London, and arrest and execute the Jewish bankers who have insinuated their asphyxiating tentacles around every country on the planet, deprived them all of their rightful wealth, and caused the unnecessary deaths of uncountable millions of innocent people by their brutal control of the major military forces of the world.

Since the Jews essentially own all the military arrays who could possibly accomplish such a task, it is very unlikely to happen. Yet . . .

Human society must be liberated from Jewish control — or perish! Not only is it the religious objective of the Jewish Talmud to kill or enslave all the non-Jews of the world, the Jews have effectively put themselves in a position to do that by their control of the U.S. military, their control of organized medicine, their control of the food production industry and their absolute control of the world's finances, which guarantees them control of the world's politicians.

There is no negotiating with satanic Jews. 

Their overarching insanity prohibits reasonable, human-to-human discussions. How one deals with a mad dog is the appropriate metaphor.

These are truly dark days that approach us now, with the fires of hell being kindled by the continuing lies we hear on TV, lies produced by Jews who have no concern for what is right or what is fair, but only for the twisted pathologies that roll off their tongues with no regard for anyone but themselves.

If we, the sincere humans of planet Earth, wish to survive, we need to neutralize the Jews and put them someplace where they can't hurt anybody else. Hurting, fleecing, robbing, raping and murdering others has been their specialty for thousands of years. 

If that place is six feet under, so much the better. It is something they would richly deserve.

It would make sense to kill them before they kill us, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen that way, certainly not if they get their way and start World War 3, which is what these pathological homicidal maniacs sincerely desire.

Hillary Clinton Top Secret Emails LEAKED! Assassination 
Teams for US Citizens! is breaking a HUGE story concerning the Hillary Clinton top secret emails! 

Please share this video and his articles everywhere. 

The good guys at US Intelligence have told Stew Webb Hillary will ONLY be indicted if the truth goes viral and people say 

"Nobody is Above the Law!"

Spread this info on all social networks, email lists and to all alternative and mainstream outlets! 

Show the power of the people and let Justice be served! 

This information will not be carried by any fakes in alternative media such as Alex Jones because Jones has censored all information from Stew for over 20 years thus shielding the Clintons and Bushes from prosecution! 

You want to see who else is fake? 

Tell them to post links to the story! 

If they won't do it, then they serve evil because Stew has an email that 

can Finally put Hillary in prison for Murder for Hire!

Stew Webb reports Hillary Clinton's emails tie Hillary Clinton and others to murder plots on Stew Webb, Bret Landrith and several other whistle blowers! 

Stew Webb is named in these emails! Others are reporting these emails tie Hillary to murder plots, ISIS and terrorism bombings of an aircraft and are going to be released by the Russians in an upcoming trial! 

No wonder they say these emails could be damaging to national security! We need patriots to spread the word so it can't be buried under her lies anymore!

Clinton Bush Assignation Teams Revealed in Hillary's Emails

Indictment Looms as FBI Declares 22 Hillary Clinton 
Emails “Top Secret”

“Beyond Top Secret” Hillary Clinton Emails

Clinton Bush Assassination Teams Revealed in Hillary’s emails
Exclusive, explosive breaking reports from the
Patriot Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,
operating on American soil for over 200 years.

By Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert
Clinton – Bush Assassination Teams Revealed in Hillary emails
UNITED States of America – 

It can now be reported that four (4) of the now classified TOP SECRET national security emails tied to the FBI investigation of former U.S. Secretary of State AshkeNAZI Neocon Hillary Rodham Clinton deal with the existence of domestic political assassination teams headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico with a link to the NSA-administered E-Systems out of Dallas, Texas aka Bush NAZI ‘Skull and Bones’ headquarters.

The emails include a hit list involving patriotic U.S. citizens referred to as “loud mouths” reference individuals that believe 9/11 was an inside job aka George W. Bush FRAUD’s 9/11 AshkeNAZI talmudic Jew War in Iraq was an illegal UN-Constitutional High War Crime for The US to Participate in. 

Psychopathic Israeli State Tyranny that Has Insanely Murdered & Still Murdering Millions of Innocent People for satanic Israeli PNAC Jews and was designed to cover up the 9/11 coup d’ ‘etat versus the U.S. 


Finally, direct message to the Washington elite from 
The American Revolutionary Council:

Any attempt to continue to shred the U.S. Constitution reference violating the 2nd Amendment rights of the American People, along with their 1st and 4th Amendment rights reference illegal espionage and spying against the American People will face a massive direct response by the American People and it won’t be pretty.

