I just viewed an Excellent Dissertation I had to Share with you discussing The Lawful Laws Placed Within Our Hearts vs. the dragons legality of exploiting & plundering by deception...
How it all Relates to US today as it once did to
Our People of Yesterday...
as Those Who Signed The Declaration Would Discover.
So will this Generation...
The System is Completely Broken & Corrupted Beyond any Politician being able to Fix... It Must Be Replaced... Once It Collapses... Quit Trying To Save Something That is (de facto) illegal, demonic in nature and Actively Works Against The People's (Your) Interests...
By Deception... Thou Shalt Make War... is the Israeli (NOT Israelite's) Mossad (of the israeli state) Motto & Method of Deception.
By Flooding All White Christian Republic's with Hybrid-Mamzers & Racial Aliens (NOT jewish-Democracies of Love Your Enemies & Communist-Tolerance) to Plunder, Conquer and Exterminate.
See: Deut. 7 because
The Truth is Self-Evident.
Moving on to; The US Constitution.
There is Nothing New Under The Sun.
“even a blind hog (or Californian Liberal) can find
an acorn once in a while.”
It would appear to the
unjaundiced eye that the state of California has found the proverbial
acorn and a committee or whatever the people to the left of Marx and Engels in
that state call it, have hit upon the idea of secession.
They did though take
one giant step back in declaring such a move would require an amendment to our
Constitution. We must excuse them for this mental lapse considering most
cultural Marxists know little to nothing of history, much less the
People who seem to know everything there is to know about
how to extricate themselves from a failed marriage do have issues attempting to
remove themselves from a government from which they have lost that loving
Of course, there is no mention of secession in The Constitution for the people of our founding era were well acquainted with the
concept having just seceded from Great Britain and the Articles of
Perhaps that is why Thomas Jefferson in his First Inaugural
Address, being fully cognizant of the ill will his election had created in the
New England states with those of the Federalist persuasion,
stated the
“If there be any among us who wish to dissolve the Union or
to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed, as monuments of the
safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free
to combat it.”
Notice, if you will, Jefferson said nothing of raising
an army to invade those states or killing hundreds of thousands of folks to
prevent secession from occurring.
One can be reasonably sure that the newly elected President
Jefferson was also aware of the document his home state of Virginia had signed
when they had ratified the Constitution in the summer of 1788.
That document
read in part,
“… the powers granted under the Constitution.” being
derived from the People of the United States may be resumed by them whensoever
the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression…”
Ironic as it may seem, New York and Rhode Island placed
statements in their ratification agreements.
Considering Article
IV Section II para I of our Constitution states,
“The citizens of each state
shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several
states” all states have the right to secede, even Californians.
The leader of the New England secessionists was Timothy
Pickering of Massachusetts, who had served as George Washington’s chief of
staff, his secretary of war and secretary of state, as well as a congressman
and senator from Massachusetts.
“The principles of our Revolution [of
1776] point to
the remedy – a separation,”
Pickering wrote to George
Cabot in 1803, for “the people of The East cannot reconcile their
habits, views, and interests with those of the South and West.”
Eastern states must and will dissolve the Union and form a separate government,” announced
Senator James Hillhouse.
Similar sentiments were expressed at the time by such
prominent New Englanders as Elbridge Gerry, John Quincy Adams, Fisher Ames,
Josiah Quincy, and Joseph Story, among others.
The New England secession movement gained momentum for an
entire decade but ultimately was abandoned at the Hartford Secession
Convention when the war of 1812 ended.
Throughout this struggle, wrote
historian Edward Powell in Nullification and Secession in the United
“the right of a state to withdraw from the Union was not disputed.”
Now, one might ask themselves how Abraham Lincoln
managed to
get the whole thing
so wrong in 1861?
This is a most relevant question
considering Lincoln stated
the following in 1848;
“Any people
whatsoever have the right to abolish the existing government and form a
new one that suits them better.
This is a most valuable, a most sacred right.”
biographers and idolaters never seem to get around to
quoting this particular
Of course, in 1848, Lincoln was not bound to the industrialists of the
North who had profited greatly from the institution of slavery* and their
economically debilitating confiscatory tariff.
