Sunday, June 7, 2015

Will the Revolution Begin This Autumn.

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.

There are growing signs that world events will be allowed to simmer away until this autumn when there may finally be revolution in the West and an end to cabal rule. 

In fact, it is the moral duty of all aware people to make sure this happens and the West is freed from Babylonian style debt slavery. 

The most likely trigger for the revolution is now expected to be Greece. The latest news on that front is that Greece will “bundle” June payments to the IMF. 

What this means, according to British MI5 intelligence, is that “if Greece bundles it’s June payments, it defaults to the IMF in early July, this will be reported by the IMF Managing Director after 30 more days followed by some 3-4 weeks of procedural talks inside the IMF.” 

In other words the crunch will come in September. 

The fact is the Western banking system, notably the mega-banks, are already bankrupt. 

They are bankrupt based on the simple fact that, as a whole, Western countries have been importing from the rest of the world, mainly Asia, for the past 30 years using their credit card and the card has maxed out. 

The Western banks have been pretending this is not the case by creating hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of derivatives. These derivatives have very tenuous links to real world things such as Greek people’s income so, something like a Greek default would be enough to send the system into terminal tailspin. The recent statements from Greek government officials make it very clear they will no longer squeeze Greek citizens to help cabal banks.

Here is what the Greek speaker of the House Zoe Konstantopoulou had to say about the debt: “There is strong evidence on the illegitimacy, odiousness and unsustainability of a large part of what is purported to be the Greek public debt.”

Getting the Greek government to abandon the EU, join the BRICS bank and accept money from Russia might be the strategy that ends cabal control in Europe. 

The Greeks have a historical chance to restore Democracy, their invention, to the West. We should find out this autumn.

(Marxist Jew Democracy would not be my first vote unless I was an Oligarch interestested in establishing monopolies and Controlling Government  as in The US today).

High level Indonesian government sources meanwhile, contacted the White Dragon Society to inform them that the main gold depository in Indonesia was located inside a military base less than a kilometer from the US embassy in Jakarta. 

The exact amount of gold was not disclosed but the sources said it was “more than 100,000 tons.”

They say the gold bunkers will be opened in September, thus providing independent verification that some sort of financial “event,” is scheduled for this autumn. 

However, the Indonesian sources, while claiming to have personally seen the gold, were still not able to provide a verifiable recent photograph. They promised to provide one soon. They said the gold deposits can be identified by governments using satellites.

The Indonesians also said recently elected President Joko Widodo was not doing what he promised and so he would be removed by the end of this year. 

The Americans, Russians and Chinese have been fighting a proxy war for control of Indonesia and its gold, the sources say. 

They say officials from the US State Department and some Indonesian generals met recently in the Province of North Sulawesi where there is a significant Christian minority. 

2Th 2:7  For the mystery of lawlessness already works. Only there is one who restrains now, until he is taken out of the way. 
2Th 2:8  Then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will kill with the breath of his mouth, and destroy by the manifestation of his coming; 
2Th 2:9  even he whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 
2Th 2:10  and with all deception of wickedness for those who are being lost, because they didn’t receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 
2Th 2:11  Because of this, God sends them a working of error, that they should believe a lie; 
2Th 2:12  that they all might be judged who didn’t believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

(Like the Unbelievable Evil The Bolsheviks inflicked upon The Russian Republic, Post WW2 Germany and then upon 972 million more citizen whom they gained control over in Eastern Europe Post WW2. HellStorm is a must see).

The State Department officials were asking the generals if starting riots between Christians and Muslims there would be enough to enable the establishment of a military government favorable to the Khazarian cabal. 

(Wow, this should tell all Americans under the judeo strong delusion. Washington D.C. Dual Israelis have sunk the ship, thrown Americans overboard who jumped into Bed with Mystery (Fiat Fractional Reserve, Fascist Jew Marxists) Babylon, believing they were g-ds. Now ensures for our people of America will now receive (2x) the punishment in which it inflicted. The same as mystery babylon herself. Wow! Who knows? Our Continent may just sink in one day as what occurred to Atlantis did long ago).

Eph 6:11  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 

Eph 6:12  For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 

So, unless they are stopped, cabalists with jumbo planes full of fake US dollars will be landing in Indonesia to hire rioters and crisis actors. 

Indonesia would thus join the Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc. as yet another cabal created trouble spot. 

The Russians, for their part, provided the WDS [White Dragon Societies] with a load of detailed financial data on what they say is the cabal’s main instrument of control: 

the Vanguard Corporation. 

The Russian documents show that Vanguard is owned by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Bushes, the Clintons, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and other senior Khazarian mobsters. (Sheldon Adelson inherited Myer Lansky's position as the boss of all the head bosses of the Mafia Crime Syndicate (Always has been Jewish not Italian as Jew-Wood Teaches the naive).

Vanguard in turn controls most major US corporations, especially the nasty ones like Monsanto and Greystone (formerly Blackwater, Academi, Xe etc.) 

A joint Russian, German and French intelligence investigation of Vanguard was triggered by the arrest earlier this year in Germany of an assistant to US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. 

The arrested individual was caught trying to transport billions of dollars in high quality counterfeit currency to the Ukraine. 

He has been cooperating fully with the European task force. 

He told the investigators that Nuland, Senator John McCain, US Secretary of State John Kerry, CIA Director John Brennan and others were employees of Vanguard. 

