damages DNA, says World Health Organisation
Glyphosate is
genotoxic”, says Prof Chris
Portier, a co-author of the report by the World Health Organisation’s cancer agency,
which classed glyphosate as a probable carcinogen.
Prof Christopher Portier, one of the co-authors of the
recent report by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC), which
determined that glyphosate is a
probable carcinogen,
said at a scientific
briefing today,
“Glyphosate is
definitely genotoxic.
There is no doubt in my mind.”
“Genotoxic” means it damages DNA. It is widely believed by regulators that for genotoxic chemicals that are also carcinogenic, as glyphosate appears to be, there is no safe level of exposure.
Prof Portier was speaking today at a scientific briefing in London organised by the Soil Association.
The Soil Association is calling for a UK ban on the use of glyphosate sprayed on UK wheat as a pre-harvest weed killer and its use to kill the crop to ripen it faster. New figures analysed by the Soil Association from government data were released at a scientific briefing in London on 15 July 2015.
This revealed that glyphosate use in UK farming has increased by 400% in the last 20 years and it’s one of the three pesticides regularly found in routine testing of British bread - appearing in up to 30% of samples tested by the Defra committee on Pesticide Residues in Food (PRiF).
At the briefing, Dr Robin Mesnage of the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics at Kings College in London presented data showing Roundup is 1,000 times more toxic than glyphosate alone.
He said, “Glyphosate is everywhere throughout our food chain - in our food and water. The lack of data on toxicity of glyphosate is not proof of safety and these herbicides cannot be considered safe without proper testing.
We know Roundup, the commercial name of glyphosate-based herbicides, contains many other chemicals, which when mixed together are 1,000 times more toxic than glyphosate on its own.”
Claire Robinson, an editor at, said that the international response to the IARC finding had been dramatic: “Some retailers in Switzerland and Germany have removed glyphosate products from their shelves; France has committed to stop selling them to consumers via self-service by 2018.
German states are calling for an EU wide ban. The Danish Working Environment Authority has declared glyphosate a carcinogen.
El Salvador and Sri Lanka have banned it (due not to the IARC report but other studies linking it with kidney disease) and the Colombian government has banned aerial spraying of the herbicide on coca crops.”
Three months ago, the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), concluded, “Glyphosate is probably carcinogenic to humans”. The newly recognised dangers of glyphosate come against a background of increased use in the UK.
Glyphosate is used in public parks and other urban areas to kill weeds. In the last year for which government figures are available, nearly a third of UK cereals, wheat and barley, were sprayed with glyphosate – a total of just over one million hectares.
Peter Melchett, Soil Association Policy Director, said; “If glyphosate ends up in bread it’s impossible for people to avoid it, unless they are eating organic.
On the other hand, farmers could easily choose not to use glyphosate as a spray on wheat crops – just before they are harvested. This is why the Soil Association is calling for the immediate ending of the use of glyphosate sprays on wheat destined for use in bread.”
Claire Robinson said at the meeting that people cannot rely on regulators to protect their health: the battle will be won by consumers pressuring retailers to remove glyphosate from their shelves.
In the case of bread, a Soil Association statement said retailers and manufacturers should insist their products don’t contain any glyphosate.
Although the quantities found are below the official safety level, that limit was agreed before the latest scientific findings about the dangers of glyphosate.
The glyphosate spraying season starts now. In the interests of human health and the quality of British bread, the government must call a halt to the spraying before it starts.
A recent European study on city dwellers found that in the UK, 7 out of 10 people had traces of this weed killer in their urine.
The food industry tells us that the levels of glyphosate in food poses no danger to the British public. But the findings from IARC, and the cocktail of chemicals often found in bread, call this into serious question.
The levels of glyphosate found in bread are well below the Maximum Residue Level (MRL) set by the EU.
However, the MRL was set well before this latest determination by the WHO.
In addition, the MRL for glyphosate has always been a matter of controversy because if glyphosate is an endocrine disrupter, as some scientists suggest, there may be no safe lower level for human consumption.
Whatever the MRL, research into public opinion shows that the presence of any chemicals in food is one of the main health concerns for consumers, especially those with children.
Why 80 Percent of People Worldwide Will Soon Stop Eating Wheat…or Die
The future of
wheat is certain, and it’s toxic. There are as many health risks associated with the
consumption of wheat as there
are nutritional benefits
claimed by the wheat industry.
Why is there such a strong emphasis on the development of wheat products all
over the world when there are so many
adverse and crippling effects
such as neurological impairment,
dementia, heart disease, cataracts, diabetes, arthritis
and visceral fat accumulation,
not to mention the full range of
intolerances and bloating now experienced by millions of people?
Approximately 700
million tons of wheat are now
cultivated worldwide making it the second
most-produced grain after maize (Corn). It is grown on more land area than any other
commercial crop and is considered a
staple food for humans.
At some point in our history, this ancient grain was nutritious in some respects, however modern wheat really isn't wheat
at all. Once agribusiness took over to develop a higher-yielding crop, wheat
became hybridized to such an extent that it has been completely transformed
from its prehistoric genetic configuration.
All nutrient content of modern wheat depreciated more than 30% in its natural unrefined state compared to its
ancestral genetic line. The balance
and ratio that Mother Nature created
for wheat was also modified and human
digestion and physiology could
simply could not adapt quick enough to the changes.
The Nutritional Value of Wheat is Practically Non-Existent
in Its Current Form
So-called health experts in nutrition who continue to
promote the health benefits of wheat are extremely
uninformed about the nature of modern
wheat and its evolution from
growth to consumption. It is shocking how many professionals in public health still recommend
wheat products without an assessment of their individual requirements,
especially considering the amount of evidence regarding its lack of nutrition and health risks for proportionally
large segments of the population.
The majority of wheat is processed into 60% extraction, bleached white flour. 60% extraction–the standard
for most wheat products means that 40% of the original wheat grain is removed.
So not only do we have an unhealthier,
modified, and hybridized strain of wheat, we also remove and further degrade its nutritional value by
processing it. Unfortunately, the
40% that gets removed includes the bran and the germ of the wheat grain–its
most nutrient-rich parts. In the process
of making 60% extraction flour, over half of the vitamin B1, B2, B3, E, folic
acid, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, and fiber are lost.
Any processed foods with wheat are akin to poison for the body
since they cause more health risks than benefits. The body does not recognize processed wheat as food. Nutrient
absorption from processed wheat
products is thus consequential with almost no nutritional value.
Some experts claim if you select 100% whole wheat products, the bran and the germ of the wheat
will remain in your meals, and the health benefits will be impressive. This is
again a falsity promoted by the wheat industry since even 100% whole wheat products are based on modern wheat strains created by irradiation of wheat seeds and embryos with chemicals, gamma rays,
and high-dose X-rays to induce mutations. Whether you consume 10% or 100% of wheat is
irrelevant since you're still consuming a health
damaging grain that will not benefit, advance or even maintain your
health in any way.
Dr. Marcia Alvarez who specializes in nutritional programs for obese patients says that when it
comes to nutrition, wheat may be considered as an evil grain.
Dr. Alvarez asserted that wheat is now responsible for more intolerances than almost any other
food in the world. “In my
practice of over two decades, we have documented that for every ten people with
digestive problems, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, arthritis and
even heart disease, eight out of ten have a problem with wheat.
Once we
remove wheat from their diets,
most of their symptoms disappear
within three to six months,” she added. Dr. Alvarez estimates that
between the coming influx of
genetically modified (GM)
strains of wheat and the current tendency of wheat elimination in societies, that a trend is emerging in
the next 20 years that will likely
see 80% of people cease their consumption of wheat from any form.
Genetic Modification
The GM wheat
currently being tested for approval for production in Canada is a new variety
of hard red spring wheat which has been genetically engineered to be tolerant to glyphosate, the
active ingredient in Monsanto’s
herbicide Roundup.
Canada Inc. requested the approval of GE wheat from Health Canada in
July 2002 and for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) in December 2002.
In July 2009, the
most hated company in the world Monsanto, announced new research into
GM wheat and industry groups kicked their promotion of GM wheat into high gear.
“Widespread farmer and consumer resistance defeated
GM wheat in 2004 and this global
rejection remains strong, as demonstrated by today’s statement,” said
Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator of the Canadian
Biotechnology Action Network.
There are now even claims by researchers in Australia have developed a form of salt-tolerant
wheat that will allow farmers
to grow crops in soil with high salinity.
They created the new form of wheat by
crossing a modern strain with an
ancient species, and the researchers believe this new super-wheat will allow
farmers to grow more food crops on land previously thought to be off
limits to agriculture.
Critics suggest that new strains will be foreign to current ecological systems
and will be unsustainable without
massive chemical intervention.
Industry claims that the introduction of GM wheat will lead to a
reduction in herbicide use, a claim that has been made prior to the
introduction of other herbicide
tolerant (HT) crops such as Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans, canola and
These claims have been contradicted by US government statistics that show
that GM HT crops such as RR crops use more pesticides than conventional crops.
These state GM crops can receive as much as 30 percent more herbicide than
non-GM crops.
Not only do GM crops use more pesticides but they also force the
farmer to purchase one single brand of herbicide, in this case Monsanto brand
If introduced, GE wheat will enter farmers’ rotations along
with the already HT canola and soybeans. This compounds the issue of superweeds
as each crop sown would be HT, so any seed that fell from the crop before
harvest would pose a threat of becoming an uncontrollable weed, or contained by
using increasingly toxic herbicides. How can we believe that pesticide use will
decrease with GE wheat?
These developments are also taking place in the United
States which is the third largest wheat producer in the world. Fertilizers,
herbicides, fungicides, and growth regulators are all becoming more chemically
potent and their frequency of application continues to increase every 5 years.
American scientists are currently developing GM strains of wheat conferring resistance
to fungal diseases. Wheat is becoming such a transmutated grain, that it
someday may not even be called wheat.
Health Effects
A powerful little chemical in wheat known as ‘wheat germ
agglutinin’ (WGA) which is largely responsible for many of wheat’s pervasive,
and difficult to diagnose, ill effects. Researchers are now discovering that
WGA in modern wheat is very different from ancient strains.
Not only does WGA
throw a monkey wrench into our assumptions about the primary causes of wheat
intolerance, but due to the fact that WGA is found in highest concentrations in
“whole wheat,” including its supposedly superior sprouted form, it also pulls
the rug out from under one of the health food industry’s favorite poster
Each grain of wheat contains about one microgram of Wheat
Germ Agglutinin (WGA). Even in small quantities, WGA can have profoundly
adverse effects. It may be pro-inflammatory, immunotoxic, cardiotoxic … and
Below the radar of conventional serological testing for
antibodies against the various gluten proteins and genetic testing for disease
susceptibility, the WGA “lectin
problem” remains almost entirely obscured.
Lectins, though found in all
grains, seeds, legumes, dairy and our beloved nightshades: the tomato and
potato, are rarely discussed in connection with health or illness, even when
their presence in our diet may greatly reduce both the quality and length of
our lives. Yet health experts dismiss the links between disease and wheat
despite all the evidence.
Dr. William Davis has documented several hundred clinical
studies on the adverse effects of
wheat. These are studies that document the neurologic impairments unique to
wheat, including cerebellar
ataxia and dementia; heart disease; visceral fat accumulation and all its
attendant health consequences; the
process of glycation via amylopectin A of wheat that leads to cataracts,
diabetes, and arthritis;
among others. There are, in fact, a wealth of studies documenting the adverse, often crippling, effects of
wheat consumption in humans.
The other claim is that wheat
elimination ‘means missing out on a wealth of essential nutrients. Another falsity. Dr. Davis states that
if you replace wheat with
healthy foods like vegetables, nuts,
healthy oils, meats, eggs, cheese,
avocados, and olives, then there is no nutrient deficiency that develops with elimination of
Dr. Davis also states that people with celiac disease may require long-term supplementation due to extensive gastrointestinal damage caused by wheat.
Dr. Davis also states that people with celiac disease may require long-term supplementation due to extensive gastrointestinal damage caused by wheat.
People with celiac
disease do indeed experience
deficiencies of multiple vitamins and minerals after they eliminate all wheat and gluten from
the diet. But this is not due to a diet lacking valuable nutrients, but
from the incomplete healing of the
gastrointestinal tract (such as the
lining of the duodenum and proximal jejunum).
In these people, the destructive effects of wheat
are so overpowering that, unfortunately, some people never heal completely.
These people do indeed require vitamin and mineral supplementation, as
well as probiotics and pancreatic enzyme supplementation.
Due to the unique properties of amylopectin A, two
slices of whole wheat bread increase
blood sugar higher than many
candy bars.
High blood
glucose leads to the process of glycation that, in turn, causes arthritis (cartilage glycation),
cataracts (lens protein glycation), diabetes (glucotoxicity of pancreatic beta
cells), hepatic de novo lipogenesis that increases triglycerides and,
thereby, increases expression of
atherogenic (heart disease-causing)
small LDL particles, leading to heart
Repetitive high blood sugars that develop from a grain-rich diet are, in my view, very destructive and lead to weight gain (specifically visceral fat), insulin resistance, leptin resistance (leading to obesity), and many of the health struggles that many now experience.
Repetitive high blood sugars that develop from a grain-rich diet are, in my view, very destructive and lead to weight gain (specifically visceral fat), insulin resistance, leptin resistance (leading to obesity), and many of the health struggles that many now experience.
Wheat gliadin
has been associated with cerebellar
ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, gluten encephalopathy (dementia), behavioral outbursts in children with ADHD and autism,
and paranoid delusions and auditory hallucinations in
people with schizophrenia, severe and
incapacitating effects for people
suffering from these conditions.
According to
statistics from the University of Chicago
Celiac Disease Center, an average of one out of every 133
otherwise healthy people in the United States suffers from CD. However, an estimated 20-30 percent of
the world’s population may carry the genetic susceptibility to celiac disease–and
the way to avoid turning these genes
‘on’ is by avoiding gluten.
When you consider that undiagnosed
CD is associated with a nearly four-fold
increased risk of premature
death, the seriousness of this food
sensitivity becomes quite evident. The primary disease mechanism at
play is chronic inflammation,
and chronic inflammatory and degenerative conditions are endemic to grain-consuming populations.
Changes in genetic
code and, thereby, antigenic
profile, of the high-yield
semi-dwarf wheat cultivars now on the market account for the marked increase in celiac potential
nationwide. “Hybridization”
techniques, including chemical
mutagenesis to induce
selective mutations, leads to development of unique strains that are not subject to animal or human safety
testing–they are just brought to market and sold.
Author and preventive cardiologist William Davis, MD, wheat’s new biochemical code
causes hormone disruption that is
linked to diabetes and obesity.
is not my contention that it is in everyone’s best interest to cut back on
wheat; it is my belief that complete elimination is in everyone’s best health
interests,” says Dr. Davis, “In my view, that’s how bad this thing
called ‘wheat’ has become.”
mutagenesis using the toxic mutagen, sodium azide, of course, is the method used to generate BASF’s Clearfield
herbicide-resistant wheat strain.
These methods are being used on a
wide scale to generate unique genetic
strains that are, without
question from the FDA or USDA,
assumed to be safe for human
Wheat-Free Options
* Note that many of the wheat-free options still contain gluten.
1. Cereal Grains: Barley, millet, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, teff and wild rice are all in the same cereal grain family as is wheat. All flours ground from cereal grains
may be used as a wheat substitute.
Commonly available are barley,
buckwheat, and rice and rye flour. The
less utilized flours may be purchased
online or from natural food
stores. Note: people with a
gluten allergy must also
avoid barley, oats and rye…
Scientist Discovers US Population Infected With
“Alien” Bacteria
While most aerosol geoengineering activists focus solely on the fallout of heavy metals and weather warfare, Carnicom has taken on the more frightening discovery of bio-engineered, self-replicating filaments associated with covert, aerosol spraying – aka “Chemtrails”
“I state clearly again that the pathogenic forms under investigation are repeatedly showing up in the general population, regardless of whether certain “skin anomalies” [Morgellons] are present or not.” …
” the general population is involved whether they would like to know of it or not. The pathogens found have now been discovered repeatedly across all major body systems and functions, including skin, blood, hair, saliva, dental(gum), digestive, ear and urinary samples.” – Cliff Carnicom
These sub-micron sized filaments are engineered, synthetic life-forms most commonly associated with “Morgellons syndrome.” – a systemic disease that manifests in a minority of victims as bizarre skin lesions.