The Supreme Law of the Land of The United Republic States, is the U.S. Constitution.

All Oaths Demand it be Upheld Against All Enemies, Foreign or Domestic....

When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty.” 
~ Thomas Jefferson

Bush-Clinton Organized Crime Chart

Beyond Top Secret Hillary Clinton Emails

Indictment Looms As FBI Declares 22 Hillary Clinton 
Emails “Top Secret”

Order the Guillotines!

Whistle blower Grand Jury Demand against Bush & Clinton

Hillary Clinton Treason

FBI Whistle Blower Exposes Jeb Bush as Drug Lord

US Attorneys Deaths tied to Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush Novation and Dead US Attorneys

Bush-Clinton Body Count from Iran Contra

Is Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush above the Law?

Public Outrage will be the answer if she is indicted or not.

 Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush-Millman-Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman (Deceased 2004) was member of the "Illuminati Council of 13".

Indictment Looms as FBI Declares 22 Hillary Clinton Emails “Top Secret” IOWA GATE 2016 EQUALS FLORIDA GATE 2000.

Clinton Bush Assassination Teams Revealed in Hillary’s emails.
Exclusive, explosive breaking reports from the
Patriot Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,
Operating on American Soil for Over 200 years.
By Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert
Clinton – Bush Assassination Teams Revealed in Hillary emails
UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that four (4) of the now classified TOP SECRET national security emails tied to the FBI investigation of former U.S. Secretary of State AshkeNAZI Jew Neocon Hillary Rodham Clinton deal with the existence of domestic political assassination teams headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico with a link to the NSA-administered E-Systems out of Dallas, Texas aka Bush AshkeNAZI ‘Skull and Bones’ Headquarters.

The emails include a hit list involving patriotic U.S. citizens referred to as “loud mouths” reference individuals that believe 9/11 was an inside job aka George W. Bush for the AshkeNAZI War to Plunder Iraq.

US Occupation in the Middle East was and is an illegal Unconstitutional War Crime Responsible for murdering millions of innocent people and designed to cover up the 9/11 coup d’ ‘etat versus the U.S. Constitution and the year 2000 NSA-E-Systems electoral coup d’ ‘etat versus the American People aka the year 2000 DULY ELECTED natural born citizen Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee.

Court adjudicated federal whistle blower Mary Schneider, Current U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts Liaison to the Bush-Clinton Crime Family murder for hire aka assassination teams are former Kenneth Starr employees.

Current Hillary Clinton fundraiser, homosexual David Brock, alleged born-again evangelical christian CIA drug money launderer, blackmailer and assassin, Larry Nichols, and AshkeNAZI Jewish Department of Homeland Security Former Secretary, Bush-Clinton Crime Family stooge, anti-Al Gore bitch, Frances Fragos Townsend (a CNN National Security Correspondent).

P.S. At this time physical threats versus current Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump tied to assassination team headquarters in Albuquerque, New Mexico and the Bush Crime Family headquarters at E-Systems in Dallas, Texas are being covered up by the Obama Administration specifically current U.S. Vice President AshkeNAZI Jew Irv Bass stooge, Joe Biden.

The Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force operating on American soil for over 200 years is also reporting that President Barack Obama is being blackmailed by both Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush on a daily basis reference Obama’s homosexual relationship with former cocaine dealer Larry Sinclair of Chicago, Illinois.

Accordingly, Obama is blackmailing Hillary on her continual lesbian affairs and blackmailing the Bush Family on George W. Bush FRAUD’s previous homosexual affairs with lifelong homosexual lover, former Yale classmate Victor Ashe and Bush era White House male prostitute body builder Jeff Gannon.

In closing, the negative interest rates in Japan is a precursor to a worldwide bank derivative collapse, which will lead to a massive criminal bank BAIL IN on every American citizen’s pension funds, along with their savings and checking accounts.

Note: HSBC = broke.

Stay tuned for future briefings including the criminal activities of NAZI homosexual CIA-administered Salon magazine, including a 15-year illegal espionage operation directed against DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr. with the assistance of Bloomberg News, its owner and neo-con NAZI homosexual, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, its current reporter Al Hunt and CNN’s Gloria Borger, along with AshkeNAZI Jew FOX News reporter Charles Krauthammer.
Finally, direct message to the Washington elite from the American Revolutionary Council:
Any attempt to continue to shred the U.S. Constitution reference violating the 2nd Amendment rights of the American People, along with their 1st and 4th Amendment rights reference illegal espionage and spying against the American People will face a massive direct response by the American People and it won’t be pretty.