According to the Russians, he testified that Vanguard has “printed billions of high quality fake dollars and paid them to mercenaries in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya etc.” In addition ISIS was a Vanguard subsidiary, according to this source. 

Initial reviews of the Russian information by British MI5 intelligence say “the financials are credible.” The British say Vanguard subsidiary Monsanto’s efforts to control world food production and availability were part of “Vanguard’s strategy for geo-engineering the world population.”

The Russians also state that a company called Gilead Sciences together with the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer (an offshoot of the Nazi IG Farben Corporation) and the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation were all involved in the spreading of Ebola as well as in the marketing of Ebola cures. 

In any case, the publication of Vanguard secrets has caused their top investors to try to disconnect themselves from nasty subsidiaries like ISIS. The result is that ISIS now has cash problems and has had to resort to charging North African villagers $3000 per head to be shipped to Italy, according to MI5. 

A portion of the Russian report has been pasted to the end of this week’s newsletter. Hopefully this will trigger some serious law enforcement activity against this corporate monstrosity. 

In any case, there are other signs the cabal is in trouble. 

One big event was the resignation of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair as special “Middle East Peace Envoy.” 

Tony Blair Resigns as Middle East Peace Envoy

 What this means is that he has been stripped of diplomatic immunity and can now face war crimes charges for his involvement in the destruction of Iraq. 

Blair is a known squealer and you can be sure he is singing like a canary about the Bushes and other Khazarian Nazis. 

Let us hope the British finally get the gumption do the decent thing and take down this mass murderer and his fellow traitors. 

The other interesting incident was the fact the US Secretary of State John Kerry “broke his leg in a bicycle accident,” and had to call off his negotiations with Iran. 

We have not been able to confirm this yet but, past experience makes us believe Kerry was deliberately assaulted by fellow gangsters who were angry about his Iranian deal making. 

Asian sources say the nuclear negotiations with Iran had nothing to do with Iran acquiring nuclear weapons because Iran has had nuclear weapons since the time of the Shah. 

A cousin of the Shah of Iran has also confirmed this. What the so-called Iranian nuclear negotiations are really about is an attempt to get the Iranian nuclear program to stop using Russian supplied Uranium and switch to Western controlled Thorium, the Asian sources say. 

The Iranians are probably going to end up using both. In any case, patriots in the US military need remove gangsters like Kerry from power, restore the US republic and end corporate cabal rule ASAP.

If not, the United States will continue its descent into third world status. 

Data on real inflation rates in the US put out by Chapwood Investments show that US economy shrunk by 21.4% since 2011.(WoW)!

Recent drops in world trade volume also make it clear the current Western dominated financial system is becoming increasingly dysfunctional. 

The US military needs to march on Washington DC and New York to clean out the Khazarian cabalist nests. 

Canadian troops are ready to help if asked. 

(Might be Time to Gird Up Gentlemen)!

It is time for a second American revolution. 

Appendix: Russian research on the Vanguard Corporation, the secret controller of the much of the Western corporate power structure. 

The four companies that are present in all cases below and in all decisions: Vanguard, Fidelity, BlackRock and State Street. 

All of them “belong together”, but if to check out carefully the balance of shares, it turns out that in reality all these companies controlled by Vanguard. 

So, all of these partners or “competitors” of Fidelity, BlackRock and State Street belong to Vanguard Group. (Jews do not like Competition).

Please, look at the largest, companies in various industries, controlled by the “Big Four”, and upon closer inspection control by Corporation Vanguard: 

Alcoa Inc. Altria Group Inc., American International Group Inc., AT & T Inc., Boeing Co., Caterpillar Inc., Coca-Cola Co., DuPont & Co., Exxon Mobil Corp., General Electric Co., General Motors Corporation, Hewlett- Packard Co., Home Depot Inc., Honeywell International Inc., Intel Corp., International Business Machines Corp., Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase & Co., McDonald’s Corp., Merck & Co. Inc., Microsoft Corp., 3M Co., Pfizer Inc., Procter & Gamble Co., United Technologies Corp., Verizon Communications Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Time Warner, Walt Disney, the corporation «Halliburton», Viacom, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, CBS Corporation, NBC Universal …

To date, tens of trillions of dollars are controlled by these investors, and all of the major global corporations controlled by the group of investors that own asset management group Vanguard: Dick Cheney, the Rothschilds, the Bushes, the Rockefellers, Clinton's, Donald Rumsfeld and many other influential people and owners of the Federal Reserve. 

They virtually monopolized foreign and US defense policy and almost all of the major defense corporations. 

Group Vanguard, itself, also controls the major world media. 

In addition, Corporation Vanguard is working on a number of key figures of the Central Intelligence Agency, including the namesake of a President of Vanguard, the CIA Director John Brennan. It is important to know who really controls the major banks, and we will start from the United States.

In the first place -JP Morgan Chase with 2.39 trillion dollars of assets. Its large institutional investor is Vanguard Group, Inc. 

Between the top ten investors the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund and the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. 

In second place – Bank of America with assets 2.17 trillion. Its large institutional investor is Vanguard Group, Inc. 

The top ten investors – investment funds – Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund, Vanguard 500 Index Fund and Vanguard / Windsor II. 

The third place — Citigroup with assets 1.88 trillion. The biggest investor —Vanguard Group, Inc. 

First ten: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund, Vanguard 500 Index Fund, Vanguard/Windsor II, Vanguard/Wellington Fund, Inc. и Fidelity Contra Fund, Inc. 