The vast majority of victims infected with CDB bacteria may manifest no skin
As a result, it is very disturbing that every member of the public who volunteered to submit to the test was found to be infected with the “alien”, CDB bacteria when expectorant samples were examined under microscopy.
Two Important questions:
1) Is the Global population now infected with a bio-engineered, “alien” life-form sprayed from chemtrails that self-replicates inside the body?
2) Is an undisclosed vaccine available to protect the perpetrators from being infected with the CDB bacteria?
Harvard Research Finds Link Between Fluoridated Water, ADHD and Mental Disorders
New research published in The Lancet by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) found that various chemicals that many children are exposed to are having a direct effect on the creation of disorders labelled under the name ADHD as well as other mental disorders.
One of the chemicals said to be having an effect is fluoride, or variations of fluoride. Governments have been performing artificial fluoridation for a number of years regardless of the lack of effectiveness it has in preventing tooth decay.
One of the chemicals said to be having an effect is fluoride, or variations of fluoride. Governments have been performing artificial fluoridation for a number of years regardless of the lack of effectiveness it has in preventing tooth decay.
Population Percentage of each State receiving Water Fluoridation.
United States | 210,655,401 | 282,534,910 | 74.6% | |
Alabamaf | 3,781,607 | 4,822,023 | 78.4% | 23 |
Alaska | 361,240 | 682,528 | 52.9% | 41 |
Arizona | 3,199,068 | 5,536,324 | 57.8% | 38 |
Arkansas | 1,785,679 | 2,669,485 | 66.9% | 33 |
Californiaf,g,h | 24,215,234 | 38,041,430 | 63.7% | 34 |
Coloradof | 3,757,694 | 5,187,582 | 72.4% | 28 |
Connecticut | 2,350,532 | 2,603,377 | 90.3% | 14 |
Delaware | 705,824 | 818,110 | 86.3% | 19 |
District of Columbia | 595,000 | 595,000 | 100% | |
Florida | 13,371,262 | 17,149,724 | 78.0% | 24 |
Georgiaf | 9,551,793 | 9,919,945 | 96.3% | 6 |
Hawaii | 139,598 | 1,290,549 | 10.8% | 50 |
Idaho | 395,863 | 1,097,332 | 36.1% | 46 |
Illinoisf | 12,682,543 | 12,875,255 | 98.5% | 3 |
Indiana | 4,342,273 | 4,582,496 | 94.8% | 8 |
Iowa | 2,555,593 | 2,778,894 | 92.0% | 12 |
Kansas | 1,719,503 | 2,702,452 | 63.6% | Tied for 35 |
Kentuckyf | 4,375,026 | 4,380,415 | 99.9% | 1 |
Louisianaf | 1,996,568 | 4,601,893 | 43.4% | 45 |
Maine | 527,163 | 664,063 | 79.4% | 22 |
Maryland | 5,060,379 | 5,204,155 | 97.2% | 4 |
Massachusettsf | 4,681,038 | 6,646,144 | 70.4% | 31 |
Michigan | 7,218,670 | 7,999,859 | 90.2% | 15 |
Minnesota | 4,134,663 | 4,184,753 | 98.8% | 2 |
Mississippif | 1,738,478 | 2,984,926 | 58.2% | 37 |
Missouri | 3,994,342 | 5,226,360 | 76.4% | 26 |
Montana | 252,299 | 788,805 | 32.0% | 47 |
Nebraska | 1,015,094 | 1,425,664 | 71.2% | 30 |
Nevada | 1,870,698 | 2,544,079 | 73.5% | 27 |
New Hampshire | 383,333 | 832,631 | 46.0% | 43 |
New Jersey | 1,206,270 | 8,288,715 | 14.6% | 49 |
New Mexico | 1,210,877 | 1,571,600 | 77.0% | 25 |
New York | 12,989,488 | 18,094,452 | 71.8% | 29 |
North Carolina | 6,164,847 | 7,042,655 | 87.5% | 18 |
North Dakota | 612,560 | 633,645 | 96.7% | 5 |
Ohio | 9,716,289 | 10,537,957 | 92.2% | 11 |
Oklahoma | 2,486,718 | 3,548,057 | 70.1% | 32 |
Oregon | 833,557 | 3,688,540 | 22.6% | 48 |
Pennsylvania | 5,885,390 | 10,780,146 | 54.6% | 40 |
Rhode Island | 837,549 | 997,824 | 83.9% | 20 |
South Carolina | 3,602,956 | 3,839,526 | 93.8% | 9 |
South Dakota | 646,671 | 690,759 | 93.6% | 10 |
Tennessee | 5,229,461 | 5,826,866 | 89.7% | 16 |
Texas | 20,002,506 | 25,113,656 | 79.6% | 21 |
Utah | 1,384,638 | 2,676,448 | 51.7% | 42 |
Vermont | 252,920 | 450,483 | 56.1% | 39 |
Virginia | 6,159,737 | 6,416,760 | 96.0% | 7 |
Washington | 3,515,797 | 5,525,840 | 63.6% | Tied for 35 |
West Virginia | 1,365,697 | 1,499,749 | 91.1% | 13 |
Wisconsin | 3,597,525 | 4,025,756 | 89.4% | 17 |
Wyoming | 195,891 | 449,223 | 43.6% | 44 |
5 Common Food Additives That Are Toxic to Your Brain
Eating mostly whole foods as nature intended is the best
recipe for a brain-healthy diet.
This minimizes consumption of food additives,
some of which are bad for your brain.
But most of us, even with the best
intentions, eat food that comes in a can or a box at least once in awhile.
The FDA allows 3,000+ additives to be used in the US food
Reading labels is a good place to start for avoiding dangerous
additives, but this can be confusing.
Not all additives are unhealthy.
will find everyday items on the list like salt, vitamin C, and acetic acid
You'll also find long-winded names like Eleutherococcus senticosus
which may sound suspicious, but is actually the healthy herb ginseng.
And some of the worst health offenders aren’t required
to be on the label!
I've ferreted out a handful of additives that are known for
harming the brain.
Here is my “Hit List”, plus ways to easily avoid exposure.
This artificial sweetener is bad news any way you look at
Currently, there are 92 categories of complaints filed
against aspartame with the FDA.
And ironically, it is highly suspected of
making people who use it fatter.
Original studies were falsified to hide the fact that
animals fed aspartame developed seizures and brain
tumors, but the FDA approved
it anyway.
The FDA has
a history of caring more about big business than your well-being.
Aspartame is made up
of three brain-damaging chemicals — aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and
Formerly known as Nutrasweet, but now also called
AminoSweet, this is one of the easiest brain-damaging chemicals to avoid since
it is clearly labeled.
While the affects of aspartame have been well-publicized,
those of the artificial sweetener sucralose are
not as well known.
Sucralose is marketed as Splenda whose ads say “made from
sugar so it tastes like sugar”.
What the ads don't tell you is that sucralose
is sugar bonded to chlorine, making it a toxic chlorocarbon.
Some common neurological side effects are headaches,
migraines, dizziness, brain fog, anxiety, depression, and tinnitus.
side effect is weight gain, which rather defeats the purpose.
Sucralose prevents nutrient absorption and reduces the amount
of good bacteria in your intestines by 50%.
This leads to an overabundance of
bad bacteria which has numerous negative effects on your brain including damage
to the hippocampus, the part of the brain where memories are stored.
Stop drinking diet
soda or eating foods with this or any other artificial
You'd be better off going back to sugar!
My favorite healthy
sweetener is stevia.
This naturally sweet herb can be used to sweeten
foods and drinks with zero calories, naturally.
Americans love their popcorn, munching down 17.3 billion quarts
of popped corn each year!
But home-popped microwave popcorn usually contains
butter flavoring with the additive diacetyl.
It’s already established this
chemical causes a serious condition called “microwave popcorn lung”.
Diacetyl is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, a defense
which prevents harmful substances from
entering the brain.
It causes
beta-amyloid clumping which is a significant indicator of Alzheimer’s.
You won't see the word diacetyl on the label, but if you see
“artificial butter flavor” or
“natural flavors” on the label assume it contains
I’m as bummed about this as you are. But you can eat popcorn
The best way to get healthy popcorn is to pop your own. It’s
fast, fun, and highly economical. Kids
of all ages will get a kick of out
making popcorn the old-fashioned way.
If you like butter flavor, just use the
real thing.
Turns out there is nothing wrong with using a little butter,
Butter is a particularly good source of vitamin A and the
fatty acid butyrate.
Butyrate reduces chronic inflammation and counters
neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Monosodium Glutamate
glutamate, usually referred to simply as MSG, is ubiquitous in processed
It breaks down in the body into glutamate, a known excitotoxin — a
substance that literally stimulates brain cells to death.
A truly alarming thing about MSG is that it is in just about
everything, yet it is not required to be on labels. This makes it
very difficult to avoid.
It is required to be listed on a label only if it’s 100%
pure MSG.
Spices, flavorings, and natural flavorings can all contain up to
99% MSG with no mention on the label!
Generally the saltier the food, the more MSG it will have,
with worst offenders including canned soups, snacks, and ramen noodles.
And don’t think that shopping at a health food store will
protect you.
Health food items are not immune, especially refined soy
products like soy burgers.
Here are some ingredients to watch out for that always contain MSG:
- Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
- Hydrolyzed plant protein
- Hydrolyzed protein
- Plant protein extract
- Calcium caseinate
- Sodium caseinate
- Yeast extract
- Textured protein
- Autolyzed yeast
These ingredients can contain MSG:
- Malt extract
- Malt flavoring
- Bouillon
- Broth
- Stock
- Flavoring
- Natural flavoring
- Beef flavoring
- Chicken flavoring
- Seasoning
- Spices
Another huge source of MSG is fast food restaurants. has
a list of the worst offenders with KFC being at the top of the list.
Even their salads and green beans contain MSG!
Aluminum is an additive in baking powder and anti-caking
It is used as much more than just a food ingredient.
It is the most
abundant metal in the the earth’s crust so is hard to avoid. It’s in drinking
water, antacids, deodorant, cans, foil, and is commonly used in cookware.
Aluminum is
suspected of contributing to Alzheimer’s.
In the 1970′s, autopsies revealed that people that had Alzheimer’s had a larger
than normal concentration of aluminum in the brain.
This understandably began a
scare that aluminum was the cause of Alzheimer’s.
Many people consequently stopped using aluminum cookware.
This soft metal leaches into food especially when cooking acidic foods like
tomato, lemon, or vinegar.
Stainless steel is the better cookware choice.
It is more
durable, scratch-resistant, and less reactive than aluminum. It’s easier to
keep looking good for the long haul, too.
You can also find aluminum-free deodorants, baking powder
and antacids.
You can cook on parchment paper instead of foil.
But is all this
Scientific proof can come slowly. It’s been 40 years since
the aluminum-Alzheimer’s correlation was made, but science has still not determined
for certain whether ingesting aluminum contributes to this disease for sure.
But since it is a known neurotoxin, it only makes sense to minimize your
Avoiding these five chemicals is not that difficult.
are healthy alternatives, so you can reduce exposure with little effort.
action will help you reduce exposure to brain toxins, a key factor in keeping
your brain mentally sharp for a lifetime.
One day we are all going to have to return to simple, basic principles in order to survive.
Looking towards the third world, and the solutions employed by poorer nations can lead to solutions to the problems we will one day face.
Looking towards the third world, and the solutions employed by poorer nations can lead to solutions to the problems we will one day face.
A good example of this is cilantro, something you may know as coriander, a herb used for flavouring salsa and other spicy dishes. The American Chemical Society has shown that coriander removes lead and other heavy metals from the water supply.
Douglas Schauer, Ph.D., said that cilantro — also known as coriander and Thai parsley — shows promise as a much-needed new “biosorbent” for removing lead and other potentially toxic heavy metals from contaminated water.
“Cilantro may seem too pricey for use in decontaminating large amounts of water for drinking and cooking,” Schauer said. “However, cilantro grows wild in vast amounts in countries that have problems with heavy-metal water pollution. It is readily available, inexpensive and shows promise in removing certain metals, such as lead, copper and mercury, that can be harmful to human health.”Conventional methods for removing heavy metals from water such as treatment with activated carbon (used in the filters in home water purification pitchers) or more advanced technology like ion-exchange resins are very effective. However, they can be too expensive for use in developing countries, especially in rural areas. The need for lower-cost, sustainable alternatives has fostered research on biosorbents. These natural materials, which range from microbes to plants, latch on to heavy metals in ways that include both absorption and adsorption.
“Our goal is to find biosorbents that people in developing countries could obtain for nothing,” Schauer explained. “When the filter in a water purification pitcher needs to be changed, they could go outside, gather a handful of cilantro or some other plant, and presto, there’s a new filter ready to purify the water.” (source)
Coriander grows readily in the ground or in pots, in greenhouses or in the ground…or even on windowsills provided it is watered regularly. Growing coriander has always been a good idea, it imparts flavour to otherwise bland foods and can help prevent food fatigue when diet is restricted. Finding out that it can remove metals from water makes it even more valuable as a prepper plant.
The research began in a study published in 2006 which initially looked at the effects of various industrial chemicals on neuro-development.[1] The research continued with an analysis of more industrial chemicals including fluoride. Twenty-seven additional studies, including one that linked fluoride to the lowering of IQ in children, clearly illustrated the fact that fluoride is detrimental to brain development and can lead to autism spectrum disorders and other mental issues. The issue is being coined “a silent epidemic” and most health authorities continue to turn a blind eye to the issue.
The two main researchers involved in the study, Philippe Grandjean from HSPH and Philip Landrigan, both agree that the reason for the increase in incidences of
chemical-related neurodevelopmental disorders is due to the increasing number of untested chemicals that are being approved.
The public is also not fully being told of the dangers which is causing many to perform independent research to find out the true effects.
The issue is not just in water fluoridation, but also in the vaccination of our children.
The public is also not fully being told of the dangers which is causing many to perform independent research to find out the true effects.
The issue is not just in water fluoridation, but also in the vaccination of our children.
“Since 2006, the number of chemicals known to damage the human brain more generally, but that are not regulated to protect children’s health, had increased from 202 to 214,” writes Julia Medew for The Sydney Morning Herald. “The pair said this could be the tip of the iceberg because the vast majority of the more than 80,000 industrial chemicals widely used in the United States have never been tested for their toxic effects on the developing fetus or child.”

- People should be taught about the harmful effects of fluoride and the damage it can cause to your teeth and your body.
- Water fluoridation should be stopped everywhere, immediately, as it is nothing more than a legal way for chemical companies to get rid of toxic waste while profiting.
The problem is international in scope, and the solution must therefore also be international,” stated Grand jean in a press release, calling for improved regulatory standards for common chemicals. “We have the methods in place to test industrial chemicals for harmful effects on children’s brain development — now is the time to make that testing mandatory.”
Intent is the foundation of a proper response and action against any problem.
At the moment, most of the small percent of an otherwise uninformed population of this world that actually knows about Geo-engineering as a weather modification and control scheme inversely has no idea how to fight such an esoteric and out of reach event (despite their determined intent) – like a bunch of electricians without tools for the job. We feel helpless against it; watching from miles below.
As the sky becomes dim and while record-breaking temperatures scorch and freeze parts of the Earth that have never known such dramatic variations in temperature.
While it is clear that our mutual intent is to stop these psychopathic efforts to alter our climate in any way they can, as we look around for the “solution” to this deleterious alteration of our environment we collectively come up short. Our intent is as a dandelion in the wind; blown in all different directions and so completely unorganized that even millions of people with the same goal cannot make even the slightest dent as a resistance, spreading more and more weeds of confusion and the disappointment of knowledge without remedy.
We beg our supposedly representative legislature to disallow such unprecedented spraying of our skies but are shrugged off with lies and the denial of the very existence of this phenomenon by the very congress and local officials who legally regulate it. And we walk away disappointed and enraged… complaining to our mutual in-activists in the virtual world of “social media” where it makes no difference in the real world – right where these megalomaniacs want us to be.