Funny how the passion for other
people’s money changes things
in the eyes of a politician.
Ironically, even one of the abolitionists agreed with the
Southern states when it came to secession. On December 17, 1860, abolitionist
Horace Greeley wrote,
“if tyranny and despotism
justified the American
of 1776,
then we do not see why
it would not justify the secession
Five Millions of Southrons from the Federal Union in 1861″**
again in February of 1861 Greeley wrote, “Nine out of ten people of the
North, were opposed to forcing South Carolina to remain in the
Union, for the great principle embodied by
Jefferson in the Declaration . . .
is that governments derive their just power from
the consent of the governed.
Therefore, if the southern states wanted to secede,
they have a clear right to
do so.”
Similar statements were made by newspapers all throughout the
North on the eve of the war, and are perhaps best represented by an editorial
in the Kenosha, Wisconsin Democrat, which on January 11, 1861,
wrote that “Secession is “the very germ of liberty” and
declared “the right of secession inheres to the people of every
sovereign state.”
“If military force is used,”
the Bangor
Daily Union wrote on
November 13, 1860;
“then a state can only
be seen as a subject province and can never be a co-equal member of the
American union.”
Most of the top military commanders in the war (on both
sides) were educated at West Point, where the one course on the U.S.
Constitution was taught by the Philadelphia abolitionist William Rawle, who
taught from his book,
A View of the Constitution:
is what Ulysses S.
Grant, Robert E. Lee, and others were taught about secession at West Point was
that to deny a state the right of secession “would be inconsistent with
the principle on which all our political systems are founded, which is, that
the people have in all cases, a right to determine how they will be governed.”
Lincoln never attended West Point, but he supported
secession when it served his political plans.
He warmly embraced the secession
of West Virginia from Virginia, which was a violation of our Constitution***
and was glad to permit slavery in West Virginia (and all other
“border states”)
as long as they supported him politically.
If, as was true in Missouri, the
government did not support him, Lincoln simply invaded that state militarily
and replaced the legislature,
an act of Treason.****
After the war, Jefferson Davis was imprisoned in the
harshest of conditions but was never tried for treason, and for good reason:
The federal government knew that it had no constitutional case against
secession, as Charles Adams described in his brilliant book, When in
the Course of Human Events.
After his release from prison, Jefferson
Davis wrote what would have been his legal defense of secession in the form of
a two-volume book, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government.
The centralization of governmental power not only leads to
the looting and plundering of the taxpaying class by the parasitic class; it
also slowly destroys freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas.
One of
the first things every tyrannical government does is to monopolize the
educational system in order to brainwash the young
and bolster its political
As soon as Lee surrendered at Appomattox, the federal government began
revising history to teach that secession was illegitimate.
This was all a part
of Lincoln’s “revolution” which overthrew the federal system of government
created by the founding fathers and put into motion the forces of centralized
governmental power.
Peaceful secession and nullification are the only means of
returning to a system of government that respects rather than
individual liberty.
As Frank Chodorov wrote in 1952:
“If for no other reason, personal pride
should prompt every governor and state legislator to take a secessionist attitude;
they were not elected to be lackeys of the federal
Of course, California does not
mind being the lackey of Hillary Clinton,
it is Donald Trump they object to leading
that federal bureaucracy.
So, it does appear that the blind hog which is
the Marxist state of California has indeed stumbled upon an acorn.
We shall see if they have the mental acuity and foresight to eat it.
* Complicity: How the North Promoted,
Prolonged, and
Profited from Slavery.
** New York Daily Tribune
*** Article IV Section III
**** Article III Section III
“The value of history
indeed, not
scientific but moral: by liberalizing the mind, by deepening the
sympathies, by fortifying the will, it
enables us to control, not
society, but
ourselves — a much more important thing; it prepares us to live more humanely in the present and
meet rather than to foretell the future.”
~ Carl
Becker, 1873-1945
If a person or a political
entities goal is to create a strong centralized government which operates basically as an oligarchy,
it will become necessary to disguise those intentions.
The best disguise for an oligarchy is
to clothe that
form of government
with the costume of a democracy.