A Constitutional train wreck is imminent!
 The Supreme Law of the United States, our U.S. Constitution, demands it!

When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Bush-Clinton Organized Crime Chart

Beyond Top Secret Hillary Clinton Emails

Indictment Looms as FBI Declares 22 Hillary Clinton Emails “Top Secret”

Order the Guillotines!

Whistle blower Grand Jury Demand against Bush & Clinton

Hillary Clinton Treason

FBI Whistle Blower Exposes Jeb Bush as Drug Lord

US Attorneys Deaths tied to Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush Novation and Dead US Attorneys

Bush-Clinton Body Count from Iran Contra

Is Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush above the Law?
Public Outrage will be the answer if she is indicted or not.
Stew Webb Radio Network
Listen Live
Breaking News
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Indictment Looms as FBI Declares 22 Hillary Clinton Emails “Top Secret” IOWA GATE 2016 EQUALS FLORIDA GATE 2000.
US-MI6-Mossad/ NATO Terrorists…

Beyond Top Secret” Hillary Clinton E-mails Used in Foreign Court
Against Ukraine Pilot. 

Court of Russian Federation.

2) Hillary Clinton. Wikimedia commons images domain.

3) Youtube Audio Library "Ambient Ambulance"

Original Source:

Americans remain hypnotized by fraudulent TV 'authorities'

Human society must be liberated from Jewish control — or perish!

Disabuse yourself of the notion that America is not controlled by Jews. 

It has been — completely and ruthlessly — for the past century or more.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.

Stew Webb Radio Network
Listen live by phone

About Stew Webb:
Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge. Stew was a General Contractor-Home Builder until 3 car crashes in one year and is now disabled. Stew turned Federal Whistle blower-Activist of 31 years and has been a guest on over 3,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and now has his own Radio and TV Network

Stew was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings, the Denver International Airport Frauds hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. (MDC-NYSE) Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 hearings and the information provided that lead to the 2008 Illegal Bank Bailout. Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges which were dismissed with prejudice.

Stay Up To Date. Know Your Enemy.

“War is peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is strength.” 
George Orwell - 1984

The Mystery of the Serpent

The Original Mr. Jacobs

The Nameless War

Communism A jewish Talmudic Concept Know Your Enemy 
by: Willie Martin

"World War II was a war to renew Jewish domination of Germany and Central Europe and for the maintenance of the power and glory of the British/Jewish Empire.

"Some may call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Judaism." By: rabbi Stephen Weiss. NWO is Throwback to Totalitarian Judaism. Where does the desire to dominate and exploit others originate? The book, Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3000 Years by Israel Shahak provides the answer. "Anti-Communism is Antisemitism." Jewish Voice, July - August 1941. 

Recently we learned that the NSA is monitoring our words and movements. Security is just a pretext since most terrorism is state-sponsored. Where does this drive to spy on and dominate others originate? 

The Jews and Their Lie’s! by: Martin Luther

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States."
- Noah Webster

"The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scripture ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws."
- Noah Webster

"In my view, the Christian religion is the more important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed. ... No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people. "
- Noah Webster

"A pure democracy is generally a very bad government, It is often the most tyrannical government on earth; for a multitude is often rash, and will not hear reason.”
- Noah Webster

"Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country."
- Noah Webster

"The education of youth should be watched with the most scrupulous attention. [I]t is much easier to introduce and establish an effectual system ... than to correct by penal statutes the ill effects of a bad system. ... The education of youth ... lays the foundations on which both law and gospel rest for success."
- Noah Webster

"The Bible is the chief moral cause of all that is good and the best corrector of all that is evil in human society; the best book for regulating the temporal [secular] concerns of men."
- Noah Webster

"No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people... When I speak of the Christian religion as the basis of government... I mean the primitive Christianity in its simplicity as taught by Christ and His apostles, consisting of a belief in the being, perfections, and government of God; in the revelation of His will to men, as their supreme rule of action; in man's... accountability to God for his conduct in this life; and in the indispensable obligation of all men to yield entire obedience to God's commands in the moral law and the Gospel."
- Noah Webster