We congregate in this artificial world of web forums and sites for mutually sympathetic support, ineffectually complaining to each other which is fine in the beginning to figure out the problem and solution mutually.
But Then Take The Action Needed as an Individual!
While in the real world the alteration and poisoning of the entire ecosystem of planet Earth and indeed our now mineral-compounded and poisoned bodies continues without a physical real-world response from the people being poisoned.
And all of this perfectly legal since they make the Law's!
We keep repeating to ourselves and our brethren that “knowledge is power” that we must tell as many people as we can and that this informational exchange will somehow make a difference by “waking up” the sleeping masses. And yet, we offer these masses no answers to their predictable questions of what the hell to do about it. How can we share a problem if we don’t know the solution? What’s the point?
In typically ironic group-think fashion, the one thing that would actually stop this ever-increasing threat of extinction level Terra-formation of our environment seems to go completely under the radar of even the most ardent of activists – the fact that all of us individually are each entirely responsible for this weather modification without even knowing it. This is simply because we continue to act, vent, protest, and petition in the artificial construct of the internet (The Matrix, if you will) instead of making demands by taking individual legal action – the only action that government understands or is required to act upon.
You see, government acts solely upon the legal consent of the people to its actions. And since silence is considered a form of passive consent, the chemical spraying of the skies moves onward and upward without any legal challenge whatsoever. The fact is that no one is properly making a legal claim against what is happening. And unfortunately this is what government loves – total consent of the people through their ignorance of law and legal silence.
‘But wait just a darn minute there pal…’
You say…
‘I am screaming from the top of my lungs and complaining in web forums and writing pleading personal letters and emails to my congressmen to pretty-pretty please stop allowing this Geo-engineering to happen!!! How can you dare say I am just letting it happen by being silent?’
And therein lies the very legal silence.
The Only Way We Can Stop Geo-engineering
The truth is that in the legal realm and language of government, the conversational English language spoken by the average man or woman means absolutely nothing. Even the most abjectly voluminous of activists goes unheard by legal governmental ears simply because the activist is speaking a foreign language to government in their efforts of activism.
The legal language is not synonymous with the English language, and so you might as well be speaking Chinese. Government responds to legal notices and demands, not to uninformed questions and begging. Government operates via the legal consent of the people under its own written legal codes, and so the fact that the people never speak in the legal language of government equates to the absolute silence of the people in this fictional (legal) realm. We are like a bunch of parrots squawking nonsensically at a bunch of wolfs and rats in fancy suits. A parrot squawks. A wolf barks. So no matter how many letters, emails, requests, nasty-grams, personal confrontations caught on film, or any other form of communications that we the people submit to government, the government is in no way liable or responsible to respond or acknowledge any of our efforts… That is –unless we use the correct language.
Now, let’s get back to our collective yet fractured intent to stop the alteration of our weather and environment and discuss how we can mutually focus it all into a positive action (note that the word “action” is a legal term).
It is my personal intention to place a legal moratorium on all “weather modification” taking place in the State of Utah currently and in the foreseeable future – with the ultimate intent for all States and indeed nations to create the same legal bailiwick. But I cannot do it alone.
After many years of study, I have come to one inevitable conclusion: Weather Modification and Geo-engineering is only able to be done with the legal informed consent of the people, whether they know it or not!
And the people wonder why and how “they” get away with it…
Government calls this “informed consent” – all based on the presumption that the consent of the people is given to government’s actions simply because no individuals within the group of represented people have personally withdrawn their consent.
Government has become addicted to this type of manufactured, and thus “presumed” consent only because the major bulk of the people have no idea that their consent is being presumed or is even needed in the first place. But in truth, government cannot use the excuse of acting on the behalf of the people without that very legal informed consent. And so it has mastered the science of openly secret operations that are right in front of the people’s noses – yet completely out of sight and mind – while being perfectly legal and based upon the uncomprehending public consent of the people as citizens in a “body politic”.
Most important to understand here, is that the art of creating the unwitting group “consent of the people” only really requires one little thing – a public notice.
There is but one thing that a public notice creates, and that thing is informed consent. By silence in the form of a lack legal challenges to these government public legal notices, a legal vacuum of non-resistance ultimately is the ultimate result; creating a permissive legal contract between the people and government where the people allow and offer informed consent for what ever that particular public legal notice substantiates within its legal authority.
This is how public roads and real estate built with taxpayer money get sold off to private corporations and become toll roads. The people don’t respond to the notice of intent, thus agreeing to the action of sale or lease.
This is how taxpayers fund private ventures like parking garages and meters which enter later into lease agreements with private bank and corporations, where “infrastructure privatization” allows the banks to keep the fees in 50-year contracts with government that are paid by the taxpayers who built the garages.
This is how back-door deals and outrageous real estate projects are done within the political public realm; funded through taxpayer monies yet never benefiting even one taxpayer, agreed to and voted on in councils without voter approval.
And perhaps you've wondered why pharmaceutical companies put 60-90 second infomercials on television telling you as a happy bouncy purple ball or pleasant family scene draws your attention away from what is being disclosed within – stating the side-effects of complete misery and death with that particular pharmaceutical drug? Well folks, this is part 1 of a 2-tiered public notice legal procedure, which directs you in small print 3/4rths of the way through the info-commercial to a much more detailed and legal official printed public notice in some popular magazine or journal publication like Redbook, Health, or Golf Digest. This is a legal public notice of these drugs horrific possible side-effects, creating a legally binding corporate protection from any of these listed side-effects by legal government codes. You were given public notice… so if you take that drug you have limited legal recourse as government statute protect the corporations.
Did you think they did these strange admissions of side-effects for fun? Of course not. This is public disclosure through official legal notice to the public. And government is the main institutional shareholder in all major pharmaceutical companies, so protecting those investments and guaranteeing returns means limiting the legal actions of the people. This public notice process for drug companies was created by government for their protection. The people don’t even know this is happening, and then wonder why when a vaccine destroys theirs or their children’s health, they are forced to go to a special “vaccine court” set up specifically for vaccine injury by government-protected pharmaceutical companies instead of a regular lawful court. The courts protect the corporations and the government who created them, not the people.
All of these actions by government first require public notice and informed consent of the public before they are considered “legal”. And the lack of legal response by any individuals in the group (body politic) continuously creates an open back door where these types of unethical deals, corporate partnerships (PPP) and legal protections happen on a daily basis.
And the people complain and whine… but only do so in their social media/digital worlds – never in the legal realm where it would actually count and where government actually exists – in the artificial world of legal codes.
And without this realization, the most prominent questions out there amongst the people is always the same:
“Our representatives wont listen or even acknowledge that weather modification is happening, so what can we do about it? What is the solution?”
This is the question that ironically is being asked by the very base and foundation of power in government – the people. Without the people and their collective consent, none of this would be happening in the first place. And within this all-too-common conversational question lies the ironically simple legal answer…
It is not that we are asking the wrong question, it is just that we don’t know the legal meaning of the words we use!
And this void of meaning takes all power away from the people.
Here is the most important legal definition you will ever comprehend, for the understanding of this legal concept is the entire basis of corruption and servitude of the people to this rogue government. All you need to know is what you are actually asking… and how to ask the correct question in the correct language.
And so the question should not be ‘what is the solution?’
The question should be ‘what is the legal definition of the word solution?’
SOLUTION, civil law. Payment. 2. By this term, is understood, every species of discharge or liberation, which is called satisfaction, and with which the creditor is satisfied. This term has rather a reference to the substance of the obligation, than to the numeration or counting of the money. Vide Discharge of a contract. –Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856, (A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.)
SOLUTION – Law. Payment or satisfaction of a claim or debt. –American Heritage Dictionary, 4th ed, 2000
SOLUTION - Law. The payment, discharge, or satisfaction of a claim, debt, etc. –Collins English Dictionary, 10th ed, 2009
SOLUTIO – Roman Civil Law. Performance of an obligation: payment, discharge, release. –Merriam-Webster online
The Declaration of Independence – so cherished by the people – declares well the way in which consent was to be not only needed but required by government to act on those same people’s behalf:
“…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpation's, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
And herein lies the answer to our question – What is our legal solution?
It is our mutual consent as the people who are indeed voluntarily governed is what gives the power to government to act upon its own laws – the laws created by the representatives of the consenting people (acting on behalf of the people). And this presumed and unchallenged consent creates not only a contractual claim of government to perform Geo-engineering, but also an obligation to uphold the legal act of Geo-engineering by law. The government is performing its obligation by regulating every jet that flies by and sprays our sky. And with the people’s consent, government claims the right to do this, and gives legal permission for private corporations and military to Geo-engineer the world.
This is why Obama Care A.C.A. (Affordable Care Act) had to be sold as a tax because they made it mandatory without consent.
The solution, therefore, is to challenge this legal claim granted by government to itself on behalf of the informed people by withdrawing consent of the contract that allows it – the U.S. CODE and other statutes. Removing consent of all people removes the power of government to act on behalf of all people. Since the individual people do not vote and are not given opportunity to vote for this action taken by government, the government cannot claim the right to do such action lawfully by vote of the people. This is the importance of having corrupt representatives vote in lieu of the actual people. In the case of Geo-engineering, government is acting as a rogue agency without voter approval – but with informed consent of the voters (people). Do you understand the difference?
The solution, therefore, is to challenge this legal claim granted by government to itself on behalf of the informed people by withdrawing consent of the contract that allows it – the U.S. CODE and other statutes. Removing consent of all people removes the power of government to act on behalf of all people. Since the individual people do not vote and are not given opportunity to vote for this action taken by government, the government cannot claim the right to do such action lawfully by vote of the people. This is the importance of having corrupt representatives vote in lieu of the actual people. In the case of Geo-engineering, government is acting as a rogue agency without voter approval – but with informed consent of the voters (people). Do you understand the difference?
And because of this, the people must individually be the solution by satisfying the contract (statute) that gives this authority to government. We must individually withdraw consent, thus voiding the substance of the obligation. We must discharge the right of government to alter our weather by severing the one thing that gives such contract power – our individually assumed consent.
Knowing that our mutual silence of presumed consent to the public notice creates a contract of permissive actions by government on behalf of the people who consent to those actions, we can see why these actions and notices are never legally challenged but only conversationally complained about outside the legal realm of government. Holding up a sign, posting a comment on a website, or listening to a radio show is not a legal challenge. Therefore, the weather modification continues at an unprecedented rate.
Government is doing nothing but preforming its obligation of law by allowing and regulating areal spraying within a State or nationally. The people consent to that law by not stating or responding to public notice of intent in a legal demand that their non-consent is not granted. In other words, government is just following its own law and doing nothing illegal. Government has offered a chance to the people for rebuttal of that law (remedy), and the people have chosen not to take that opportunity (through their ignorance of governments legal functionality) by the simple act of inaction (silence is consent). Government is doing nothing more than satisfying an obligation of law (contract) by participating in Geo-engineering. And since government is nothing but a representative body of the people under it, weather modification is a contractually substantive legal requirement.
It’s all legal because the people don’t legally challenge the law.
A logical person would generally speculate that with just a simple look up, this should be enough to make people and even our corrupt politicians question ‘what has become of our once beautiful blue sky?’ With a now reported 20% “global dimming” – the atmospheric obstruction of the ability of the sun’s rays to reach the surface of Earth, I think it is finally time for the people acknowledge and break free of their group mentality, and to individually stand up and say “No, I do not consent!“
This is not something a group can do with one legal paper or within a “class-action lawsuit”, but is instead something that must be done by many individuals independent of each other and yet with uniformity. The government would like nothing more than for the resistance movement against any tyranny of government to continue as it is – with people joining groups while ignoring the power of their own self. Legally speaking, a group with one lawsuit is far less powerful and easier to control than many individuals standing up for their individual rights individually. The people must be organized without allowing an organization to act for them (like government does) on their behalf. The people must be organized without joining an organization! And so the people must act with individual voices.
I am but one man, and the unified voice of many individuals is needed.
So here is my lofty plan…
You Are A Conspiracy
First and foremost, we must stop using or acknowledging this word conspiracy. And we must find a way to subvert the ridiculous criticism that follows this word by simply defining it in a rational way so as to make its use pointless and fallacious.
This is actually way more easy than you might think.
You see, everything man-made is in fact a conspiracy!
When you were born, your mother and father participated in a plan to copulate for the purposes of reproduction. You were the end result, even if your birth was accidental. You were a plan of action between two people – the very definition of the word conspiracy.
Do you have a vegetable garden? Well then you have participated in a conspiracy to grow food with the providers of the seeds that you planted and gave money to in exchange for them, the fertilizer you used, and the city water supply you irrigated with – meaning that the government water utility was also in on the conspiracy to grow your garden.
Your home was built through a conspiratorial effort between laborers, plumbers, roofers, electricians, architects, city planners, and the bank or government bond that funded its building, amongst many others.
There is not one thing on this planet made by man that was not created out of conspiracy!
For a conspiracy is nothing but a plan, usually between two or more people.
Every legislation or action taken by the government is a conspiracy between councilmen, congressmen and the President, indirectly consented to by all the people in one massive debacle of a conspiracy. The only reason that most of these things are not considered a criminal conspiracy is that government itself says in its own laws what is criminal and legal by that same conspiratorial legislation consented to by the people (whether they know they are part of the conspiracy or not). The law-makers decide what is legal, thus the law is virtually lawless in government, as we will shortly prove.
If everything is a conspiracy than nothing is.
Don’t let this ridiculous word effect your intent and drive to end this waking nightmare of Geo-engineering. This word literally means nothing, especially as a fallacious insult or ad hominem attack.
If this was not true, I’d have quit a long time ago.
Moving on…
Remember, the first step towards the implementation any governmental action or plan (conspiracy) is to create what is called a public notice, usually entered into the public record in the form of a newspaper “public legal notice”. This oh- so important step in the process of manufacturing consent is without a doubt the largest piece of the puzzle for the government’s gaining of informed consent by the people for its draconian actions. By placing a public notice into a series of newspapers and other “public” outlets, government can afterwords state that the public was given “informed consent” about government’s future actions and intent, including public hearings on these actions, since these published newspaper public notices are legally considered a full public disclosure.
There’s only problem… seldom do average, everyday people casually read the public notice section of their local newspaper – if they even read the paper at all. And this fact is quite well-known to government.
For our purposes, I will be mostly referring to the State of Utah where I live for the presentment of how the people of Utah are tricked each year into consenting to Geo-engineering. But this method of informed consent is methodically uniform in all States, Federally, and internationally. For the public notice is indeed the oldest modern form of public disclosure.
Here’s how that works…
In September of 2012, the following public “NOTICE OF INTENT” was placed into the Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake County area) as well as many other “local” newspapers across the state of Utah. Of course, the taxpayers ironically fund these government notices with their forced taxation.
North American Weather Consultants, 8180 South Highland Dr., Suite B-2, Sandy, Utah 84093, a contractor licensed by the Utah Division of Water Resources,intends to conduct weather modification programs in Utah to increase precipitation with the following potential sponsors: Utah Water Resources Development Corporation (representing Beaver, Emery, Garfield, Iron, Juab, Millard, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier, Tooele, Washington and Wayne Counties), Box Elder and Cache Counties, the Bear River Water Conservancy District, Provo River Water Users Association, Weber Basin Water Conservancy District, Duchesne County Water Conservancy District, Uintah Water Conservancy District, Central Utah Water Conservancy District and Alta and Snowbird ski areas. The areas in which the effects are intended to occur are in the mountainous portions of Washington, eastern Iron, eastern Beaver, eastern Millard, eastern Juab, eastern Tooele, eastern Utah, eastern Salt Lake, eastern Davis, eastern Weber, Morgan, Box Elder, Cache, western Rich, Summit, northern Duchesne, northern Uintah, southern Daggett, Wasatch, western Carbon, Sanpete, western Emery, Sevier, Piute, western Wayne, western Garfield, northwest Kane, San Juan, and southern Grand Counties. The operations may be conducted during portions of the period from October 15, 2012 to May 31, 2013. Weather modification operations will be conducted using ground based, silver iodide nuclei generators. Limited aircraft seeding may be conducted for research purposes.