But, to have the masses believe they are involved in their
own governance, any comprehensive study of history must be
or abandoned altogether.
For any government to transform from a government operating with the consent of the governed to a tyrannical and oppressive government
directed and controlled by the
powerful few, two
elements must be created and
developed within the governed populace.
These elements, though different in
composition, must be
complementary in nature.
First, a tyrannical
government needs
a totally compliant majority within the masses who, no matter what atrocities
the government commits, will be rationalized away much as a battered wife
defends and denies
the acts of an abusive spouse.
The oppressive government can take a majority of
what these people earn and give it to
others who refuse to work;
shoot unarmed mothers in the face; shoot 14-year-old sons in the back; incinerate young children and adults in their church and lie
about it; provide explosives to so-called terrorists
which were subsequently used to blow up the
World Trade Center in 1993:
withhold evidence in the investigation of an assassinated president, a civil
rights leader, two presidential candidates; evidence in the case of TWA-800;
withhold evidence in the OKC bombing;
constantly monitor all forms of
communication involving its citizens without the whisper of probable cause and
other various assortments of violations of our Constitution and Bill of Rights
while the country’s borders are wide open,
offering unfettered access to our
families by the relatives of those whose countries we have invaded immorally
and unconstitutionally, killing hundreds of thousands in the process.
While the above indictments of our government’s tyrannical actions barely scratch the surface of what has taken place in the past few
decades, the paradoxical actions of the masses defies all logic.
A majority will question domestic actions of their government which destroys the concept of consent
of the governed, yet
overwhelmingly support that same government when it lies for justification to go to war.
Somehow a government that steals your money destroys your God-given rights and refuses to protect the states
invasion must be totally supported when it prevaricates about the reasons for putting our sons, daughters, mothers and
fathers in harm’s way
when they illegally and immorally occupy the country of others and kill any who resist.
very existence requires
those who blindly follow the dictates of that government to be perceived and celebrated as heroes to the ignorant but compliant
Then, of course,
there is the
second element that guarantees a despotic government continued support and blind allegiance to
its agenda.
This is the enforcement arm of that government which usually takes the form of a standing army— something our founders feared more than foreign
invaders and the police at all levels.
When a government steps outside
its legal mandates it
must possess the
ability to rule by force instead of consent.
Laws formulated to destroy rather than protect the Natural Law and concomitant
restrictions on those who govern requires the threat of violence and coercion while Natural/Common Law is accepted by most and does not require the standing armies and militarized police
forces of
To gain broad
acceptance among
the historically
ignorant, members of the
enforcement arm of the government must be viewed as “heroes” for their dedication to
protecting the freedoms of the masses.
The fact the very opposite is occurring;
the government is being protected by this enforcement arm and not the people’s rights is lost on the
idolaters of unrestrained
power, willing dupes and the historically challenged.
Would there ever have
been an America if folks like Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Hancock,
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry
and others;
would have decided to “support the
troops” instead of demanding their God-given rights from a government acting not at all
the one we have now?
they have supported the forces and called them heroes that shot down a child and several others at what we refer to as the Boston Massacre because the enforcers were “just doing their
jobs” or would we justify the killings because the government’s enforcers thought the mob was armed and didn’t show their hands-on command?
A study of history reveals that somehow the government of the few can “rally the
masses” to
their agenda as they go about mass murder, private property destruction and genocide against those with the audacity to challenge their actions.
Statements throughout history reveal a basic theme of demonization of many who just want to be left alone or as the Declaration of Independence states
among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature
and Nature’s God entitle them.”
I can assure you the enforcement arm of our present government will be
unleashed on any individual or group that attempts to assume
“their separate and equal station”
just as they have on many occasions in
our country’s history.
Let’s look at the
similarity of the words of those deployed against
those who
just wanted to be left alone to determine their own destiny instead of kowtowing to tyrannical rule. Of course, all the government’s assets, including a bought and paid for media must be employed to demonize those who would resist
the will of the government aggressor.
From our Second War for Independence, known to the great unwashed as the Civil War:
“Extermination, not of soldiers alone, that is the least part of
the trouble, but the [Southern] people.” (This continues to this day.)