We should consider that some of them, for example, «Fidelity» – this is also Vanguard, and some others, for example, «JPMorgan», is fully controlled by Vanguard, as well. 

«Fidelity» and its structures belong to Vanguard… 

And finally, Warren Buffett’s favorite–Wells Fargo. Assets: 1.44 trillion, deposits: 1.01 trillion. 

The list of the largest institutional investors: Vanguard Group, Inc. is only in second place, but this is offset by the top ten investors investment funds: 

Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Fidelity Contra Fund, Inc., Vanguard Institutional Index Fund, Vanguard 500 Index Fund and Vanguard / Wellington Fund, Inc. (All of them are Vanguard’s “daughters”) 

That’s what the picture of the investigation loomed today. The largest companies in the world- are banks Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley. 

Let’s see who their major shareholders. Bank of America, State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, FMR (Fidelity), Paulson, JP Morgan, T. Rowe, Capital World Investors, AXA, Bank of NY, Mellon. JP Morgan: State Street Corp., Vanguard Group, FMR (it is Fidelity), BlackRock, T. Rowe, AXA, Capital World Investor, Capital Research Global Investor, Northern Trust Corp. and Bank of Mellon. Citigroup: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, Paulson, FMR, Capital World Investor, JP Morgan, Northern Trust Corporation, Fairhome Capital Mgmt and Bank of NY Mellon. Wells Fargo: Berkshire Hathaway, FMR, State Street, Vanguard Group, Capital World Investors, BlackRock, Wellington Mgmt, AXA, T. Rowe and Davis Selected Advisers Check yourself again: 

As mentioned above, the leading financial company is fully controlled by ten institutional and/or stock shareholders of which are the nucleus of the four companies that are present in all cases and in all decisions: Vanguard, Fidelity, BlackRock and State Street.

All of them “belong together”, but if to check out carefully the balance of shares, it turns out that in reality all these companies controlled by Vanguard. 

So, all of these partners or “competitors” Fidelity, BlackRock and State Street belong to Vanguard Group.

Monsanto the Corporation «Monsanto» hated by millions of people around the world, and especially in the US, but its owners did not care about it for a simple reason: no one thought about its real hosts. 

As the owners of «Monsanto» public perceives individuals: William U. Parfet, owning, 284,642 shares of the company, Hugh Grant – 253715, Robert T. Fraley- 95212, Brett D. Begemann – 103523 and David F. Snively to 62072 shares. Impressively, all of them – are very rich and influential people. Total all individuals – the owners of the corporation «Monsanto» have 799,164 shares

However, the first in the list of institutional shareholders is (who would you think?) Vanguard Group, Inc. from 31201773 shares, that is 39 or more times greater than the leading “owners” of the company in total. 

Let’s see another list of shareholders «Monsanto» – mutual funds: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund – 8118741 action, Vanguard / Primecap Fund – 6663460, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund – 5226511 and Vanguard 500 Index Fund – 517 086. 

At this point, there are not any of the new players, but one new company involved: Fidelity Growth Company Fund with 4072871 shares. 

The trick is that the mutual fund Fidelity Investment Services working closely with Vanguard Group. 

Go down to the list: Vanguard Specialized-Dividend Appreciation Index Fund – More shares 3641513. Do your eyes dazzle by Vanguard? But there is no questions for regulatory agencies: the shares are distributed among the different funds, and all of them are different legal entities! 

As a leading figure of «Monsanto» known by the public is Mr. Hugh Grant with the aforementioned 253,715 shares of the corporation. 

He served as a President, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. 

Mr. Grant does not explain to any nobody, in whose hands are the reins of Monsanto’s power in reality! 

Google Google!?! You search, and you guess that Google owns by a Russian Jew, Mr. Sergey Brin. 

First, find a list of the owners. There are Eric E. Schmidt -1240463 shares, John L. Doerr -2767 shares, Sergey Brin -75000 shares, David C. Drummond -21332 stocks and shares Paul S. Otellini -643. 

Tough Guys. Go down below to the most important institutional investors, and in the first place is State Street Corporation with 22757690 shares, constituting 6.73% of the company as much as Google. So who is the real owner?! 

In second place with a certain abbreviation is FMRLLC with its 20368861 shares and 6.02%. Nothing mysterious. 

This is Fidelity Management and Research. 

The third –Vanguard Group, Inc. with 14624137 shares and 4.32%. At this stage of counting the total share of Vanguard and Fidelity is already 10.34%. Big Boys. Important! 

However, we go further: among the most important investment funds of the investors of Google: first is Fidelity Contra fund Inc. with 6925967 shares or 2.05%, on the fourth –Fidelity Growth Company Fund (1,809,678, 0.54%) and on the sixth -Vanguard / Primecap Fund (1,417,843, 0.42%). Total aggregate Vanguard and Fidelity Corporation's shares of Google on August 28, 2014 is 45,146,486 (forty-five million one hundred forty-six thousand four hundred eighty-six shares), while the whole world “knows” that Mr. Sergey Brin owns the Google. 

Mr. Brin has seventy five thousand shares. I informed you already that Vanguard owns the Fidelity In contrast to the Vanguard and Fidelity, holding voting shares, Brin interests in income rather than in control, so all of his shares belong to the category B that filed under section 14 (A) of the Act of 1934 “On Securities Exchanges ” declaration signed by Eric Schmidt. 