Another legal public notice states:
Emery Water Conservancy District, P.O. Box 998, Castle Dale, Utah 84513 intends to conduct weather modification programs in Utah to increase precipitation. The area in which the effects are intended to occur are in the higher elevation snowpack accumulation regions in portions of Eastern Sanpete and Western Carbon and Emery Counties. The operations may be conducted during portions of the period from December 1, 2011 to April 15, 2012. Weather modification operations will be conducted using automated liquid propane dispensers.
And though it is too late to stop either of these, here is the Public Notice and NOTICE OF INTENT of WEATHER MODIFICATION for the winter of 2010-2011: Link–>
The debate over weather modification (Geo-engineering) being a real and provable event is certainly over. It is an obvious forgone conclusion backed by the laws of the United States and the United Nations that the lines in the sky are purposefully man-made, and that these are specifically used for “weather modification”.
This industry is actually well regulated and quite organized, as we will see…
Anyone who has been skiing before has probably seen or heard about the creation of fake snow through ground-based weather modification devices such as the ones mentioned above. Indeed, they have been in operation for many decades at ski resorts across the world. Ironically, most people don’t give this fact a second thought, even when stating their contradictory disbelief in “chemtrails”, “Geo-engineering”, and “weather modification”. And unfortunately, most people believe this endeavor to be a harmless and innocent modification to the natural ecosystem – as if there is such a thing.
In declaring this “Notice of Intent”, the government has done a very sneaky thing. They have declared their intent to do experimental research via weather modification (Geo-engineering) in the same paragraph as the modifications done for ski resorts and farming belts. Thus, the reader might dismiss this intent as one of saving crops or creating snow for tourism for the benefit of the citizenry and farmers.
But I assure you, “research purposes” is a very dangerous, obtuse, and mufti-faceted description of many dangerous, untested, and unnecessary Geo-engineering projects conducted world-wide. These types of obscure open-ended statements allow almost anything to happen in government. And the act of placing this into an otherwise harmless seeming Public Notice is the root of our hazy, polluted, and dimmed skies…
And so, for the purposes and intent of my campaign, we now know the intent of government through its own legal notice to the public – which is to conduct research on the weather through the experimental modification and engineering of the atmosphere and to create legal modification of the weather for certain unnamed “research” purposes.
To this, I do not consent!!!
But how do I tell this to government so that it will actually be forced to consider my non-consent???
For this, I must have a legal solution…
But first, I must understand where the statutes (laws) come from that make all of this legal on a national and international level.
The Laws Of Weather Modification
Before we can move forward with this plan of action to stop Utah’s government from modifying the weather of the State for “research purposes” and allowing the Federal government from doing the same, we need to obtain the statutes (legal codes) that accompany the process of this weather modification process. Since I am in the State of Utah, I will be focusing on this State. However, no matter what State you live in, the Codes will likely be uniform in their legal language if not exact, and it is fact that the same manufactured consent is being conducted in your own areas, for many different purposes – including weather modification.
Before we can move forward with this plan of action to stop Utah’s government from modifying the weather of the State for “research purposes” and allowing the Federal government from doing the same, we need to obtain the statutes (legal codes) that accompany the process of this weather modification process. Since I am in the State of Utah, I will be focusing on this State. However, no matter what State you live in, the Codes will likely be uniform in their legal language if not exact, and it is fact that the same manufactured consent is being conducted in your own areas, for many different purposes – including weather modification.
You will soon be getting a public notice of your own in your local newspaper.
Will you consent?
Let’s take a look at what public laws (statutes) regulate weather modification?
Since areal spraying is a cross-border effort miles high in the atmosphere on a national and world-wide front, let’s first go to the Federal (national) level so that we can understand the true nature of this thing we call government, and how it justifies this weather modification scheme. Please understand that the following US CODE is the law, and it allows government to justify unimaginable things to the human, animal, and plant kingdom – as well as to completely alter the environment at its whim and with total disregard for the people or any other life-form on the planet. It is from this Federal law that States are justified in allowing Geo-engineering and other biological weapons testing to take place amongst all the “citizenry” with their unknown and yet voluntary informed consent.
Firstly, the Federal Government must define what Weather Modification is within its legal codes. It does so in TITLE 15: COMMERCE AND TRADE:
15 USC 330 – Definitions
As used in this chapter—
(1) The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of Commerce.
(2) The term “person” means any individual, corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, society, joint stock company, any State or local government or any agency thereof, or any other organization, whether commercial or nonprofit, who is performing weather modification activities, except where acting solely as an employee, agent, or independent contractor of the Federal Government.
(3) The term “weather modification” means any activity performed with the intention of producing artificial changes in the composition, behavior, or dynamics of the atmosphere.
(4) The term “United States” includes the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory or insular possession of the United States.
Now that the government has clearly defined what “weather modification” is within its codes, we can safely search for other legal codes that regulate this process.
The above definition was taken from 15 USC Chapter 9A, entitled: “WEATHER MODIFICATION ACTIVITIES OR ATTEMPTS; REPORTING REQUIREMENT”.
Section 330e of this CODE also states:
15 USC 330e – Authorization of appropriations
There are authorized to be appropriated $150,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, $200,000 each for the fiscal years 1973 through 1980, $100,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981, $100,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1986, $100,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1987, $100,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1988, to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
Obviously, this phenomenon of weather modification has been established for many decades according to the appropriations granted within this section of US CODE. And if you didn't pick it up, this represents the full and unadulterated knowledge, vote, and consent of Congress to the funding of weather modification, both financially and with purposeful intent to allow it by its own created US CODE.
But this goes far beyond just implicit knowledge of these weather modifications by congress, for the act of weather modification is actually required to be reported to government!
15 USC 330a – Report requirement; form; information; time of submission
No person may engage, or attempt to engage, in any weather modification activity in the United States unless he submits to the Secretary such reports with respect thereto, in such form and containing such information, as the Secretary may by rule prescribe. The Secretary may require that such reports be submitted to him before, during, and after any such activity or attempt.
Remember, though the Secretary refers to the Secretary of Commerce as defined above,this is the US CODE created by congress. Don’t let the different departments fool you into thinking that congress is not complicit in all things in “conspiracy” with the President and all of the Executive activities and Cabinets. The greatest con-job on the American people is the illusion of competition and separation between government branches. Don’t fall for it. Government is one giant corporation, with many sub-corporate structures that are all part of the whole. Independence of such entities as the Federal Reserve is a fallacy – for natural independence does not exist in government, only political independence. No government entity is above the law. However, some are allowed by Congress to make their own rules. But rules never carry more weight than laws, and independent agencies of government are never actually outside of the incorporated structure of government.
You just have to realize that government itself makes its own laws, and creates the ways in which it is exempt from those self-induced laws. It does this through what I call “exception clauses”.
Very tricky. Here, let me show you…
Remember that the following are the codes (“laws”) created by congress to control the Department of Defense, and are not created by the DOD itself.
TITLE 50 of US CODE is entitled the “WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE”, and CHAPTER 32 is entitled “CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM”. This TITLE applies to both foreign and domestic use of the following:
50 USC 1520a – Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents
(a) Prohibited activities
The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract)—
(1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or
(2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.
(b) Exceptions
Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the prohibition in subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:
(1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.
(2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.
(3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control.
(c) Informed consent required
The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection (b) of this section only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject.
(d) Prior notice to Congress
Not later than 30 days after the date of final approval within the Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the Department of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving the use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a report setting forth a full accounting of those plans, and the experiment or study may then be conducted only after the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date such report is received by those committees.
(e) “Biological agent” defined
In this section, the term “biological agent” means any micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable of causing—
(1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism;
(2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or materials of any kind; or
(3) deleterious alteration of the environment.
Please note that paragraph (B) of this section is of the utmost importance to comprehend. In government, most of the laws it creates and codifies within the US CODE have this type of “exception” clause, giving the illusion of just law. Generally speaking, this type of legal language creates in the same writing of legal code both a law and an exemption from that same law. Here we see that for the “peaceful purposes of medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity” listed, Section (B) of this code is nullified by the exception and allows government to literally do everything bad in this CODE – including death and altering the environment.
Therefore, Section (A) and everything listed as prohibited within this CODE is actually legal and permissible by government and its contractors (private corporations and foreign governments). Therefore, in truth and in law, we can virtually ignore the term “Prohibited Activities” in Section (A) of this CODE since government is completely immune from it as listed in Section (B). This CODE specifically states that “any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or… any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects” is perfectly legal and acceptable under the law since government and its private contractors are totally immune to this law in this CODE.
And within this description, can anyone tell me what in the world is not considered to be a “peaceful purpose” while falling under the category of either “medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity“?
Weather modification is certainly used agriculturally and is defined above as a “research activity” in our Utah Public Notice. What in this world could not be considered “research”? In short, this list of “purposes” truly places total impunity and freedom for government to utilize chemical biological agents on the people of the Untied States under “peace time” conditions.
Again, these restrictions are restriction-less!
In Section (E) we see that the definition of these perfectly legal biological agents that can be used on any and all humans and upon all of lifeforms of Earth are defined as being wholeheartedly a “deleterious alteration of the environment” that can cause “death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism…“
But perhaps the most important line item within these legal permissions is within Section (C) – the requirement of informed consent of the very people being sprayed with biological agents!!!
Did you know that you consent to be tested upon, America? That is all 315,498,000 million of you?
You see, the only way for government to have this type of power is of course with the consent of the people. Therefore, informed consent is a requirement for this or any other U.S. CODE to be just, and requires the voluntary consent of an informed public (victims). Of course the people certainly never were given a ballot to vote for and approve biological testing upon themselves!
But that doesn't matter. The people’s vote is irrelevant if their consent can be manufactured.
In other words, the multiple biological weapons tests that have taken place both in the United States and abroad have all been allowed by a the very people those biological weapons have been tested upon – you, the people (group). Your consent through legal silence has been manufactured in this way, leaving a confused and angry American people completely ignorant of their own agreement as to the contractual nature of this “deleterious alteration” of their very own environment.
But we don’t stop there…
50 USC 1519 – Lethal binary chemical munitions
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this or any other Act shall be used for the purpose of production of lethal binary chemical munitions unless the President certifies to Congress that the production of such munitions is essential to the national interest and submits a full report thereon to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives as far in advance of the production of such munitions as is practicable.
(b) For purposes of this section the term “lethal binary chemical munitions” means:
(1) any toxic chemical (solid, liquid, or gas) which, through its chemical properties, is intended to be used to produce injury or death to human beings, and
(2) any unique device, instrument, apparatus, or contrivance, including any components or accessories thereof, intended to be used to disperse or otherwise disseminate any such toxic chemical.
Again, we see a prohibition of some act followed by an “exception clause” that allows that prohibited by law act to be conducted – the word “unless”. If a report is filed to Congress in advance of the killing or injury, then its all just perfectly fine.
Truly, the law is lawless in the halls of government.
In this case, we must consider something else here that is very important to comprehend. The word “intended” has a very specific meaning that creates a purposeful act of harm by government against the people, which is why this code is labeled as “BiologicalWeapons“. With this disposition, where the lawful intention is to actually do harm to the populace (humans), is it even conceivable to postulate that any accidental harm or collateral damage being done to the human, animal, and plant kingdom or environmental has any relevance, remorse, or legal recourse whatsoever? In other words, if purposeful destruction of life and environment is OK in the law, what in God’s name would make you think that accidental destruction of life and the environment would not be OK in government’s eyes? Do you really think that if purposeful murder is exempted from law that accidental murder is not?
Here we see that the “dispersal or other dissemination” of “any toxic chemical (solid, liquid, or gas)” that will “produce injury or death to human beings” is perfectly justified by US CODE, as long as the exception clause is met by government to file a report on the record of such proceedings – which is once again to be considered informed consent of the people, since the representatives are the voice of the people.
And so I ask you, my fellow activists… Do you really expect your politicians to answer your angry letters when they are the very people who created such dastardly laws? Your death is a reasonable and legal consequence of “research activities” folks, and Geo-engineering is done by your “informed consent” as written within this code. In other words, you consent to your own victim-hood should you or your children, your pets, livestock, crops, or anything else in this world be harmed or killed by weather modifications as research activities and for agricultural purposes.
You see, the congress is the people, representing us all regardless of how or even if we voted. As representatives of the people of the States, congress is accepting this “certification” for the use of biological weapons and this is considered “informed consent” to and of the people through our “representatives”. For our purposes, we may as well just accept the fact that as long as the subjects (citizens; we) are not acting on our own individual behalf and instead consenting to having representatives as their voice of consent, then again the only “people” within the United States that have a voice are really the congress men and women themselves.
This is why democracy as majority rule through representatives is perhaps more nightmarish scenario than any dictatorship imaginable. The illusion of choice is so much more devious than the knowledge of having no choice…
Along this line of authoritarian governance, we also find within this chapter another bombshell:
50 USC 1515 – Suspension; Presidential authorization
After November 19, 1969, the operation of this chapter, or any portion thereof, may be suspended by the President during the period of any war declared by Congress and during the period of any national emergencydeclared by Congress or by the President.
Note here that only Congress can officially declare a war, and has not done so since World War 2. The president has been acting under a state of emergency for all incursions, occupations, invasions, and any other illegal violent campaigns in more than 50 countries since WW2. A declared national emergency is nothing but a war against the definition of the emergency – a way for the Executive Branch to bypass Congress and wage unlawful aggressions without even the consideration of the people or their so-called representatives.
But we must still never forget the most important aspect of this absurd power of the President… IT WAS GRANTED BY CONGRESS!!!
For those of you unfamiliar with the past and current state of the already declared national emergencies, you should know that since 1933 with President Roosevelt’s emergency declaration for (a war against) the “Great Depression”, each new president has declared new national emergencies which have perpetually kept the United States in this “period” of a state of national emergency. Obama, for instance, declared a national emergency for the so-called “swine flu” of 2009, creating the justification not only to suspend all law, but to create a mandate for mandatory vaccination programs and the laws that protect it. This horrifying state of government essentially makes congress meek (by its own accord allowed in its own US CODE) while the presidential dictator has the authority to do as he pleases (as long as he files a report to congress, lol!). Currently, we are in a perpetual state of national emergency in a war against the word “terrorism” – a nondescript moniker that allows the United States military to enter any country unlawfully and violently in pursuit of “terrorists”. Of course, a terrorist is not a country or a government, no more than it is a military force. It is an imaginary straw-man that justifies the worse kind of “legal” criminal behavior by the Executive CIA and Deptartment of Defense (also both created by Congress to have powers outside of congressional reach by the Congress itself).
When a president can at a whim suspend any written law, truly there is no law. And the suspension of this law in US CODE would simply mean that the president has free reign to do what he pleases with biological weapons without filing a report to congress (the “people”) and with absolutely no restrictions.
Consider this: If the president wished, at any time he could declare global warming, global cooling, climate change, or whatever key-word of the day is being floated around the media that month as a “national emergency”. Thus, this entire chapter of code would mean absolutely nothing, and there would be no limits upon the use of biological agents at all to combat the emergency. Now consider that this section does not specify what type of emergency is to be declared, only that any emergency is in fact declared.
The law is lawless…
But the illusion of law and justice is much easier to sell to an ignorant citizenry than the reality of our government as a totalitarian entity, and so the US CODE is good enough to justify Geo-engineering and other biological weapons and testing on the human population – and for “the deleterious alteration of our environment”.
The next Section is a prohibition and also an exemption upon the delivery of these biological agents:
50 USC § 1516 – Delivery systems
None of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act shall be used for the procurement of delivery systems specifically designed to disseminate lethal chemical or any biological warfare agents, or for the procurement of delivery system parts or components specifically designed for such purpose, unless the President shall certify to the Congress that such procurement is essential to the safety and security of the United States.
If the president is convinced that Geo-engineering is “essential to the safety and security of the United States”, then the president simply need write up a certified report stating such, write it down in the national register, and suddenly weather modification is now legally being done for the protection of the body politic (the people of the United States) and its continuity.