"The foundation of all free government and all social order must be laid in families and in the discipline of youth. Young persons must not only be furnished with knowledge, but they must be accustomed to subordination and subjected to the authority and influence of good principles. It will avail little that youths are made to understand truth and correct principles, unless they are accustomed to submit to be governed by them... And any system of education... which limits instruction to the arts and sciences, and rejects the aids of religion in forming the character of citizens, is essentially defective."
- Noah Webster

"He only can be esteemed really and permanently happy, who enjoys peace of mind in the favor of God."
- Noah Webster

"War by Way of Deceit and Lies" = jew's motto and here are the 24 Protocols, written some 200 years ago, by a group of jew rabinos, as a Strategy for achieving World Domination over Goyim. (New World Order) 

Compare them to the Facts today and make your own conclusions...:

AIPAC=A-merican I-sraeli P-arasites A-gainst the C-onstitution. 

AIPAC = USA ALL Politicians must OBEY the jew's bankster's Mafia or die... no exceptions... (e.g.- J. F. Kennedy) Tyrants (jewish oligarchs) have never ever, let go the "bone" go peacefully... 

Protest it’s when I say I don’t agree with something. 

Resistance is when I ensure that things which I disagree, no longer take place…!!! RESIST !!!!!

"Journalists are morally repugnant" what a valid statement! 

Zionist Jews descended by far from the defunct Khazar Empire. Khazars are ruthless psychopaths who were nearly wiped out by the Mongols. They only converted to Judaism to escape persecution. 

They spoke/ speak Yiddish (means - Language of Deceivers) which is not Hebrew- but is phonetic Khazarian that is made to sound like Hebrew, so that they can claim (Identity Theft) ancient tie to Shemites (Decedents of Shem)! 

They started Zionism- a political-military movement- in the late 19th century. This movement- headed by Rothschild Jews- forced England to grant them Palestine officially in 1948 via the Balfour Declaration. 

Ever since then, Zionists Worldwide have supported and embarked upon the mission of ethnic cleansing (a crime against humanity) against Palestinians as they have against many cultures and many hundreds of millions worldwide as Masters of The International Slave Trade.

 Adamic Race. The Christ Murdering Jews (literal satanic seedline of the earth who hates our Adamic Race & believes if their Idumean, fallen angel, satanic seed-line of the hitite Canaanite Dog Race will remain as administrators of this eretz (earth) along with their father the devil who are scheduled to be bundled and burned at the end of this age. Then Jacob-Ishrael, The White-Shemetic-Adamic Race will take charge of the administration under Heavenly Rule and be a blessing to all upon the earth once the devil & jews are removed from power permanently never to exist again. They have already been judged and sentenced as unredeemable. To be destroyed at the appointed time of His Return when a new earth age will begin immediately. 

These anti-christ jews will never genocide all of the white race before Our Father Returns. Our Celestial White Race was about 35% of earths population has been reduced to > 8% of earths total population in just the last 150 years. 

So we have lost 2/3rds as Prophesy said we would Fall from being the most abundant to the least in Pop. % in 2000 years since these anti-Christs, interlopers began their campaign of White Genocide picking up speed since the Civil War once they infiltrated, subverted and transformed our Christian Republic into a jewish vile- Democracy from within as a 5th Column. 

Their Motto is by Deception Though Shalt Do War. They seek complete eradication of our race and they know their timeline is getting short. They have been rushed and exposed just as Yahweh said he would do. 

We finally have identified the enemy who was able to fool the whole world until now. 

As it was commanded in Gen. 3.15 this is a battle unto the death with both physical and spiritual battles and implications. 

Whitey will appear Defeated. 

The devil, his jews and all the rest of their hate filled, anti-white, shabez goi Race Traitors will gather for the last blow to finish Whitey just as Whitey Miraculously Prevails and Seizes Administrative Control  from the adversary to their utter dismay. 

The Heavenly Host began bundling up all that offends Yahweh especially all the tares.

That is what they are chosen for, contrary to popular belief in the antithesis of reality. White is being called Black.

Esau/ Edom The Darkness or Jacob/ Ishrael The Children of Light prophecy all the jew tares and their father the devil (JN. 8.48) are permanently removed forever from our New Jerusalem (North America) Zion on The Mississippi forever under Yahweh's Perfect Law.

eliminate us entirely YAH GOD will not return to bundle them as tares for the lake of fire.

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