The number of category A shares that owned by Sergey Brin is 0. However, Brin as a Director, who voting by proxy uses not his shares, but information about the owners of these shares I did not find, and it is possible that among owners of these shares would be the same Vanguard. 

Microsoft please, see who controls Microsoft. To do this again we will use “boring” German data, this time on

List of Direct owners—individuals as of on August 28, 2014: Steven A. Ballmerc 333,254,734 shares, William H. Gates III -c 297,992,934, Mason G. Morfit -827 shares, Brian Kevin Turner -1295454, and Steven J. Sinofsky to 1,176,195 shares. List of major institutional investors opens Vanguard Group, Inc. to 386,749,214 shares, and in fourth place here FMR (Fidelity!), LLC to 272,942,627. In the first place on the list of the most important foundations Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund with 115,585,047 shares, and below there are Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund -75,214,603 and Vanguard 500 Index Fund -74,414,992. AT&T Now, we will take a quick look at the AT&T. The top ten institutional investors it looks like: The Vanguard Group, Inc., State Street Corporation, Evercore Trust Company, NA, BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, NA, Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, BlackRock Fund Advisors, Northern Trust Corporation, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, Capital Research Global Investors and BlackRock Group Limited. Only the owners of Evercore Trust Company are not recognized, but the other nine are Vanguard. The Top Ten institutional investors – investment funds The top ten institutional investors – investment funds: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard 500 Index Fund, SPDR S & P 500 ETF Trust, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund, Capital Income Builder, Inc., Franklin Custodian Funds-Income Fund, Spartan 500 Index Fund, Shares Core S & P 500 ETF, DFA US Large Cap Value Series and Vanguard Index-Value Index Fund. From this list it is not clear to me who owns the Shares Core S & P 500 ETF and the DFA US Large Cap Value Series. Other eight out of ten are Vanguard. 

Yahoo Finance

Comcast Please ask me about Comcast and its purchase of 100% shares of Time Warner Cable, of a “daughter” of its alleged largest competitor, media conglomerate AT&T Cable. This “daughter”, Time Warner Cable controls 60% of both the Internet and cable television in the United States. 


Stake in Comcast is in the hands of institutional investors. 
Here are the first five: 
STRS Ohio – 150,105,674, Capital World Investors – 134,729,551, 
Vanguard Group, Inc. – 125 644 169, State Street Corp. – 104 763 362, and FMR LLC -73 866 510. 

Nasdaq Ownership Summary

I show to you above, but not many of other Americans know that State Street and Fidelity (FMR) are Vanguard, too. Facts on Ebola Gilead Sciences, transmitted contactless Virus Ebola, which was developed in CIA’s secret laboratory in Guinea by specialists of the American biotechnology company «Gilead Sciences», after which the epidemic was spread covering several countries.

The Headquarter of «Gilead Sciences» is located in Foster City, California. Ebola, below are the real owners of the «Gilead Sciences»! 

Ebola, The nominal owners—individuals: Dr. John C. Martin (President, Chief Executive Officer), Norbert W. Bischofberger, John F. Milligan, Etienne Davignon and James M. Denny. 

The real control of major institutional shareholders of «Gilead Sciences» belongs to Vanguard Group, Inc. 

Other major shareholders of mutual investments: Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund; Vanguard Institutional Index Fund, and Vanguard 500 Index Fund.

Controlled by the same controllers but to remain in stealth mode each Indexed Fund has its own Identity, Position and Rank in the hierarchy for the AshkeNAZI International Crime Syndicates Global Racket.

White National Social Revolutionary War: 

Jews Panic As European Nazis Go Underground

“We are not fighting just to change a system, we are fighting to save our race”

German Patriots Taking a Stand,
Teaching Their Fellow White Kinsmen, Organizing, Preparing to Defend Their Tribe, Themselves and Their Families.

To Prepare an Offensive to Evict the Marxist Usurping Jewish Serpent Race and All Their Liberal Sayanim (Pacifists & Fence Sitters will be Counted with the group evicted from the Republic for being Tolerant of Evil & Willfully Blind To Corruption & Tyranny of their Kinsmen. I vote them to be hung high if they ever re-enter borders or return period. You are either with us or against us. Zero Tolerance. Period).

All White Men and Women in The World must unite before the noose is pulled tight around all of our necks. Other Races should be concerned about this Destroyer of Humanity now Targeting The Adamic Builder and Farming Race. (YHWH Our Father is with us)!

In what appears to be a strategically agreed even if not coordinated move across Europe, tactical and theoretical National Socialist groups across the continent are now acting below the radar in order to extend pre-militarized insurgent street activity without working under the direct gaze of police photographers or by openly revealing their identity.

The development of criminal-culture Jew-nigger clothing like hoodies has provided undercover activists with a ready disguise during operations. 

As radical revolutionary National Socialist Fascism becomes more academised in terms of revolutionary theory it is acting to devise strategies to defeat restrictions on the ability to protest and counter multi-million spending on automated street and digitech surveillance.

endzog’s advisor on revolution, war and insurgency predicts that once such groups form a hard-core of genuine, proven, fundamentalist and committed members, these members in turn will begin to outsource themselves to form cell structures outside the main group, unknown to the other members for reasons of security and infiltration by the agencies of the state, in order to carry out militarised activity against regime targets such as statues, plaques, enemy installations, the buildings or offices of antifa or anti-nationalist politicians, journalists, think tanks and institutes. In future whenever a politician, news organisation or journalist steps on the toes of the national movement justice will be delivered directly to their door and there will be a zero tolerance policy for antifa.
european britiain british civil war white revolution media
“The problem for change-makers in revolutionary terms is often the inherent but only apparent stability of a Marxist regime which has learned the lessons of history. Cultural Marxism of the Third Way which is the current political system in the West, has successfully absorbed the formerly disparate and contradictory divide between socialism and capitalism by a marriage between the corporations and the state confusingly termed ‘liberal fascism’ and deliberately described as such by Jewish commentators to denigrate fascism. 