It also states that congress shall appropriate no funds towards the procurement of “delivery systems” (i.e. modified aircraft) “to disseminate lethal chemical or any biological agents” unless…
Note here that the word “any” in front of “biological agents” literally means that “any” form of biological agent can be utilized and “disseminated” over the skies of the United States. For the purposes of this sentence, we do not go to a modern English language dictionary for the definition of “biological agent”. We go back to 50 USC/Section 1520a/Paragraph (e) – which states again:
(e) “Biological agent” defined
In this section, the term “biological agent” means any micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable of causing—
(1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism;
(2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or materials of any kind; or
(3) deleterious alteration of the environment.
This is the definition for this chapter of “biological agent”
Thus, “any” “biological agent” (as defined here in this CODE) can be procured and utilized upon the American people. This includes any thing used and mixed within the Geo-engineering for its “delivery” and “dissemination”. Literally, the sky’s the limit (pun intended)!
If you haven’t gotten the clue yet, Geo-engineering is a chemical weapon – placing chemicals in the sky to combat “climate change”. In legal language, such as with the word “terrorist”, any thing or concept can be made an “enemy” for which to fight.
This fact is certainly spoken about within military (DOD) documents such as “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025“
What Do We Mean by “Weather-modification”?
Today, weather-modification is the alteration of weather phenomena over a limited area for a limited period of time.9 Within the next three decades, the concept of weather-modification could expand to include the ability to shape weather patterns by influencing their determining factors.10 Achieving such a highly accurate and reasonably precise weather-modification capability in the next 30 years will requireovercoming some challenging but not insurmountable technological andlegal hurdles…
…in the authors’ judgment, the technical obstacles preventing their application appear insurmountable within 30 years.12 If this were not the case, such applications would have been included in this report as potential military options, despite their controversial and potentially malevolent nature and their inconsistency with standing UN agreements to which the US is a signatory.
On the other hand, the weather-modification applications proposed in this report range from technically proven to potentially feasible. They are similar, however, in that none are currently employed or envisioned for employment by our operational forces. They are also similar in their potential value for the war fighter of the future, as we hope to convey in the following chapters. A notional integrated system that incorporates weather-modification tools will be described in the next chapter; how those tools might be applied are then discussed within the framework of the Concept of Operations in chapter 4…
(Listed sources in report):
10 William Bown, “Mathematicians Learn How to Tame Chaos,” New Scientist, 30 May 1992, 16.
11 CJCSI 3810.01, Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations, 10 January 95. This CJCS Instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for conducting meteorological and oceanographic operations. It also defines the terms widespread, long-lasting, and severe, in order to identify those activities that US forces are prohibited from conducting under the terms of the UN Environmental Modification Convention. Widespread is defined as encompassing an area on the scale of several hundred km; long-lasting means lasting for a period of months, or approximately a season; and severe involves serious or significant disruption or harm to human life, natural and economic resources, or other assets.
12 Concern about the unintended consequences of attempting to “control” the weather is well justified. Weather is a classic example of a chaotic system (i.e., a system that never exactly repeats itself). A chaotic system is also extremely sensitive: minuscule differences in conditions greatly affect outcomes…
End Excerpt.
See the article entitled “U.S. Military Wants To Own The Weather” here:
For more information on the part that the United Nations plays in this, as well as international treaties applied to Geo-engineering and statutes from all over the country and world, see my previous research here:
And for other research tips and help in locating weather modification projects and terminology through your own internet searches, please consider my article here:
And let’s not forget the “Space Preservation Act of 2001″, HR 2977, which was introduced by Representative Dennis Kucinich. It stated:
Sec. 7. DEFINITITIONS. In this Act:
(2)(A) “The terms ‘weapon’ and ‘weapons system’ mean a device capable of any of the following: (ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person)–(III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person.”
Section 7, 2 (C) “The term ‘exotic weapons systems’ includes weapons designed to damage space or NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or CLIMATE, WEATHER, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.”
LINK–> (Note: This bill did not pass, nor did its 2002 predecessor.)
The New Zealand Herald reported:
“New Zealand and the United States conducted thousands of secret tests attempting to create a “tsunami bomb” during World War Two, a New Zealand author has claimed.
About 3,700 bombs were exploded off Auckland’s Whangaparaoa Peninsula and New Caledonia in the operation, dubbed “Project Seal”.
The operation found a series of 10 large offshore explosions could generate a 10 metre tsunami, according to research by Kiwi author and film-maker Ray Waru.
“Presumably if the atomic bomb had not worked as well as it did, we might have been tsunami-ing people,” Mr Waru told the Telegraph.
Mr Waru told the Telegraph the project was launched in 1944 after US naval officer E A Gibson noted that blasts used to clear coral reefs around Pacific Islands often created a large wave.
He found the plans in military files in the national archives and has published his discoveries in the book, Secrets and Treasures.
The files reportedly said initial testing was positive, however the project was ditched in early 1945. It was concluded that a single explosion would not be powerful enough to generate a tsunami, but a line of about 2 million kilograms of explosives about 8km from shore could create a giant wave capable of inundating a small city.”
Continuing with the US CODE on Biological Weapons and the psychopaths who love them…
50 USC § 1512 – Transportation, open air testing, and disposal; Presidents determination; report to Congress; notice to Congress and State Governors
None of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act or any other Act may be used for the transportation of any lethal chemical or any biological warfare agent to or from any military installation in the United States, or the open air testing of any such agent within the United States, or the disposal of any such agent within the United States until the following procedures have been implemented… (see US CODE for full details)
This section continues to state how official sounding reports must be made in order for these biological agents to be used on the United States population legally and with informed consent of the people (representatives). It also lets us know that our elected State governors are also well aware of this Biological Weapons Program and that they are indeed well-informed about it. Thus, they are certainly aware of and forced to approve Geo-engineering, as we will see in a moment…
On that note, I think we have now well established the Federal precedent for Geo-engineering and that our government is not in any way concerned with the effects of that practice upon the human or any other population.
So now let’s move on to the local level – the very thing that allows National fly-by’s of weather modification planes over State lands where people reside.
On the State level, we begin with the Utah State Code, Title 17, Chapter 15, Section 3, which will be similar in your own state and not hard to find:
Water and Irrigation.
Chapter 15: Modification of Weather
Section 3: Cloud seeding to increase precipitation — Control of Division of Water Resources — Powers and authority of division — “Cloud seeding” and “cloud-seeding project” defined:
The state of Utah through the Division of Water Resources shall be theonly entity, private or public, that shall have authority to authorize cloud-seeding research, evaluation, or implementation projects to alter precipitation, cloud forms, or meteorological parameters within the state of Utah, except cloud seeding for the suppression of fog; and frost prevention measures for the protection of orchards and crops are excluded from the coverage of this act. The Division of Water Resources shall authorize and may sponsor or develop local or state-wide cloud-seeding projects that conform to over-all state water planning objectives and are determined to be feasible by the Division of Water Resources. The Division of Water Resources may contract with the Utah water research laboratory or any other individual or organization for consultation and/or assistance in developing cloud-seeding projects or in furthering necessary research of cloud seeding or other factors that may be affected by cloud-seeding activities. Cloud seeding as used in this act shall be construed to mean all acts undertaken to artificially distribute or create nuclei in cloud masses for the purposes of altering precipitation, cloud forms,or other meteorological parameters. A cloud-seeding project as used in this act shall be a planned project to evaluate meteorological conditions, perform cloud seeding, and evaluate results.
Research purposes…
From this Utah State Code we now know that the “Utah Division of Water Resources” is the only agency that has authority to authorize cloud seeding (weather modification) in the skies above the State of Utah for experimental purposes other than fog suppression. Thus the Utah Division of Water Resources shall be the focus of our legal demand of non-consent.
Continuing with the “1973 CLOUD SEEDING TO INCREASE PRECIPITATION ACT”, Title 73, Chapter 15 in Utah State Code:
Section 4. Water from cloud seeding part of natural water supply — Notice of intent prior to cloud-seeding project.
All water derived as a result of cloud seeding shall be considered a part of the natural water supply of the basin in the same sense as if no cloud seeding operations had been conducted, and any water so derived shall not be subject to new appropriations but shall be administered and distributed to users on the stream system in accordance with existing water rights. A notice of intent shall be filed with the Division of Water Rights prior to the commencement of a cloud-seeding project.
Ah, so now we have confirmed that by law a “notice of intent” must also be filed for all cloud-seeding projects in order to inform the public and to attain its silent, un-challenging consent through another independent agency – the Division of Water Rights. Bear in mind that both of these government offices are “special districts” which are run by not elected but appointed officials. Please also note that “water rights” in Utah are not for the people, but are actually similar to stock certificates for those who hold the stock in those rights, like farmers and the “City” municipal corporations, which then sells that water back to the people through the water district – another appointed business office of government at the taxpayers expense. Never forget that you are also a customer of government, not just a taxpayer.
Section 5. Transfer of records and data to division — Establishment of reporting and record-keeping procedures.
All records and data collected by the department of meteorology of the state school of mines and mineral industries of the University of Utah since March 14, 1953, shall be transferred to the Division of Water Resources, there to be a permanent record.The Division of Water Resources shall establish forms and/or criteria for reporting data and record keeping and cause that a permanent record is kept of all pertinent data related to cloud-seeding projects, cloud-seeding research projects, or researchrelated to other factors that may be affected by cloud-seeding activities.
And now we know that a permanent record is kept by the Utah Division of Water Resources of all or most weather modification projects sponsored by the State, both past and present, as well as for any “other factors” of which that climate modification might have affected. And we know that all of this data was transferred into to this incorporated district. And none of these projects were ever approved by voters. Instead, they were conducted without comprehension and without asking. Good to know…
Section 6. Cloud-seeding contractors — Registration
Any individual or organization that would like to become a cloud-seeding contractor in the state of Utah shall register with the Division of Water Resources. As a part of the registration the applicant shall meet qualifications established by the Division of Water Resources and submit proof of financial responsibility in order to give reasonable assurance of protection to the publicin the event it should be established that damages were caused to third parties as a result of negligence in carrying out a cloud-seeding project.
And now we know that there is a list within this agency that shows all past and future weather modification projects and the private contracted corporations who carried them out via a registration record. And more importantly, we now know that they have no special protection by government, and these private corporations as contractors can be sued for damages by the people for causing harm.
We also now know that “cloud-seeding” is not necessarily safe, and is certainly harmful in some possible circumstances that are unstated here in Section 6. This likely means that somewhere in these same records, there exists research and a listing of potential damages which can be induced by weather modification.
Section 7. Precipitation caused by authorized project not presumed to constitute trespass or nuisance.
The mere dissemination of materials and substances into the atmosphere or causing precipitation pursuant to an authorized cloud-seeding project shall not give rise to any presumption that such use of the atmosphere or lands constitutes trespass or involves an actionable or enjoinable public or private nuisance.
Here, government has made a public declaration of the fact that just the physical act of spraying heavy metals and toxins into the air is apparently not to be considered a public or private nuisance. This declaratory statement is a ridiculous opinion, of course, and really means that the government or these private corporations are somewhat protected by government CODE just by this stated opinion. This simply means that it must be proven that a nuisance or trespass has occurred, and that the fact that the spraying occurred in the first place is not grounds for legal action alone. Damage or harm must be shown aside from just the spraying itself.
Note that this is why just speaking, holding up a sign, signing a petition, or yelling from the top of your lungs to stop spraying our skies is never and never will be enough to halt the spraying, as we can read here. Government counts on the public’s lack of legal knowledge and power to withdraw consent in order to function against the wishes of the still-consenting-without-realizing-it protesters. This unrealized consent is similar to protesting the Federal Reserve while the activists still are spending Federal Reserve Notes to purchase the materials to make up their protest signs. The use (spending) is the consent to the legitimacy of the Fed and its Federal currency, and the non-legal protest means absolutely nothing to government.
Withdrawal of consent is a legal process requiring notarization through the mail system. It is definitely not the act of placing clever and colored Sharpie and Magic Marker doodles all over a cardboard sign attached to a 10×2 piece of wood and standing in front of some government building begging and pleading for them to stop poisoning the atmosphere.
If you want to protest, do it right – legally claim your non-consent! See the end of this article for this info…
Chapter 8. Cloud seeding in Utah to target area in adjoining state.
Cloud seeding in Utah to target an area in an adjoining state is prohibited exceptupon full compliance of the laws of the target area state the same as if the cloud-seeding operation took place in the target area state, as well as the other provisions of this act.
Ah, so here we have established cross-border jurisdictions set up to ensure proper coverage.
We can then look at a more detailed description of the rules relating to weather modification (cloud-seeding) at the “Utah Division of Administrative Rules”. And this is very important to our goals:
R653-5-7. Procedures for Acquisition of Permit.
(1) Application for Permit: To qualify for a cloud seeding permit a licensee must:
(g) File with the Division, within 15 days from the last date of the publication of notice, proof that the applicant caused the notice of intention to be published at least once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation within each county in which the operation is to be conducted and in which the affected area is located. Publication of notice shall not commence until the applicant has received approval of the form and substance of the notice of intention from the Director.
And so here we have come full circle back to our public notice of intent in the Salt Lake Tribune. We have the informed consent requirement of placing a public legal notice in newspapers within the counties for three consecutive weeks where weather modification shall take place by the private contracting corporations that will be doing the aerial spraying.
And in the Public Notice we first viewed above, we can see that this was for most or all counties in Utah, and so this notice was likely circulated within all local newspaper in each county for three weeks.
And not one person in Utah said no…
We can now see the full process of the manufacturing of informed consent of the people of the State by the government office who controls and regulates Weather Modification. We can see that all of these weather modification projects are absolutely 100% fully known and approved by government on behalf of the people and their unwitting informed consent. And we now have an actual way to truly withdraw our individual consent for this by referring to all of the above CODES and statutes in our legal demand.
The Utah Division of Water Resources website can be found here:
It’s harmless, Right?
Some people may be thinking that this is an alarmist presentation, that making snow for skiers is a time-honored tradition and much more important for the profit and enjoyment of tourism in the ski resorts than any harm to the environment that it may cause. Perhaps that’s because silver and mineral compounds are not even slightly understood by the people who find skiing more important than health.
“Silver Iodide”, as mentioned in the Public Notice of Intent above, is listed as the main compound to be used for most of Utah’s non-experimental (non-research) weather modification. So what is silver iodide and what effects will it have on the environment?
While the precious metal called Silver (Ag) has many wonderful traits and applications in human and corporate life, this does not in any way mean that it is harmless when sprayed over the environment. Silver has long been known to be an antiseptic, and silver coins used to be used as for water purification by simply dropping a 90% silver coin into a barrel of water, creating a non-septic drinkable water and killing parasites and other water-born pathogens. Silver is used today in many modern medical uses from silver lined bandages and ointments that prevent infection and bacterial growth to silver-lined socks to control foot odor (by preventing fungus’s, bacteria, etc.). And of course many people make their own colloidal silver water for personal consumption and health, again as an anti-septic within the body. Silver, gold, and like metals in their true elemental form are even known to help with sleep issues like insomnia.
But while these fungus and bacterial killing effects of silver are wonderful life-saving miracles in the fields of medicine and health, we must consider that these same effects will inevitably be felt in a negative way in nature if unnaturally introduced year after year.
What will silver do for instance, to the needed and necessary trillions of “bugs” and other microorganisms that inhabit the area being targeted with this silver iodide based weather modification? Nature, after all, is naturally septic for a reason. Thus, applying a known anti-septic such as that used in experimental weather modification and Geo-engineering is an irresponsible and potentially life-destroying practice – all in the name of ski resorts ability to sell lift tickets.
Imagine what would eventually happen to all life on this planet, even the microscopic life you can’t see, if the entire planet is being sprayed with antiseptics and other life-destroying metals on a continuing “experimental” campaign of Geo-engineering. Unfortunately, we are entering the age that we are able to see the destruction all around us.
In fact, we can read that the spread of bio-available forms of aluminum which do not appear in nature is so bad that Monsanto and other companies (along with government cooperation and ownership of some patents by government) has created aluminum stress-resistant seeds! While nature is shutting itself off from nature, these monster corporations are profiting from a monopoly on the only Genetically modified lifeforms that can live in such a modified environment.