“To the petulant and persistent
secessionists, why death is mercy, and the quicker he or she is disposed of the better . . . . Until we can repopulate Georgia, it is useless to occupy it, but the utter destruction of its roads, houses, and people will cripple their military resources”
of the United States”
has the “right” to “take their lives, their homes, their lands, their everything . . . . We will take every life, every acre of land, every particle of
property . . .”
(can you see here the possible
origins of thought of those who now populate and
wear the uniform of the BLM, Oregon State Police, FBI, and USFS?)
“…the war will soon assume a turn to extermination not of soldiers alone, that is the least part of the
trouble, but the people . . . .
There is a class of people, men,
women, and children, who
must be killed…” Union General William Tecumseh Sherman
Sherman’s wife Ellen wrote of her wish for a war “of
extermination and
that all [Southerners] would be driven like the Swine into the sea.”
Then this same philosophy was turned on the American
Indian who stood in the way of “progress.”
Well not
progress so much as lining
the pockets of the
controllers of the oligarchy.
Time spent studying the book “Hear that Lonesome Whistle
Blow” by Dee Brown will illuminate your path to the
history in that regard.
“It is my purpose
to utterly
exterminate the Sioux. They are
to be treated
as maniacs or wild beasts, and by no means as people with whom treaties or
compromise can be made.” ~ Union General John
Pope, 1862
“We must act with vindictive
earnestness against the Sioux, even to the extermination, men, women, and
children” ~ Union General
William Tecumseh
more Indians we can kill this year, the less must be killed next year,” Union General
Sherman to Union General Sheridan.
Now, let us look at our government’s current villain de jour:
Muslim extremists.
“You go wherever in the world the terrorists are
and you kill them, you do your best to exterminate them, and then you leave,
and you leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows.” ~ Lt. Colonel
Peters on FOX News
How Shermanesque of the good Colonel? Would
he object to
those he seeks to exterminate having the same thoughts about him and his family?
Are these “terrorists” he speaks of his
personal enemies or just the current enemy of the government he blindly supports?
he believes taking away all our freedoms at home would prevent future attacks perpetrated against us “because we are free.”
“We need to kill them. We need to kill them, the radical
Muslim terrorists hell-bent on killing us. You’re in danger. I’m in danger.
We’re at war and this is not going to stop.” ~FOX News’ Jeanine Pirro
“Well, I’m no theologian, but I suspect Jesus would tell that god-fearing,
red-blooded American Sniper, ‘well done, my good and faithful servant, for dispatching another godless jihadist to the lake of
fire.’ But then again, I’m no
theologian.” FOX News’ Todd Starnes
Does anyone see a pattern here?
How very convenient
historical amnesia
or just historical ignorance when it comes to supporting the enforcement arm
of our tyrannical
and oppressive government as it goes about its daily
task of
robbing the people, destroying their rights and property
and by threat, coercion, or willful ignorance demanding allegiance thereto?
Would Colonel Peters, Ms. Pirro or
Mr. Starnes dare comment on the fact our government has provided billions of our tax dollars to these “Muslim terrorists” and “godless jihadists” for decades
and continues to do so even now?
could begin with the 500 million provided to these forces back in 1978 by the CIA,
the funding
for ISIS and al Qaeda, or the
fact we supported these very same forces in
Has FOX News forgotten their own reporter spoke with Senator John McCain on his support for arming ISIS in 2013?
Have they forgotten McCain’s
proud moment displaying his picture made with these “terrorists” (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Muhammad Noor) on his “secret trip”
to visit and support them (ISIS) on Memorial Day in 2013?
Ignorance of history and moral decay is destroying our country.
How convenient is it to forget that our country provided
funding to Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao?
How many millions of innocent lives are these three responsible for?
Did our dollars contribute in any way to their wanton acts of genocide?
Did our dollars buy the guns or the bullets?
This continued ignorance and blind patriotism directed toward the enforcement arm of our tyrannical government serves only to accelerate our loss of Liberty and eventual
spiritual, mental,
economical and physical.
It might be time to look backward to
better understand moving forward.
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