In this disposition the state is the servant of the corporation who increasingly provides its needs, for example in a coming privatized health service which can operate outside any previous ethical norms by selling the body parts of people and aborted babies to Jewish Zion corporations or practicing blatant euthanasia to raise funding or lower costs.”
“Corporations in turn fund government and the parties and political institutions like think-tanks, though of course corporations themselves are merely the secondary and active arm of the true rulers of any modern Western state the Zion banksters. Naturally in the Third Way all political parties are simply wings of the central cultural  Marxist dogma and doctrine but act rather like football teams with different managers but the same owner or different brands selling the same product with a different slant in the sales pitch; posh coffee, plebeian coffee and minority cultural shades of coffee.”

As long as the appearance of a calm, peaceful order remains, and remains because the overarching power structure puts a firm psychological and physical lid on all dissent, the more entrenched the regime and its ability to entirely reshape a nation into its chosen image is stabilised over a longer period. Never forget Marxism is all about a revolution against nature, God, culture, civilisation, tradition, race and gender. This means the longer any Marxist government is in power the more the nation it controls will be altered out of all recognition.

Invariably the result will be destruction because once the nation has become disassociated from all its roots, its history, tradition and values, inevitably the expectations of Marxist theory for it to become a wonderful and entirely new entity simply does not happen. The reality is that a wounded nation rather than magically re-shaping itself into a glorious new humanity instead descends into dysfunctional social and moral chaos. The ‘New Man’ the system seeks to devise is simply unable to heal after the bombardment of Hegelian deconstruction and instead of elevating itself to become the sum of all the regime’s values, collapses as it were on the floor sick.

The idea that you can create this new man from a discordant chorus of entirely disconnected and dissenting racial groups who behind all the curtains of state propaganda actually inherently, for many reasons; racial, religious and cultural, all hate and despise each other, and seek only their own interests and advancement as entities with separate identities thrown together like cats in a bag, is the result of the wildest insane liberal fantasies.

The suicidal notion of the white liberal (we shall examine motives of the Jew further down the page) that if he can only destroy all the characteristics of his own white race and leave all the characteristic of the other races in place and it will all work, really amounts to no more than a sadistic bullying by a philosophy which knows it cannot succeed and wishes to exact revenge on the one group it can get away with exacting it’s vengeance on and which it knows it can never turn into a controllable group of socio-bots due to it’s vastly superior intellect and consciousness which ever hovers above that of the Asian slave races or the Homo-Simian African races.

We must bear in mind that liberalism and leftism are only secondary arms of the Jewish agenda and when we look at all this from that higher ground of the top of the pyramid which composes the growing Jew World Order, we see that the agenda of international Jewish finance is NOT the agenda of the liberals, the left and the Judaeo-masons, though when observed from a lower level of the hill it appears to be the same and all forces appear to be working in step towards the same trajectory. 

That is because while Marx is the God of the often Goyim forces below, he is but a mere tool and one of many, including post-war Judaeo-Christianity, that is being deployed by the forces above whose wish is not to create a paradise on earth of equality, diversity, multiculturalism and One Love, but to genocide vast swathes of the Goyim and keep only those it needs to harness as transhumanism, digitised and mechanically enhanced slaves, sex-toys or animals to harvest for body parts or food for each other and blood for themselves to drink. 

The Jew is acting on the demands and commands of the Talmud to take all the wealth and lands of the Goyim (Cattle) unto himself. The Talmud being the one ‘Holy book’ which is a forbidden text whose hideous precepts are never under any circumstances discussed in media, education or from the pulpit.

But to return to revolutionary theory the problem the opposing force has is the veneer of peace and stability the regime obtains, exudes and enjoys due to it’s iron control on all the levers of state, culture and communication. The apparatchiks of such a regime ooze with a relaxed confidence, a sickly smugness, a sense of quietly assumed self-grandeur and moral superiority which when they appear on the media convinces the masses that all is well and that these wolves in disguise are really representative of their greatest values. Of course the Goyim, in particular the Bourgeois, have in the main long forgotten what those values, now so twisted through deliberately moral and social corrupting entertainment and conditioning, are. When the ‘British’ Home Secretary talks of outlawing National Socialism in order to protect British Values she is of course talking about Jewish Values.

The revolutionary forces have a number of primary tasks at this stage. These tasks aim serve the purpose of disturbing the quiet waters of regime life by creating discordant currents in the public political discourse, for example by turning up on televised shows, tricking their way onto radio shows and asking hard questions, by trolling attacks on the regime’s self-exposure on social media, targeting regime figures while they are canvassing for elections or by various forms of attacks on their homes. In other words shaking confidence in the stability and daily peace and tranquility of the regime and creating fear, paranoia, panic and repressive responses among and from the ruling classes.

The second stage is to create in any way possible public disorder and undermine communal harmony in relation to disparate racial groups by for example the infiltration of demonstrations or riots and the shepherding of such events to produce outcomes favorable to the revolution.