What is a GMO?
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are made by forcing genes from one species, such as bacteria, viruses, animals, or humans, into the DNA of a food crop or animal to introduce a new trait.
Why Should I Avoid GMOs?
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine reported that “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system.
Buy Non-GMO Brands
Create a Tipping Point.
Use your consumer power and invest your food dollars in non-GMO products. A consumer driven tipping point a decade ago has kept GMOs out of the European Union food supply in spite of government approvals. If sufficient numbers of U.S. shoppers
avoid GM ingredients, then food companies here won’t use them. The critical number for a U.S. tipping point could be as few as 5%—15 million health conscious shoppers choosing non-GMO brands.
Processed foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or declared non-GMO).
Visit to:
• Learn about GMO health risks and safe eating alternatives
• Sign up with the Tipping Point Network to join forces with other non-GMO activists
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near you.
5 Myths That GMO Companies Want You To Believe.
A few years ago GMOs were not even on the radar, today, GMOs and the pesticides that accompany them have been completely banned in numerous countries all over the world. I’ve mentioned this in my other GMO articles before, but I will mention it again, when it comes to GMOs, we really have no idea what the long term effects will be on the public.
The very first commercial sale of GMOs was only twenty years ago in the year 1994. There is no possible way that our health authorities can test all possible combinations on a large enough population, over a long enough period of time to be able to say with certainty that they are completely harmless.
I also think it’s important to note that biotech corporations have been caught lying before. They have recently been caught using deceptive semantics of pesticide formulations and their regulations. A new study recently published in the journal Biomedical Research International shows how roundup herbicide is 125 more toxic than regulators claimed.
Myth #1: No One Has Ever Proven That GMOs Are
Harmful To People
This is probably the most common argument I see against GMOs. If GMOs were completely safe, they wouldn’t be banned from multiple countries around the globe. Russia was the latest country to do so after government scientists told the parliament that they’re not safe to consume. You can read more about that here.
Monsanto has stated time and time and time again that GMOs have never been proven to harm people. The reality is, there is a plethora of research (independent, peer-reviewed studies and more) that clearly indicate that GMOs should not be approved safe to consume. Further testing is required, and we just don’t know enough about them yet.
GMOs have been linked to tumors, premature death, organ failure, gastric lesions, liver damage, kidney damage, sever allergic reactions, and more. We recently published a study titled 10 Scientific Studies Proving GMOs Can Be Harmful To Human Health, you can access those studies and read about them HERE. You can also find links to more studies here.
Myth #2: GMO Crops Are The Only Way To Solve World
This is also a very common argument amongst GMO proponents. These activists claim that without GMOs, world hunger will continue claiming the lives of millions of people over the next ten years.
The amount of money we spend in one day alone on war and defence could feed the entire planet for an entire year, to say we don’t have the resources and money to feed the world is ridiculous. That being said, money should never come in the way of necessity, it just doesn’t have to be this way.
The patent for aluminum resistance mentioned in What in the World are They Spraying? turns out to be owned by the USDA and Brazil’s agricultural department, not Monsanto directly… and evidently, made for acidic soil and will not be effective in an alkaline soil caused by chemtrailing. Therefore, it appears that this particular patent most likely is targeted for Africa, which seems to be a major biotech interest…
Monsanto DOES own patents that appear to mitigate the effects of Geo-engineering, that can be applied to a whole host of fruits, trees, grains and veggies. A quick patent search brings up 3,981 hits for Monsanto and Stress Tolerance. Mendel Biotechnology is partners with Monsanto in several of these patents. This is taken from one of the joint patents:

“The claimed invention, in the field of functional genomics and the characterization of plant genes for the improvement of plants, was made by or on behalf of Mendel Biotechnology, Inc. and Monsanto Corporation as a result of activities undertaken within the scope of a joint research agreement in effect on or before the date the claimed invention was made.”
Here is a patent titled “Stress tolerant plants and methods thereof,” that is owned by Monsanto, and seems to address all forms of abiotic stress that weather manipulation and chemtrails can cause.
Described herein are inventions in the field of plant molecular biology and plant genetic engineering. In particular, DNA constructs encoding a polypeptide and transgenic plants containing the DNA constructs are provided. The transgenic plants are characterized by improved stress tolerance.
One of the goals of plant genetic engineering is to produce plants with agronomically, horticulturally or economically important characteristics or traits. Traits of particular interest include high yield, improved quality and yield stability. The yield from a plant is greatly influenced by external environmental factors including water availability and heat, of which tolerance of extremes is in turn influenced by internal developmental factors. Enhancement of plant yield may be achieved by genetically modifying the plant to be tolerant to yield losses due to stressful environmental conditions, such as heat and drought stress.
Seed and fruit production are both limited inherently due to abiotic stress. Soybean ( Glycine max ), for instance, is a crop species that suffers from loss of seed germination during storage and fails to germinate when soil temperatures are cool
(Zhang et al., Plant Soil 188: (1997)).
This is also true in corn and other plants of agronomic importance. Improvement of abiotic stress tolerance in plants would be an agronomic advantage to growers allowing enhanced growth and/or germination in cold, drought, flood, heat, UV stress, ozone increases, acid rain, pollution, salt stress, heavy metals, mineralized soils, and other abiotic stresses.”
Here are the plants that this “invention” intends to cover:
The method of claim 7, wherein said crop plant is selected from the group consisting of corn, soybean, wheat, cotton, rice and rapeseed/canola.
Further on down, we find that a whole host of other plants are under the microscope and used for the process as well:
The transgenic plant is selected from the group consisting of: Acacia , alfalfa, aneth, apple, apricot, artichoke, arugula, asparagus, avocado, banana, barley, beans, beet, blackberry, blueberry, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, canola, cantaloupe, carrot, cassaya, cauliflower, celery, cherry, cilantro, citrus, clementines, coffee, corn, cotton, cucumber, Douglas fir, eggplant, endive, escarole, eucalyptus, fennel, figs, forest tree, gourd, grape, grapefruit, honey dew, jicama, kiwifruit, lettuce, leeks, lemon, lime, loblolly pine, mango, melon, millet, mushroom, nut, oat, okra, onion, orange, papaya, parsley, pea, peach, peanut, pear, pepper, persimmon, pine, pineapple, plantain, plum, pomegranate, poplar, potato, pumpkin, quince, radiata pine, radicchio, radish, raspberry, rice, rye, sorghum, southern pine, soybean, spinach, squash, strawberry, sugarbeet, sugarcane, sunflower, sweet potato, sweetgum, tangerine, tea, tobacco, tomato, turf, a vine, watermelon, wheat, yams, and zucchini.”
You see, if you poison nature so that food will not grow naturally, you can then have total control over the only unnatural food that will grow in what nature is becoming.
But again, what is the most important aspect of this entire issue?
Government issues the patents!!! Government is offering protection to these corporations, and is a heavy controlling investor into these mega-corporations that receives dividends and patent rights itself for these inventions. And so we the people must not simply trust that government will have a change of heart and suddenly protect the people from its investment held corporations. The conflict of interest here is so great as to be off the scale of corruption.
And so the people must once again stop playing the fools they have been trained to be, and we must each individually take legal action against government. And without even realizing it, the people have the highest power of the land and the only tool aside from all out violent revolt to stop this organized crime and killing of the natural planet – the withdrawal of their legal consent. For a truly informed public would never allow this to happen. It is time to stop talking and to start taking action in the only way that matters.
Please, keep reading…
Perhaps you are not familiar with the difference between organic minerals and inorganic mineral compounds?
It is important to note that the natural weather cycles of rainfall occur precisely due to the distillation (evaporation) process. Very much like the artificial bottled water distillation process for drinking, in nature the water is sucked into the atmosphere clean in its pure form of H2O – leaving the trace minerals behind – then falling back to the Earth again while collecting and delivering trace minerals as the naturally pure water goes back into the ground to nurture life. This is natures supplement delivery system that plants rely upon for their very life.
But when this natural distillation process is altered by adding mineral compounds to the process such as silver iodide, that water is no longer pure. Instead, it is falling to Earth in an altered (inorganic) form. And since minerals are magnetically attracted to each other (becoming compounds of two or more minerals together – like the calcium and carbon that bind to create inorganic calcium carbonate that does not dissolve in water, otherwise known as chalk that is found in most misleading “supplements”) many of these trace minerals are also altered as they bind together.
The root system of a plant or tree can only absorb the smallest of pure trace minerals into their root systems, in particles so small as to be angstrom-sized (1 million times smaller than in a typical supplement pill). The human body works in quite the same way, where small organic minerals (not compounds) can enter and pass through the blood-brain barrier (compounds like calcium carbonate cannot do this).
Since silver iodide is not a natural mineral substance generally found in the soil, not to mention the mass amounts of bio-available aluminum, boron, and other compounds used in experimental Geo-engineering, the root system of these living systems of plants and trees defend themselves by closing off their own absorption capability to any naturally occurring organic and inorganic nutrient minerals in the soil. In short, the trees and plant-life are literally killing themselves to protect themselves from these toxic metals being sprayed in our skies by going on a hunger strike.
We must understand that plants absorb minerals broken down by the humic and fulvic acids in the soils, dissolving the dualistic nature of compounds into these organic minerals at a size small enough to break the absorption barrier of those root systems. A compound is two or more bound minerals, and is generally in an inorganic form. Silver iodide is an inorganic compound not usable by living organisms, and is not able to be broken down naturally.
So let’s uncover what “silver iodide” as used to create nucleation actually is:
Silver iodide is prepared by reaction of an iodide solution (e.g. potassium iodide) with a solution of silver ions (e.g. silver nitrate). A yellowish solid quickly precipitates. The solid is a mixture of the two principal phases.
Dissolution of the Ag I in hydrodynamic acid, followed by dilution with water precipitates β-Ag I. Alternatively, dissolution of AgI in a solution of concentrated silver nitrate followed by dilution affords α-AgI. If the preparation is not conducted in the absence of sunlight, the solid darkens rapidly, the light causing the reduction of ionic silver to metallic. The photo-sensitivity varies with sample purity.
Cloud seeding
The crystalline structure of β-AgI is similar to that of ice, allowing it to induce freezing by the process known as heterogeneous nucleation. Approximately 50,000 kg/year are used for cloud seeding annually, each seeding experiment consuming 10-50 grams.
An azeotrope is a mixture of two or more liquids in such a way that its components cannot be altered by simple distillation. This happens because, when an azeotrope is boiled, the vapor it produces has proportionate constituents as the original mixture.
Because their composition is unchanged by distillation, azeotropes are also called constant boiling mixtures.
The word azeotrope is derived from the Greek words ζέειν (boil) and τρόπος (state) combined with the prefix α- (no) to give the overall meaning, “no change on boiling”.
Once this silver iodide falls to the Earth it does not dissipate, for chemical compounds are not dissoluble in water.
This is why most mineral supplements taken by humans do absolutely no good within the body.
To see how calcium carbonate reacts within your own body (of 70% water), you can do your own simple experiment.
Just stick a piece of chalk (the inorganic compound calcium carbonate) in a glass of water and come back in one week.
It will not dissolve in water.
In fact, these calcium deposits eventually build up in the body and begin to harm it.
Even with an over-abundance of the inorganic compound calcium carbonate taken through typical supplements (99% of the market), a woman’s body will first derive its calcium requirements from the existing organic bones of that woman before it will ever be able to utilize the inorganic compound that is stored within the body.
Thus, a lack of the actual organic mineral calcium creates a reaction called “osteoporosis”.
Please listen to this important and dyer interview with Dane Wigington ( here for more on the consequences in saturating the biosphere with these types of man-made compounds, and how nucleation by cloud seeding has created total disaster in our natural climate systems (28 minutes: highly recommended)
GeoEngineeringWatch website:
Here is the “What You Can Do” list that
the Geo-engineering Watch website gives but – without a legal remedy mentioned.
These folks have done as much or more than anyone to inform the public of this problem and its intricate web of implementation.
This is only to point out the purposeful obfuscation by media, education, and government as to the true power of the people and the necessity of their consent.
And now, after many decades of spraying the skies, whole forest systems that once cleaned the air of carbons are instead dying and releasing carbons into the air.
They are starving themselves to protect themselves.
Now, is it really your attitude that the sport of skiing is really so important that we should even consider making artificial snow for that purpose using
silver iodide?
And is the control of the weather by our military psychopaths really so important that extinction level events in all species and plant-life are worth the price of that control?
I don’t think so.
If you feel the same, let’s you and I do something about it…
Government Defines Public Body, Notice, Hearing
Here is what Utah State government defines within its CODES for the people to understand what the word “public” means:
A Public Body is any administrative, advisory, executive, or legislative body of the state or its political subdivisions that: is created by the Utah Constitution, statute, rule, ordinance, or resolution; consists of two or more persons; expends, disburses, or is supported in whole or in part by tax revenue; and is vested with the authority to make decisions regarding the public’s business.
A Public Notice is a way of informing the general public of government or government-related activities which may concern their local area, municipality, county, or state.
A Public Meeting is a forum that is reasonably structured and formal in nature, and open to the general public.
A Public Hearing is a portion of a meeting intended to receive input from the general public. A public hearing may be required by ordinance or statute. The time, place and subject of the hearing must be posted as required by an ordinance or statute.
A Legal Notice is a communication required to be made public by a state statute or state agency rule; or a notice required for judicial proceedings or by judicial decision. Legal notice does not include a public notice published by a public body in accordance with the provisions of Sections 52-4-202 and 63F-1-701.
“Utah’s public bodies are required to post notices of open meetings and other public notices on the Public Notice Website. The statutes establishing this website are in Utah Code 63F-1-701, but there are many mandates dictating the information and timing of public notices.”
Here we have more evidence that nothing in government can be accomplished without first notifying the public through a legal notice and in some cases a public hearing, thus securing the illusion of informed consent of the people. And Utah created a website to allow the people to search and view all public legal notices, and chances are a similar site was created in your State.
So what do we need to do?
The first step of this plan is of course to monitor your local government websites and newspapers to ensure that these types of notices do not go unchallenged. For this I would suggest setting up a watchdog group in each County or States that continuously searches for and shares with others these notices of intent.
They can be for anything from weather modification
to municipal bonds.
In this way the people can have the opportunity to express and demand notice of their non-consent to the decisions made by appointed and elected officials.
They can be for anything from weather modification
to municipal bonds.
In this way the people can have the opportunity to express and demand notice of their non-consent to the decisions made by appointed and elected officials.
They are not above the law, and the law requires informed consent!!!
So this is the first step: finding the legal notices that fulfill the requirement of informed consent and challenging them individually through a written legal notice of non-consent.
A Short Lesson In Court Procedures
I cannot stress enough here that this is a project and effort that should not involve attorneys or any form of representation whatsoever. If you’d like an attorney to help draft your individual legal notice and demand, so be it. But under no circumstances should you assign your rights over to another artificial person (a representative).
You already have done this with government (which is mostly attorneys) and look where it has got us! The services of an attorney should be nipped in the butt the second your official letter is drafted and no later. You are your own advocate. Period!
You already have done this with government (which is mostly attorneys) and look where it has got us! The services of an attorney should be nipped in the butt the second your official letter is drafted and no later. You are your own advocate. Period!
And so this chore will require time and effort for each individual person who wishes to participate. In other words, it will require you to actually get up off of your ass and do something about what’s so wrong with the world, instead of just talking about it or watching another video about it. And perhaps this fact is what is so unheard of and revolutionary about this process – self-empowerment like you have never known it before. Waking up the sleeping giant within each of us.
Unfortunately this is the point were everything becomes blurry for most of us, because in the past we always allow attorneys to go to court on our behalf. So we have never learned the legal system or the laws that bind it. We can use it as a tool for our own advantage, if we just know how to find the right avenue.
The best part about this all is that you will likely never have to step in front of a judge or in a courtroom at all – ever.
This should very much put your mind at ease…
You see, all of what this plan involves can be done either through the U.S. Mail system or by speaking with the Court Clerk outside of the courtroom and without addressing a judge. In fact, let me say right now that you should never enter into a courtroom for any part of this effort unless I say so in the future, and this will likely never happen.