While working to unite all white people whatever their national origin to work together and promoting overt self-help activity including security to the needy and disenfranchised of the white race, the dissident forces must yet find any possible way to cause friction between the alien races and religions, whether by psychological warfare waged through the media or by actions on the ground such as the disruption of ethnic events or the destruction of such symbols as menorahs or the placing of symbols such as the Swastika in the most ‘inappropriate’ places such as the roofs of synagogues or state buildings, posters of pigs on the name-boards of mosques or posters or stickers exposing the Holohoax or promoting national social revolutionary groups on the walls of educational in particular school buildings, or in tube trains or underground stations and busses.


A task for an intellectual is to compose a ‘little red book’ containing the basic tenths of the revolution, racialism and National Socialism, catchy and readable to someone as old as eleven. This can then be cheaply printed and distributed far and wide to our youth.

This is the first phase of the physical struggle; the undercover, unknown, untraceable night time action, a most essential perquisite in fighting what we could term ‘the phony war.’ The war of appearances which pre-dates the military struggle which will begin to firebomb or in other ways do physical damage to regime targets while avoiding killing humans or animals.

The street-propaganda stage of the military war which is fought by the core cadres will lead to greater recruitment and the forming of masses of dissidents who may then protest in the safety in large numbers, or can be deployed as a sizeable volume of strong young men to attack for example antifa on the streets, while at the same time distracting and  tying up the police by multiple simultaneous disparate actions to cause sufficient confusion and chaos at the scene to provide space and cover for antifa to be smashed.

Of course in the long run the blood will flow, the sniper rifle, the mortar and the bomb will be followed by the assault rifle and the rocket propelled grenade, all of which weapons will filter in from easily available sources abroad; 

secondhand NATO stock delivered by already established gun-running routes from North Africa and Eastern Europe. 

The weapons of the revolution will arrive in the midst of a total chaos in which the regime is obviously losing it’s grip even on the battalions of minorities it previously used to trample on the indigenous people, and in time members of the army and police will begin to desert in droves either out of some distant patriotic memory hidden somewhere beneath their brainwashed consciousness, or just out of the sheer fear of being on the wrong side of the fence when ‘the deal goes down.’ If the regime brings in foreign troops then even the 80% of fence-sitting bourgeois, hidden behind the curtains of their living rooms watching old recordings of X-Factor, will turn against them.

The majority of the battalions of privileged and funded minorities; the lumpen Jews, the Asian Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus who all have money and all have families abroad and huge numbers second homes in their own countries to go to, will simply flee like rats from a sinking ship leaving only the blacks for us to herd together and ship to Africa or the Caribbean while any remaining mixed-race who don’t wish to leave will be sterilised. There will not be one of these parasites who will be willing to die for David Cameron’s Jewish values or the union flag the Jewish manufacturers stole from the dead hands of British troops in the Middle East and made into knickers, door mats and toilet seat covers and which the imported colonists and settlers pretended to fly themselves under.

Enoch Powell said that there would be rivers of blood and of course we will ensure in his memory that the Thames will run crimson with the blood of the slaughtered politicians and bureaucrats of Westminster. The foppish participants in the Oxford Cambridge boat race can pass the time eating strawberries and cream as they play a game of ‘spot my constituency MP’ as the bodies, along with the whole sorry end of Jewish-created social-democracy, float past them down to the sea.

“Germany faces ‘bigger danger’ from underground neo-Nazis
An expert says threat to German security from around 300 neo-Nazis – believed to be underground – is greater than from the far right The Old-school Society.

By Ayhan Simsek (Why do we hear these days from so many Jews who apparently have Asian sounding names? Names we never heard before. From where do these Jews originate?)

Underground neo-Nazi group members who remain untraceable are a big threat for Germany, an expert says.

In fact, some experts believe that the threat to Germany from around 300 neo-Nazis, who are believed to have gone underground recently, is far bigger than from the newly uncovered far-right terrorist group, The Old-school Society (OSS).

Robert Ludecke, an expert at the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, an anti-racist, anti-white group, (Anti-Racist & Anti-White! Now it is not Racist to Hate and cause Violence to Whites for the color of their skin but if a White acts in the same manner = A Hate Crime, Possible Jail Time & Fines. Caucasians are the only Race on Earth that can be Racist by The Marxist Theology). told Anadolu Agency Thursday that he doubted OSS members posed a serious threat (Probably H.S. Kids) because although they were typical neo-Nazis, the group openly communicated on social media.

“‪It is hard to say whether they are a serious threat or not. Normally terror groups do not act openly like this on Facebook. They have put their (real) names on Facebook, shared their pictures, almost wrote a diary online,” Ludecke said.

“I would say OSS is not the real problem…the bigger danger is those neo-Nazis (who are) submerged, who went underground and cannot be found,” (The Anti-White, Anti-Racist Said) he said.

In 2013, the German intelligence said that at least 266 right-wing extremists went underground. Ludecke believes the number was as high as 300. “Police and intelligence do not know where these people live, what are they doing and what are they planning,” he alleged.

On May 6, German police had arrested four OSS members on suspicion of planning terrorist attacks on asylum centers and mosques. Police said that the group had acquired explosives material for an alleged attack on an asylum center near the eastern city of Leipzig.


Originally published by GR in May 2014

In the dozen plus years since 9/11, the US government has rapidly moved from democracy to fascism. When government acts on behalf of a corporate oligarchy as declared by the Princeton-Northwestern study last month, state fascism is the result. And First Amendment rights in America have been obliterated in this morphing process. 

Obama has declared war on whistleblowers, those individuals who recognize corporate or governmental wrongdoing and are ethical and courageous enough to tell the truth in order to try and stop it. Nobel Peace Prize nominee Chelsea Manning as Private Bradley Manning witnessed US military occupiers committing heinous war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and went public with it on Wikileaks and last year was sentenced to 37 years in prison. Last June Edward Snowden revealed the massive violation and invasion of our privacy rights perpetrated by invisible NSA occupiers in our homes and he was promptly charged with violating the espionage act and forced as a fugitive to live his life in exiled peril.

News journalists daring to accurately show the Obama administration in an unfavorable light are customarily harassed and threatened with litigation. In reality those who are standing up to evil are public heroes yet the government is bent on destroying their lives. 

The bold young journalist Michael Hastings who wrote unflattering Rolling Stone articles on powerful Generals McChrystal and Petraeus and was gathering evidence of wrongdoing by the FBI, CIA and NSA was more than likely assassinated by remote hacking of his crashed vehicle last June. Clearly just in this last year alone, the US government’s war against truth has been stepped up in sinister reckless abandon.

Under this growing tyranny and oppression comes the loss of American liberty and freedom. Citizens’ right to peacefully assemble and make their views known in public protest have been under systematic and insidious attack by those in power in both Canada and the United States. 

The Occupy Wall Street movement protesting the mounting inequality and injustice between the 1% haves and the 99% have not’s who were further burdened with bailing out the unscrupulous and corrupt corporate criminals of Wall Street was brutally squashed with police clubs and tear gas. The orders in cities across the nation to brutally suppress the movement from spreading and growing any larger were clearly orchestrated and issued from Washington DC. 

Obama and corporate America had had enough of the mounting civil unrest and so the militarized police state moved into violent, unlawful action beating, abusing and arresting thousands of peaceful activists attempting to legally express both their rights as well as their increasing disgust with corporatized America.

As if government betrayal, hostility and harassment were not enough travesty of justice, Obama went for overkill ordering his justice department to aggressively pursue hundreds of federal lawsuits filed against protesters for assault and resisting arrest while in actuality they were merely reacting to the police aggressors brutally attacking them.

Of the 2,644 people arrested during the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City, Cecily McMillanmay be the only demonstrator tried in a court of law and found guilty of felony assault two weeks ago for elbowing a police officer on March 17, 2012. From Rikers Island Prison where she has since been awaiting her sentence, she stated last week, “My lawyer has told me to expect two years.” Today Judge Ronald Zweibel that told the courtroom that “she must take responsibility for her conduct,” announcing that the 25-year old graduate student is sentenced to three months prison time, plus community service and five years probation. Cecily had maintained throughout her ordeal that the policeman grabbed her breast from behind and in a knee jerk reflex, she inadvertently elbowed the officer in the eye.

Though McMillan could have been sentenced to seven years imprisonment, the judge was barraged by media pressure that included a recent visit and show of support from two members of popular Russian girls rock band Pussy Riot that gained worldwide attention serving several months in prison for protesting against Putin’s Russia. An online petition was circulated and submitted as well. But perhaps the letter written by nine of twelve jurors asking that the judge not send Cecily to prison was taken most into consideration.

After the nine jurors found Cecily McMillan guilty of assaulting a police officer over two years ago based primarily on their viewing a grainy youtube video, they felt so remorseful over their verdict and McMillan’s potentially going to prison for seven year that they wrote the judge strongly recommending that Ms. McMillan be placed only on probation. Actual evidence proving Cecily had suffered injury due to police assaulting her was never even permitted inside the courtroom.

The injustice in this case was hardly some isolated fluke. Many firmly believe it is simply a grossly unjust, over-the-top policy and strategy implemented by the Obama regime to set a high profile example demonstrating to the rest of America what happens to citizens brave and principled enough to risk assembling in peaceful protest to assert their no longer recognized rights in police state America. This apparent reality is what our nation has degenerated into under Obama in the face of his and Bush’s systematic assault on all of all US constitutional liberties.

The exact same aggressive federal tactics are recently being utilized for the first time to criminalize protests by environmentalists, charging demonstrators with acts of domestic terrorism. Five months ago in Oklahoma City two college students placed a banner objecting to the local company Devon Energy’s participation in the Keystone XL pipeline project inside its Devon Towers building. In an attempt to raise awareness of the severe detrimental effects to human health that fracking causes on the environment, the two protestors were jailed and charged with a terrorism hoax, an apparent state law felony subject to ten years imprisonment.

Activists Stefan Warner and Moriah Stephenson had used black glitter on their unfurled banner and apparently some of it was falling from their banner draped from the second floor. Falling glitter then became the basis by which the dispatched police accused them of unleashing a toxin used in their “biochemical assault.” 

Twisted irony would have the polluter-for-profit oil company that has no qualms about poisoning the environment and killing humans conveniently using trumped up, grossly exaggerated false charges that two harmless young protestors acting in the public’s best interest would be using toxins to potentially poison the oil company polluters.