But in order for our collective but individual efforts to have merit and legal credibility, we must understand the full process of how to deliver these letters, and which specific government officials (employees) to talk to and force them to accept our letters of non-consent.
The difference between a demand and a plea is very important. Simply stated, while a plea is asking permission from government, a demand is not a choice. It’s a DEMAND! We are not asking permission from government, we are legally demanding an action.
With that said, we must not fall into the trap of entering into any form of administrative court, which is what we are used to doing through no fault of our own but the ignorance of the law. The administrative court of equity is where attorneys feed on unwary innocents. And we must understand that judges are nothing more than attorneys in black robes – administrative officers. So we want to avoid the de facto administrative courts all together.
Instead, we must always utilize what is called the “Court of Record”, which is the highest court in the land. It is called the Court of RECORD because this court is what creates a public record.
The court itself does not have a choice in the matter, and your submission of demand of non-consent must be accepted and placed into
the public record.
This is oh- so important to our cause, for without an official public record of your individual non-consent to having biological agents sprayed upon you, there is nothing that can later be used to prove that the people voiced their non-consent in the public record.
You see, this step must be done properly in the proper court, or this effort will ultimately be left up to governments administration to decide for you.
The Court of Record is so important and so high, that it even overshadows the Supreme Court itself.
For the Supreme Court can only issue what is called “opinions’ on legal matters.
So we would wish to avoid this issue for our own purposes from entering into this administrative Supreme Court and instead want it to be left up to a jury of our peers in a court of law of the people – a grand jury.
Of these two courts, there is a huge and unavoidable difference. Thus, we must enter our legal demand of non-consent within and only within the Court of Record.
But how do we do this so as to guarantee our letter will be entered into the proper court for public record?
Ah, this brings us to your simple act of your participation – the only real effort you must make on behalf of yourself and your family to stop Geo-engineering for good.
I would recommend that you personally hand-deliver your letter of non-consent to what is called the “COURT CLERK“.
I cannot stress the importance of verifying this title with the officer of the court that you speak to at the court house.
What is the Court Clerk?
Only the most important officer of the judicial system!
With the highest rate of required bonded insurance, the Court Clerk has the power to not only enter your demand as public record, but may also issue a “default judgement” on your behalf for non-response by the other party.
The other party, in this case, is the government.
The court will have many lower “Clerks of the Court” running around, but these amount to nothing more than secretaries for the judges themselves.
These are administrative clerks in the administrative court –
where attorneys rule.
We only want the “Court Clerk”, and there will likely be only one in the entire courthouse.
This is the person we must demand to speak to and verify their title. And then we must receive a time-stamp and official “seal” of the court proving it was entered into the proper Court of Record.
Nothing else will do, and no other clerk of that court can help you. Again, you are not asking permission, you are demanding justice.
Once this letter of non-consent is filed and stamped as public record, it can now be sent out to the proper government and corporation offices that are responsible for Geo-engineering.
Within the letter itself, we would place a certain amount of business days that the defendant would be allowed to utilize before a response is required by law.
If that office does not respond by that specified time, then you will go back into the courthouse and demand (not ask) that a default judgement be assigned to your case.
And once this is again placed into the public record of the court, that a default judgement was indeed assigned, we now have the tool to take the government to court for acting against the will of the “people”.
Remember… silence is consent to contract.
If government does not respond, it now has an obligation to fulfill the contract, which means it must cease and desist weather modification until the subject is addressed publicly.
Now imagine if 10′s of thousands of individual “people” did the same thing, creating public records of government’s blatant and illegal disregard of the people’s non-consent, acting on the record without the consent of all people they represent.
Now imagine millions from all over the country. Without informed consent the only alternative is to operate without informed consent – which as we have read is absolutely unlawful.
If government does respond, while it may beat around the bush for a while, we must remain persistent and respond to each and every response that comes back to us individually, until the record is set. But in both of these scenarios, the legal notice that you and many others do not consent can not be summarily dismissed because it is officially part of the public record.
The most important aspect here is the creation of the public record in the proper court forum that gives government notice of your non-consent. Without this, it will continue to operate as is while assuming your voluntary informed consent.
With the record in place, the government can only continue to operate under fraud and contempt of the people, showing its true colors and leaving it open to legal remedy by the people so condemned.
But again, in the end, we must additionally step out of our comfort zone of social media and hearsay only to actually take the action needed.
What To Do Now
Aldous Huxley describes the reality of our collective disposition best when he stated that we will grow to love our servitude to this system of government, with the help of antidepressants and other mind altering pharmaceuticals for which he simply referred to as Soma.
Inaction seems to be the new action!
Inaction seems to be the new action!
A Few dare to hope during times when truth telling is an enemy of the state with hope the people finally stand up for themselves be not afraid and revoke their consent to Human Suffering, Geo-engineering and government tyranny.
For this can be done, imagine what else the government does with our implied consent that can be stopped cold.
War, murder, torture, the patenting and cloning of life, rendition and incarceration of innocent men and women for profit… the list goes on and on.
Do not just brush this idea aside, instead share it locally and make it happen.
Take Responsibility Especially in Your Own Local Area.
The CODES and statutes for all levels of governance provided for this destructive practice, and the above removal of consent is the only real solution that is actually available to such a people in such utter servitude to a government gone wild.
Think about that for a minute…
This is literally and legally the only solution available to us.
That’s really heavy, and the moral and ethical responsibility of this is now on your soul, heavy as can be.
That is, since you've actually read this far and
now know what you must do.
And so for the immediate future, by passing this information on to the proper organizations and people who might wish to join in some form of tribunal that can organize the legal writing of these notices of non-consent for all people to uniformly utilize so that we can sooner than later end this chemical destruction of our home.
I fully accept and affirm that the above information may have errors or misconceptions on my own behalf, and would be very open to debate on this possibility.
Please leave a comment below if you find fallacy or flaw with any of this. This is how it will be eventually perfected and I thank you.
Trolls may go back to the hole they crawled from, and points or attacks without fact will be treated as troll-like behavior.
Take the responsibility of fulfilling the burden of proof of your argument,
as done here.
This needs to be promoted by “chemtrail” websites especially, so that those who subscribe to such sites may further the plan.
You have what it takes to organize such an undertaking without profit or ulterior motives, and without creating a need to join an organization or take representation. And perhaps this may be the most difficult part of
the whole plan.
The rest is easy, when people choose to participate.
Until then, I thank you for taking the time to read to this point, and will continue to hope for brighter days (pun intended).
How to Alter a Region of Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere or Magnetosphere
Chemtrail Patents: United States Patent 4,686,605 Source
Atmospheric Geoengineering is occuring in our skies daily, and on a worldwide basis. For those who doubt the feasibility of these special operations, just take a look at the following Patents.
Chemtrail Patents:
Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere.
United States Patent 4,686,605 / Eastlund / August 11, 1987
United States Patent 4,686,605 / Eastlund / August 11, 1987
A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth’s surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. In one embodiment, circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the charged particles. This increase in energy can cause ionization of neutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the region thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region. ***continue
Method of modifying weather
United States Patent 6,315,213 / Cordani / November 13, 2001.
United States Patent 6,315,213 / Cordani / November 13, 2001.
A method for artificially modifying the weather by seeding rain clouds of a storm with suitable cross-linked aqueous polymer. The polymer is dispersed into the cloud and the wind of the storm agitates the mixture causing the polymer to absorb the rain. This reaction forms a gelatinous substance which precipitates to the surface below. Thus, diminishing the clouds ability to rain. ***continue
Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin
United States Patent / 5,286,979 / Berliner / February 15, 1994
This invention is a process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation in the atmosphere by dispersing melanin, its analogs, or derivatives into the atmosphere. By appropriate choice of melanin composition, size of melanin dispersoids, and their concentration, the melanin will absorb some quantity of ultraviolet radiation and thereby lessen its overall effect on the critters who would normally absorb such radiation. ***continue
Liquid atomizing apparatus for aerial spraying
United States Patent / 4,948,050 / Picot / August 14, 1990
United States Patent / 4,948,050 / Picot / August 14, 1990
A rotary liquid spray atomizer for aerial spraying is driven by a variable speed motor, driven in turn by power from a variable speed AC generator. The generator is driven from a power take-off from the engine of the spraying aircraft, a drive assembly includes a device for controlling the speed of the generator relative to the speed of the engine. The particularly convenient drive assembly between the generator and the power take-off is a hydraulic motor, which drives the generator, driven by a hydraulic pump driven from the power take-off. The speed of the hydraulic motor can be controllably varied. Conveniently the AC motor is a synchronous motor. ***continue
Laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids
United States Patent / 4,412,654 Yates / November 1, 1983
United States Patent / 4,412,654 Yates / November 1, 1983
A laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying involve the use of a streamlined body having a slot in the trailing edge thereof to afford a quiescent zone within the wing and into which liquid for spraying is introduced. The liquid flows from a source through a small diameter orifice having a discharge end disposed in the quiet zone well upstream of the trailing edge. The liquid released into the quiet zone in the slot forms drops characteristic of laminar flow. Those drops then flow from the slot at the trailing edge of the streamlined body and discharge into the slipstream for free distribution. ***continue
Rocket having barium release system to create Ion clouds in the upper atmosphere.
United States Patent: – US3813875 / Issued/Filed Dates: June 4, 1974 / April 28, 1972
United States Patent: – US3813875 / Issued/Filed Dates: June 4, 1974 / April 28, 1972
A chemical system for releasing a good yield of free barium (Ba°) atoms and barium ions (BA+) to create ion clouds in the upper atmosphere and interplanetary space for the study of the geophysical properties of the medium. Inventor(s): Paine; Thomas O. Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration with respect to an invention of , Hampton, VA 23364 ***continue
NASA: BARIUM – Chemical Formulas/Suppliers – source: gisgaia
This is the “Description of Preferred Embodiments” link in the NASA Barium Patent listed above. Astounding that this information was generated in l969 and now, 30 years later, there is evidence of Barium saturation in our atmosphere.
This is the “Description of Preferred Embodiments” link in the NASA Barium Patent listed above. Astounding that this information was generated in l969 and now, 30 years later, there is evidence of Barium saturation in our atmosphere.
The Barium/Fuel mixtures are listed below along with the suppliers.
Description of Preferred Embodiments:
Referring now to the drawings and more particularly to FIG. 1, there is shown a segment of a suitable carrier vehicle 10, such for example a rocket motor. Vehicle 10 is employed to carry fuel tank 11, insulated oxidizer tank 13 and combustion chamber 15, along with the necessary instrumentation, from earth into the upper atmosphere or into interplanetary space. Fuel tank 11 is in fluid connection with combustion chamber 15 and oxidizer tank 13 is in fluid connection with combustion chamber 15 by way of respective conduits 17 and 19. A pair of valves 21 and 23 are disposed within the respective conduits 17 and 19. Valves 21 and 23 are adapted to be selectively and simultaneously opened by a suitable battery-powered timing mechanism, radio signal, or the like, to release the pressurized fuel and oxidizer from tanks 11 and 13. The fuel and oxidizer then flow through conduits 17 and 19 and impinge upon each other through a centrally positioned manifold and suitable jets (not shown) in combustion chamber 15 where spontaneous ignition occurs. The reaction products are then expelled through the open ends of combustion chamber 15 as plasma which includes the desired barium neutral atoms and barium ions as individual species.
Referring now to the drawings and more particularly to FIG. 1, there is shown a segment of a suitable carrier vehicle 10, such for example a rocket motor. Vehicle 10 is employed to carry fuel tank 11, insulated oxidizer tank 13 and combustion chamber 15, along with the necessary instrumentation, from earth into the upper atmosphere or into interplanetary space. Fuel tank 11 is in fluid connection with combustion chamber 15 and oxidizer tank 13 is in fluid connection with combustion chamber 15 by way of respective conduits 17 and 19. A pair of valves 21 and 23 are disposed within the respective conduits 17 and 19. Valves 21 and 23 are adapted to be selectively and simultaneously opened by a suitable battery-powered timing mechanism, radio signal, or the like, to release the pressurized fuel and oxidizer from tanks 11 and 13. The fuel and oxidizer then flow through conduits 17 and 19 and impinge upon each other through a centrally positioned manifold and suitable jets (not shown) in combustion chamber 15 where spontaneous ignition occurs. The reaction products are then expelled through the open ends of combustion chamber 15 as plasma which includes the desired barium neutral atoms and barium ions as individual species.
The fuel utilized in fuel tank 11 is either hydrazine (N2 H4) or liquid ammonia (NH3) while the oxidizer employed is selected from the group consisting of liquid fluorine (F2), chlorine trifluoride (ClF3) and oxygen difluoride (OF2). When using hydrazine as the fuel, barium may be dissolved therein as barium chloride, BaCl2, or barium nitrate, Ba(NO3)2, or a combination of the two. When using liquid ammonia as the fuel, barium metal may be dissolved therein. The combination found to produce the highest intensity of Ba° and Ba+ resonance radiation in ground based tests involved a fuel of 16 percent Ba(NO3)2, 17 percent BaCl2 and 67 percent N2 H4 ; and as the oxidizer, the cryogenic liquid fluorine F2 and in which an oxidizer to fuel weight ratio was 1.32.
Other combinations of ingredients tested are set forth in Table I below:
System Optimum O/F Percent
16.7% BaCl2 -
83.3% N2 H4 /ClF3
2.36 68.0
26% BaCl2 -
74% N2 H4 /ClF3
2.08 70.0
50% Ba(NO3)2 -
50% NH3 /ClF3
1.52 -
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -
57.1% N2 H4 /ClF3
1.19 50.0
16.7% BaCl2 -
83.3% N2 H4 /F2
1.95 68.8
26% BaCl2 -
74% N2 H4 /F2
1.71 70.6
21% BaCl2 -
9% Ba(NO3)2 -
70% N2 H4 /F2
1.57 68.5
17% BaCl2 -
16% Ba(NO3)2 -
67% N2 H4 /F2
1.31 68.1
13% BaCl2 -
21.5% Ba(NO3)2 -
65.5% N2 H4 /F2
1.34 63.7
9% BaCl2 -
30% Ba(NO3)2 -
61% N2 H4 /F2
1.04 63.7
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -
57.1% N2 H4 /F2
0.976 43.0
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -
57.1% N2 H4 /OF2
0.694 46.9
26% BaCL2 -
74% N2 H4 /OF2
1.22 52.8
The conditions under which each of the combinations listed in Table I were tested were ambient and the percentage ionization was calculated by equations set forth in NASA Contract Report CR-1415 published in August 1969.
System Optimum O/F Percent
16.7% BaCl2 -
83.3% N2 H4 /ClF3
2.36 68.0
26% BaCl2 -
74% N2 H4 /ClF3
2.08 70.0
50% Ba(NO3)2 -
50% NH3 /ClF3
1.52 -
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -
57.1% N2 H4 /ClF3
1.19 50.0
16.7% BaCl2 -
83.3% N2 H4 /F2
1.95 68.8
26% BaCl2 -
74% N2 H4 /F2
1.71 70.6
21% BaCl2 -
9% Ba(NO3)2 -
70% N2 H4 /F2
1.57 68.5
17% BaCl2 -
16% Ba(NO3)2 -
67% N2 H4 /F2
1.31 68.1
13% BaCl2 -
21.5% Ba(NO3)2 -
65.5% N2 H4 /F2
1.34 63.7
9% BaCl2 -
30% Ba(NO3)2 -
61% N2 H4 /F2
1.04 63.7
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -
57.1% N2 H4 /F2
0.976 43.0
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -
57.1% N2 H4 /OF2
0.694 46.9
26% BaCL2 -
74% N2 H4 /OF2
1.22 52.8
The conditions under which each of the combinations listed in Table I were tested were ambient and the percentage ionization was calculated by equations set forth in NASA Contract Report CR-1415 published in August 1969.
The chemical supplier and manufacturers stated purity for the various chemicals employed are set forth in Table II below:
Supplier Purity
N2 H4
Olin Mathieson Chemical
Technical Grade
Company, Lake Charles,
97-98% N2 H4
Louisiana (2-3% H2 O)
The chemical supplier and manufacturers stated purity for the various chemicals employed are set forth in Table II below:
Supplier Purity
N2 H4
Olin Mathieson Chemical
Technical Grade
Company, Lake Charles,
97-98% N2 H4
Louisiana (2-3% H2 O)
Air Products and Chemicals
Technical Grade
Allentown, Pa.