The arrested protesters’ attorney, Doug Parr, who has been practicing law since the 1970’s, stated that he saw this kind of reactionary oppression coming. In his words:

“Based upon the historical work I’ve been involved in, I know that when popular movements that confront the power structure start gaining traction, the government ups the tactics they employ in order to disrupt and take down those movements…” not unlike the Occupy Wall Street movement earlier.
The two activists were working in conjunction with two other protesters also arrested at the site who are members of the Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance organization. Its website states

“These industries poison countless communities, often deceive and coerce folks into signing contracts, and when that doesn’t work, they use eminent domain to steal the land. Texas and Oklahoma have long been considered sacrifice zones for the oil and gas industry, and people have for the most part learned to roll over and accept the sicknesses and health issues that come with the temporary and unsustainable boost in employment.”
Lauren Regan, executive director of the Civil Liberties Defense Center and legal coordinator for the environmental group the Tar Sands Blockade, explained:

Click to reply all

Last year the environmental group Bold Nebraska obtained documents through the Freedom of Information Act indicating that the huge and powerful tar sands giant TransCanada methodically trained the FBI, numerous US police forces and prosecutors on how to effectively charge environmentalist protesters with terrorism. 
“These documents expose the truth that the government is giving the nod to unlawful corporate spying. By slinging false allegations against peaceful activists in this presentation, TransCanada puts them at risk of unwarranted prosecution.”

This overwhelming evidence proves collusion between the privately owned foreign Canadian corporation and US law enforcement, pushing their agenda to ruin innocent American lives merely standing up against malevolent forces bent on destroying the planet by peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights. Once again the real criminals acting as corporatized fascists are systematically demonizing civic-minded individuals and groups acting for the greater good of humanity by declaring war on their dissent and peaceful protest.

Clearly the real environmental terrorists are the North American coal, oil and gas polluters that have been systematically poisoning and killing off life on earth for over a century. But when the governments and corporations merge to become one and the same entity as they clearly have in both Canada and America, it is the agents operating on behalf of corporate governments who are the fascist criminals turning on their own decent law abiding citizens in order to eliminate them and all opposition and resistance to their global theft and destruction.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former Army officer. His written manuscript based on his military experience examines leadership and national security issues and can be consulted 
After the military, Joachim earned a masters degree in psychology and became a licensed therapist working in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now focuses on writing.

The US is an oligarchy, study concludes
Report by researchers from Princeton and Northwestern universities suggests that US political system serves special interest organisations, instead of voters
By Zachary Davies Boren
10:58AM BST 16 Apr 2014

The US government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country's citizens, but is instead ruled by those of the rich and powerful, a new study from Princeton and Northwestern Universities has concluded.
The report, entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, used extensive policy data collected from between the years of 1981 and 2002 to empirically determine the state of the US political system.
After sifting through nearly 1,800 US policies enacted in that period and comparing them to the expressed preferences of average Americans (50th percentile of income), affluent Americans (90th percentile) and large special interests groups, researchers concluded that the United States is dominated by its economic elite.
The peer-reviewed study, which will be taught at these universities in September, says: "The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organised groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence."
Researchers concluded that US government policies rarely align with the preferences of the majority of Americans, but do favour special interests and lobbying organisations: "When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organised interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favour policy change, they generally do not get it."
Related Articles
10 Nov 2012
29 Mar 2014
17 Oct 2013
The positions of powerful interest groups are "not substantially correlated with the preferences of average citizens", but the politics of average Americans and affluent Americans sometimes does overlap. This is merely a coincidence, the report says, with the interests of the average American being served almost exclusively when it also serves those of the richest 10 per cent.
The theory of "biased pluralism" that the Princeton and Northwestern researchers believe the US system fits holds that policy outcomes "tend to tilt towards the wishes of corporations and business and professional associations."

The study comes in the wake of McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, a controversial Supreme Court decision which allows wealthy donors to contribute to an unlimited number of political campaigns.

Why The European Left is Dying

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told the media then that the OSS had been the second far-right terrorist group uncovered in Germany after the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and went on to praise the police and intelligence for what he called “a successful operation”.

But Ludecke, who had been monitoring far-right groups for years, said that the basic nature of the OSS and NSU groups were largely different. (Hegelian Dialectic)

“NSU worked completely in the underground for a long time. The OSS is the exact opposite,” he pointed out. “OSS acted almost transparently, completely open,” he said.

Hajo Funke, a professor of political science and a far-right expert at Berlin’s Free University, also cautioned against completely believing the information provided to the press by security and intelligence organizations.

Funke said: “The director of the domestic intelligence BfV, Dr. Hans-Georg Maassen, told lawmakers in December that they were not carrying out any terrorism investigation in relation to the right-wing extremist groups. But now, we learn that this right-wing extremist group was under surveillance since autumn last year. Apparently, Maassen lied at that time.”

He said that it was still not clear why the security organizations did not want to go public earlier that they had been investigating OSS and only did it last week.

“As we have been arguing for years, the police and intelligence should take the far-right threat more seriously,” Immigrant activist Mehmet Daimaguler told Anadolu Agency.

Daimaguler said that according to initial information available, OSS was unlikely to be a copycat of the NSU, as its members openly communicated and organized on the internet.

However, he also warned against playing down the potential threat of the OSS group. “When one tries to analyse the actions of OSS members, they do not seem to be intelligent people. But that does not make them less dangerous,” he said.

He also underlined that in recent years neo-Nazi groups had started to organize around small cells for the purpose of not arousing suspicion among authorities.”




In "anti-Semitism"

In "antisemitism"

In "21st Century British Nationalism"

Benjamin Fulford asks will the revolution finally come this autumn.

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