Air Products and Chemicals
Technical Grade
Allentown, Pa.
J. T. Baker & Co. Reagent Grade
Phillipsburg, N.J.
J. T. Baker & Co. Reagent Grade
Phillipsburg, N.J.
J. T. Baker & Co. Reagent Grade
Phillipsburg, N.J.
J. T. Baker & Co. Reagent Grade
Phillipsburg, N.J.
F2 Air Products & Chemicals
Allentown, Pa.
Allied Chemical Co.
Baton Rouge, La.
Allied Chemical Co.
Baton Rouge, La.
Allentown, Pa.
Allied Chemical Co.
Baton Rouge, La.
Allied Chemical Co.
Baton Rouge, La.
A solubility study of various mixtures containing Ba(NO3)2, BaCl2 and N2 H4 was made at room temperature and is shown in the triangular plot of FIG. 2. Seven solutions that were used in the tests enumerated in Table I are indicated by reference letters in FIG. 2 as follows:
a. 16.7% BaCl2 – 83.3% N2 H4
b. 26% BaCl2 – 74% N2 H4
c. 21% BaCl2 – 9% Ba(NO3)2 – 70% N2 H4
d. 17% BaCl2 – 16% Ba(NO3)2 – 67% N2 H4
e. 13% BaCl2 -21.5% Ba(NO3)2 -65.5% N2 H4
f. 9% BaCl2 – 30% Ba(NO3)2 – 61% N2 H4
g. 42.9% Ba(NO3)2 – 57.1% N2 H4
a. 16.7% BaCl2 – 83.3% N2 H4
b. 26% BaCl2 – 74% N2 H4
c. 21% BaCl2 – 9% Ba(NO3)2 – 70% N2 H4
d. 17% BaCl2 – 16% Ba(NO3)2 – 67% N2 H4
e. 13% BaCl2 -21.5% Ba(NO3)2 -65.5% N2 H4
f. 9% BaCl2 – 30% Ba(NO3)2 – 61% N2 H4
g. 42.9% Ba(NO3)2 – 57.1% N2 H4
A mixture below the Saturation Line, that is toward the Ba(NO3)2 or BaCl2 corners contained a solid and a solution phase whereas the salts were in complete solution above the saturation line.
All fuel mixtures or systems described were easily handled except the 50 percent Ba(NO3)2 -50 percent NH3 system. This system caused clogging of the feed valves due to precipitation of the Ba(NO3)2. In addition the light values obtained using this system was relatively low.
All fuel mixtures or systems described were easily handled except the 50 percent Ba(NO3)2 -50 percent NH3 system. This system caused clogging of the feed valves due to precipitation of the Ba(NO3)2. In addition the light values obtained using this system was relatively low.
In testing of each of the fuel mixtures set forth in Table I the Ba° light was greater than the Ba+ light for a given oxidizer/fuel ratio in each of the mixtures. The maximum light occurred in all systems at a point located between the stoichiometric O/F and 3 percent less than the stoichiometric O/F. The stoichiometric O/F is defined as being equivalent to the oxidizer to fuel weight ratio in a balanced equation assuming the salt is converted to free Ba, F to HF, Cl to HCl and O to H2 O. For example, one system tested had an O/F ratio of 142 grams oxidizer per 100 grams fuel or 1.42/1.00. If the barium is assumed to be converted to BaF2 then the stoichiometric O/F is 1.47. Since the greatest light output in all cases occurred with O/F less than stoichiometric it is apparent that little of the Ba was combined as BaF2 or BaCl2. This was confirmed by spectrographic analysis.
In testing of each of the fuel mixtures set forth in Table I the Ba° light was greater than the Ba+ light for a given oxidizer/fuel ratio in each of the mixtures. The maximum light occurred in all systems at a point located between the stoichiometric O/F and 3 percent less than the stoichiometric O/F. The stoichiometric O/F is defined as being equivalent to the oxidizer to fuel weight ratio in a balanced equation assuming the salt is converted to free Ba, F to HF, Cl to HCl and O to H2 O. For example, one system tested had an O/F ratio of 142 grams oxidizer per 100 grams fuel or 1.42/1.00. If the barium is assumed to be converted to BaF2 then the stoichiometric O/F is 1.47. Since the greatest light output in all cases occurred with O/F less than stoichiometric it is apparent that little of the Ba was combined as BaF2 or BaCl2. This was confirmed by spectrographic analysis.
In Table II the various systems are listed in decreasing light output or relative light intensity as measured by phototubes in millivolts, thereby indicating the relative barium yield.
(percent weight for fuel)
INTENSITY, millivolts
Ba° 5535 A
Ba+ 4554 A
17% BaCl2 -16% Ba(NO3)2 -67% N2 H4 /F2
13% BaCl2 -21.5% Ba(NO3)2 -65.5% N2 H4 /F2
21% BaCl2 -9% Ba(NO3)2 -70% N2 H4 /F2
9% BaCl2 -30% Ba(NO3)2 -61% N2 H4 /F2
26% BaCl2 -74% N2 H4 /F2
26% BaCl2 -74% N2 H4 /OF2
16.7% BaCl2 -83.3% N2 H4 /F2
9100 3350
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -57.1% N2 H4 /F2
9000 1800
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -57.1% N2 H4 /OF2
7300 1330
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -57.1% N2 H4 /ClF3
663 94
50% Ba(NO3)2 -50% NH3 /ClF3
221 44
(percent weight for fuel)
INTENSITY, millivolts
Ba° 5535 A
Ba+ 4554 A
17% BaCl2 -16% Ba(NO3)2 -67% N2 H4 /F2
13% BaCl2 -21.5% Ba(NO3)2 -65.5% N2 H4 /F2
21% BaCl2 -9% Ba(NO3)2 -70% N2 H4 /F2
9% BaCl2 -30% Ba(NO3)2 -61% N2 H4 /F2
26% BaCl2 -74% N2 H4 /F2
26% BaCl2 -74% N2 H4 /OF2
16.7% BaCl2 -83.3% N2 H4 /F2
9100 3350
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -57.1% N2 H4 /F2
9000 1800
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -57.1% N2 H4 /OF2
7300 1330
42.9% Ba(NO3)2 -57.1% N2 H4 /ClF3
663 94
50% Ba(NO3)2 -50% NH3 /ClF3
221 44
From the above information, it is readily seen that the 17 percent BaCl2 -16 percent Ba(NO3)2 -67 percent N2 H4 /F2 system gave the greatest amount of light intensity of the 4554 A Ba+ and 5535 A Ba° spectral lines. Ambient tests showed that the optimum oxidizer to fuel ratio of this system was 1.32 to 1.00. This system containing 8.52 weight percent barium was estimated to be 68.1 percent ionized. Also since this system had the largest relative light intensity it would be expected to give the greatest amount of Ba° and Ba+ and would appear to be the optimum system for a barium payload. In all systems tested it was found that the relative light reached a maximum at the O/F corresponding to the stoichiometric equation yielding barium as one of the reaction products and that the relative light output was sensitive to the O/F. Moving to either side of the optimum O/F caused a sharp decrease in relative light.
In vacuum tests the ignition of each system tested was smooth and like the ambient tests, took place in the combustion chamber. The rapid expansion in vacuum caused a decreased atom and ion density in the luminous flame which caused the light intensity to be about 1/37 to 1/50 the intensity measured in ambient tests. The percentage ionization was approximately the same for vacuum and ambient tests.
The operation of the invention is now believed apparent. Initially, fuel tank 11 is charged with the fuel containing the desired quantity of dissolved barium salt and pressurized with helium. The fuel tank pressure may be in the range of 6.89 to 20.06 ¥ 105 Newton/meter2. Oxidizer tank 13 is also charged with the appropriate oxidizer and pressurized. Cryogenic oxidizers such as OF2 and F2 are condensed from gases in the closed oxidizer tank which must be maintained enclosed in a liquid nitrogen bath. The oxidizer feed valve 23 and conduit 19 must also be maintained at liquid nitrogen temperature with a liquid nitrogen jacket when employing a cryogenic oxidizer.
The noncryogenic oxidizer, ClF3, may be pressurized into the closed oxidizer tank 13 from a supply bottle with super dry nitrogen.
Combustion chamber 15 is formed of stainless steel, aluminum, or the like F2 compatible metals and is internally partitioned by the manifold, not shown. The conduits 17 and 19 terminate in a manifold having injector orifices (not shown) mounted 90° to each other within each end of chamber 15 and sized for pressure drops of 5.24 to 10.2 ¥ 105 Newton/meter2 across the orifice. Fuel and oxidizer flows are in the range of 2.05 to 6.82 Kg/sec each. The entire system is carried into the upper atmosphere or interplanetary space by rocket vehicle 10 where, in response to a suitable signal, timing mechanism or the like, valves 21 and 23 may be selectively opened and closed and the pressurized liquid fuel and oxidizer will flow through conduits 17 and 19 into combination unit 15. When the hypergolic liquids impinge upon each other, they spontaneously ignite to expel reaction product gases or plasma including the highly luminous barium neutral atoms and barium ions as individual species.
All of the barium reaching the combustion chamber is vaporized and released through the opposite ends thereof so that a high yield efficiency is obtained. The resulting high flame temperature, approximately 4,000°K., and some as yet not determined chemical activation, produces a relatively large amount of barium ions in the flame which is a highly desirable condition. It has been estimated from spectroscopic measurements that the degree of ionization may be as high as 75 percent in the released plasma in comparison to being on the order of 1 percent for the previously used Ba-CuO solid system which depends almost entirely on solar photoionization, a time-dependent phenomena which further reduces the usable barium yield of this known system.
Thus, it is readily apparent that the present invention provides an inherently more efficient process of producing barium clouds wherein the degree of ionization in the released plasma is much greater. The selectively opening and closing of valves 21 and 23 gives the possibility of a payload with multiple releases permitted due to the start and stop capabilities of the liquid system. Also, the liquid system of the present invention gives the possibility of controlling rates so that a trail type release can be obtained as well as a point-source type. In addition, the liquid system of the present invention effects the formation of barium atoms and ions at the time of combustion and expansion at high temperatures and results in little opportunity for the barium to condense during release.
There are obviously many variations and modifications to the present invention that will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit or scope of the disclosure or from the scope of the claims.
Informant: George Paxinos
Post by Robert M Forgette · Top Commenter · Owner-Operator at CommServices and X10Protection
- PATENT #: 4873928 - October 17, 1989 – Nuclear-sized explosions without radiation
- PATENT #: 3994437 – November 30, 1976 – Broadcast dissemination of trace quantities of biologically active chemicals
- PATENT #: 6030506 – February 29, 2000 – Preparation of independently generated highly reactive chemical species.
The Term, “REACTIVE CHEMICAL SPECIES” worded within Patent# 6030506 caused me to look closer. I found this link: … pdf .... …. Where I located the Science behind Disbursement of ChemTrails. It’s amazing the research, detail and calculations these guys have done. It’s scarey to wonder exactly WHAT ELSE they place in it chemically. From WHAT they mix, to HOW they mix, to Turbulence factors while in the disbursement process, then on to how well mixed the Plume is. Cloud seeding my ass. Apologies, but I like to dig deep when researching things.
German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails As Military Operations:
References and Sources not already mentioned: and
or download the iPhone app: ShopNoGMO
for a list of non-GMO brands.
Persons interested in this permit application should contact the Utah Division of Water Resources: 1594 West North Temple, P.O. Box 146201, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, telephone (801) 707-8820.
Don A. Griffith, CCM President
8180 South Highland Dr., Suite B-2 Sandy, Utah 84093
Don A. Griffith, CCM President
8180 South Highland Dr., Suite B-2 Sandy, Utah 84093
Published in the Emery County Progress September 13, 20 and 27, 2011.
(Article Source:
Wake Up Saxons
Lizzie Bennett retired from her job as a senior operating department practitioner in the UK earlier this year. Her field was trauma and accident and emergency and she has served on major catastrophe teams around the UK.
Lizzie publishes Underground Medic on the topic of preparedness.
Lizzie publishes Underground Medic on the topic of preparedness.
a. Census Population Count 2012. Annual Estimates of the Population for the United States, Regions, States, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2010, to July 1, 2012, (NST-EST2012-01). Source: US Census Bureau, Population Division. Release Date: December 2012. Available at
b. Reported in CDC Water Fluoridation Reporting System (WFRS). For purposes of this report, a water system is considered a community water system if so designated by the state drinking water administrator in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the US Environmental Protection Agency.
In general, public water systems provide water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances to at least 15 service connections, or serve an average of at least 25 people for at least 60 days a year. community water system is a public water system that supplies water to the same population year-round. Available
e. The increase from 2010 to 2012 in the population served by CWS with naturally occurring fluoride at or above optimal levels is due in part to two changes:
1) several states have improved the completeness and accuracy of their data for the natural fluoride concentration of community water systems and
2) some states had implemented the proposed recommendation of 0.7mg/L as the optimal concentration of fluoride in drinking water by December 31, 2012.
See Federal Register Notice Available at
f . Population served by CWS exceeded the US Census state population estimate; number of people was reduced by the ratio of the population estimate to the CWS population estimate.
h. California is developing new methodology to describe the fluoridated status of water systems that draw water from multiple sources (e.g., ground water, surface water). This report does not reflect California’s new methodology.
Persons interested in this permit application should contact the Utah Division of Water Resources; 1594 West North Temple, Box 146201, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6201, telephone (801)538-7269.
Emery Water Conservancy District
Jay Mark Humphrey, Manager
P.O. Box 998
Castle Dale, UT 84513
Historical fluoridation statistics are available at Reference Statistics
Keep Your PH Level Immune System Up Healthy Recipes
AEROSOL CRIMES – Documentary by Cliff Carnicom
GEOENGINEERING and BIOENGINEERING: The Unmistakable Link – Cliff Carnicom
Why 80 Percent of People Worldwide Will Soon Stop Eating Wheat…or Die
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 12:01
Wheat-Free Options
* Note that many of the wheat-free options still contain gluten.
1. Cereal Grains: Barley, millet, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, tef and wild rice are all in the same cereal grain family as is wheat. All flours ground from cereal grains may be used as a wheat substitute. Commonly available are barley, buckwheat, and rice and rye flour. The less utilized flours may be purchased online or from natural food stores. Note: people with a gluten allergy must also avoid barley, oats and rye…READ THE FULL
Source: Waking Times –
- Written by Natasha Longo
Go here, The JB Bardot Archives, for more great articles on natural health and alternative life styles.
Source: Waking Times –
- Written by Natasha Longo
Go here, The JB Bardot Archives, for more great articles on natural health and alternative life styles.
1. The Soil Association has written in recent weeks to the Farming Minister at Defra, George Eustice MP, the President of the National Farmers’ Union, Meurig Raymond, the National Association of British and Irish Flour Millers, all the major supermarkets (ASDA, Co-op, M&S, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose) and bread manufacturers (Hovis, Warburtons, Allied Bakery and Brace’s) calling for them to ensure no British wheat destined for bread-making is sprayed with glyphosate before this year’s harvest, and that none of the bread that they sell contains glyphosate weed-killer.
2. Professor Portier, Dr Mesnage and Claire Robinson were speaking at a Soil Association scientific briefing in Westminster on 15 July.
40 Identifying Marks of True Israelites
(0 for jews)!
1. The Soil Association has written in recent weeks to the Farming Minister at Defra, George Eustice MP, the President of the National Farmers’ Union, Meurig Raymond, the National Association of British and Irish Flour Millers, all the major supermarkets (ASDA, Co-op, M&S, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose) and bread manufacturers (Hovis, Warburtons, Allied Bakery and Brace’s) calling for them to ensure no British wheat destined for bread-making is sprayed with glyphosate before this year’s harvest, and that none of the bread that they sell contains glyphosate weed-killer.2. Professor Portier, Dr Mesnage and Claire Robinson were speaking at a Soil Association scientific briefing in Westminster on 15 July.
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